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天使的珊瑚: ICC国际临床委员会FOP分会(INTERNATIONAL CLINICAL COUNCIL ON FIBRODYSPLASIA OSSIFICANS PROGRESSIVA)汇聚了众多全球知名的FOP专家,旨在针对FOP这种超级罕见病提出有效可行的临床诊断、处置管理的方案。ICC成员在全球范围内,整理甄选大量FOP的相关文献,进行研究总结,汇编成这套《FOP临床管理指南》。文档前后翻译3次,第1~2版已经发布于知乎频道。2024年6月ICC发布第3版,本次通过Ai-ChartGPT和人工翻译校对,希望对患者,家属,医疗工作者、科研人员,以及关注FOP的人们能有所帮助。


我们代表 FOP 国际临床委员会 (ICC) 及其 21 名成员、2 名名誉成员和 6 名顾问,很高兴地推出 2024 版
INTERNATIONAL CLINICAL COUNCIL ON FIBRODYSPLASIA OSSIFICANS PROGRESSIVA(也称为FOP治疗指南) 国际医师学会(ICC)坚持不懈地投入到这份指南的工作中,这代表了许多专家学者们的巨大努力。本报告包含了许多最新的更新,以及此前报告中您认为大受裨益的部分,希望这些内容能够为您有所帮助。 您将会注意到第二章《关键实践要点的执行摘要》。这部分写的相对谨慎、在提供丰富信息的同时,保持观点的平衡,以此获得了更为详尽的报告支持和阐述。 我们在此强调,本文件反映了作者对缓解症状药物的各类讨论和不同种类药物的经验和观点,仅此作为这种具有限循证信息的超级罕见病FOP治疗领域中的指南。 尽管每个FOP患者都有共同的身体特征,但个体之间存在着生理差异,这可能会影像本文所讨论的任何药物或药物类别的潜在收益或风险。使用或拒绝使用特定药物的决定最终必须由个体患者及其医生决定。 随着FOP药物在美国、加拿大和澳大利亚等地获得批准,正在进行中的世界各地临床试验,以及即将推出的更多新药的临床试验,我们预计本指南未来将会经常更新。 我们真诚地希望第3版FOP治疗指南能够帮助到全球相关的FOP患者、家庭、医生、牙医、医务人员和护理人员。
敬上, Frederick S. Kaplan,医学博士;宾夕法尼亚大学,宾夕法尼亚州费城 Robert J. Pignolo,医学博士、哲学博士; 梅奥诊所,明尼苏达州罗切斯特
July 16, 2024
Dear Members of the FOP Community,|
On behalf of the International Clinical Council on FOP (ICC) and its 21 members, 2 emeritus members, and six consultants, we are pleased to introduce the 2024 edition of
(also known as The FOP Treatment Guidelines).
The ICC has worked assiduously on this document which represents a monumental effort on the part of many. This report contains many new sections that we hope you will find useful, as well as completely updated sections that you found useful in the past.
You will notice the Executive Summary of Key Practice Points (Section II). It is conservative, informative, and balanced – supported by the detailed exposition of the larger report.
We emphasize that this document reflects the authors’ experience and opinions on the various topics and classes of symptom-modifying medications and is meant only as a guide to this area of therapeutics for the ultra-rare condition of FOP for which evidence-based information is limited.
Although there are common physical features shared by every person who has FOP, there are physiological differences among individuals that may alter the potential benefits or risks of any medication or class of medications discussed here. The decision to use or withhold a particular medication must ultimately rest with an individual patient and his or her physician.
With an approved medication in the US, Canada, and Australia and ongoing clinical trials throughout the world and additional ones on the horizon, we anticipate that this document will be updated frequently.
We sincerely hope that this 3 rd edition of The FOP Treatment Guidelines will be useful and relevant to FOP patients, families, physicians, dentists, medical personnel and caregivers worldwide.
Frederick S. Kaplan, M.D.; The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Robert J. Pignolo, M.D., Ph.D.; The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Corresponding Editors

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作者:Frederick S. Kaplan, Mona Al Mukaddam, Genevieve Baujat, Alberto Hidalgo Bravo, Matthew Brown, Amanda Cali, Tae-Joon Cho, Corrie Crowe, Carmen L. De Cunto, Patricia Delai, Robert J. Diecidue, Maja Di Rocco, Elisabeth M.W. Eekhoff, Lisa Friedlander, Clive Friedman, Zvi Grunwald, Nobuhiko Haga, Edward C. Hsiao, Richard Keen, Joseph Kitterman, Charles Levy, Vrisha Madhuri, Rolf Morhart, J. Coen Netelenbos, Christiaan Scott, Eileen M. Shore, Michael A. Zasloff, Keqin Zhang, Robert J. Pignolo
通讯作者 | Corresponding Editors:
Frederick S. Kaplan, M.D.
Isaac and Rose Nassau Professor of Orthopaedic Molecular Medicine Director, Center for Research in FOP & Related Disorders The Perelman School of Medicine - The University of Pennsylvania Department of Orthopaedic Surgery 3737 Market Street – Sixth Floor Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Tel: (office) 215-294-9145 Fax: 215-222-8854 Email: [email protected]
Robert J. Pignolo, M.D., Ph.D.
Chair, Division of Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology Robert and Arlene Kogod Professor of Geriatric Medicine Mayo Clinic College of Medicine 200 First Street SW Rochester, MN 55905, USA Tel: 507-293-6988: Secretary: 507-293-0813 Fax: 507-293-3853 Email: [email protected]
Cite: [Kaplan FS, et al. The medical management of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: current treatment considerations. Proc Intl Clin Council FOP 3: 1-159, 2024]


编者序目录第一章. 概述第二章. 关键实践要点的执行摘要研究方法总体建议治疗用药第三章. FOP的临床与基础科学背景1. 引言2. FOP的经典临床特征3. FOP的其他骨骼异常4. FOP的放射学特征5. FOP病变的病理学6. FOP的实验室研究7. FOP的病因和病理8. FOP中大脚趾畸形的发育分子生物学9. 变异型FOP10. 免疫系统与FOP11. FOP的流行病学、遗传学和环境因素12. 基因检测与FOP13. FOP的动物模型14. FOP的预后15. FOP治疗评估的挑战第四章. 基于病理学与病理生理学的FOP治疗1. 简介2. 皮质类固醇3. 环氧合酶-2(COX-2)抑制剂和非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs)4. 局部镇痛药5. 肥大细胞抑制剂6. 双磷酸盐7. 管理FOP炎症的非标签强效药物8. 肌肉松弛剂9. 化疗药物与放疗10. 骨髓移植11. 其他药物与治疗方法12. 支持性疗法13. 确切的FOP治疗靶点14. FOP的临床试验结果第五章. FOP的特殊医学考虑事项1. 简介2. FOP的创伤预防3. FOP的头皮结节4. FOP的脊柱畸形5. FOP的心肺功能6. FOP的呼吸健康7. FOP患者的其他疾病免疫接种(不包括流感和COVID-19)8. FOP的流感疫苗接种9. 新冠病毒(COVID-19)的预防措施与FOP患者及其家庭的指导10. FOP的急性和慢性疼痛管理11. FOP的神经问题12. FOP的发育性关节病和退行性关节病13. FOP的髋关节疼痛鉴别诊断14. FOP的肢体肿胀15. FOP患者的压疮16. 皮肤病与FOP17. FOP的趾甲内生(嵌甲)18. FOP的骨折19. FOP的颞下颌关节半脱位20. FOP的营养、钙和维生素D指南21. FOP的预防性口腔保健22. 拔出智齿23. 正畸与FOP24. FOP下颌下的急性发作25. 吞咽与FOP26. FOP的牙科麻醉27. FOP的全身麻醉28. FOP可接受/低风险的医疗处置29. FOP的听力障碍30. FOP的胃肠道问题31. 肾结石与FOP32. FOP的康复问题33. 辅助工具、助行器具和适应措施(AADAs)34. FOP群体中的女性健康35. FOP的怀孕问题36. 变异型FOP37. FOP对患者及其家庭的影响38. FOP的未满足需求第六章. 当前治疗考虑事项第七章. 药物类别(表1)第八章. 紧急救援人员、医生和牙医的急救指南第九章. 结论第十章. 致谢第十一章. 披露事项第十二章. 作者联系信息图1. FOP的靶点与潜在疗法
This version of the FOP Guidelines, written in English, is the only version reviewed and endorsed by the ICC.
The ICC acknowledges that this document may be freely translated into other languages but does not guarantee the accuracy of any such translations.
To the extent possible, any translation of the FOP Guidelines should be performed and reviewed by bilingual medical experts from the country where the translation is intended to be used.

第一章. 概述

进行性骨化纤维发育不良 (FOP) 是一种罕见的致残性遗传疾病,其特征是先天大脚趾畸形和特定解剖模式下的进行性异位骨化(HO)。FOP是人类中最为严重的异位骨化疾病。FOP的急性发作(Flare-ups)是偶发性的;身体受限是累积性的。
在所有散发性和家族性具有典型FOP表现的病例中,基因中均存在一种激活素A I型(ACVR1,也就是ALK2)突变,编译一种骨形态发生蛋白I型受体(BMP)。
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a rare, disabling genetic condition characterized by congenital malformations of the great toes and progressive heterotopic ossification (HO) in specific anatomic patterns. FOP is the most catastrophic disorder of HO in humans. Flare-ups are episodic; immobility is cumulative.
A common mutation in the activin receptor IA (ACVR1, also known as ALK2), a bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type I receptor, exists in all sporadic and familial cases with a classic presentation of FOP.
An estimated 97% of individuals with FOP have this recurrent mutation. Approximately 3% of affected individuals have different pathogenic variant mutations in ACVR1. However, all known individuals with FOP have mutations in the ACVR1 gene.
The discovery of the FOP gene established a critical milestone in understanding FOP, revealing a highly conserved therapeutic target in the BMP signaling pathway, and propelling approaches for the development of novel inhibitors of ACVR1-mediated BMP pathway signaling. While effective therapies for FOP will likely be based on interventions that modulate overactive ACVR1 signaling or specifically block postnatal HO, present management is focused on early diagnosis, assiduous avoidance of injury or iatrogenic harm, symptomatic amelioration of painful flare-ups, and optimization of residual function.
Here, we briefly review the clinical and basic science background of FOP, the scientific basis for the use of various medications, special medical considerations, and guidelines for the symptomatic relief of symptoms of FOP based upon currently available knowledge. This report is not intended to present a specific approach for managing the symptoms of FOP, but rather is intended to present views, statements, or opinions of the authors that may be helpful to others who face similar challenges.
Further advances in therapeutics will be based on knowledge of disease mechanisms at the molecular and cellular level, the refinement of genetically based animal models for drug testing, and rigorous clinical trials to assess novel and emerging treatment and prevention strategies.

第二章. 关键实践要点的执行摘要


来自14个国家的21为ICC成员和5名顾问,总结挑选了他们在FOP领域的临床经验,共同合作编写了这份简要声明。参与编撰的成员包括:麻醉师,内分泌专家,整形外科手术医生,临床遗传学家,分子遗传学家,新生儿医生,儿科医生,内科医生,理疗师,老年病专家,皮肤科医生,牙科医生,口腔外科医生,以及患者家庭支持组织中的无表决权代表。所有参与者均签署了利益冲突声明。该共识获得了学术资金的支持,没有药厂的资金支持。该指南采用了一种改进型的类Delphi共识调研方法(Di Rocco et al., 2017)。使用PubMed和检索关键词“fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva”,进行了全面的文献检索。当需要补充信息时,通过PubMed检索核实了有关FOP的相关文献。全面审查了超过2900篇文章,以此形成了ICC出版委员会讨论的基础。这份共识的准备工作历经12个月,包括多吃筹备会议和工作组成员之间的定期电话会议讨论。此外,还采纳了来自Di Rocco et al., 2017Hsiao et al.,两篇文献,以供更为充分的考量。在共识会议上,与会者审查了提案和建议,并在全体会议上进行了充分的讨论,以便在必要时重新制定建议。由于FOP是一种极其罕见的疾病,因此循证陈述通常为中度或低度。如果已发表的数据不可用或不充分,则会考虑专家的临床经验和意见。最后,所有临床专家均批准了这份执行摘要。所有修订均按照相同的标准进行。


  1. FOP可以通过临床做出诊断(骨骼畸形,包括畸形的大脚趾,软组织肿胀和进行性异位骨化(HO),但需要通过遗传学基因检测确认ACVR1基因突变)。如果疑似FOP,要推迟延期所有的外科手术,组织活检,以及免疫接种,直到做出明确的临床诊断。要为患者提供紧急的医疗护理。
  1. 每一位患者都需要一名主治医生,他要有意愿去咨询FOP专家,并且提供帮助协调当地的护理团队。
  1. 在确诊后,应告知患者和家属有关国际FOP临床委员会(ICC)、国际FOP协会(IFOPA)和当地国家或地区的支持团体。
慢性疼痛:慢性疼痛综合征在FOP中很常见,可能来自神经病变(例如:卡滞压迫、神经损伤)、肌肉骨骼(例如:背痛、肌肉筋膜疼痛)、炎症或机械性或压迫性原因(例如, 由于大面积的异位骨化,尤其是在急性发作的末期)。处置管理慢性疼痛的一般原则包括要确定疼痛的类型(神经性,还是伤痛性),可以采用由多学科疼痛专家综合制定的各类非侵入式治疗方法,也可以采用辅助的非药物治疗方式,并且要治疗缓解心理抑郁(纠正情绪失控需要提供独立于疼痛的额外治疗)
牙科紧急情况:如果患者的口腔-面部区域肿胀或疼痛,我们始终建议对患者进行全面的牙科检查,因为很难区分牙源性肿胀和FOP急性发作。如果牙科X光片和或牙髓检测(牙齿神经的活力)表明肿胀没有明显的来源于牙齿,那么,谨慎的做法是假定FOP急性发作,并且根据FOP急性发作的剂量服用泼尼松。如果无法进行牙科X光片和或牙髓检测,则需要凭借经验开具适当的抗生素和泼尼龙, 直到可以做出明确的诊断。
急性发作(预防):FOP急性发作通常是由于过度使用和软组织损伤而引起。泼尼松:每天1次,持续3~4天, 以预防软组织严重损伤后的急性发作。请勿在轻微磕碰或瘀伤后使用。按照牙科或外科手术的指示,预防性地使用泼尼松。
免疫接种:建议对所有可以皮下接种的疫苗进行皮下注射免疫接种。避免所有肌肉内的免疫接种和鼻内活流感疫苗接种,因为可能会促发FOP的急性发作。尽管MMR活MMRV疫苗含有减毒病毒,但在使用MMR活MMRV疫苗进行皮下接种后,尚未报告任何急性发作病例。急性发作期间不应该进行免疫接种,避免在急性发作消退后的6~8周内进行免疫接种。所有家庭成员都应该接种百日咳和新冠疫苗。在ICC和IFOPA网站上可查阅详细的免疫接种指南和更新。 (www.iccfop.orgwww.ifopa.org)
流感:皮下注射流感疫苗,但是切勿在FOP急性发作期接种。等到急性发作期消退后的6-8周再接种流感疫苗。避免接种活流感减毒疫苗, 因为有可能会引发流感症状,并促发FOP的急性发作。FOP患者的家庭接触者应该每年进行免疫接种。如果出现流感症状,要考虑抗病毒治疗。查阅详细的流感免疫接种指南,因为免疫接种建议每年都会发生变化。
心理健康: 患有任何慢性疾病的患者都有出现心理健康并发症的风险。如果疑似患有抑郁症,建议给予心理支持。家庭治疗可能会有帮助。
神经系统问题: FOP患者报告神经系统症状的发生率较高,包括FOP急性发作期间和远端的疼痛。应仔细检查疼痛的来源。一些FOP患者报告患有慢性头痛。如果头痛持续存在,应将患者转诊至神经科医生,神经科医生可以提出治疗建议。
作业治疗 (OT):专注于加强日常生活活动的作业治疗可能有助于改善FOP患者的生活质量。随着日常生活活动的变化,对辅助设备进行定期OT评估。
口腔正畸: 目前没有收到常规口腔正畸护理会导致FOP急性发作的报告。但是,所有寻求口腔正畸护理的FOP患者都应咨询FOP牙科专家。 物理治疗 (PT): 严禁超范围的被动活动。温水水疗可能会有所帮助。 怀孕: 虽然FOP患者可以怀孕,但是FOP会对母子构成严重的生命威胁,并且如果孩子出生时患有这种疾病,对于整个家庭未来的生活将是灾难性的。在没有认真考虑和计划生育的情况下,FOP患者绝对不应怀孕。要尽量避免意外怀孕。如果真有必要,可以进行独立的遗传学咨询。若发生妊娠,必须在高危妊娠中心进行指导和护理。 压疮: 对于活动受限的患者,建议通过适当的方法或设备预防压疮。伤口护理团队应参与护理。 呼吸系统健康: 鼓励唱歌,游泳和肺活量测量激励法来保持肺部功能。儿童四岁以后进行基线肺功能检查(PFT)、超声心动图、胸部X射线检查和血氧饱和度测定。要重复定期检查。肺部会诊和睡眠检查可能会有助于指导特定的呼吸治疗。补充吸氧不可在未受监控的情况下使用。对于呼吸功能不全的患者,应该考虑接种流感和肺炎球菌疫苗。请参阅文中的免疫指南。 头皮结节: 头皮结节是急性发作的常见迹象,尤其是在FOP患儿中。尽管结节的大小可能令人震惊,但它们通常会自发消退,临床意义较小。 学校: 让学校助理老师来保护和协助儿童。家长可以通过信函向学校提出医疗帮助。入学前的评估会有所帮助。学校的医护人员、工作人员和教师应该了解FOP患者的受限情况,拟定方案来管理患儿免受伤害,以及FOP急性发作时的特殊需求。 脊柱畸形: 脊柱畸形在FOP患者群体中很常见,畸形独立于FOP急性发作。脊柱畸形进展快速 – 尤其是在儿童时期 – 应由FOP专家进行评估。 手术: 除非紧急情况,否则要避免手术。避免手术切除异位骨。
牙齿:预防性牙科护理是必不可少的,应该从小就开始。避免含糖的甜食和饮料。避免下颌骨阻滞、下巴过度拉伸和肌肉疲劳。在进行任何手术之前,请咨询 FOP 牙科专家。


  1. 建议对严重的钝性肌肉创伤进行类固醇预防治疗,可作为潜在性急性发作或活跃性急性发作的治疗。通常推荐的剂量是,泼尼松,2毫克/公斤/天, 连续服用4天,最大剂量为100毫克/天。
  1. 建议将类固醇预防用于牙科和外科手术。
  1. 应该考虑在紧急情况下使用类固醇治疗来缓解四肢、下颌或下颌下部位的急性发作症状。
长期使用抗血管生成剂、钙合成剂、秋水仙碱、氟喹诺酮类抗生素、普萘洛尔、矿化抑制剂、PPAR-γ 拮抗剂和 TNF-α 抑制剂,目前对FOP的治疗管理没有作用。
本文汇集了FOP的大部分全球合作研究工作,有关工作和进展的详细描述可以在www.clinicaltrials.gov, 第29期 FOP合作研究项目年度报告,以及最新的文献综述中找到。应该告知FOP患者正在进行的临床试验项目。
Palovarotene是一种RAR-γ 激动剂,已经在美国、加拿大和澳大利亚获批。处方信息可以在以下网址找到:Microsoft Word - pi-mg-fda-comments-15aug2023-combined-rev 17Aug2023 (d2rkmuse97gwnh.cloudfront.net)。请参与2023年8月16日(www.iccfop.org)ICC 关于 Palovarotene 的声明。
  1. Di Rocco M, Baujat G, Bertamino M, Brown M, De Cunto CL, Delai PLR, Eekhoff EMW, Haga N, Hsiao E, Keen R, Morhart R, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. International physician survey on management of FOP: a modified Delphi study. Orphanet J Rare Dis Jun 12;12(1):110, 2017 FOP管理的国际医师调研:一项修订的Delphi研究 10.1186/s13023-017-0659-4
  1. Hsiao EC, Di Rocco M, Cali A, Zasloff M, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo R, Grunwald Z, Netelenbos C, Keen R, Baujat G, Brown MA, Cho TJ, De Cunto C, Delai P, Haga N, Morhart R, Scott C, Zhang K, Diecidue RJ, Friedman CS, Kaplan FS, Eekhoff EMW. Special considerations for clinical trials in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Br J Clin Pharmacol 85: 1199-1207, 2019 FOP临床试验的特殊注意事项 10.1111/bcp.13777
Twenty-one ICC members and five consultants from 14 countries, chosen for their clinical expertise in FOP, collaborated to develop this summary statement. Participants included anesthesiologists, endocrinologists, rheumatologists, orthopaedic surgeons, clinical geneticists, molecular geneticists, neonatologists, pediatricians, internists, physiatrists, geriatricians, dermatologists, dentists, oral surgeons and a non-voting representative from a parent support group. All participants completed a conflict-of-interest declaration. The consensus was supported by academic funding, without pharmaceutical industry support. A modified Delphi-like consensus methodology was adopted (Di Rocco et al., 2017). A comprehensive literature search was conducted using Pub Med and the search terms “fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.” Additional relevant articles on FOP were also identified by Pub Med searches when supplementary information was necessary. A comprehensive review of >2900 articles formed the basis of discussion by the Publications Committee of the ICC. Preparations for the consensus took place over 12 months, including multiple preparatory meetings and regular teleconference discussions between the working group members. In addition, recommendations were incorporated for widespread consideration from Di Rocco et al., 2017 and Hsiao et al., 2019. At consensus meetings, propositions and recommendations were considered by participants and discussed in plenary session enabling reformulation of the recommendations, if necessary. As FOP is an ultra-rare condition, evidence-based statements are generally moderate to low. If published data were unavailable or insufficient, experts’ clinical experiences and opinions were considered. Finally, all clinical experts ratified the executive summary. All revisions have been conducted with the same standards.
General Recommendations:
  1. The diagnosis of FOP is clinical (skeletal malformations including malformed great toes, soft tissue swelling and progressive heterotopic ossification (HO) but requires genetic confirmation (ACVR1 gene mutation). If FOP is suspected, all elective procedures such as surgeries, biopsies, and immunizations should be deferred until a definitive diagnosis is made. Emergent medical care should be provided.
  1. Each patient should have a primary physician who is willing to consult with an FOP expert and help coordinate a local care team.
  1. Patients and their families should be informed about the International Clinical Council on FOP (ICC), the International FOP Association (IFOPA), and country-specific support groups at the time of diagnosis.
Physical Activities: Activity is encouraged at all ages, but passive range of motion (motion performed by someone other than the patient in other words, a movement of a joint carried out by an operator without aid of the patient's muscles) must be avoided. Singing, water exercises, and activities for respiratory health are encouraged. Avoid soft tissue injuries, contact sports, overstretching of soft tissues, muscle fatigue, biopsies, removal of heterotopic bone and all non-emergent surgical procedures.
Anesthesia: An expert anesthesiologist experienced in general anesthesia for FOP patients must be consulted pre-operatively in all cases. If general anesthesia is required, an awake intubation by nasotracheal fiber-optic technique should be performed because of the neck malformations, jaw motion limitations, sensitive airway and risk of inducing an obstructing neck flare. Highly skilled FOP-aware anesthesiologists should be present for all elective intubations.
Chronic Pain: Chronic pain syndromes are common in FOP and may be related to neuropathies (e.g., entrapment, nerve damage), musculoskeletal origin (e.g., back pain, myofascial pain), inflammation, or mechanical/compressive causes (e.g., from expanding heterotopic ossification especially late in the course of a flare-up). General principles of management include identification of the type of pain (neuropathic versus nociceptive), use of multiple non-invasive treatment modalities coordinated by multidisciplinary pain specialists, use of adjuvant non-pharmacologic modalities, and treatment of depression (which may provide pain relief independent from correction of any mood disorder).
Covid-19: Please see section on COVID as well as ICC and IFOPA websites (www.iccfop.org & www.ifopa.org) for latest updates.
Dental Emergencies: It is always advisable to obtain a complete dental examination if a patient has swelling or pain of the oral-facial region as it can be difficult to distinguish a swelling of dental origin from a flare-up of FOP. If the dental radiographs and/or pulpal testing (vitality of the nerve of the tooth) indicates no obvious dental origin to the swelling, it is prudent to assume an FOP flare-up and initiate prednisone flare-up dosing. If it is not possible to get a dental radiograph or do pulpal testing, then empirically prescribing an appropriate antibiotic together with prednisone is warranted until a definitive diagnosis can be made.
Falls: Locked upper limbs may accentuate head and neck trauma from falls. Epidural hematomas are common (surgical emergency). Consider protective headgear in children who have upper limb involvement. All head and neck injuries should be evaluated immediately on an emergent basis.
Flare-up: (Back/chest): Consider non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications or COX-2 inhibitors (oral or topical) with gastrointestinal (GI) precautions. Use analgesics, muscle relaxants, and local applications of ice packs, as needed. Avoid narcotic analgesia. Steroids may be used in severe cases, but do not appear to be as effective for controlling back/chest flares as other types of flares.
Flare-ups: (Limbs/throat/submandibular): Patients can present with inflammatory flare-ups with significant swelling and inflammation. These symptoms can be highly variable between patients and events. Prednisone – 2 mgs/kg once daily (up to 100 mgs daily) in AM (per oral) for four days (or equivalent corticosteroid); begin as early as possible after the onset of flare-up signs and symptoms. Keep prednisone on-hand as “pill-in-pocket” approach for emergencies. Alternatively, pulse IV steroids may be used as directed. Avoid corticosteroids, if possible, for axial flares. Use oral and/or topical NSAID analgesics and/or muscle relaxants, as needed, with assiduous GI precautions. Local application of cool packs may also be helpful. Avoid narcotic analgesia whenever possible. FOP experts should be consulted with all submandibular flare-ups and the detailed guidelines should be assiduously followed.
Flare-ups (Prophylaxis): Flare-ups often result from over-use and soft tissue injuries. Prednisone - 1-2 mgs/kg (per oral) once daily for 3-4 days can be given to prevent flare-up after severe soft-tissue injury. Do not use after minor bumps or bruises. Use prednisone prophylactically as directed for dental or surgical procedures.
Fractures: Fractures can occur in both normotopic and heterotopic bone, and usually heal normally without much heterotopic bone if treated conservatively. A brief course of prednisone is suggested. An FOP expert in fracture management should be consulted in all cases.
Gastrointestinal Issues: Many patients with FOP report frequent nausea and vomiting. The cause and significance of this is unknown. Gastrointestinal complaints should be investigated to rule-out more serious conditions. Significant weight loss or very low body mass index in the setting of severe scoliosis can be associated with bowel obstruction and superior mesenteric artery (SMA) syndrome. Treatment would include weight gain.
Hearing: Conductive hearing impairment is common in FOP. FOP patients should be screened in childhood by audiometry for hearing impairment. Hearing aids may improve severe conductive hearing loss.
Immunizations: Immunization by subcutaneous administration is recommended for all vaccines that can be administered by that route. Avoid all intramuscular immunizations and intra-nasal influenza immunizations with live as they may precipitate flare-ups of FOP. There have been no reported cases of flare-ups following subcutaneous immunization with the MMR or MMRV vaccines despite the fact that they contain attenuated viruses. Immunizations should not be given during flare-ups and should be avoided until 6-8 weeks after flare-ups resolve. All household contacts should be immunized against pertussis and COVID-19. Consult detailed immunization guidelines and updates on the ICC and IFOPA websites (www.iccfop.org & www.ifopa.org).
Influenza: Administer influenza vaccines subcutaneously, but never during flare-ups. Wait until 6-8 weeks after a flare-up has resolved before administering influenza vaccine. Avoid live attenuated flu vaccine as it may cause flu-like symptoms and precipitate flare-ups of FOP. Household contacts of FOP patients should be immunized annually. Consider anti-viral therapy if flu symptoms occur. Consult detailed influenza immunization guidelines as recommendations may change annually.
Injuries: The prevention of flare-ups and heterotopic bone formation involves multimodal approaches. This includes the recognition and avoidance of known causes of flare-ups (contact sports, soft tissue injuries, blunt muscle trauma, muscle fatigue, muscle stretching, intramuscular injections and immunizations, biopsies, removal of heterotopic bone, all non-emergent surgical procedures and viral illnesses).
IVs: Patients with FOP can tolerate peripheral blood collection and IVs when performed by an experienced phlebotomist. It is critical that the procedure be performed in as gentle and minimally-invasive manner as possible. Tourniquet time should be minimized. Consultation with clinicians who are familiar with the care of FOP patients is essential. Superficial IV access and venipuncture are acceptable. Traumatic IV’s must be avoided. Central lines, PICC lines, and arterial punctures may cause HO and should be avoided unless critical for the patient’s medical management.
Kidney Stones: There is a three-fold greater risk of kidney stones in FOP. Encourage fluid intake (preferably water) of 1.5-2 liters/day, and avoidance of high protein and high salt diets. Age- and sex-based recommended daily allowances for calcium should be maintained.
Limb Swelling: Lymphedema and transient neuropathy may occur with flare-ups of limbs. Elevate legs while sleeping and recumbent, whenever possible. Take one low-dose aspirin daily with food for deep venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis, if indicated. Rule-out deep vein thrombosis with Doppler ultrasound. Use fitted support stockings for chronic lymphedema (but avoid traumatic compression). Lymphedema therapy may be helpful for chronic lymphedema.

  1. Steroid prophylaxis is recommended for significant blunt muscle trauma, as prophylaxis for a potential flare or as treatment of an active flare. The usual recommended dose is prednisone 2 mg/kg/day x 4 days, with a maximum dose of 100 mg/day.
  1. Steroid prophylaxis is recommended for dental and surgical procedures.
  1. Steroid treatment should be considered for the symptomatic relief of emergent flare-ups of the limbs, jaw or submandibular area.
COX-2 Inhibitors & NSAIDs
There is no definitive evidence that chronic treatment with COX-2 inhibitors or NSAIDS prevents or ameliorates flare-ups in FOP. However, COX-2 inhibitors or oral/topical NSAIDS may be helpful for symptomatic management of flare-ups and chronic arthropathy when corticosteroids are not indicated.
There is no definitive evidence that bisphosphonates prevent or ameliorate flare-ups in FOP. However, intravenous bisphosphonates may be considered for the prevention of steroid-associated bone loss. Dentists should be made aware of any prior bisphosphonate use. Bisphosphonates may be considered for treating osteoporosis of the native skeleton, as guided by standard of care.
Off-Label Medications (imatinib, tofacitinib, canakinumab, anakinra, etc.)
There is no definitive evidence that these medications prevent or ameliorate heterotopic ossification after flare-ups in FOP. These medications may be considered for patients with severe, intractable FOP flare-ups. See the ICC recommendations regarding off-label medication use.
Chemotherapy Agents & Radiation Therapy
There is no evidence of efficacy with these agents. The use of these approaches is contraindicated in the management of FOP.
Bone Marrow Transplantation
This approach is ineffective and contraindicated in the treatment of FOP.
Miscellaneous Agents in FOP
The chronic use of antiangiogenic agents, calcium binders, colchicine, fluoroquinolone antibiotics, propranolol, mineralization inhibitors, PPAR-γ antagonists and TNF-α inhibitors currently have no role in the management of FOP.
Definitive Therapeutic Targets in FOP
Much of the worldwide collaborative research effort in FOP is focused here, and detailed accounts of the work and progress can be found on www.clinicaltrials.gov, in the Twenty-Ninth Annual Report of the FOP Collaborative Research Project (Kaplan, Al Mukaddam, Shore et al., 2024), as well as in recent reviews. Patients should be informed about ongoing clinical trials.
Approved Therapies in FOP
Palovarotene, an RAR-γ agonist, has been approved in the US, Canada, and Australia. Prescribing information can be found at: Microsoft Word - pi-mg-fda-comments-15aug2023-combined-rev 17Aug2023 (d2rkmuse97gwnh.cloudfront.net). Please see ICC statement on Palovarotene of August 16, 2023 (www.iccfop.org).
Mental Health: Patients with any chronic illness are at risk of mental health complications. If there is suspicion of depression, psychological support is recommended. Family therapy may be helpful.
Neurological Issues: Patients with FOP have reported a higher incidence of neurological symptoms including pain both during and remote from an FOP flare-up. The sources of pain should be carefully explored. Some individuals with FOP report chronic headaches. If headaches persist, patients should be referred to a neurologist, who can make recommendations for treatment.
Nutrition: In cases of ankylosis of the jaw, a dietician should be consulted to ensure adequate nutrition.
Occupational Therapy (OT): Occupational therapy, focused on enhancing activities of daily living may be useful to improve the quality of life of FOP patients. Perform periodic OT evaluations for assistive devices as activities of daily living change.
Orthodontics: Routine orthodontic care has not been reported to cause flare-ups of FOP. However, all FOP patients seeking orthodontic care should consult with an FOP dental expert.
Physical Therapy (PT): Passive range of motion is strictly prohibited. Warm water hydrotherapy may be helpful.
Pregnancy: Although pregnancy with FOP is possible, FOP poses major life-threatening risks to mother and child as well as life altering consequences to the entire family if a child is born with this condition. Pregnancy in FOP should never be undertaken without serious consideration and family planning. Unwanted pregnancies should be assiduously avoided. Independent genetic counseling is available, if desired. Should a pregnancy occur, guidance and care at a high-risk pregnancy center are imperative.
Pressure Ulcers: In patients with limited motion, prevention of pressure sores by appropriate methods or devices is recommended. A wound care team should be involved in the care.
Respiratory Health: Singing, swimming and incentive spirometry are encouraged to maintain lung function. Perform baseline pulmonary function tests (PFTs), echocardiogram, chest x-ray and pulse oximetry after four years of age. Repeat periodically. Pulmonary consultation and sleep studies may be helpful in directing specific respiratory therapies. Supplemental oxygen should not be used in an unmonitored setting. In patients with respiratory insufficiency, immunization for influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia should be considered. Please follow immunization guidelines above.
Scalp Nodules: Scalp nodules are common signs of flare-up, especially in children with FOP. Although they can be alarming in size, they often spontaneously regress and are of minimal clinical significance.
School: Use school aides to protect and assist children. Parents can request a medical letter for assistance. Preschool evaluation is helpful. School nurses, staff, and teachers should be aware of the limitations of FOP, and protocols for managing injuries and flare-ups as well as special adaptive needs.
Spinal Deformity: Spinal deformity is common in FOP and can occur independently of flare-ups. Rapid progression of spinal deformity – especially in childhood – should be evaluated by an expert in FOP.
Surgery: Avoid surgery, except in emergencies. Always avoid surgery to remove heterotopic bone.
Teeth: Preventative dental care is essential and should begin at an early age. Avoid sugary sweets and drinks. Avoid mandibular blocks, over-stretching of the jaw, and muscle fatigue. Consult FOP dental experts before any procedure.
Di Rocco M, Baujat G, Bertamino M, Brown M, De Cunto CL, Delai PLR, Eekhoff EMW, Haga N, Hsiao E, Keen R, Morhart R, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. International physician survey on management of FOP: a modified Delphi study. Orphanet J Rare Dis Jun 12;12(1):110, 2017
Hsiao EC, Di Rocco M, Cali A, Zasloff M, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo R, Grunwald Z, Netelenbos C, Keen R, Baujat G, Brown MA, Cho TJ, De Cunto C, Delai P, Haga N, Morhart R, Scott C, Zhang K, Diecidue RJ, Friedman CS, Kaplan FS, Eekhoff EMW. Special considerations for clinical trials in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Br J Clin Pharmacol 85: 1199-1207, 2019

第三章. FOP的临床与基础科学背景

1. 引言

本章我们简要总结了FOP的临床与科学北京,以便将随后的治疗注意事项置于临床与科学的背景中。(Kaplan et al., 2008; Shore & Kaplan, 2010; Pignolo et al., 2013; Huning & Gillessen-Kaesbach, 2014; Kaplan et al., 2019).
  1. Huning I, Gillessen-Kaesbach G. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: Clinical course, genetic mutations and genotype-phenotype correlations. Molec Syndromology 5: 201-211, 2014 FOP:临床研究、基因突变与基因型-表型的关联性10.1159/000365770
  1. Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Al Mukaddam M, Shore EM. Genetic disorders of heterotopic ossification: fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva and progressive osseous heteroplasia (chapter 112, pp. 865-870). In Bilezikian J (ed). Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism Ninth Edition. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Washington, D.C., 2019 遗传性异位骨化疾病:FOP和POH(第112章,第865-870页)• 10.1002/9781119266594.CH112
  1. Kaplan FS, LeMerrer M, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Goldsby RE, Kitterman JA, Groppe J, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 22: 191-205, 2008 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(2008) 10.1016/j.berh.2007.11.007
  1. Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: diagnosis, management, and therapeutic horizons. In Emerging Concepts in Pediatric Bone Disease. Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews 10(S-2): 437-448, 2013 FOP:诊断、管理和治疗前景 PMCID: 3995352
  1. Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Inherited human disease of heterotopic bone formation. Nat Rev Rheumatol 6: 518527, 2010 形成异位骨骼的人类遗传性疾病 10.1038/nrrheum.2010.122
  1. Introduction
    1. Here, we provide a brief summary of the clinical and scientific background of FOP in order to place the treatment considerations that follow into a clinical and scientific context. Comprehensive clinical reviews of FOP are available (Kaplan et al., 2008; Shore & Kaplan, 2010; Pignolo et al., 2013; Huning & Gillessen-Kaesbach, 2014; Kaplan et al., 2019).
      Huning I, Gillessen-Kaesbach G. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: Clinical course, genetic mutations and genotype-phenotype correlations. Molec Syndromology 5: 201-211, 2014
      Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Al Mukaddam M, Shore EM. Genetic disorders of heterotopic ossification: fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva and progressive osseous heteroplasia (chapter 112, pp. 865-870). In Bilezikian J (ed). Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism Ninth Edition. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Washington, D.C., 2019
      Kaplan FS, LeMerrer M, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Goldsby RE, Kitterman JA, Groppe J, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 22: 191-205, 2008
      Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: diagnosis, management, and therapeutic horizons. In Emerging Concepts in Pediatric Bone Disease. Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews 10(S-2): 437-448, 2013
      Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Inherited human disease of heterotopic bone formation. Nat Rev Rheumatol 6: 518527, 2010

2. FOP的经典临床特征

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP: OMIM #135100) 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良 (FOP: OMIM #135100) 是一种超罕见的结缔组织遗传性疾病,其特征是大脚趾先天畸形,以及在解剖模式下特有的进行性异位骨化 (HO)(Kaplan et al., 2005; Pignolo et al., 2019)。
FOP患者在出生时,除了所有经典型FOP患者都存在的大脚趾畸形特征,其他看起来都是正常的(Kaplan et al., 2005; Towler, Kaplan, Shore, 2020; Towler, Peck, Kaplan, Shore, 2021)。在患者生命中的第一个十年里,绝大部分的FOP儿童病情会间歇性发展,伴随疼痛的炎性软组织肿胀(称为:急性发作)(Cohen et al., 1993; Pignolo et al., 2016)。这种疾病经常会被误诊为肿瘤。普遍存在误诊和较高的医源性伤害(Kitterman et al., 2005; Zaghloul et al., 2008)。
虽然一些急性发作症状会自然消退,但大多数情况下会将软组织转化为成熟的异位骨骼,软组织如:腱膜、筋膜、韧带、肌腱和骨骼肌。带状、片状和板状结构的异位骨通过一种软骨内成骨endochondral ossification的过程,取代了骨骼肌和结缔组织,这导致身体像被用骨头制造的盔甲所包裹,将永远被固定住。轻微的创伤,如:肌肉注射的免疫接种,牙科操作后的下颌活动限制,肌肉疲劳,磕碰肌肉造成的钝性创伤,瘀伤,摔倒,或类似流感一样的病毒性疾病,都会触发新的痛性FOP急性发作,进而向进行性异位骨化(HO)发展。若尝试用手术移除异位骨骼,通常会激起剧烈的爆发,并伴随痛苦的新骨生长(Kaplan et al., 2005)。
在典型的解剖模式和以随着年龄增长的模式下,一般首次发生在背部,身体轴向(以脊柱为中心),头顶,身体中央区域,后期会发生在腹部,四肢,身体尾端和趾端部位。当前,研究人员注意到FOP的异位骨化进程清晰可辨,但无法解释其空间和时间发展模式与人类身体的精确温度梯度分布相关。FOP的成因是一种激活素A受体I型 (ACVR1/ALK2)中的致病功能获得型基因突变所致,它编译一种骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)I型受体激酶。
与所有酶一样,ACVR1的活性与温度有关。研究者假设结缔组织祖细胞(CTPCs),表达常见的杂合子ACVR1 R206H的突变与对照组的CTPC 相比表现出失调的温度反应,并且FOP的结缔组织祖细胞(CTPCs)在身体组织各处,对异位骨化的启动和维持起到了决定作用,在一定程度上,起到了FOP异位骨化的组织学分配的作用。从FOP患者和未收影响的对照组体内分离出的初代结缔组织祖细胞,在生理温度的范围下比较了骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)信号通路的信号传导。FOP患者的结缔组织祖细胞(CTPCs)中,骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)信号通路的活性,以及由此导致的软骨生成(chondrogenesis)相较于健康对照组的CTPCs明显增强,且这一结果具有统计学意义(p < 0.05)。FOP中异位骨化的解剖学分布,可能部分是由于FOP患者结缔组织祖细胞(CTPCs)对温度反应的调节异常所致,这种异常反应与身体的特定解剖位置相关。尽管温度梯度与FOP中的异位骨化的空间分布之间的关联,并不能证明其因果关系,但是这些发现为FOP中异位骨化的解剖学分布的生理学基础提供了一个范例,并揭示了一个潜在的新兴治疗靶点,可以为FOP的治疗提供新的思路(Wang et al., 2021)。
肢体的急性发作经常伴随剧烈的疼痛,通常会被归因于间室综合征(compartment syndrome)(Kaplan et al., 2020)。在FOP的急性发作期间,有一个独特的病例记录了间室综合征的发生(Kaplan et al., 2020)。
在一项关于FOP的大规模前瞻性的国籍自然历史研究中,对年龄在65岁及以下且具有经典型FOP特征的个体进行了基线评估,并且在随后的36个月内进行了追踪。在这项自然历史研究中,接受标准护理的个体在长达3年的观察结果呈现了FOP的严重影响和逐步进展的特性,而且这种进展在儿童和成年的早期尤为明显(Pignolo et al., 2022)。
在FOP中,包括膈肌、舌头在内的肌肉和眼外肌在内的几种骨骼肌,并不会受到异位骨化的影响。心肌和平滑肌在FOP中也明显不会受到异位骨化的影响(Cohen et al., 1993; Kaplan et al., 2005; Pignolo et al., 2018)。
FOP中的异位骨化是间歇性发生的,但是由此导致的残疾是累积性的。大部分FOP患者在30岁左右时会被迫使用轮椅,并且在日常生活中需要终身帮助(Cohen et al., 1993; Rocke et al., 1994; Kaplan et al., 2018a; Kaplan et al., 2018b)。下颌关节的强直可能导致体重骤降。由于肋椎关节的发育性关节病和胸壁的异位骨化,严重的限制性胸壁疾病和肺功能会在早期出现(Towler, Shore, Kaplan, 2020; Botman et al., 2021)。胸壁的刚性固定可能会导致肺炎或右侧心力衰竭等并发症。FOP的严重残疾会导致生育能力低下。全球已知可见的FOP子代遗传的多代家庭至少有十个。FOP患者中的中位死亡年龄约为40岁, 但是中位预期寿命为56岁。死亡通常是由于胸腔功能不全综合征和肺炎的并发症所致(Kaplan et al., 2010)。
一个全球范围内的患者报告登记系统已经建立,用于描述进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的疾病过程,并追踪患者的临床结果。根据来自于54个国家的299名患者的基础表型数据,这些数据是基于国际FOP协会(IFOPA)全球登记系统(即“FOP登记系统”)的汇总信息。总体而言,FOP登记系统数据库为扩展对FOP的认识、设计临床试验以及促进基于证据的决策提供了有用的工具,以优化对受影响个体的监测和管理(Pignolo et al., 2020)。
  1. Botman E, Smilde BJ, Hoebink M, Treurniet S, Raijmakers P, Kamp O, Teunissen BP, Bökenkamp A, Jak P, Lammertsma AA, van den Aardweg JG, Boonstra A, Eekhoff EMW. Deterioration of pulmonary function: An early complication in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Bone Rep 2021 Feb 25;14:100758 肺功能恶化:FOP的早期并发症10.1016/j.bonr.2021.100758
  1. Cohen RB, Hahn GV, Tabas J, Peeper J, Levitz CL, Sando A, Sando N, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. The natural history of heterotopic ossification in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg Am 75: 215-219, 1993 FOP患者异位骨化的自然病程 10.2106/00004623-199302000-00008
  1. Kaplan FS, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Deirmengian GK, Gupta R, Delai P, Morhart P, Smith R, Le Merrer M, Rogers JG, Connor JM, Kitterman JA. The phenotype of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 183-188, 2005 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的表型 10.1385/BMM:3:3-4:183
  1. Kaplan FS, Zasloff MA, Kitterman JA. Shore EM, Hong CC, Rocke DM. Early mortality and cardiorespiratory failure in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg Am 92: 686-691, 2010 FOP患者的早期死亡率和心肺功能衰竭 10.2106/JBJS.I.00705
  1. Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. A cumulative analogue joint involvement scale for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 101: 123-128, 2018a FOP的累积模拟关节受累量表(CAJIS) 10.1016/j.bone.2017.04.015
  1. Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. Longitudinal patient-reported mobility assessment in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 150-161, 2018b FOP患者纵向自我报告的运动能力评估 10.1016/j.bone.2017.06.005
  1. Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. Compartment syndrome of the thigh in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Orthopaedic Case Reports 10: 103-107, 2020 FOP患者的大腿筋膜室综合征 10.13107/jocr.2020.v10.i03.1770
  1. Kitterman JA, Kantanie S, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Iatrogenic harm caused by diagnostic errors in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Pediatrics 116: 654-661, 2005 由误诊导致的FOP医源性损害 10.1542/peds.2005-0469
  1. Pignolo RJ, Baujat G, Brown MA, De Cunto C, Di Rocco M, Hsiao EC, Keen R, Al Mukaddam M, Sang KLQ, Wilson A, White B, Grogan DR, Kaplan FS. Natural history of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: cross-sectional analysis of annotated baseline phenotypes. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2019 May 3;14(1):98 FOP的自然病程:注解版基线表型的横断面分析 10.1186/s13023-019-1068-7
  1. Pignolo RJ, Baujat G, Brown MA, De Cunto C, Hsiao EC, Keen R, Al Mukaddam M, Le Quan Sang KH, Wilson A, Marino R, Strahs A, Kaplan FS. The natural history of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: A prospective, global 36-month study. Genet Med 24:2422-2433, 2022 FOP的自然病程:一项全球前瞻性的36个月研究 10.1016/j.gim.2022.08.013
  1. Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Liljesthrom M, Durbin-Johnson BP, Shore EM, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. The natural history of flare-ups in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a comprehensive global assessment. J Bone Miner Res 31: 650-656, 2016 FOP急性发作的自然病史:一项综合性全球评估 10.1002/jbmr.2728
  1. Pignolo RJ, Durbin-Johnson BP, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Joint-specific risk of impaired function in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 124-133, 2018 FOP中关节特异性功能受损的风险 10.1016/j.bone.2017.06.009
  1. Pignolo RJ, Cheung K, Kile S, Fitzpatrick MA, De Cunto C, Al Mukaddam M, Hsiao EC, Baujat G, Delai P, Eekhoff EMW, Di Rocco M, Grunwald Z, Haga N, Keen R, Levi B, Morhart R, Scott C, Sherman A, Zhang K, Kaplan FS. Self-reported baseline phenotypes from the international fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) association global registry. Bone 2020 May;134:115274 来自IFOPA(国际FOP协会)全球注册系统的自我评估基线表型 10.1016/j.bone.2020.115274
  1. Rocke DM, Zasloff M, Peeper J, Cohen RB, Kaplan FS. Age and joint-specific risk of initial heterotopic ossification in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop 301: 243-248, 1994 FOP患者早期异位骨化的年龄和关节特异性风险 10.1097/00003086-199404000-00038
  1. Towler OW, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Skeletal malformations and developmental arthropathy in individuals who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 2020 Jan;130:115116 FOP患者的骨骼畸形和发育性关节病 10.1016/j.bone.2019.115116
  1. Towler OW, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. The developmental phenotype of the great toe in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Front Cell Dev Biol 2020 Dec 8;8:612853 FOP患者大脚趾的发育表型 10.3389/fcell.2020.612853
  1. Towler OW, Peck SH, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Dysregulated BMP signaling through ACVR1 impairs digit joint development in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Dev Biol 470: 136-146, 2021 由于ACVR1的BMP信号失调阻碍了FOP的趾关节发育 10.1016/j.ydbio.2020.11.004
  1. Wang H, De Cunto CL, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Spatial patterns of heterotopic ossification in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva correlate with anatomic temperature gradients. Bone 149:115978, 2021 FOP异位骨化的空间模式与组织温度梯度相关 10.1016/j.bone.2021.115978
  1. Zaghloul KA, Heuer GG, Guttenberg MD, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Storm PB. Lumbar puncture and surgical intervention in a child with undiagnosed fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Neursurg Pediatrics 1: 91-94, 2008 对一名未诊断的FOP儿童进行腰椎穿刺和外科手术 10.3171/PED-08/01/091
软骨内成骨endochondral ossification
Endochondral ossification(软骨内成骨)是骨骼发育的一种过程,在这一过程中,软骨逐渐被骨组织替代,形成成熟的骨骼结构。它是长骨(如四肢骨骼)和一些短骨的主要发育方式,尤其在胚胎发育和儿童生长期非常重要。
  1. 软骨模型形成:在胚胎阶段,先形成由透明软骨组成的“骨骼原型”或软骨模型。
  1. 软骨增生:软骨细胞(软骨细胞或软骨母细胞)在这个软骨模型中增殖,软骨增厚和延长。
  1. 软骨钙化:随着发育进行,软骨细胞开始经历钙化,即软骨基质中沉积钙盐,软骨细胞逐渐死亡,留下钙化的基质。
  1. 骨骼侵入:血管侵入钙化区域,带来骨祖细胞和破骨细胞。骨祖细胞分化为成骨细胞,开始在软骨基质上沉积新生骨组织。
  1. 骨化中心形成:在长骨中,首先在骨干(中间)形成原发性骨化中心,然后在骨骺(骨端)形成次级骨化中心
  1. 骨骼延长和成熟:在儿童和青少年中,骨骼继续通过软骨生长区(骨骺板)的增殖和骨化来延长,直到骨骺板完全闭合,停止生长。
  1. Classic Clinical Features of FOP
    1. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP: OMIM #135100) is an ultra-rare heritable disorder of connective tissue characterized by congenital malformations of the great toes, and progressive heterotopic ossification (HO) in characteristic anatomic patterns (Kaplan et al., 2005; Pignolo et al., 2019).
      Individuals with FOP appear normal at birth except for characteristic malformations of the great toes that are present in all classically affected individuals (Kaplan et al., 2005; Towler, Kaplan, Shore, 2020; Towler, Peck, Kaplan, Shore, 2021). During the first decade of life, most children with FOP develop episodic, painful inflammatory soft tissue swellings (called flare-ups) (Cohen et al., 1993; Pignolo et al., 2016). These are often mistaken for tumors. Misdiagnosis is common and iatrogenic harm is high (Kitterman et al., 2005; Zaghloul et al., 2008).
      While some flare-ups regress spontaneously, most transform soft connective tissues - including aponeuroses, fascia, ligaments, tendons, and skeletal muscles - into mature heterotopic bone. Ribbons, sheets, and plates of heterotopic bone replace skeletal muscles and connective tissues through a process of endochondral ossification that leads to an armament-like encasement of bone and permanent immobility. Minor trauma such as intramuscular immunizations, mandibular blocks for dental work, muscle fatigue, blunt muscle trauma from bumps, bruises, falls, or influenza-like viral illnesses can trigger painful new flare-ups of FOP leading to progressive HO. Attempts to surgically remove heterotopic bone often provoke explosive and painful new episodes of bone growth (Kaplan et al., 2005).
      FOP HO progresses in characteristic anatomic and temporal patterns with age, typically first occurring in the dorsal, axial, cranial, and proximal regions of the body and later in the ventral, appendicular, caudal, and distal regions. Recently, investigators noticed that HO in FOP progresses in well-defined but unexplained spatial and temporal patterns that correlate precisely with infrared thermographs of the human body. FOP is caused by gain-of-function pathogenic variants in Activin A receptor type I (ACVR1/ALK2), encoding a bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type I receptor kinase.
      As with all enzymes, the activity of ACVR1 is temperature dependent. Investigators hypothesized that connective tissue progenitor cells (CTPCs) that express the common heterozygous ACVR1 R206H variant exhibit a dysregulated temperature response compared to control CTPCs and that the temperature of FOP CTPCs that initiate and sustain HO at various anatomic sites determines, in part, the anatomic distribution of HO in FOP. BMP pathway signaling was compared at a range of physiologic temperatures in primary CTPCs isolated from FOP patients and unaffected controls. BMP pathway signaling and resultant chondrogenesis were amplified in FOP CTPCs compared to control CTPCs (p < 0.05). Thus, the anatomic distribution of HO in FOP may be due, in part, to a dysregulated temperature response in FOP CTPCs that reflect anatomic location. While the association of temperature gradients with spatial patterns of HO in FOP does not demonstrate causality, the findings provide a paradigm for the physiologic basis of the anatomic distribution of HO in FOP and unveil a novel therapeutic target that might be exploited for FOP (Wang et al., 2021).
      The severe pain that commonly accompanies appendicular flare-ups is often ascribed to compartment syndrome (Kaplan et al., 2020). A unique case documented compartment syndrome during an acute flare-up of FOP (Kaplan et al., 2020).
      In a large prospective, international, natural history study on FOP, individuals aged ≤65 years with classic FOP (ACVR1 R206H variant) were assessed at baseline and over 36 months. Results from individuals receiving standard care for up to 3 years in this natural history study showed the debilitating effect and progressive nature of FOP cross-sectionally and longitudinally, with greatest progression during childhood and early adulthood (Pignolo et al., 2022).
      Several skeletal muscles including the diaphragm, intrinsic muscles of the tongue, and extra-ocular muscles are spared from HO in FOP. Cardiac muscle and smooth muscle are also notably spared from HO (Cohen et al., 1993; Kaplan et al., 2005; Pignolo et al., 2018).
      HO in FOP is episodic, but disability is cumulative. Most patients with FOP are confined to a wheelchair by the third decade of life and require lifelong assistance in performing activities of daily living (Cohen et al., 1993; Rocke et al., 1994; Kaplan et al., 2018a; Kaplan et al., 2018b). Severe weight loss may result following ankylosis of the jaw. Severe restrictive chest wall disease and decrease in pulmonary function due to developmental arthropathy of the costo-vertebral joints and heterotopic ossification of the chest wall develops early (Towler, Shore, Kaplan, 2020; Botman et al., 2021). Pneumonia or right-sided heart failure may complicate rigid fixation of the chest wall. The severe disability of FOP results in low reproductive fitness. Fewer than ten multigenerational families showing inheritance of FOP are known worldwide. The median age at death is approximately 40 years, but the median estimated life expectancy is 56 years. Death often results from complications of thoracic insufficiency syndrome or pneumonia (Kaplan et al., 2010).
      A global, patient-reported registry has been established to characterize the course of disease and track clinical outcomes in patients with FOP. Baseline phenotypes on 299 patients from 54 countries are reported based on aggregate data from the International FOP Association (IFOPA) Global Registry (the "FOP Registry"). Overall, the FOP Registry database provides a useful tool for expanding knowledge of FOP, designing clinical trials and facilitating evidence-based decisions about the optimal monitoring and management of affected individuals (Pignolo et al., 2020).
      Botman E, Smilde BJ, Hoebink M, Treurniet S, Raijmakers P, Kamp O, Teunissen BP, Bökenkamp A, Jak P, Lammertsma AA, van den Aardweg JG, Boonstra A, Eekhoff EMW. Deterioration of pulmonary function: An early complication in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Bone Rep 2021 Feb 25;14:100758
      Cohen RB, Hahn GV, Tabas J, Peeper J, Levitz CL, Sando A, Sando N, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. The natural history of heterotopic ossification in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg Am 75: 215-219, 1993
      Kaplan FS, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Deirmengian GK, Gupta R, Delai P, Morhart P, Smith R, Le Merrer M, Rogers JG, Connor JM, Kitterman JA. The phenotype of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 183-188, 2005
      Kaplan FS, Zasloff MA, Kitterman JA. Shore EM, Hong CC, Rocke DM. Early mortality and cardiorespiratory failure in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg Am 92: 686-691, 2010
      Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. A cumulative analogue joint involvement scale for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 101: 123-128, 2018a
      Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. Longitudinal patient-reported mobility assessment in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 150-161, 2018b
      Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. Compartment syndrome of the thigh in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Orthopaedic Case Reports 10: 103-107, 2020
      Kitterman JA, Kantanie S, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Iatrogenic harm caused by diagnostic errors in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Pediatrics 116: 654-661, 2005
      Pignolo RJ, Baujat G, Brown MA, De Cunto C, Di Rocco M, Hsiao EC, Keen R, Al Mukaddam M, Sang KLQ, Wilson A, White B, Grogan DR, Kaplan FS. Natural history of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: cross-sectional analysis of annotated baseline phenotypes. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2019 May 3;14(1):98
      Pignolo RJ, Baujat G, Brown MA, De Cunto C, Hsiao EC, Keen R, Al Mukaddam M, Le Quan Sang KH, Wilson A, Marino R, Strahs A, Kaplan FS. The natural history of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: A prospective, global 36-month study. Genet Med 24:2422-2433, 2022
      Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Liljesthrom M, Durbin-Johnson BP, Shore EM, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. The natural history of flare-ups in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a comprehensive global assessment. J Bone Miner Res 31: 650-656, 2016
      Pignolo RJ, Durbin-Johnson BP, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Joint -specific risk of impaired function in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 124-133, 2018
      Pignolo RJ, Cheung K, Kile S, Fitzpatrick MA, De Cunto C, Al Mukaddam M, Hsiao EC, Baujat G, Delai P, Eekhoff EMW, Di Rocco M, Grunwald Z, Haga N, Keen R, Levi B, Morhart R, Scott C, Sherman A, Zhang K, Kaplan FS. Self-reported baseline phenotypes from the international fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) association global registry. Bone 2020 May;134:115274
      Rocke DM, Zasloff M, Peeper J, Cohen RB, Kaplan FS. Age and joint-specific risk of initial heterotopic ossification in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop 301: 243-248, 1994
      Towler OW, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Skeletal malformations and developmental arthropathy in individuals who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 2020 Jan;130:115116
      Towler OW, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. The developmental phenotype of the great toe in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Front Cell Dev Biol 2020 Dec 8;8:612853
      Towler OW, Peck SH, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Dysregulated BMP signaling through ACVR1 impairs digit joint development in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Dev Biol 470: 136-146, 2021
      Wang H, De Cunto CL, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Spatial patterns of heterotopic ossification in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva correlate with anatomic temperature gradients. Bone 149:115978, 2021
      Zaghloul KA, Heuer GG, Guttenberg MD, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Storm PB. Lumbar puncture and surgical intervention in a child with undiagnosed fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Neursurg Pediatrics 1: 91-94, 2008

3. FOP的其他骨骼异常

虽然大脚趾的畸形是进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的特征,但其他发育异常也常被观察到。FOP中的致病性ACVR1受体对诱导非骨骼骨形成有明显影响。然而,这个BMP信号通路的受体在骨骼发育中广泛表达,并在轴向和附肢软骨生成中起着重要作用,这引发了对ACVR1突变者普遍存在骨骼和关节缺陷的怀疑(Towler et al., 2020)。
在所有年龄段的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者中,广泛存在轴向和附肢骨骼的发育性关节病。在所有年龄段的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者的正常位置骨骼的关节中,普遍存在不对称性狭窄和软骨内硬化,同时,髋关节和膝关节常见有骨刺的形成。肋椎关节、椎间面关节和近端胫腓关节在FOP患者中经常出现部分或完全的关节内强直,尤其是在13岁之后更为明显。进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者的髋关节常常出现畸形和发育不良,具体表现为股骨颈短而宽、骨骼生长板小,以及关节内存在滑膜骨软骨瘤。在13岁之后,尤其是在脊柱、骶髂关节和下肢,有证据表明出现了退行性关节表型(Towler et al., 2020)。
因此,ACVR1突变对进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者的正常位置骨骼的影响不仅限于大脚趾的畸形,还包括形态缺陷和发育性关节病。伴随的退行性关节病在多个部位出现,从青春期开始并持续进展至一生。这些表型似乎与异位骨形成无关,这表明ACVR1在退行性关节病的发展和进展中可能发挥作用(Towler et al., 2020)。
因此,进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)不仅是一种进行性异位骨化的疾病,还包括广泛而严重的发育性关节病和相关的退行性关节病。这些发现对于理解进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的自然历史,以及设计和评估新兴治疗方法的临床试验具有重要意义(Towler et al., 2020; Kaplan et al., 2020; Pignolo et al., 2020)。
颈部的僵硬是大多数患者的早期表现,且可以在该部位的异位骨化(HO)出现之前就发生。颈椎的特征性异常包括大的后部结构、高而窄的椎体,以及C2到C7之间椎间关节的可变性融合(Schaffer et al., 2005)。尽管颈椎在生命早期通常会发生强直(融合),但即使是微小的残余运动也可能最终导致慢性头痛和疼痛的关节炎症状。
与进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)相关的其他骨骼异常包括短小且畸形的拇指,伴有指间关节融合、弯指畸形、颞下颌关节畸形、可变且常常不对称的肋椎关节和肋横关节融合、短而宽的股骨颈,以及骨软骨瘤,尤其是在胫骨和股骨的内侧近端,但在正常骨骼中也可能存在不同程度的表现(Deirmengian et al., 2008; Kaplan et al., 2009; Bauer et al., 2018; Kaplan et al., 2018; Towler et al., 2020)。常常可以观察到一种共同的面部特征(Hammond et al., 2012)。
  • 双手的前后位(AP)
  • 双脚的前后位(AP)
  • 颈椎的侧位片
  • 胸部的前后位(AP)和侧位片
  • 骨盆的前后位(AP)
  • 双膝的前后位(AP)和侧位片
  1. Bauer AH, Bonham J, Gutierrez L, Hsiao EC, Motamedi D. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a current review of imaging findings. Skeletal Radiol 47: 1043-1050, 2018 FOP:影像学发现的当前综述 10.1007/s00256-018-2889-5
  1. Deirmengian GK, Hebela NM, O’Connell M, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Proximal tibial osteochondromas in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg Am 90: 366374, 2008 FOP患者的胫骨近端骨软骨瘤 10.2106/JBJS.G.00774
  1. Hammond P, Suttie M, Hennekam RC, Allanson J, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. The face signature of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Am J Med Genet 158A: 1368-1380, 2012 FOP患者的面部特征 10.1002/ajmg.a.35346
  1. Kaplan FS, Xu M, Seemann P, Connor M, Glaser DL, Carroll L, Delai, P, Fastnact-Urban E, Forman SJ, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Hoover-Fong J, Köster B, Morhart R, Pauli RM, Reardon W, Zaidi SA, Zasloff M, Mundlos S, Groppe J, Shore EM. Classical and atypical FOP phenotypes are caused by mutations in the BMP type I receptor ACVR1. Human Mutation 30: 379-390, 2009 经典和非典型FOP表型由BMP I型受体ACVR1的突变引起 10.1002/humu.20868
  1. Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. Acute unilateral hip pain in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 109: 115-119, 2018 FOP患者单方面的急性髋部疼痛 10.1016/j.bone.2017.08.009
  1. Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Stanley A, Towler OW, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a disorder of osteochondrogenesis. Bone 2020 Jul;140:115539 FOP:一种骨和软骨形成过程的障碍 10.1016/j.bone.2020.115539
  1. Pignolo RJ, Wang H, Kapan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP): A segmental progeroid syndrome. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2020 Jan 10;10:908 FOP:一种局部性表现的早衰综合征 10.3389/fendo.2019.00908
  1. Schaffer AA, Kaplan FS, Tracy MR, O’Brien ML, Dormans JP, Shore EM, Harland RM, Kusumi K. Developmental anomalies of the cervical spine in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva are distinctly different from those in patients with Klippel-Feil syndrome. Spine 30: 1379-1385, 2005 FOP患者的颈椎发育异常与Klippel-Feil(颈椎融合)综合征患者的显著不同 10.1097/01.brs.0000166619.22832.2c
  1. Towler OW, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Skeletal malformations and developmental arthropathy in individuals who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 2020 Jan;130:115116 FOP患者的骨骼畸形和发育性关节病 10.1016/j.bone.2019.115116
  1. Other Skeletal Anomalies of FOP
    1. While malformations of the great toes are characteristic of FOP, other developmental anomalies are frequently observed. The pathogenic ACVR1 receptor in FOP has a clear effect on the induction of extraskeletal bone formation. However, this BMP pathway receptor is expressed widely throughout skeletal development and has a seminal role in axial and appendicular chondrogenesis, prompting suspicion of widespread bone and joint defects in those with ACVR1 mutations (Towler et al., 2020).
      There is widespread evidence for developmental arthropathy throughout the axial and appendicular skeleton at all ages in individuals with FOP. Asymmetric narrowing and subchondral sclerosis are present throughout the joints of the normotopic skeleton and osteophytes are common in the hips and knees of individuals who have FOP in all age groups. The costovertebral joints, intervertebral facet joints, and proximal tibio-fibular joints frequently show partial or total intra-articular ankylosis, particularly after age 13. The hips of FOP subjects are frequently malformed and dysplastic with short and wide femoral necks, small growth plates and intra-articular synovial osteochondromas. There is also evidence of degenerative joint phenotypes after age 13, particularly in the spine, sacroiliac joints, and lower limbs (Towler et al., 2020).
      Thus, the effects of the ACVR1 mutation on the normotopic skeletons of individuals who have FOP extend beyond malformation of the great toes and include both morphological defects and developmental arthropathy. Associated degenerative joint disease occurring at multiple sites starts in adolescence and progresses throughout life. These phenotypes appear to be uncoupled from heterotopic bone formation, indicating a potential role for ACVR1 in the development and progression of degenerative joint disease (Towler et al., 2020).
      Thus, FOP is a disease of not only progressive heterotopic ossification, but also widespread and extensive developmental arthropathy and associated degenerative joint disease. These findings have relevance for understanding the natural history of FOP and for designing and evaluating clinical trials with emerging therapeutics (Towler et al., 2020; Kaplan et al., 2020; Pignolo et al., 2020).
      Stiffness of the neck is an early finding in most patients and can precede the appearance of HO at that site. Characteristic anomalies of the cervical spine include large posterior elements, tall narrow vertebral bodies, and variable fusion of the facet joints between C2 and C7 (Schaffer et al., 2005). Although the cervical spine often becomes ankylosed early in life, any minimal residual movement may eventually result in chronic headaches and painful arthritic symptoms.
      Other skeletal anomalies associated with FOP include short malformed thumbs with interphalangeal joint fusion, clinodactyly, malformation of the temporomandibular joints, variable and often asymmetric fusions of the costovertebral and costotransverse joints, short broad femoral necks, and osteochondromas, most notably of the proximal medial tibias and femurs, but variably present throughout the normotopic skeleton (Deirmengian et al., 2008; Kaplan et al., 2009; Bauer et al., 2018; Kaplan et al., 2018; Towler et al., 2020). A common face signature is often noted (Hammond et al., 2012).
      In summary, multiple skeletal abnormalities and joint malformations are often seen in individuals with FOP, and the following plain radiographs can aid in rapid phenotypic screening and clinical diagnosis:
      • Anterior-Posterior (AP) of hands
      • AP of both feet
      • Lateral of cervical spine
      • AP & lateral of chest
      • AP of pelvis
      • AP & lateral of both knees
      Bauer AH, Bonham J, Gutierrez L, Hsiao EC, Motamedi D. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a current review of imaging findings. Skeletal Radiol 47: 1043-1050, 2018
      Deirmengian GK, Hebela NM, O’Connell M, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Proximal tibial osteochondromas in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg Am 90: 366374, 2008
      Hammond P, Suttie M, Hennekam RC, Allanson J, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. The face signature of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Am J Med Genet 158A: 1368-1380, 2012
      Kaplan FS, Xu M, Seemann P, Connor M, Glaser DL, Carroll L, Delai, P, Fastnact-Urban E, Forman SJ, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Hoover-Fong J, Köster B, Morhart R, Pauli RM, Reardon W, Zaidi SA, Zasloff M, Mundlos S, Groppe J, Shore EM. Classical and atypical FOP phenotypes are caused by mutations in the BMP type I receptor ACVR1. Human Mutation 30: 379-390, 2009
      Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. Acute unilateral hip pain in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 109: 115-119, 2018
      Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Stanley A, Towler OW, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a disorder of osteochondrogenesis. Bone 2020 Jul;140:115539
      Pignolo RJ, Wang H, Kapan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP): A segmental progeroid syndrome. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2020 Jan 10;10:908
      Schaffer AA, Kaplan FS, Tracy MR, O’Brien ML, Dormans JP, Shore EM, Harland RM, Kusumi K. Developmental anomalies of the cervical spine in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva are distinctly different from those in patients with Klippel-Feil syndrome. Spine 30: 1379-1385, 2005
      Towler OW, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Skeletal malformations and developmental arthropathy in individuals who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 2020 Jan;130:115116

4. FOP的放射学特征

对进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)中异位骨的放射学评估显示正常的建模和重塑[5]。患有进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的人由于摔倒风险增加、活动能力受限以及使用泼尼松而面临正常骨骼和异位骨骼骨折的风险增加[7]。在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者中,骨折似乎能够正常愈合。在传统X光片检测到异位骨(HO)之前,骨扫描会显示异常[5, 6]。早期病变的计算机断层扫描、磁共振成像和18F-NaF正电子发射断层扫描(PET)已被描述[2, 3, 4]。虽然这些评估方法在诊断上通常是多余的,但它们可以为疾病过程提供有用的研究视角,并正在被纳入现代临床试验中的评估方案中,进行各种定量评估[8, 1, 4]。进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的临床诊断可以通过简单的临床评估来完成,这种评估将快速出现的软组织病变与大脚趾的畸形联系起来。
  1. Al Mukaddam M, Rajapakse CS, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS, Smith SE. Imaging assessment in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: Qualitative, quantitative and questionable. Bone 109: 147-152, 2018 影像评估在FOP中的应用:定性、定量与疑难问题 10.1016/j.bone.2017.08.011
  1. Botman E, Raijmakers PGHM, Yaqub M, Teunissen B, Netelenbos C, Lubbers W, Schwarte LA, Micha D, Bravenboer N, Schoenmaker T, de Vries TJ, Pals G, Smit JM, Koolwijk P, Trotter DG, Lammertsma AA, Eekhoff EMW. Evolution of heterotopic bone in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: An [(18)F]NaF PET/CT study. Bone 124: 1-6, 2019 FOP中的异位骨演变:一项[(18)F]NaF PET/CT研究 10.1016/j.bone.2019.03.009
  1. Botman E, Teunissen BP, Raijmakers P, de Graaf P, Yaqub M, Treurniet S, Schoenmaker T, Bravenboer N, Micha D, Pals G, Bökenkamp A, Netelenbos JC, Lammertsma AA, Eekhoff EM. Diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. JBMR Plus 2020 Apr 28;4(6):e10363 核磁共振(MRI)成像在FOP中的诊断价值 10.1002/jbm4.10363
  1. Eekhoff EMW, Botman E, Coen Netelenbos J, de Graaf P, Bravenboer N, Micha D, Pals G, de Vries TJ, Schoenmaker T, Hoebink M, Lammertsma AA, Raijmakers PGHM. [18F]NaF PET/CT scan as an early marker of heterotopic ossification in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 109: 143-146, 2018 [18F]NaF PET/CT扫描作为FOP中异位骨化的早期指标 10.1016/j.bone.2017.08.012
  1. Kaplan FS, Strear CM, Zasloff MA. Radiographic and scintigraphic features of modeling and remodeling in the heterotopic skeleton of patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop 304: 238247, 1994 FOP患者的异位骨骼中,建模和重塑的X光影像与核放射性成像的特征 10.1097/00003086-199407000-00037
  1. Mahboubi S, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Pediatr Radiol 31: 307-314, 2001 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(Mahboubi-2001)10.1007/s002470100447
  1. Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Liljesthrom M, Durbin-Johnson BP, Shore EM, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. The natural history of flare-ups in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a comprehensive global assessment. J Bone Miner Res 31: 650-656, 2016 FOP急性发作的自然病史:一项综合性全球评估 10.1002/jbmr.2728
  1. Rajapakse CS, Lindborg C, Wang H, Newman BT, Kobe EA, Chang G, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Analog method for radiographic assessment of heterotopic bone in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Acad Radiol 24: 321-327, 2017 用于评估FOP中异位骨骼的放射学类比方法 10.1016/j.acra.2016.10.010
  1. Radiographic Features of FOP
    1. Radiographic evaluation of heterotopic bone in FOP shows normal modeling and remodeling (Kaplan et al., 1994). Individuals with FOP are at increased risk of fractures of both the normotopic and heterotopic skeleton due to the increased risk of falls, immobility and prednisone use (Pignolo et al., 2016). Fractures appear to heal normally in FOP. Bone scans are abnormal before HO can be detected by conventional radiographs (Kaplan et al., 1994; Mahboubi et al., 2001). Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and 18 F-NaF Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans of early lesions have been described (Eekhoff et al., 2018; Botman et al., 2019; Botman et al., 2020). While these evaluation methods are generally superfluous from a diagnostic standpoint, they can provide a useful research perspective of the disease process and are being incorporated into evaluation schemes in contemporary clinical trials with various quantitative assessments (Rajapakse et al., 2017; Al Mukaddam et al., 2018; Eekhoff et al., 2018). The clinical diagnosis of FOP can be made by simple clinical evaluation that associates rapidly appearing soft tissue lesions with malformations of the great toes.
      Al Mukaddam M, Rajapakse CS, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS, Smith SE. Imaging assessment in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: Qualitative, quantitative and questionable. Bone 109: 147-152, 2018
      Botman E, Raijmakers PGHM, Yaqub M, Teunissen B, Netelenbos C, Lubbers W, Schwarte LA, Micha D, Bravenboer N, Schoenmaker T, de Vries TJ, Pals G, Smit JM, Koolwijk P, Trotter DG, Lammertsma AA, Eekhoff EMW. Evolution of heterotopic bone in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: An [(18)F]NaF PET/CT study. Bone 124: 1-6, 2019
      Botman E, Teunissen BP, Raijmakers P, de Graaf P, Yaqub M, Treurniet S, Schoenmaker T, Bravenboer N, Micha D, Pals G, Bökenkamp A, Netelenbos JC, Lammertsma AA, Eekhoff EM. Diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. JBMR Plus 2020 Apr 28;4(6):e10363
      Eekhoff EMW, Botman E, Coen Netelenbos J, de Graaf P, Bravenboer N, Micha D, Pals G, de Vries TJ, Schoenmaker T, Hoebink M, Lammertsma AA, Raijmakers PGHM. [18F]NaF PET/CT scan as an early marker of heterotopic ossification in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 109: 143-146, 2018
      Kaplan FS, Strear CM, Zasloff MA. Radiographic and scintigraphic features of modeling and remodeling in the heterotopic skeleton of patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop 304: 238247, 1994
      Mahboubi S, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Pediatr Radiol 31: 307-314, 2001
      Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Liljesthrom M, Durbin-Johnson BP, Shore EM, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. The natural history of flare-ups in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a comprehensive global assessment. J Bone Miner Res 31: 650-656, 2016
      Rajapakse CS, Lindborg C, Wang H, Newman BT, Kobe EA, Chang G, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Analog method for radiographic assessment of heterotopic bone in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Acad Radiol 24: 321-327, 2017

5. FOP病变的病理学

早期的非骨化性进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)病变由大量的单核炎症细胞聚集而成,这些细胞包括淋巴细胞、巨噬细胞和肥大细胞,主要集中在水肿肌肉的血管周围空间。肥大细胞、巨噬细胞和细胞缺氧在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)病变的生成中发挥直接作用。在肌肉细胞死亡后的分解代谢阶段,接着是一个高度合成代谢的纤维增生阶段(常常被误认为是侵袭性幼年纤维瘤),这个阶段部分由Sca1+/PDGFRα+/Tie2+/CD34- 纤维脂肪前体(FAP)细胞组成,这些细胞通过内软骨化途径分化为成熟的异位骨。
  1. Convente MR, Chakkalakal SA, Yang E, Caron RJ, Zhang D, Kambayashi T, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Depletion of Mast cells and macrophages impairs heterotopic ossification in an ACVR1 (R206H) mouse model of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 33: 269-282, 2018 减少肥大细胞和巨噬细胞对FOP(ACVR1 R206H)小鼠模型异位骨化的影响 10.1002/jbmr.3304
  1. Gannon FH, Glaser D, Caron R, Thompson LDR, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Mast cell involvement in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Hum Pathol 32: 842-848, 2001 肥大细胞在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)中的作用 10.1053/HUPA.2001.26464
  1. Gannon FH, Valentine BA, Shore EM, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Acute lymphocytic infiltration in an extremely early lesion of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop 346: 19-25, 1998 在FOP的极早期病变中发现急性淋巴细胞浸润 10.1097/00003086-199801000-00005
  1. Kaplan FS, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Pignolo RJ, Xu M, Zhang Y, Senitzer D, Forman SJ, Emerson SG, Hematopoietic stem cell contribution to ectopic skeletogenesis. J Bone Joint Surg 89: 347-357, 2007 造血干细胞对异位骨骼形成的贡献 10.2106/JBJS.F.00472
  1. Kaplan FS, Tabas J, Gannon FH, Finkel G, Hahn GV, Zasloff MA. The histopathology of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: an endochondral process. J Bone Joint Surg Am 75-A: 220-230, 1993 FOP的组织病理学:一种内源性骨化过程 10.2106/00004623-199302000-00009
  1. Lees-Shepard JB, Yamamoto M, Biswas AA, Stoessel SJ, Nicholas SE, Cogswell CA, Devarakonda PM, Schneider MJ Jr, Cummins SM, Legendre NP, Yamamoto S, Kaartinen V, Hunter JW, Goldhamer DJ. Activin-dependent signaling in fibro/adipogenic progenitors causes fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Nat Commun 9:471, 2018 在纤维/脂肪前体细胞中的激活素依赖性信号传导导致了FOP 10.1038/s41467-018-02872-2
  1. Lounev VY, Ramachandran R, Wosczyna MN, Yamamoto M, Maidment AD, Shore EM, Glaser DL, Goldhamer DJ, Kaplan FS. Identification of progenitor cells that contribute to heterotopic skeletogenesis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 91: 652-663, 2009 识别对异位骨骼生成有贡献的前体细胞 10.2106/JBJS.H.01177
  1. Wang H, Lindborg C, Lounev V, Kim JH, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Xu M, Mangivani L, Groppe JC, Shore EM, Schipani E, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cellular hypoxia promotes heterotopic ossification by amplifying BMP signaling. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1652-1665, 2016 细胞缺氧通过增强BMP信号促进异位骨化 10.1002/jbmr.2848
  1. Wosczyna MN, Biswas AA, Cogswell CA, Goldhamer DJ. Multipotent progenitors resident in the skeletal muscle interstitium exhibit robust BMP-dependent osteogenic activity and mediate heterotopic ossification. J Bone Miner Res 27: 1004-1017, 2012 驻留在骨骼肌间质中的多能前体细胞表现出强大的BMP依赖性成骨活性,并介导异位骨化 10.1002/jbmr.1562
  1. Pathology of FOP Lesions
    1. Early pre-osseous FOP lesions consist of an intense aggregation of mononuclear inflammatory cells including lymphocytes, macrophages, and mast cells in the perivascular spaces of edematous muscle (Gannon et al., 1998; Gannon et al., 2001). Mast cells, macrophages, and cellular hypoxia play a direct role in the generation of FOP lesions (Wang et al., 2016; Convente et al., 2018). Following the catabolic phase of muscle cell death, a highly anabolic fibroproliferative phase (often mistaken for aggressive juvenile fibromatosis) consists, in part, of Sca1+/PDGFRα+/Tie2+/CD34- fibroadipogenic progenitor (FAP) cells that differentiate through an endochondral pathway into mature heterotopic bone (Kaplan et al.,1993; Lounev et al., 2009; Wosczyna et al., 2012; Lees-Shepard et al., 2018).
      Convente MR, Chakkalakal SA, Yang E, Caron RJ, Zhang D, Kambayashi T, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Depletion of Mast cells and macrophages impairs heterotopic ossification in an ACVR1 (R206H) mouse model of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 33: 269-282, 2018
      Gannon FH, Glaser D, Caron R, Thompson LDR, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Mast cell involvement in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Hum Pathol 32: 842-848, 2001
      Gannon FH, Valentine BA, Shore EM, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Acute lymphocytic infiltration in an extremely early lesion of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop 346: 19-25, 1998
      Kaplan FS, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Pignolo RJ, Xu M, Zhang Y, Senitzer D, Forman SJ, Emerson SG, Hematopoietic stem cell contribution to ectopic skeletogenesis. J Bone Joint Surg 89: 347-357, 2007
      Kaplan FS, Tabas J, Gannon FH, Finkel G, Hahn GV, Zasloff MA. The histopathology of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: an endochondral process. J Bone Joint Surg Am 75-A: 220-230, 1993
      Lees-Shepard JB, Yamamoto M, Biswas AA, Stoessel SJ, Nicholas SE, Cogswell CA, Devarakonda PM, Schneider MJ Jr, Cummins SM, Legendre NP, Yamamoto S, Kaartinen V, Hunter JW, Goldhamer DJ. Activin-dependent signaling in fibro/adipogenic progenitors causes fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Nat Commun 9:471, 2018
      Lounev VY, Ramachandran R, Wosczyna MN, Yamamoto M, Maidment AD, Shore EM, Glaser DL, Goldhamer DJ, Kaplan FS. Identification of progenitor cells that contribute to heterotopic skeletogenesis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 91: 652-663, 2009
      Wang H, Lindborg C, Lounev V, Kim JH, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Xu M, Mangivani L, Groppe JC, Shore EM, Schipani E, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cellular hypoxia promotes heterotopic ossification by amplifying BMP signaling. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1652-1665, 2016
      Wosczyna MN, Biswas AA, Cogswell CA, Goldhamer DJ. Multipotent progenitors resident in the skeletal muscle interstitium exhibit robust BMP-dependent osteogenic activity and mediate heterotopic ossification. J Bone Miner Res 27: 1004-1017, 2012

6. FOP的实验室研究

  • 血清前列腺素(serum prostanoids)
  • 尿液中的基础成纤维生长因子(urinary basic fibroblast growth factor)
  • 来源于软骨的视黄酸蛋白(cartilage-derived retinoic acid protein, CD-RAP)
  • 碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase)
在一项病例对照研究中,研究人员使用了一组精心收集和整理的血浆样本,该样本包括40名具有经典ACVR1 R206H突变的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者和40名按年龄和性别匹配的对照组。研究人员报告通过对113种血浆可溶性分析物的多重分析,鉴定出了与FOP相关的疾病生物标志物以及与急性发作相关的生物标志物。与进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)基因型高度相关的生物标志物包括:脂联素(Adiponectin)(与缺氧、炎症和异位骨化有关)和十铃蛋白C(tenascin-C)(一种通过TLR4通路激活先天免疫信号的内源性激活物,以及肽酶-7的底物);而肽酶-7(kallikrein-7)则与急性发作状态高度相关。尽管这些发现需要进一步的研究,但血浆溶解生物标志物为进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)提供了支持,表明该疾病活动的急性炎症阶段与基因型背景下的慢性炎症相重叠。
  1. Kaplan FS, Sawyer J, Connors S, Keough K, Shore E, Gannon F, Glaser D, Rocke D, Zasloff M, Folkman J. Urinary basic fibroblast growth factor: a biochemical marker for preosseous fibroproliferative lesions in patients with FOP. Clin Orthop 346: 59-65, 1998 尿基成纤维生长因子:FOP患者预骨性纤维增生病变的生化标志物 10.1097/00003086-199801000-00010
  1. Lindborg CM, Brennan TA, Wang H, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cartilage-derived retinoic acid-sensitive protein (CD-RAP): A stage-specific biomarker of heterotopic endochondral bone ossification (HEO) in fibrodysplasia ossification progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 153-157, 2018 软骨来源的视黄酸敏感蛋白(CD-RAP):FOP中异位内源骨化(HEO)的阶段特异性生物标志物 10.1016/j.bone.2017.09.016
  1. Pignolo RJ, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Wang H, Qiu S, Hunter J, Barr S, He K, Zhang H, Kaplan FS. Plasma‐Soluble Biomarkers for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) Reflect Acute and Chronic Inflammatory States. J Bone Miner Res 37: 475-483, 2022 FOP的血溶解生物标志物反映了急性和慢性炎症的状态 10.1002/jbmr.4492
  1. Laboratory Findings in FOP
    1. Routine biochemical studies are usually normal, although serum prostanoids, urinary basic fibroblast growth factor, cartilage-derived retinoic acid protein (CD-RAP), and alkaline phosphatase levels may be increased during the inflammatory, fibroproliferative, chondrogenic, and osteogenic phases of flare-ups, respectively (Kaplan et al., 1998; Lindborg et al., 2018). Elevated numbers of circulating osteoprogenitor cells have been noted during early flare-ups.
      In a case-control study, using a carefully collected and curated set of plasma samples from 40 FOP patients with the classic ACVR1 R206H mutation and 40 age- and sex-matched controls, investigators reported the identification of disease-related and flare-up-associated biomarkers of FOP using a multiplex analysis of 113 plasma-soluble analytes. Adiponectin (implicated in hypoxia, inflammation, and heterotopic ossification) as well as tenascin-C (an endogenous activator of innate immune signaling through the TLR4 pathway and a substrate for kallikrein-7) were highly correlated with FOP genotype, while kallikrein-7 was highly correlated with acute flare-up status. Although these findings require further study, plasma-soluble biomarkers for FOP support a flare-up-related acute inflammatory phase of disease activity superimposed on a genotypic background of chronic inflammation (Pignolo, McCarrick-Walmsley et al., 2022).
      Kaplan FS, Sawyer J, Connors S, Keough K, Shore E, Gannon F, Glaser D, Rocke D, Zasloff M, Folkman J. Urinary basic fibroblast growth factor: a biochemical marker for preosseous fibroproliferative lesions in patients with FOP. Clin Orthop 346: 59-65, 1998
      Lindborg CM, Brennan TA, Wang H, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cartilage-derived retinoic acid-sensitive protein (CD-RAP): A stage-specific biomarker of heterotopic endochondral bone ossification (HEO) in fibrodysplasia ossification progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 153-157, 2018
      Pignolo RJ, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Wang H, Qiu S, Hunter J, Barr S, He K, Zhang H, Kaplan FS. PlasmaSoluble Biomarkers for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) Reflect Acute and Chronic Inflammatory States. J Bone Miner Res 37: 475-483, 2022

7. FOP的病因和病理

全基因组连锁分析将进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的致病基因定位到第2号染色体的q23-24区域,该区域包含激活素A受体1型(ACVR1)基因,该基因编码一种BMP(骨形态发生蛋白)类型的1型受体。在所有具有经典特征的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者中,发现了一种反复出现的杂合性错义突变(c.617G>A; p.R206H),该突变位于ACVR1基因的甘氨酸-丝氨酸(GS)激活区。这确立了该基因的突变是FOP的决定性原因,并使得分子确认成为可能。一种“基因敲入”小鼠模型被用来确认这个单核苷酸替换(突变)足以引发与进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)相关的所有特征。
来自进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者的结缔组织前体细胞在基础状态和配体刺激下,表现出BMP信号通路信号传导的失调,这种现象在体外和体内的FOP模型中也是特征性的。ACVR1 R206H突变通过调节BMP信号通路导致进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP),这主要是通过以下几种机制:独立于配体的受体激活,对BMP配体的过度反应,以及对通常具有拮抗作用的配体Activin A的反应。在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)中,ACVR1受体能够在缺乏正常所需的I型受体伴侣的情况下进行信号传导,并且对GS(甘氨酸-丝氨酸)结构域中的丝氨酸/苏氨酸磷酸化位点的要求减少,这进一步表明了ACVR1受体激活的正常调节约束的丧失。Ramachandran及其同事表示,ACVR1 R206H的致病性信号传导主要是通过依赖Activin A的受体聚集来介导的,这种聚集会诱导突变受体的自我激活。
此外,早期的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)病变通过一种细胞内的、与配体无关的HIF-1α机制显著增强了BMP信号通路的信号传导,从而确立了细胞缺氧作为刺激和放大FOP病变的一个核心机制。最近的研究还表明,ACVR1 R206H FOP突变改变了在异位骨化过程中对机械刺激的感知和组织的硬度,并且ACVR1 R206H突变在诱导异位骨形成的同时,妨碍了异位骨化发生部位的骨骼肌再生。
哺乳动物骨骼中关节的发育依赖于多种相互作用的信号通路的精确调控,其中包括骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)通路,这是一种关节发育、数字模式形成、骨骼生长和软骨生成的关键调节因子。在小鼠FOP模型中,Towler及其同事表示,Acvr1R206H突变导致的Acvr1介导的信号增加的影响不仅限于第一指,而是改变了BMP信号通路、Gdf5+关节祖细胞的位置,以及关节的发育,从而在胚胎发育过程中以不同方式影响各个手指。Acvr1 R206H突变导致手指的关节特征和分裂的延迟和干扰,同时也改变了在关节形态发生部位的软骨和内源性骨化的发育。这些发现显示了ACVR1介导的BMP信号在关节和骨骼形成调控中的重要作用,表明在预期的关节间隙中未能限制BMP信号与关节分裂失败之间存在直接联系,并且暗示ACVR1 R206H突变与关节发育受损有关。
  1. Allen, RS, Tajer B, Shore EM, and Mullins MC. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva mutant ACVR1 signals by multiple modalities in the developing zebrafish. eLife 9:e53761, 2020 FOP突变ACVR1在发育中的斑马鱼中以多种方式进行信号传递 10.7554/eLife.53761
  1. Allen, RS, Jones WD, Hale M, Warder BN Shore EM, and Mullins MC. Reduced GS Domain Serine/Threonine Requirements of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Mutant Type I BMP Receptor ACVR1 in the Zebrafish. J Bone Miner Res 38: 1364-1385, 2023 FOP突变I型BMP受体ACVR1在斑马鱼中降低了对GS结构域丝氨酸/苏氨酸的功能或活性上的必要性 10.1002/jbmr.4869
  1. Barruet E, Garcia SM, Wu J, Morales BM, Tamaki S, Moody T, Pomerantz JH, Hsiao EC. Modeling the ACVR1 R206H mutation in human skeletal muscle stem cells. eLife 2021 Nov 10;10:e66107 在人类骨骼肌干细胞中模拟ACVR1 R206H突变 10.7554/eLife.66107
  1. Billings PC, Fiori JL, Bentwood JL, O'Connell MP, Jiao X, Nussbaum B, Caron RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Dysregulated BMP signaling and enhanced osteogenic differentiation of connective tissue progenitor cells from patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). J Bone Miner Res 23: 305-313, 2008 来自FOP患者的结缔组织祖细胞中失调的BMP通路信号及其增强的成骨分化 10.1359/jbmr.071030
  1. Chaikuad A, Alfano I, Kerr G, Santivale CE, Boergermann JH, Triffitt JT, von Delft F, Knapp S, Knaus P, Bullock AN. Structure of the bone morphogenetic protein receptor ALK2 and implications for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Biol Chem 287: 36990-36998, 2012 骨形态发生蛋白受体ALK2的结构及其对FOP的影响 10.1074/jbc.M112.365932
  1. Chakkalakal SA, Zhang D, Culbert AL, Convente MR, Caron RJ, Wright AC, Maidment AD, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. An Acvr1 Knock-in mouse has fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 27: 1746-1756, 2012 Acvr1敲入小鼠表现出进行性骨化性纤维发育不良 10.1002/jbmr.1637
  1. Couzin J. Bone disease gene finally found. Science 312: 514-515, 2006 终于找到骨骼的致病基因 10.1126/SCIENCE.312.5773.514B
  1. Culbert AL, Chakkalakal SA, Theosmy EG, Brennan TA, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Alk2 regulates early chondrogenic fate in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva heterotopic endochondral ossification. Stem Cells 32: 1289-1300, 2014 ALK2在FOP异位骨化中的早期软骨形成过程的调控 10.1002/stem.1633
  1. Groppe JC, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Functional modeling of the ACVR1 (R206H) mutation in FOP. Clin Orthop Relat Res 462: 87-92, 2007 在FOP中ACVR1 (R206H)突变的功能性建模 10.1097/BLO.0b013e318126c049
  1. Groppe JC, Wu J, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. In vitro analysis of dysregulated R206H ALK2 kinase-FKBP12 interaction associated with heterotopic ossification in FOP. Cells Tissues Organs 194: 291-295, 2011 与FOP中异位骨化相关的失调R206H ALK2激酶与FKBP12之间相互作用的实验室体外分析 10.1159/000324230
  1. Hatsell SJ, Idone V, Wolken DM, Huang L, Kim HJ, Wang L, Wen X, Nannuru KC, Jimenez J, Xie L, Das N, Makhoul G, Chernomorsky R, D’Ambrosio D, Corpina RA, Schoenherr CJ, Feeley K, Yu PB, Yancopoulos GD, Murphy AJ, Economides AN. ACVR1(R206H) receptor mutation causes fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva by imparting responsiveness to activin A. Sci Transl Med 7(303)ra137, 2015 ACVR1(R206H)受体突变通过赋予对Activin A的响应性导致FOP 10.1126/scitranslmed.aac4358
  1. Haupt J, Xu M, Shore EM. Variable signaling activity by FOP ACVR1 mutations. Bone 109: 232-240, 2018 FOP的ACVR1突变信号活性可变 10.1016/j.bone.2017.10.027
  1. Haupt J, Stanley A, McLeod CM, Cosgrove BD, Culbert AL, Wang L, Mourkioti F, Mauck RL, Shore EM. ACVR1 R206H FOP mutation alters mechanosensing and tissue stiffness during heterotopic ossification. Mol Biol Cell 30: 17-29, 2019 FOP的ACVR1 R206H突变在异位骨化过程中改变机械感知和组织刚度 10.1091/mbc.E18-05-0311
  1. Hino K, Ikeya M, Horigome K, Matsumoto Y, Ebise H, Nishio M, Sekiguchi K, Shibata M, Nagata S, Matsuda S, Toguchida J. Neofunction of ACVR1 in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112: 15438-15443, 2015 ACVR1在FOP中的新功能 10.1073/pnas.1510540112
  1. Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. The FOP metamorphogene encodes a novel type I receptor that dysregulates BMP signaling. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 20: 399-407, 2009b FOP突变基因编码一种新型I型受体,导致BMP信号失调 10.1016/j.cytogfr.2009.10.006
  1. Kaplan FS, Tabas JA, Zasloff MA. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: A clue from the fly? Calcif Tiss Int 47: 117-125, 1990 FOP:来自果蝇的线索? 10.1007/BF02555995
  1. Kaplan FS, Xu M, Seemann P, Connor M, Glaser DL, Carroll L, Delai, P, Fastnact-Urban E, Forman SJ, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Hoover-Fong J, Köster B, Morhart R, Pauli RM, Reardon W, Zaidi SA, Zasloff M, Mundlos S, Groppe J, Shore EM. Classical and atypical FOP phenotypes are caused by mutations in the BMP type I receptor ACVR1. Human Mutation 30: 379-390, 2009a 经典和非典型FOP表型由BMP I型受体ACVR1的突变引起 10.1002/humu.20868
  1. Ramachandran A, Mehić M, Wasim L, Malinova D, Gori I, Blaszczyk BK, Carvalho DM, Shore EM, Jones C, Hyvönen M, Tolar P, Hill CS. Pathogenic ACVR1 R206H activation by Activin A-induced receptor clustering and autophosphorylation. EMBO J 2021 Jul 15;40(14):e106317. 由Activin A诱导的受体聚集和自磷酸化导致致病性ACVR1 R206H的激活 10.15252/embj.2020106317
  1. Shen Q, Little SC, Xu M, Haupt J, Ast C, Katagiri T, Mundlos S, Seemann P, Kaplan FS, Mullins MC, Shore EM. The fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva R206H ACVR1 mutation activates BMP-independent chondrogenesis and zebrafish embargo ventralization. J Clin Invest 119: 3462-3472, 2009 FOP R206H ACVR1突变激活了与BMP无关的软骨形成和斑马鱼的胚胎腹侧化 10.1172/JCI37412
  1. Shore EM, Xu M, Feldman GJ, Fenstermacher DA, Cho T-J, Choi IH, Connor JM, Delai P, Glaser DL, Le Merrer M, Morhart R, Rogers JG, Smith R, Triffitt JT, Urtizberea JA, Zasloff M, Brown MA, Kaplan FS. A recurrent mutation in the BMP type I receptor ACVR1 causes inherited and sporadic fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Nature Genetics 38: 525-527, 2006 BMP I型受体ACVR1中的复发性突变导致遗传性和散发性的FOP 10.1038/ng1783
  1. Stanley A, Heo SJ, Mauck RL, Mourkioti F, Shore EM. Elevated BMP and Mechanical Signaling Through YAP1/RhoA Poises FOP Mesenchymal Progenitors for Osteogenesis. J Bone Miner Res 34: 1894-1909, 2019 增强的BMP信号和机械信号通过YAP1/RhoA通路,使FOP中的间充质前体细胞更易于进行骨生成 10.1002/jbmr.3760
  1. Stanley, A., E.D. Tichy, J. Kocan, D.W. Roberts, E.M. Shore, F. Mourkioti. Dynamics of skeletal muscleresident stem cells during myogenesis in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. npj Regenerative Medicine 7(1);5, 2022 FOP中骨骼肌驻留干细胞在肌肉生成过程中的动态变化 10.1038/s41536-021-00201-8
  1. Towler OW, Peck SH, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Dysregulated BMP signaling through ACVR1 impairs digit joint development in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Dev Biol 470: 136-146, 2021 由于ACVR1的BMP信号失调阻碍了FOP的趾关节发育 10.1016/j.ydbio.2020.11.004
  1. van Dinther M, Visser N, de Gorter DJJ, Doorn J, Goumans M-J, de Boer J, ten Dijke P. ALK2 R206H mutation linked to fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva confers constitutive activity to the BMP type I receptor and sensitizes mesenchymal cells to BMP-induced osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. J Bone Miner Res 25: 1208-1215, 2010 与FOP相关的ALK2 R206H突变赋予BMP I型受体的构成活性,并使间充质细胞对BMP诱导的成骨细胞分化和骨形成敏感 10.1359/jbmr.091110
  1. Wang H, Lindborg C, Lounev V, Kim JH, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Xu M, Mangivani L, Groppe JC, Shore EM, Schipani E, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cellular hypoxia promotes heterotopic ossification by amplifying BMP signaling. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1652-1665, 2016 细胞缺氧通过放大BMP信号促进异位骨化
  1. Wang H, Shore EM, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Activin A amplifies dysregulated BMP signaling and induced chondro-osseous differentiation of primary connective tissue progenitor cells in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 218-224, 2018 Activin A放大失调的BMP信号并诱导进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者初级结缔组织祖细胞的软骨-骨分化
  1. Etiology & Pathogenesis of FOP
    1. Early observations in flies and vertebrates led to the hypothesis that the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathway was dysregulated in FOP (Kaplan et al., 1990). In fact, the BMP signaling pathway is highly dysregulated in FOP. FOP cells over-express BMP4, cannot up-regulate expression of multiple BMP antagonists in response to a BMP challenge, and exhibit a defect in BMP receptor internalization with increased activation of downstream targets, suggesting that altered BMP receptor signaling participates in HO formation in FOP (reviewed in Kaplan et al., 2009b).
      Genome-wide linkage analysis localized the causative gene for FOP to chromosome 2q23-24, a locus containing the Activin A receptor, type 1 (ACVR1) gene encoding a BMP type 1 receptor. A recurrent heterozygous missense mutation (c.617G>A; p.R206H) in the glycine-serine (GS) activation domain of ACVR1 was identified in all affected individuals with classic features of either sporadic or inherited FOP, establishing mutation of this gene as the definitive cause of FOP and making molecular confirmation possible (Shore et al., 2006; Couzin, 2006; Kaplan et al., 2009a). A knock-in mouse model was used to confirm that this single nucleotide substitution is sufficient to induce all features associated with FOP (Chakkalakal et al., 2012).
      Protein modeling predicted destabilization of the GS domain, consistent with enhanced activation of ACVR1 signaling as the underlying pathogenesis of the ectopic chondrogenesis, osteogenesis, and joint fusion of FOP (Shore et al., 2006; Groppe et al., 2007; Shen et al., 2009; van Dinther et al., 2010; Chaikaud et al., 2012; Culbert et al., 2014). The GS domain is a specific binding site for FKBP12, a highly conserved inhibitory protein that prevents leaky activation of type I receptors in the absence of ligand. ACVR1 (R206H) interacts less with FKBP12 in the absence of BMP, suggesting this impaired FKBP12-ACVR1 interaction contributes in part to BMP-independent pathway signaling (Shen et al., 2009; Groppe et al., 2011).
      Basal and ligand-stimulated dysregulation of BMP pathway signaling are characteristic of connective tissue progenitor cells from FOP patients, and in vitro and in vivo FOP models. ACVR1 R206H causes FOP through dysregulation of the BMP signaling pathway, in part, by receptor activation independently of ligands, but also by being hyper-responsive to BMP ligands, and by responding to the normally antagonistic ligand Activin A (Billings et al., 2008; Shen et al., 2009; Culbert et al., 2014; Hatsell et al., 2015; Hino et al., 2015; Haupt et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018; Allen et al., 2020). In addition, FOP ACVR1 signals in the absence of a normally required type I receptor partner and has reduced GS domain serine/threonine phosphorylation site requirements, further demonstrating the loss of normal regulatory constraints on ACVR1 receptor activation (Allen et al., 2020; Allen et al., 2023). Ramachandran and colleagues showed that pathogenic signaling of ACVR1 R206H is mediated predominantly by Activin A-dependent receptor clustering, which induces auto-activation of the mutant receptor (Ramachandran et al., 2021).
      Additionally, early FOP lesions dramatically amplify BMP pathway signaling through an intracellular ligand-independent HIF-1α mechanism thus establishing cellular hypoxia as a central mechanism for the stimulation and amplification of FOP lesions (Wang et al., 2016). Recent studies also show that the ACVR1 R206H FOP mutation alters mechanosensing and tissue stiffness during heterotopic ossification (Haupt et al., 2019; Stanley et al., 2019), and that in parallel with inducing ectopic bone formation, ACVR1 R206H impairs regeneration of the skeletal muscle where HO forms (Barruet et al., 2021; Stanley et al., 2022).
      The development of joints in the mammalian skeleton depends on the precise regulation of multiple interacting signaling pathways including the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathway, a key regulator of joint development, digit patterning, skeletal growth, and chondrogenesis. In murine models of FOP, Towler and colleagues showed that the effects of increased Acvr1-mediated signaling by the Acvr1R206H mutation are not limited to the first digit but alter BMP signaling, localization of Growth Differentiation Factor-5 (Gdf5+) joint progenitor cells, and joint development in a manner that differently affects individual digits during embryogenesis. The Acvr1 R206H mutation leads to delayed and disrupted joint specification and cleavage in the digits and also alters the development of cartilage and endochondral ossification at sites of joint morphogenesis. These findings demonstrate an important role for ACVR1mediated BMP signaling in the regulation of joint and skeletal formation, show a direct link between failure to restrict BMP signaling in the digit joint interzone and failure of joint cleavage at the presumptive interzone, and implicate ACVR1 R206H in impaired joint development (Towler, Peck, Kaplan, Shore, 2021).
      Allen, RS, Tajer B, Shore EM, and Mullins MC. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva mutant ACVR1 signals by multiple modalities in the developing zebrafish. eLife 9:e53761, 2020
      Allen, RS, Jones WD, Hale M, Warder BN Shore EM, and Mullins MC. Reduced GS Domain Serine/Threonine Requirements of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Mutant Type I BMP Receptor ACVR1 in the Zebrafish. J Bone Miner Res 38: 1364-1385, 2023
      Barruet E, Garcia SM, Wu J, Morales BM, Tamaki S, Moody T, Pomerantz JH, Hsiao EC. Modeling the ACVR1 R206H mutation in human skeletal muscle stem cells. eLife 2021 Nov 10;10:e66107
      Billings PC, Fiori JL, Bentwood JL, O'Connell MP, Jiao X, Nussbaum B, Caron RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Dysregulated BMP signaling and enhanced osteogenic differentiation of connective tissue progenitor cells from patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). J Bone Miner Res 23: 305-313, 2008
      Chaikuad A, Alfano I, Kerr G, Santivale CE, Boergermann JH, Triffitt JT, von Delft F, Knapp S, Knaus P, Bullock AN. Structure of the bone morphogenetic protein receptor ALK2 and implications for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Biol Chem 287: 36990-36998, 2012
      Chakkalakal SA, Zhang D, Culbert AL, Convente MR, Caron RJ, Wright AC, Maidment AD, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. An Acvr1 Knock-in mouse has fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 27: 1746-1756, 2012
      Couzin J. Bone disease gene finally found. Science 312: 514-515, 2006
      Culbert AL, Chakkalakal SA, Theosmy EG, Brennan TA, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Alk2 regulates early chondrogenic fate in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva heterotopic endochondral ossification. Stem Cells 32: 1289-1300, 2014
      Groppe JC, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Functional modeling of the ACVR1 (R206H) mutation in FOP. Clin Orthop Relat Res 462: 87-92, 2007
      Groppe JC, Wu J, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. In vitro analysis of dysregulated R206H ALK2 kinase-FKBP12 interaction associated with heterotopic ossification in FOP. Cells Tissues Organs 194: 291-295, 2011
      Hatsell SJ, Idone V, Wolken DM, Huang L, Kim HJ, Wang L, Wen X, Nannuru KC, Jimenez J, Xie L, Das N, Makhoul G, Chernomorsky R, D’Ambrosio D, Corpina RA, Schoenherr CJ, Feeley K, Yu PB, Yancopoulos GD, Murphy AJ, Economides AN. ACVR1(R206H) receptor mutation causes fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva by imparting responsiveness to activin A. Sci Transl Med 7(303)ra137, 2015
      Haupt J, Xu M, Shore EM. Variable signaling activity by FOP ACVR1 mutations. Bone 109: 232-240, 2018
      Haupt J, Stanley A, McLeod CM, Cosgrove BD, Culbert AL, Wang L, Mourkioti F, Mauck RL, Shore EM. ACVR1 R206H FOP mutation alters mechanosensing and tissue stiffness during heterotopic ossification. Mol Biol Cell 30: 17-29, 2019
      Hino K, Ikeya M, Horigome K, Matsumoto Y, Ebise H, Nishio M, Sekiguchi K, Shibata M, Nagata S, Matsuda S, Toguchida J. Neofunction of ACVR1 in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112: 15438-15443, 2015
      Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. The FOP metamorphogene encodes a novel type I receptor that dysregulates BMP signaling. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 20: 399-407, 2009b
      Kaplan FS, Tabas JA, Zasloff MA. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: A clue from the fly? Calcif Tiss Int 47: 117-125, 1990
      Kaplan FS, Xu M, Seemann P, Connor M, Glaser DL, Carroll L, Delai, P, Fastnact-Urban E, Forman SJ, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Hoover-Fong J, Köster B, Morhart R, Pauli RM, Reardon W, Zaidi SA, Zasloff M, Mundlos S, Groppe J, Shore EM. Classical and atypical FOP phenotypes are caused by mutations in the BMP type I receptor ACVR1. Human Mutation 30: 379-390, 2009a
      Ramachandran A, Mehić M, Wasim L, Malinova D, Gori I, Blaszczyk BK, Carvalho DM, Shore EM, Jones C, Hyvönen M, Tolar P, Hill CS. Pathogenic ACVR1 R206H activation by Activin A-induced receptor clustering and autophosphorylation. EMBO J 2021 Jul 15;40(14):e106317.
      Shen Q, Little SC, Xu M, Haupt J, Ast C, Katagiri T, Mundlos S, Seemann P, Kaplan FS, Mullins MC, Shore EM. The fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva R206H ACVR1 mutation activates BMP-independent chondrogenesis and zebrafish embargo ventralization. J Clin Invest 119: 3462-3472, 2009
      Shore EM, Xu M, Feldman GJ, Fenstermacher DA, Cho T-J, Choi IH, Connor JM, Delai P, Glaser DL, Le Merrer M, Morhart R, Rogers JG, Smith R, Triffitt JT, Urtizberea JA, Zasloff M, Brown MA, Kaplan FS. A recurrent mutation in the BMP type I receptor ACVR1 causes inherited and sporadic fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Nature Genetics 38: 525-527, 2006
      Stanley A, Heo SJ, Mauck RL, Mourkioti F, Shore EM. Elevated BMP and Mechanical Signaling Through YAP1/RhoA Poises FOP Mesenchymal Progenitors for Osteogenesis. J Bone Miner Res 34: 1894-1909, 2019
      Stanley, A., E.D. Tichy, J. Kocan, D.W. Roberts, E.M. Shore, F. Mourkioti. Dynamics of skeletal muscleresident stem cells during myogenesis in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. npj Regenerative Medicine 7(1);5, 2022
      Towler OW, Peck SH, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Dysregulated BMP signaling through ACVR1 impairs digit joint development in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Dev Biol 470: 136-146, 2021
      van Dinther M, Visser N, de Gorter DJJ, Doorn J, Goumans M-J, de Boer J, ten Dijke P. ALK2 R206H mutation linked to fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva confers constitutive activity to the BMP type I receptor and sensitizes mesenchymal cells to BMP-induced osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. J Bone Miner Res 25: 1208-1215, 2010
      Wang H, Lindborg C, Lounev V, Kim JH, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Xu M, Mangivani L, Groppe JC, Shore EM, Schipani E, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cellular hypoxia promotes heterotopic ossification by amplifying BMP signaling. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1652-1665, 2016
      Wang H, Shore EM, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Activin A amplifies dysregulated BMP signaling and induced chondro-osseous differentiation of primary connective tissue progenitor cells in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 218-224, 2018

8. FOP中大脚趾畸形的发育分子生物学

在研究ACVR1介导的BMP(骨形态发生蛋白)信号在指骨发育中的作用时,使用了一种模仿人类FOP(进行性骨化性纤维发育不良)第一指(大拇指)表型的小鼠模型。研究者通过这个模型发现,由Acvr1 R206H突变引起的信号增强作用并不仅仅局限于第一指,还影响其他手指或脚趾的发育。在胚胎发育过程中,改变的BMP信号、Gdf5(生长分化因子5)关节前体细胞的定位以及关节发育,以影响单个手指的方式发生变化。Acvr1 R206H突变对指关节发育的影响,具体描述了该突变如何导致关节的形成和分化过程出现延迟和紊乱,并进一步影响软骨和内软骨化的发育。
  1. Towler OW, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. The Developmental Phenotype of the Great Toe in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020;8:612853, 2020 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中大脚趾的发育表型。
  1. Towler OW, Peck SH, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Dysregulated BMP signaling through ACVR1 impairs digit joint development in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Dev Biol 470: 136-146, 2021 通过ACVR1失调的BMP信号影响进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)中的指关节发育。
  1. Towler OW, Shore EM. BMP signaling and skeletal development in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Dev Dyn 251: 164-177, 2022 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)中的BMP信号与骨骼发育。
  1. The Developmental Molecular Biology of the Great Toe Malformation in FOP
Children with FOP characteristically exhibit malformation of their great toes at birth, indicating that the ACVR1 mutation acts during embryonic development to alter skeletal formation. The great toes are associated with decreased joint mobility, shortened digit length, and absent, fused, and/or malformed phalanges. Despite the high prevalence of the great toe malformation in the FOP population, it has received relatively little attention due to its clinically benign nature.
Towler et al. (2020) examined radiographs from a cohort of 41 FOP patients ranging from 2 months to 48 years of age to provide a detailed analysis of the developmental features, progression, and variability of the great toe malformation of FOP, which include absent skeletal structures, malformed epiphyses, ectopic ossification centers, malformed first metatarsals and phalangeal fusion.
In order to elucidate the role of ACVR1-mediated BMP signaling in digit skeletal development, Towler et al. (2021) used an FOP knock-in mouse model that mimics the first digit phenotype of human FOP and determined that the effects of increased Acvr1-mediated signaling by the Acvr1 R206H mutation are not limited to the first digit. Altered BMP signaling, Growth Differentiation Factor-5 (Gdf5) joint progenitor cell localization, and joint development occur in a manner that affects individual digits during embryogenesis. The Acvr1 R206H mutation leads to delayed and disrupted joint specification and cleavage in the digits and alters the development of cartilage and endochondral ossification at sites of joint morphogenesis.
These findings demonstrate an important role for ACVR1-mediated BMP signaling in the regulation of joint and skeletal formation, show a direct link between failure to restrict BMP signaling in the digit joint interzone and failure of joint cleavage at the presumptive interzone, and implicate impaired, digit-specific joint development as the proximal cause of digit malformation in FOP (Towler et al., 2021; Towler & Shore, 2022).
Towler OW, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. The Developmental Phenotype of the Great Toe in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020;8:612853, 2020
Towler OW, Peck SH, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Dysregulated BMP signaling through ACVR1 impairs digit joint development in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Dev Biol 470: 136-146, 2021
Towler OW, Shore EM. BMP signaling and skeletal development in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Dev Dyn 251: 164-177, 2022

9. 变异型FOP

所有具有典型FOP临床特征的患者(如大脚趾畸形和进行性骨化)在ACVR1的甘氨酸-丝氨酸激活区都有相同的杂合突变(c.617G>A; p.R206H),全球约97%的FOP患者都携带该突变。大约3%的FOP患者被发现具有与典型FOP相比不寻常的临床特征,最显著的是大脚趾畸形的严重程度有所增加或减少。这些具有“变异”临床表现的FOP患者在ACVR1基因中有新型的非R206H激活突变。已观察到某些ACVR1致病变异与进行性骨化(HO)发作年龄或胚胎骨骼发育之间存在基因型-表型的相关性。
  1. Haupt, J., M. Xu, and E.M. Shore. Variable signaling activity by FOP ACVR1 mutations. Bone 109: 232240, 2018 FOP ACVR1突变的信号活性变异。
  1. Huning I, Gillessen-Kaesbach G. Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: Clinical Course, Genetic Mutations and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations. Molec Syndromology 5: 201-211, 2014 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良:临床过程、遗传突变和基因型-表型相关性。
  1. Kaplan FS, Kobori JA, Orellana C, Calvo I, Rosello M, Martinez F, Lopez B, Xu M, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Groppe JC. Multi-system involvement in a severe variant of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (ACVR1c.772G>A; R258G): a report of two patients. Am J Med Genetic A 167: 2265-2271, 2015 在一种严重变异型进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(ACVR1 c.772G>A; R258G)中涉及多系统:两例患者的报告。
  1. Kaplan FS, Groppe JC, Xu M, Towler OW, Grunvald E, Kalunian K, Kallish S, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. An ACVR1 R375P pathogenic variant in two families with mild fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Am J Med Genet A 188: 806-817, 2022 在两例轻度进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的家庭中发现ACVR1 R375P致病变异。
  1. Kaplan FS, Xu M, Seemann P, Connor M, Glaser DL, Carroll L, Delai, P, Fastnact-Urban E, Forman SJ, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Hoover-Fong J, Köster B, Morhart R, Pauli RM, Reardon W, Zaidi SA, Zasloff M, Mundlos S, Groppe J, Shore EM. Classical and atypical FOP phenotypes are caused by mutations in the BMP type I receptor ACVR1. Human Mutation 30: 379-390, 2009 典型和非典型FOP表型是由BMP I型受体ACVR1的突变引起的。
  1. FOP Variants
All patients with classic clinical features of FOP (great toe malformations and progressive HO) have the same heterozygous mutation (c.617G>A; p.R206H) in the glycine-serine activation domain of ACVR1 (~97% of all FOP patients worldwide). Approximately 3% of FOP patients have been identified with clinical features unusual compared to classical FOP, most notably greater or lesser severity of the great toe malformations. These patients with “variant” clinical presentation of FOP have novel non-R206H activating mutations in the ACVR1 gene. Genotype-phenotype correlations have been observed between some ACVR1 pathogenic variants and the age of onset of HO or on embryonic skeletal development (Kaplan et al., 2009; Kaplan et al., 2015; Haupt et al., 2018; Kaplan et al., 2022; reviewed in Huning & Gillessen-Kaesbach, 2014). A more detailed discussion of FOP variants is found in Section V.
Haupt, J., M. Xu, and E.M. Shore. Variable signaling activity by FOP ACVR1 mutations. Bone 109: 232240, 2018
Huning I, Gillessen-Kaesbach G. Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: Clinical Course, Genetic Mutations and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations. Molec Syndromology 5: 201-211, 2014
Kaplan FS, Kobori JA, Orellana C, Calvo I, Rosello M, Martinez F, Lopez B, Xu M, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Groppe JC. Multi-system involvement in a severe variant of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (ACVR1c.772G>A; R258G): a report of two patients. Am J Med Genetic A 167: 2265-2271, 2015
Kaplan FS, Groppe JC, Xu M, Towler OW, Grunvald E, Kalunian K, Kallish S, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. An ACVR1 R375P pathogenic variant in two families with mild fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Am J Med Genet A 188: 806-817, 2022
Kaplan FS, Xu M, Seemann P, Connor M, Glaser DL, Carroll L, Delai, P, Fastnact-Urban E, Forman SJ, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Hoover-Fong J, Köster B, Morhart R, Pauli RM, Reardon W, Zaidi SA, Zasloff M, Mundlos S, Groppe J, Shore EM. Classical and atypical FOP phenotypes are caused by mutations in the BMP type I receptor ACVR1. Human Mutation 30: 379-390, 2009

10. 免疫系统与FOP

产后进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的发作强烈暗示存在一个潜在的免疫触发因素,涉及炎症和先天免疫系统。近期研究表明,肥大细胞、巨噬细胞、缺氧,以及经典和非经典TGFβ/BMP家族配体在放大突变ACVR1信号通路中发挥作用,从而导致FOP病变的形成和随后的骨化。刺激突变ACVR1信号的BMP和Activin配体在免疫系统中也具有重要的调控功能。来自FOP患者的巨噬细胞在M1样极化后显示出延长的炎性细胞因子产生和更高的Activin A产生,导致对额外的LPS刺激反应减弱,确认巨噬细胞是Activin A的来源,可能促使FOP中的异位骨化。
一项病例对照研究使用了一组经过仔细收集和整理的血浆样本,包括40名具有典型ACVR1 R206H突变的FOP患者和40名按年龄和性别匹配的对照组,报告了使用113种血浆可溶性分析物的多重分析识别FOP相关疾病和发作相关生物标志物。与FOP基因型高度相关的生物标志物包括脂联素(与缺氧、炎症和异位骨化有关)和tenascin-C(通过TLR4通路作为先天免疫信号的内源性激活剂以及kallikrein-7的底物),而kallikrein-7则与急性发作状态高度相关。FOP的血浆可溶性生物标志物支持疾病活动的急性炎症阶段与慢性炎症的基因型背景重叠。调节组织维持和修复的形态发生和免疫通路之间的相互作用确定了FOP潜在的有效治疗靶点。
Lounev等人最近报告了一名35岁健康男性(患者R),他有典型的先天性FOP大脚趾畸形以及经典的致病性ACVR1 R206H突变,但产后几乎没有异位骨化,并且运动能力几乎正常。作者提出假设,认为患者R缺乏足够的产后炎症刺激来引发异位骨化。对该患者及多种FOP小鼠模型的深入研究显示,MMP-9的缺乏使得FOP患者更具韧性,MMP-9在FOP的发病机制中起着重要作用,将炎症与异位骨化联系在一起。更重要的是,这些发现表明,单个患者的临床表型可能揭示出新的治疗策略。
  1. Barruet E, Morales BM, Cain CJ, Ton AN, Wentworth KL, Chan TV, Moody TA, Haks MC, Ottenhoff TH, Hellman J, Nakamura MC, Hsiao EC. NF-κB/MAPK activation underlies ACVR1-mediated inflammation in human heterotopic ossification. JCI Insight 2018 Nov 15;3(22). pii: 122958 NF-κB/MAPK激活是人类异位骨化中ACVR1介导的炎症基础
  1. Convente MR, Chakkalakal SA, Yang E, Caron RJ, Zhang D, Kambayashi T, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Depletion of mast cells and macrophages impairs heterotopic ossification in an ACVR1 (R206H) mouse model of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 33: 269-282, 2018 去除肥大细胞和巨噬细胞会损害ACVR1 (R206H)小鼠模型中进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的异位骨化
  1. Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. Granting immunity to FOP and catching heterotopic ossification in the Act. Semin Cell Dev Biol 49: 30-36, 2016 赋予FOP免疫并捕捉异位骨化的发生
  1. Lounev V, Groppe JC, Brewer N, Wentworth KL, Smith V, Xu M, Schomburg L, Bhargava P, Al Mukaddam M, Hsiao EC, Shore EM, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 deficiency confers resilience in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in a man and mice. J Bone Miner Res 39: 382-398, 2024 基质金属蛋白酶-9缺乏使得一名患者和小鼠在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中表现出韧性
  1. Matsuo K, Chavez RD, Barruet E, Hsiao EC. Inflammation in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva and other forms of heterotopic ossification. Curr Osteoporos Rep 17: 387-394, 2019 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良及其他形式的异位骨化中的炎症
  1. Matsuo K, Lepinski A, Chavez RD, Barruet E, Pereira A, Moody TA, Ton AN, Sharma A, Hellman J, Tomoda K, Nakamura MC, Hsiao EC. ACVR1 R206H extends inflammatory responses in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived macrophages. Bone 2021 Dec;153:116129 ACVR1 R206H延长了人源诱导多能干细胞衍生巨噬细胞的炎症反应
  1. Pignolo RJ, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Wang H, Qiu S, Hunter J, Barr S, He K, Zhang H, Kaplan FS. Plasma-Soluble Biomarkers for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) Reflect Acute and Chronic Inflammatory States. J Bone Miner Res 37: 475-483, 2022 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的血浆可溶性生物标志物反映了急性和慢性炎症状态
  1. Wang H, Behrens EM, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. ECSIT links TLR and BMP signaling in FOP connective tissue progenitor cells. Bone 109: 201-209, 2018 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的血浆可溶性生物标志物反映了急性和慢性炎症状态
  1. Wang H, Lindborg C, Lounev V, Kim JH, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Xu M, Mangivani L, Groppe JC, Shore EM, Schipani E, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cellular hypoxia promotes heterotopic ossification by amplifying BMP signaling. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1652-1665, 2016 细胞缺氧通过增强BMP信号促进异位骨化
  1. Wein MN, Yang Y. Actionable disease insights from bedside-to-bench investigation in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 39: 375-376, 2024 从床边到实验室研究中获得的可操作性疾病见解,针对进行性骨化性纤维发育不良
  1. The Immune System & FOP
    1. In all affected individuals, FOP is caused by a heterozygous missense gain-of-function variant in ACVR1. Loss of autoinhibition of the mutant receptor results in dysregulated BMP pathway signaling and is necessary for the myriad developmental features of FOP but may not be sufficient to induce the episodic flare-ups that lead to disabling post-natal HO and that are a hallmark of the disease. Evidence from all levels of investigation in humans and animal models strongly support that the innate immune system plays a key role in inducing episodes of HO.
      Post-natal FOP flare-ups strongly implicate an underlying immunological trigger involving inflammation and the innate immune system (reviewed in Kaplan et al., 2016; Matsuo et al., 2019). Recent studies implicate mast cells, macrophages and hypoxia as well as canonical and non-canonical TGFβ/BMP family ligands in the amplification of mutant ACVR1 signaling leading to the formation of FOP lesions and resultant HO (Kaplan et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2016; Convente et al., 2018). BMP and Activin ligands that stimulate mutant ACVR1 signaling also have critical regulatory functions in the immune system (reviewed in Kaplan et al., 2016; Barruet et al., 2018). Macrophages derived from patients with FOP show prolonged inflammatory cytokine production and higher Activin A production after M1-like polarization, resulting in dampened responses to additional LPS stimulation, identifying macrophages as a source of Activin A that may drive heterotopic ossification in FOP (Matsuo et al., 2021).
      A case-control study, using a carefully collected and curated set of plasma samples from 40 FOP patients with the classic ACVR1 R206H mutation and 40 age- and sex-matched controls, reported the identification of disease-related and flare-up-associated biomarkers of FOP using a multiplex analysis of 113 plasma-soluble analytes. Adiponectin (implicated in hypoxia, inflammation, and heterotopic ossification) as well as tenascin-C (an endogenous activator of innate immune signaling through the TLR4 pathway and a substrate for kallikrein-7) were highly correlated with FOP genotype, while kallikrein-7 was highly correlated with acute flare-up status. Plasma-soluble biomarkers for FOP support a flare-up-related acute inflammatory phase of disease activity superimposed on a genotypic background of chronic inflammation (Pignolo et al., 2022). Crosstalk between the morphogenetic and immunological pathways that regulate tissue maintenance and repair identifies potential robust therapeutic targets for FOP (Wang et al., 2018).
      Lounev et al. recently reported that an otherwise healthy 35-year-old man (patient-R) with the classic congenital great toe malformation of FOP and the canonical pathogenic ACVR1 R206H mutation had extreme paucity of post-natal heterotopic ossification and nearly normal mobility. The authors hypothesized that patient-R lacked a sufficient post-natal inflammatory trigger for heterotopic ossification. Extensive studies in the patient and in multiple mouse models of FOP revealed that deficiency of MMP-9 confers resilience in FOP, that MMP-9 orchestrates a critical role in the pathogenesis of FOP by linking inflammation to heterotopic ossification, and importantly illustrates that a single patient's clinical phenotype can unveil novel treatment strategies (Lounev et al., 2024; Wein & Yang, 2024).
      Barruet E, Morales BM, Cain CJ, Ton AN, Wentworth KL, Chan TV, Moody TA, Haks MC, Ottenhoff TH, Hellman J, Nakamura MC, Hsiao EC. NF-κB/MAPK activation underlies ACVR1-mediated inflammation in human heterotopic ossification. JCI Insight 2018 Nov 15;3(22). pii: 122958
      Convente MR, Chakkalakal SA, Yang E, Caron RJ, Zhang D, Kambayashi T, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Depletion of mast cells and macrophages impairs heterotopic ossification in an ACVR1 (R206H) mouse model of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 33: 269-282, 2018
      Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. Granting immunity to FOP and catching heterotopic ossification in the Act. Semin Cell Dev Biol 49: 30-36, 2016
      Lounev V, Groppe JC, Brewer N, Wentworth KL, Smith V, Xu M, Schomburg L, Bhargava P, Al Mukaddam M, Hsiao EC, Shore EM, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 deficiency confers resilience in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in a man and mice. J Bone Miner Res 39: 382-398, 2024
      Matsuo K, Chavez RD, Barruet E, Hsiao EC. Inflammation in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva and other forms of heterotopic ossification. Curr Osteoporos Rep 17: 387-394, 2019
      Matsuo K, Lepinski A, Chavez RD, Barruet E, Pereira A, Moody TA, Ton AN, Sharma A, Hellman J, Tomoda K, Nakamura MC, Hsiao EC. ACVR1 R206H extends inflammatory responses in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived macrophages. Bone 2021 Dec;153:116129
      Pignolo RJ, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Wang H, Qiu S, Hunter J, Barr S, He K, Zhang H, Kaplan FS. Plasma-Soluble Biomarkers for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) Reflect Acute and Chronic Inflammatory States. J Bone Miner Res 37: 475-483, 2022
      Wang H, Behrens EM, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. ECSIT links TLR and BMP signaling in FOP connective tissue progenitor cells. Bone 109: 201-209, 2018
      Wang H, Lindborg C, Lounev V, Kim JH, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Xu M, Mangivani L, Groppe JC, Shore EM, Schipani E, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cellular hypoxia promotes heterotopic ossification by amplifying BMP signaling. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1652-1665, 2016
      Wein MN, Yang Y. Actionable disease insights from bedside-to-bench investigation in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 39: 375-376, 2024

11. FOP的流行病学、遗传学和环境因素

进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)是人类最罕见的疾病之一。由于该病罕见且临床表现异质性,FOP的患病率估计受到了一定限制。美国进行了一项关于FOP患病率的研究,研究基于与三大FOP治疗中心(宾夕法尼亚大学、梅奥诊所或加州大学旧金山分校)的接触、国际进行性骨化性纤维发育不良协会(IFOPA)的会员名单,或IFOPA FOP登记处截至2020年7月22日的数据。研究结果表明,FOP的患病率高于通常引用的每百万0.5的数值。
  1. Baujat G, Choquet R, Bouée S, et al. Prevalence of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) in France: an estimate based on a record linkage of two national databases. Orphanet J Rare Dis 12:123, 2017 法国进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的患病率:基于两个国家数据库的记录链接的估计
  1. Connor JM, Evans DA. Genetic aspects of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Med Genet 19: 35-39, 1982 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的遗传学方面
  1. Hebela N, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Three pairs of monozygotic twins with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: the role of environment in the progression of heterotopic ossification. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 205-208, 2005 三对单卵双胞胎患有进行性骨化性纤维发育不良:环境在异位骨化进展中的作用
  1. Kaplan FS, McCluskey W, Hahn G, Tabas J, Muenke M, Zasloff MA. Genetic transmission of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg Am 75: 1214-1220, 1993 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的遗传传递
  1. Morales Piga A, Bachiller-Corral J, Trujillo-Tiebas MJ, Villaverde-Hueso A, Gamir-Gamir ML, AlonsoFerreira V, et al. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in Spain: epidemiological, clinical, and genetic aspects. Bone 51:748–755, 2012 西班牙的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良:流行病学、临床和遗传学方面
  1. Pignolo RJ, Hsiao EC, Baujat G, Lapidus D, Sherman A, Kaplan FS. Prevalence of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) in the United States: estimate from three treatment centers and a patient organization. Orphanet J Rare Dis 16:350, 2021 美国进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的患病率:来自三个治疗中心和一个患者组织的估计
  1. Rogers JG, Chase GA. Paternal age effect in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Med Genet 16: 147148, 1979 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中的父亲年龄效应
  1. Shore EM, Feldman GJ, Xu M, Kaplan FS. The genetics of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 201-204, 2005 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的遗传学
  1. Epidemiologic, Genetic, & Environmental Factors in FOP
    1. FOP is among the rarest of human afflictions (Connor & Evans, 1982; Morales Piga et al., 2012; Baujat et al., 2017). Prevalence estimates for FOP have been hindered by the rarity of the condition and the heterogeneity of disease presentation. A study of disease prevalence was conducted in the United States, based on contact with one of 3 major treatment centers for FOP (University of Pennsylvania, Mayo Clinic, or University of California San Francisco), the International Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Association (IFOPA) membership list, or the IFOPA FOP Registry through July 22, 2020. The results of the study suggested that the prevalence of FOP is higher than the often-cited value of 0.5 per million (Pignolo, Hsiao et al., 2021).
      All races are affected with FOP. There is no ethnic, racial, gender, or geographic predisposition. Autosomal dominant transmission with complete penetrance but variable expression is established. Inheritance can be from either mothers or fathers (Kaplan et al., 1993; Shore et al., 2005). Most cases arise as a result of a spontaneous new mutation (reviewed in Shore et al., 2005). A paternal age effect has been reported (Rogers & Chase, 1979). Maternal mosaicism may exist. Fewer than ten small families with multigenerational members with FOP are known worldwide. Phenotypic heterogeneity is observed (Shore et al., 2005).
      Both genetic and environmental factors affect the phenotype of FOP. A study of three pairs of monozygotic twins with FOP found that within each pair, congenital toe malformations were identical. However, postnatal HO varied greatly depending on life history and environmental exposure to viral illnesses and to soft tissue trauma. Genetic factors appear to be the key determinants during prenatal development while environmental factors strongly influence postnatal progression of HO (Hebela et al., 2005).
      Baujat G, Choquet R, Bouée S, et al. Prevalence of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) in France: an estimate based on a record linkage of two national databases. Orphanet J Rare Dis 12:123, 2017
      Connor JM, Evans DA. Genetic aspects of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Med Genet 19: 35-39, 1982
      Hebela N, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Three pairs of monozygotic twins with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: the role of environment in the progression of heterotopic ossification. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 205-208, 2005
      Kaplan FS, McCluskey W, Hahn G, Tabas J, Muenke M, Zasloff MA. Genetic transmission of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg Am 75: 1214-1220, 1993
      Morales Piga A, Bachiller-Corral J, Trujillo-Tiebas MJ, Villaverde-Hueso A, Gamir-Gamir ML, AlonsoFerreira V, et al. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in Spain: epidemiological, clinical, and genetic aspects. Bone 51:748–755, 2012
      Pignolo RJ, Hsiao EC, Baujat G, Lapidus D, Sherman A, Kaplan FS. Prevalence of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) in the United States: estimate from three treatment centers and a patient organization. Orphanet J Rare Dis 16:350, 2021
      Rogers JG, Chase GA. Paternal age effect in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Med Genet 16: 147148, 1979
      Shore EM, Feldman GJ, Xu M, Kaplan FS. The genetics of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 201-204, 2005

12. 基因检测与FOP

  1. Kaplan FS, Xu M, Glaser DL, Collins F, Connor M, Kitterman J, Sillence D, Zackai E, Ravitsky V, Zasloff M, Ganguly A, Shore EM. Early diagnosis of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Pediatrics 121: e1295e1300, 2008 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的早期诊断
  1. Genetic Testing & FOP
    1. Definitive genetic testing of FOP by DNA sequence analysis of the ACVR1 locus can confirm a diagnosis of FOP prior to the appearance of HO (Kaplan et al., 2008). Clinical suspicion of FOP early in life on the basis of malformed great toes can lead to early clinical diagnosis, confirmatory diagnostic genetic testing (if appropriate), and the avoidance of harmful diagnostic and treatment procedures. Clinicians should be aware of the early diagnostic signs of FOP - congenital malformation of the great toes and episodic soft tissue swelling even before the appearance of HO. This awareness should prompt genetic consultation and testing and the institution of assiduous precautions to prevent injury and iatrogenic harm.
      Kaplan FS, Xu M, Glaser DL, Collins F, Connor M, Kitterman J, Sillence D, Zackai E, Ravitsky V, Zasloff M, Ganguly A, Shore EM. Early diagnosis of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Pediatrics 121: e1295e1300, 2008

13. FOP的动物模型

  1. Allen, RS, Tajer B, Shore EM, and Mullins MC. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva mutant ACVR1 signals by multiple modalities in the developing zebrafish. eLife 9:e53761, 2020 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良突变的ACVR1在发育中的斑马鱼中通过多种方式进行信号传导
  1. Allen, RS, Jones WD, Hale M, Warder BN Shore EM, and Mullins MC. Reduced GS Domain Serine/Threonine Requirements of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Mutant Type I BMP Receptor ACVR1 in the Zebrafish. J Bone Miner Res 38: 1364-1385, 2023 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良突变的I型BMP受体ACVR1在斑马鱼中减少了GS结构域的丝氨酸/苏氨酸需求
  1. Casal ML, Engiles JB, Zakošek Pipan M, Berkowitz A, Porat-Mosenco Y, Mai W, Wurzburg K, Xu MQ, Allen R, ODonnell PA, Henthorn PS, Thompson K, Shore EM. Identification of the identical human mutation in ACVR1 in two cats with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Vet Pathol 56: 614-618, 2019 在两只患有进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的猫中发现ACVR1的相同人类突变
  1. Chakkalakal SA, Shore EM. Heterotopic ossification in mouse models of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Methods Mol Biol 1891: 247-255, 2019 小鼠模型中的异位骨化与进行性骨化性纤维发育不良相关
  1. Chakkalakal SA, Uchibe K, Convente MR, Zhang D, Economides AN, Kaplan FS, Pacifici M, Iwamoto M, Shore EM. Palovarotene inhibits heterotopic ossification and maintains limb mobility and growth in mice with the human ACVR1 (R206H) fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) mutation. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1666-1675, 2016 Palovarotene抑制异位骨化,维持携带人类ACVR1(R206H)进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)突变的小鼠的肢体活动和生长
  1. Chakkalakal SA, Zhang D, Culbert AL, Convente MR, Caron RJ, Wright AC, Maidment AD, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. An Acvr1 Knock-in mouse has fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 27: 1746-1756, 2012 一个Acvr1插入小鼠具有进行性骨化性纤维发育不良
  1. Hatsell SJ, Idone V, Wolken DM, Huang L, Kim HJ, Wang L, Wen X, Nannuru KC, Jimenez J, Xie L, Das N, Makhoul G, Chernomorsky R, D’Ambrosio D, Corpina RA, Schoenherr CJ, Feeley K, Yu PB, Yancopoulos GD, Murphy AJ, Economides AN. ACVR1(R206H) receptor mutation causes fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva by imparting responsiveness to activin A. Sci Transl Med 7(303)ra137, 2015 ACVR1(R206H)受体突变通过对activin A的反应性引起进行性骨化性纤维发育不良
  1. Kaplan FS, Chakkalakal SA, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: mechanisms and models of skeletal metamorphosis. Dis Model Mech 5: 756-762, 2012 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良:骨骼蜕变的机制和模型
  1. Kaplan FS, Tabas JA, Zasloff MA. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: A clue from the fly? Calcif Tiss Int 47: 117-125, 1990 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良:来自果蝇的线索?
  1. LaBonty M, Yelick PC. Animal models of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Dev Dyn 247: 279-288, 2018 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的动物模型
  1. LaBonty M, Yelick PC. An adult zebrafish model of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Methods Mol Biol 1891: 155-163, 2019 一个成年斑马鱼模型的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良
  1. Le VQ, Anderson E, Akiyama T, Wharton KA. Drosophila models of FOP provide mechanistic insight. Bone 109: 192-200, 2018 果蝇模型为FOP提供了机制上的见解
  1. Le VQ, Wharton KA. Hyperactive BMP signaling induced by ALK2 (R206H) requires type II receptor function in a Drosophila model for classic fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Dev Dyn 241: 200-214, 2012 由ALK2(R206H)诱导的超活跃BMP信号在经典进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的果蝇模型中需要II型受体的功能
  1. Lees-Shepard JB, Yamamoto M, Biswas AA, Stoessel SJ, Nicholas SE, Cogswell CA, Devarakonda PM, Schneider MJ Jr, Cummins SM, Legendre NP, Yamamoto S, Kaartinen V, Hunter JW, Goldhamer DJ. Activin-dependent signaling in fibro/adipogenic progenitors causes fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Nat Commun 9(1):471. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-02872-2, 2018 依赖activin的信号在纤维/脂肪前体中引起进行性骨化性纤维发育不良
  1. Mucha BE, Hashiguchi M, Zinski J, Shore EM, Mullins MC. Variant BMP receptor mutations causing fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) in humans show BMP ligand-independent receptor activation in zebrafish. Bone 109: 225-231, 2018 导致人类进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的变异BMP受体突变在斑马鱼中显示出BMP配体独立的受体激活
  1. Shen Q, Little SC, Xu M, Haupt J, Ast C, Katagiri T, Mundlos S, Seemann P, Kaplan FS, Mullins MC, Shore EM. The fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva R206H ACVR1 mutation activates BMP-independent chondrogenesis and zebrafish embargo ventralization. J Clin Invest 119: 3462-3472, 2009 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的R206H ACVR1突变激活了BMP独立的软骨发生和斑马鱼的腹侧化
  1. Animal Models of FOP
    1. Animal models of FOP are important in deciphering the pathophysiology of FOP and in testing possible therapies. Laboratory-generated animal models of FOP in Drosophila, zebrafish and mice with features of FOP have provided the opportunity to better understand the biology of BMP pathway-associated HO and to study the effectiveness and safety of currently available and emerging therapies (Kaplan et al., 1990; Shen et al., 2009; Chakkalakal et al., 2012; Kaplan et al., 2012; Le et al., 2012; LaBonty & Yelick, 2018; Le & Wharton, 2018; Mucha et al., 2018; LaBonty & Yelick, 2019; Allen et al., 2020; Allen et al., 2023). Mouse conditional knock-in models of the classic FOP mutation have been developed and are critical in establishing specificity of treatment for FOP as well as investigating many previously unexplored aspects of the condition (Hatsell et al., 2015; Chakkalakal et al, 2016; Lees-Shepard et al., 2018; Chakkalakal & Shore, 2019). FOP was confirmed clinically and genetically in two domestic shorthaired cats (Casal et al., 2019).
      Allen, RS, Tajer B, Shore EM, and Mullins MC. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva mutant ACVR1 signals by multiple modalities in the developing zebrafish. eLife 9:e53761, 2020
      Allen, RS, Jones WD, Hale M, Warder BN Shore EM, and Mullins MC. Reduced GS Domain Serine/Threonine Requirements of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Mutant Type I BMP Receptor ACVR1 in the Zebrafish. J Bone Miner Res 38: 1364-1385, 2023
      Casal ML, Engiles JB, Zakošek Pipan M, Berkowitz A, Porat-Mosenco Y, Mai W, Wurzburg K, Xu MQ, Allen R, ODonnell PA, Henthorn PS, Thompson K, Shore EM. Identification of the identical human mutation in ACVR1 in two cats with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Vet Pathol 56: 614-618, 2019
      Chakkalakal SA, Shore EM. Heterotopic ossification in mouse models of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Methods Mol Biol 1891: 247-255, 2019
      Chakkalakal SA, Uchibe K, Convente MR, Zhang D, Economides AN, Kaplan FS, Pacifici M, Iwamoto M, Shore EM. Palovarotene inhibits heterotopic ossification and maintains limb mobility and growth in mice with the human ACVR1 (R206H) fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) mutation. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1666-1675, 2016
      Chakkalakal SA, Zhang D, Culbert AL, Convente MR, Caron RJ, Wright AC, Maidment AD, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. An Acvr1 Knock-in mouse has fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 27: 1746-1756, 2012
      Hatsell SJ, Idone V, Wolken DM, Huang L, Kim HJ, Wang L, Wen X, Nannuru KC, Jimenez J, Xie L, Das N, Makhoul G, Chernomorsky R, D’Ambrosio D, Corpina RA, Schoenherr CJ, Feeley K, Yu PB, Yancopoulos GD, Murphy AJ, Economides AN. ACVR1(R206H) receptor mutation causes fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva by imparting responsiveness to activin A. Sci Transl Med 7(303)ra137, 2015
      Kaplan FS, Chakkalakal SA, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: mechanisms and models of skeletal metamorphosis. Dis Model Mech 5: 756-762, 2012
      Kaplan FS, Tabas JA, Zasloff MA. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: A clue from the fly? Calcif Tiss Int 47: 117-125, 1990
      LaBonty M, Yelick PC. Animal models of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Dev Dyn 247: 279-288, 2018
      LaBonty M, Yelick PC. An adult zebrafish model of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Methods Mol Biol 1891: 155-163, 2019
      Le VQ, Anderson E, Akiyama T, Wharton KA. Drosophila models of FOP provide mechanistic insight. Bone 109: 192-200, 2018
      Le VQ, Wharton KA. Hyperactive BMP signaling induced by ALK2 (R206H) requires type II receptor function in a Drosophila model for classic fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Dev Dyn 241: 200-214, 2012
      Lees-Shepard JB, Yamamoto M, Biswas AA, Stoessel SJ, Nicholas SE, Cogswell CA, Devarakonda PM, Schneider MJ Jr, Cummins SM, Legendre NP, Yamamoto S, Kaartinen V, Hunter JW, Goldhamer DJ. Activin-dependent signaling in fibro/adipogenic progenitors causes fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Nat Commun 9(1):471. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-02872-2, 2018
      Mucha BE, Hashiguchi M, Zinski J, Shore EM, Mullins MC. Variant BMP receptor mutations causing fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) in humans show BMP ligand-independent receptor activation in zebrafish. Bone 109: 225-231, 2018
      Shen Q, Little SC, Xu M, Haupt J, Ast C, Katagiri T, Mundlos S, Seemann P, Kaplan FS, Mullins MC, Shore EM. The fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva R206H ACVR1 mutation activates BMP-independent chondrogenesis and zebrafish embargo ventralization. J Clin Invest 119: 3462-3472, 2009

14. FOP的预后

  1. Kaplan FS. The key to the closet is the key to the kingdom: a common lesson of rare diseases. Orphan Disease Update 24(3): 1-9, 2006 橱柜的钥匙就是王国的钥匙:一种关于罕见疾病的共同教训
  1. Kaplan FS. The skeleton in the closet. Gene 528: 7-11, 2013 不为人知的骨架
  1. Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Clinical staging of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 109: 111-114, 2018 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的临床分期
  1. Prognosis of FOP
    1. Despite widespread HO and severe disability, some patients live productive lives into their seventh decade. Most, however, succumb earlier from cardiopulmonary complications of severe restrictive chest wall involvement (Kaplan, 2006; Kaplan, 2013).
      Tools to construct a conceptual framework for the clinical staging of FOP have been proposed. These staging measures for FOP assess the influence of HO and accelerated joint dysfunction (due to congenital abnormalities) on the ability to perform common functional activities, and thus a delay or lack of progression of functional loss from one stage to the next represents the ultimate test of efficacy for drug trials. This framework will serve both as a prediction tool for FOP progression as well as a critical opportunity to substantiate therapeutic interventions. Ultimately, this clinical staging will aid the field in moving toward earlier intervention at a stage when disease-modifying therapies may be most efficacious (reviewed in Pignolo & Kaplan, 2018).
      Over the past decade, FOP research has identified robust genetic, molecular and cellular targets for therapy. Clinical trials are underway, and more are set to occur. There is hope for the future.
      Kaplan FS. The key to the closet is the key to the kingdom: a common lesson of rare diseases. Orphan Disease Update 24(3): 1-9, 2006
      Kaplan FS. The skeleton in the closet. Gene 528: 7-11, 2013
      Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Clinical staging of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 109: 111-114, 2018

15. FOP治疗评估的挑战

  1. Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Al Mukaddam MM, Shore EM. Hard targets for a second skeleton: therapeutic horizons for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs 5: 291-294, 2017 针对第二骷髅的艰巨目标:进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的治疗前景
  1. Rosenstirn J. A contribution to the study of myositis ossificans progressiva. Ann Surg 68: 485-520, 591637, 1918 对进行性骨化性肌炎研究的贡献
  1. Challenges of Therapeutic Assessment in FOP
    1. Flare-ups of FOP are sporadic and unpredictable, and there is great individual variability in the rate of disease progression. Several large studies on the natural history of FOP have confirmed that it is impossible to predict the occurrence, duration or severity of an FOP flare-up, although characteristic anatomic patterning has been described. The rarity of FOP and the unpredictable nature of the condition make it extremely difficult to assess any therapeutic intervention, a fact recognized as early as 1918 by Julius Rosenstirn (Rosenstirn, 1918):
      “The disease was attacked with all sorts of remedies and alternatives for faulty metabolism; every one of them with more or less marked success observed solely by its original author but pronounced a complete failure by every other follower. In many cases, the symptoms of the disease disappear often spontaneously, so the therapeutic effect (of any treatment) should not be unreservedly endorsed.”
      These words ring true today as they did when they were written a century ago. With the discovery of the FOP gene and emerging understanding of the pathology and molecular genetics of FOP, new pharmacologic strategies are emerging to definitively treat FOP. Presently, physicians are faced with an increasing number of potential medical interventions. At present, clinical experience using these medications for FOP is mostly anecdotal (Kaplan et al., 2017).
      In the next section of this report, we will review the major classes of medications that are being used to manage symptoms in patients who have FOP. We will provide a perspective on indications and contraindications for the use of such medications.
      Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Al Mukaddam MM, Shore EM. Hard targets for a second skeleton: therapeutic horizons for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs 5: 291-294, 2017
      Rosenstirn J. A contribution to the study of myositis ossificans progressiva. Ann Surg 68: 485-520, 591637, 1918

第四章. 基于病理学与病理生理学的FOP治疗

We emphasize that this report reflects the authors’ experience and opinions on the various classes of symptom-modifying medications, and is meant only as a guide to this controversial area of therapeutics. Although there are common physical features shared by every person who has FOP, there are differences among individuals that may alter the potential benefits or risks of any medication or class of medications discussed here. The decision to use or withhold a particular medication must ultimately rest with an individual patient and his or her physician.

1. 简介

  1. Kaplan FS, LeMerrer M, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Goldsby RE, Kitterman JA, Groppe J, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 22: 191-205, 2008 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良
  1. Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Al Mukaddam MM, Shore EM. Hard targets for a second skeleton: therapeutic horizons for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs 5: 291-294, 2017 为“第二副骨架”设定难以攻克的目标:进行性骨化性纤维发育不良 (FOP) 的治疗前景
  1. Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: diagnosis, management, and therapeutic horizons. In Emerging Concepts in Pediatric Bone Disease. Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews 10 (S-2): 437-448, 2013 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良 (FOP):诊断、管理与治疗前景
1. Introduction
The ultimate treatment of FOP will likely be based on integrated knowledge of the cellular and molecular pathophysiology of the condition. An abbreviated outline of our current knowledge is presented in Figure 1. Several reviews of treatment in FOP provide general background references (Kaplan et al., 2008; Pignolo et al., 2013; Kaplan et al., 2017) but interested clinicians are guided to these guidelines for the most recent review of symptomatic treatment.
Kaplan FS, LeMerrer M, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Goldsby RE, Kitterman JA, Groppe J, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 22: 191-205, 2008
Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Al Mukaddam MM, Shore EM. Hard targets for a second skeleton: therapeutic horizons for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs 5: 291-294, 2017
Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: diagnosis, management, and therapeutic horizons. In Emerging Concepts in Pediatric Bone Disease. Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews 10 (S-2): 437-448, 2013

2. 皮质类固醇

基于类固醇强效抗炎作用的合理使用,尤其是在 FOP(进行性骨化性纤维发育不良)爆发的早期阶段,是根据其已知的抗炎效果,以及有关炎症诱发 FOP 发作的重要性的最新研究发现。
FOP 社区广泛的临床观察报告显示,在爆发的前 24 小时内开始为期 4 天的高剂量类固醇治疗,可能有助于减轻疾病早期阶段的剧烈炎症和组织水肿。在针对全球超过 500 名患者的 FOP 爆发评估中,记录了 198 次治疗,其中抗炎药物是最常使用的治疗方式。75% 的患者在肢体部位的爆发中使用了短期糖皮质激素进行症状治疗。55% 的患者报告糖皮质激素偶尔能改善症状,31% 表示它总能产生效果。然而,只有 12% 的患者报告在使用糖皮质激素后爆发完全缓解。43% 的患者在完成糖皮质激素疗程后的 1 至 7 天内出现了症状反弹。
FOP 中的异位骨化(HO)过程是分阶段发展的。在非常早期阶段,表现为强烈的炎症浸润。类固醇通过多种机制抑制炎症反应。然而,这一阶段持续的时间以及类固醇的使用期限尚需进一步研究。
  1. 非常早期症状治疗适用于爆发影响到以下部位的情况:
      • 主要关节(如髋关节)
      • 下颌
      • 下颌下区域
  1. 预防在严重软组织损伤(如严重创伤)后发生的爆发。
  1. 预防在紧急、择期、重大或小型手术(如牙科手术、尿道下裂修复术、阑尾切除术等)中的爆发(围手术期使用),因为这可能减少异位骨化(HO)发生的可能性。
  1. Cruz-Topete D, Cidlowski JA. One hormone two actions: anti and pro-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids. Neuroimmunomodulation 22: 20-32, 2015 一种激素,两种作用:糖皮质激素的抗炎与促炎作用
  1. Hapgood JP, Avenat C, Moliki JM. Glucocorticoid-independent modulation of GF activity: Implications for immunotherapy. Pharmacol Ther 165: 93-113, 2016 糖皮质激素非依赖性调节生长因子活性:对免疫治疗的启示
  1. Janoff HB, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Submandibular swelling in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 114: 599-604, 1996 纤维发育不良性骨化石化症患者的下颌下肿胀
  1. Kaplan FS, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Pignolo RJ, Xu M, Zhang Y, Senitzer D, Forman SJ, Emerson SG. Hematopoietic stem-cell contribution to ectopic skeletogenesis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 89: 347-357, 2007 造血干细胞对异位骨生成的贡献
  1. Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. Granting immunity to FOP and catching heterotopic ossification in the Act. Semin Cell Dev Biol 49: 30-36, 2016 为FOP提供免疫力并捕捉异位骨化
  1. Kaplan FS, Shore EM, Gupta R, Billings PC, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Graf D, Kamoun M. Immunological features of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva and the dysregulated BMP4 Pathway. Clin Rev Bone & Miner Metab 3: 189-193, 2005 纤维发育不良性骨化石化症的免疫学特征及BMP4通路失调
  1. Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Liljesthröm M, Durbin-Johnson BP, Shore EM, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. The natural history of flare-ups in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a comprehensive global assessment. J Bone Miner Res 31:650-656, 2016 纤维发育不良性骨化石化症爆发的自然历史:全球综合评估
  1. Pignolo RJ, Baujat G, Brown M, De Cunto C, Hsiao E, Keen R, Al Mukaddam M, Le Quan Sang K, Wilson A, Marino R, Strahs A, Kaplan F. The natural history of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: A prospective, global 36-month study. Genetics in Medicine 24: 2422-2433, 2022 纤维发育不良性骨化石化症的自然历史:一项全球性36个月的前瞻性研究
  1. Rhen T & Cidlowski JA. Anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoids – new mechanisms for old drugs. N Engl J Med 353: 1711-1723, 2005 糖皮质激素的抗炎作用——老药新机制
  1. Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Inherited human diseases of heterotopic bone formation. Nat Rev Rheumatol 6: 518-527, 2010 异位骨形成的遗传性人类疾病
  1. Sinha A, Bagga A. Pulse steroid therapy. Indian J Pediatrics 75: 1057-1066, 2008 激素冲击治疗
  1. van Staa TP, Cooper C, Leufkens HGM, Bishop N. Children and the risk of fractures caused by oral corticosteroids. J Bone Miner Res 18: 913-918, 2003 儿童口服糖皮质激素引发骨折的风险
  1. Yu PB, Deng DY, Lai CS, Hong CC, Cuny GD, Bouxsein ML, Hong DW, McManus PM, Katagiri T, Sachidanandan C, Nobuhiro K, Fukuda T, Mishina Y, Peterson RT, Bloch KD. BMP type I receptor inhibition reduces heterotopic ossification. Nat Med 14: 1363-1369, 2008 抑制BMP I型受体减少异位骨化
  1. Corticosteroids in FOP
    1. The rational use of corticosteroids early in the course of an FOP flare-up is based primarily on its potent anti-inflammatory effects (Rhen & Cidlowski, 2005; Hapgood et al., 2016) and on emerging knowledge of the importance of inflammatory triggers in FOP flare-ups (Kaplan et al., 2005; Kaplan et al., 2007; Yu et al., 2008; Kaplan et al., 2016).
      Widespread favorable anecdotal reports from the FOP community suggest that a brief 4-day course of highdose corticosteroids, begun within the first 24 hours of a flare-up, may help reduce the intense inflammation and tissue edema seen in the early stages of the disease. In a global assessment of FOP flare-ups involving more than 500 individuals, 198 treatments were reported. Anti-inflammatory agents were the most common. Seventy-five percent used short-term glucocorticoids as a symptomatic treatment for flare-ups at appendicular sites. Fifty-five percent reported that glucocorticoids improved symptoms occasionally whereas 31% reported that they always did. Only 12% reported complete resolution of a flare-up with glucocorticoids. Forty-three percent reported rebound symptoms within 1 to 7 days after completing a course of glucocorticoids (Pignolo et al., 2016). The process of heterotopic ossification (HO) in FOP develops in stages. The very early stage is characterized by intense inflammatory infiltrates (Shore & Kaplan, 2010). Corticosteroids suppress inflammation by multiple mechanisms (Cruz-Topete & Cidlowski, 2015). How long this stage lasts, and the duration of corticosteroid use still needs to be elucidated.
      The use of corticosteroids should be restricted to:
      1. The extremely early symptomatic treatment of flare-ups that affect:
          • Major joints (e.g., hip)
          • The jaw
          • The submandibular area
      1. The prevention of flare-ups following major soft tissue injury (severe trauma)
      1. The prevention of flare-ups in emergent, elective, major or minor surgeries such as dental surgery, hypospadias repair, appendectomies, etc. (peri-operative use) as they may decrease the likelihood of HO.
      Corticosteroids should not generally be used for the symptomatic treatment of flare-ups involving the neck or trunk due to the long duration and recurring nature of these flare-ups, and the difficulty in assessing the true onset of such flare-ups. On rare occasions, a brief course of corticosteroids may be used to break the cycle of recurrent flare-ups often seen in early childhood or to mitigate intractable pain. However, the utility of this approach is not widely accepted, as flare-ups tend to recur rapidly following cessation of corticosteroid therapy.
      Corticosteroids are most effective if used within the first 24 hours of a new flare-up that affects the movement of a major joint, prophylactically following major soft tissue trauma, or peri-operatively as noted above. The dose of corticosteroids is dependent upon body weight.
      A typical dose of prednisone for acute flare-ups is 2 mg/kg/day (up to 100 mg), administered as a single daily dose for no more than 4 days (Table 1). In order to have the least suppressive effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, the medication should be taken in the morning. However, some patients may tolerate the medication better if divided into twice per day dosing. Equivalent doses of other steroids can also be used. A repeat course may be needed for refractory symptoms and a tapering course may be prescribed over 10 days to 2 weeks maximum if symptoms warrant.
      For surgical prophylaxis, solumedrol (1.6 mg/kg; up to 80 mg) should be administered at the time of surgery. If the patient can take oral meds, then prednisone 2mg/kg should be administered once daily on the day of surgery and for 3 days after surgery. In summary, steroids should be administered for a total of four daily doses.
      Data from an international prospective, natural history study showed that throughout the 36-month study period, 79.8% of individuals initiated a new medication, of which glucocorticoids represented 32.5% (Pignolo, et al., 2022).
      Alternatively, high dose intravenous corticosteroid pulse therapy may be considered, but must be performed with an inpatient hospitalization to monitor for potentially dangerous side-effects of hypertension (Sinha & Bagga, 2008; Table 1).
      When prednisone is discontinued, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication or COX-2 inhibitor (in conjunction with a leukotriene inhibitor) may be used symptomatically for the duration of the flareup (Table 1). Corticosteroids should not be used for the long-term chronic treatment of FOP as chronic dependence due to adrenal suppression and other steroid-associated side-effects such as osteoporosis and iatrogenic Cushing’s disease will likely result.
      Corticosteroids are an important component in the management of a submandibular flare-up of FOP. Submandibular swelling in patients who have FOP can be a medical emergency and requires intensive precautionary measures to avoid catastrophic clinical deterioration. These measures include early identification of the submandibular flare-up, avoidance of lesional manipulation, airway monitoring, aspiration precautions, nutritional support due to the difficulty in swallowing, and the use of corticosteroids. The potentially dangerous nature of flare-ups in the submandibular region and jaw may dictate a slightly longer use of corticosteroids with an appropriate taper for the duration of the flare-up or until the acute swelling subsides (Janoff et al., 1996).
      Flare-ups often result from over-use and soft tissue injuries. Prednisone – 1-2 mgs/kg, (per oral) once daily for 3-4 days is often used in attempt to prevent flare-up after severe soft-tissue injury. Do not use after minor bumps or bruises. Use prednisone prophylactically as directed for dental or surgical procedures.
      While patients are encouraged to contact their physician at the earliest sign of a flare-up or following major trauma, many find it comforting to have a supply of prednisone on hand at home in case of an emergency. This “pill in the pocket” approach has been feasible and safe with a monitored reduction in emergency room and hospital visits.
      Cruz-Topete D, Cidlowski JA. One hormone two actions: anti and pro-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids. Neuroimmunomodulation 22: 20-32, 2015
      Hapgood JP, Avenat C, Moliki JM. Glucocorticoid-independent modulation of GF activity: Implications for immunotherapy. Pharmacol Ther 165: 93-113, 2016
      Janoff HB, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Submandibular swelling in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 114: 599-604, 1996
      Kaplan FS, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Pignolo RJ, Xu M, Zhang Y, Senitzer D, Forman SJ, Emerson SG. Hematopoietic stem-cell contribution to ectopic skeletogenesis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 89: 347-357, 2007
      Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. Granting immunity to FOP and catching heterotopic ossification in the Act. Semin Cell Dev Biol 49: 30-36, 2016
      Kaplan FS, Shore EM, Gupta R, Billings PC, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Graf D, Kamoun M. Immunological features of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva and the dysregulated BMP4 Pathway. Clin Rev Bone & Miner Metab 3: 189-193, 2005
      Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Liljesthröm M, Durbin-Johnson BP, Shore EM, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. The natural history of flare-ups in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a comprehensive global assessment. J Bone Miner Res 31:650-656, 2016
      Pignolo RJ, Baujat G, Brown M, De Cunto C, Hsiao E, Keen R, Al Mukaddam M, Le Quan Sang K, Wilson A, Marino R, Strahs A, Kaplan F. The natural history of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: A prospective, global 36-month study. Genetics in Medicine 24: 2422-2433, 2022
      Rhen T & Cidlowski JA. Anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoids – new mechanisms for old drugs. N Engl J Med 353: 1711-1723, 2005
      Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Inherited human diseases of heterotopic bone formation. Nat Rev Rheumatol 6: 518-527, 2010
      Sinha A, Bagga A. Pulse steroid therapy. Indian J Pediatrics 75: 1057-1066, 2008
      van Staa TP, Cooper C, Leufkens HGM, Bishop N. Children and the risk of fractures caused by oral corticosteroids. J Bone Miner Res 18: 913-918, 2003
      Yu PB, Deng DY, Lai CS, Hong CC, Cuny GD, Bouxsein ML, Hong DW, McManus PM, Katagiri T, Sachidanandan C, Nobuhiro K, Fukuda T, Mishina Y, Peterson RT, Bloch KD. BMP type I receptor inhibition reduces heterotopic ossification. Nat Med 14: 1363-1369, 2008

3. 环氧合酶-2(COX-2)抑制剂和非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs)

  1. Brunnekreef J, Hoogervorst P, Ploegmakers MJ, Rijnen WH, Schreurs BW. Is etoricoxib effective in preventing heterotopic ossification after primary total hip arthroplasty? International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 37: 583-587, 2013 依托考昔在预防初次全髋关节置换术后异位骨化中的有效性?
  1. Convente MR, Wang H, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. The immunological contribution to heterotopic ossification disorders. Curr Osteoporos Rep 13:116-124, 2015 免疫系统对异位骨化疾病的贡献
  1. Deeks JJ, Smith LA, Bradley MD. Efficacy, tolerability, and upper gastrointestinal safety of celecoxib for treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: systematic review of randomized controlled trials. British Med J (Review) 325(7365): 619, 2002 塞来昔布治疗骨关节炎和类风湿性关节炎的疗效、耐受性及上消化道安全性:随机对照试验的系统性回顾
  1. DiCesare PE, Nimni ME, Pen L, Yazdi M, Cheung DT. Effects of indomethacin on demineralized boneinduced heterotopic ossification in the rat. J Orthop Res 9: 855-861, 1999 吲哚美辛对大鼠去矿化骨诱导的异位骨化的影响
  1. Feng X, Tian M, Zhang W, Mei H. Gastrointestinal safety of etoricoxib in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: A meta-analysis. PLoS ONE 2018; 13(1): e0190798 依托考昔在骨关节炎和类风湿性关节炎中的胃肠道安全性:一项荟萃分析
  1. Fitzgerald GA. Coxibs and cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med 351: 1709-1711, 2004 Coxibs类药物与心血管疾病的关系
  1. Grosser T, Ricciotti E, Fitzgerald GA. The cardiovascular pharmacology of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Trends Pharmacol Sci 38: 733-748, 2017 非甾体类抗炎药的心血管药理学
  1. Hochberg Mc. COX-2: where are we in 2003? Be strong and resolute: continue to use COX-2 selective inhibitors at recommended dosages in appropriate patients. Arthritis Res Ther 5: 28-31, 2003 COX-2:2003年的研究现状?保持坚强和决心:继续在适合患者中按照推荐剂量使用COX-2选择性抑制剂
  1. Joice M, Vasileiadis GI, Amanatullah DF. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for heterotopic ossification prophylaxis after total hip arthroplasty. Bone Joint J 100-B: 915-922, 2018 非甾体类抗炎药在全髋关节置换术后预防异位骨化中的应用
  1. Jones, MK, Wang H, Peskar BM, Levin E, Itani RM Sarfeh IJ, Tarnawski AS. Inhibition of angiogenesis by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: insight into mechanisms and implications for cancer growth and ulcer healing. Nature Med 5: 1418-1423, 1999 非甾体类抗炎药通过抑制血管生成的机制及其对癌症生长和溃疡愈合的影响
  1. Katori M, Majima M. Cyclooxygenase-2: its rich diversity of roles and possible application of its selective inhibitors. Inflammation Res 49: 367-392, 2000 环氧合酶-2的多样化作用及其选择性抑制剂的可能应用
  1. Levitz CL, Cohen RB, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. The role of prostaglandins in bone formation. Abstracts from The First International Symposium on Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, September 25-26, 1991, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Calcif Tissue Int 50: 385-388, 1992 前列腺素在骨形成中的作用。第一届进行性骨化性纤维发育不良国际研讨会摘要
  1. Pignolo RJ, Baujat G, Brown M, De Cunto C, Hsiao E, Keen R, Al Mukaddam M, Le Quan Sang K, Wilson A, Marino R, Strahs A, Kaplan F. The natural history of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: A prospective, global 36-month study. Genetics in Medicine 24: 2422-2433, 2022 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的自然病程:一项为期36个月的全球前瞻性研究
  1. Sobel RE, Lovell DJ, Brunner HI, Weiss JE, Morris PW, et al. for the Pediatric Rheumatology Collaborative Study Group. Safety of celecoxib and nonselective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: results of the phase 4 registry. Pediatric Rheumatol Online J 12: 29, 2014 儿科风湿病协作研究小组:塞来昔布和非选择性非甾体类抗炎药在幼年特发性关节炎中的安全性:第四阶段注册研究结果
  1. Stempak D, Gammon J, Klein J, Koren G, Baruchel S. Single-dose and steady-state pharmacokinetics of celecoxib in children. Clin Pharmacol Ther 72: 490-497, 2002 塞来昔布在儿童中的单剂量和稳态药代动力学
  1. Topol EJ. Failing the public health – rofecoxib, Merck, and the FDA. N Engl J Med 351: 1707-1709, 2004 公共卫生的失败——罗非昔布、默克公司与FDA
  1. Van Ryn J, Pairet M. Clinical experience with cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors. Inflammation Res 48: 247254, 1999 COX-2抑制剂的临床经验
  1. Weinreb M, Suponitsky I, Keila S. Systemic administration of an anabolic dose of PGE2 in young rats increases the osteogenic capacity of bone marrow. Bone 120: 521-526, 1997 全身给予PGE2的促骨生成剂量可增加年轻大鼠骨髓的成骨能力
  1. White WB, Faich G, Borer JS, Makuch RW. Cardiovascular thrombotic events in arthritis trials of the cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor celecoxib. Am J Cardiol 92: 411-418, 2003 塞来昔布用于关节炎试验中的心血管血栓事件
  1. White WB, Faich G, Whelton A, Maurath C, Ridge NJ, Verburg KM, Geis GS, Lefkowith JB. Comparison of thromboembolic events in patients treated with celecoxib, a cyclooxygenase-2 specific inhibitor, versus ibuprofen or diclofenac. Am J Cardiol 89: 425-430, 2002 使用COX-2特异性抑制剂塞来昔布与使用布洛芬或双氯芬酸的患者的血栓事件对比
  1. Cyclo-Oxygenase-2 (COX-2) Inhibitors & NSAIDs in FOP
    1. Selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) and leukotriene receptor antagonists (montelukast) may have a role in the management of FOP symptoms.
      The body produces two types of prostaglandins: “physiological” prostaglandins and “inflammatory” prostaglandins. Physiological prostaglandins are normally produced in many of the body’s tissues and serve to protect organs, such as the stomach, from metabolic injury. Inflammatory prostaglandins are produced in response to injury and play a major role in the inflammatory response to tissue injury and repair. Traditional NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and indomethacin inhibit the formation of both physiological and inflammatory prostaglandins. The selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors primarily inhibit inflammatory prostaglandins and leave most, but not all, of the physiological prostaglandins relatively intact (Katori & Majima, 2000; Van Ryn & Pairet, 2000).
      Inflammatory prostaglandins are potent co-stimulatory molecules along with BMPs in the induction of normotopic and heterotopic bone (Weinreb et al. 1997; Jones et al. 1999; Convente et al., 2015) and are elevated in the urine of patients who have FOP, especially during times of disease flare-up (Levitz et al., 1992). These observations suggest that lowering baseline levels of inflammatory prostaglandins in patients with FOP may raise the threshold for HO even in the presence of promiscuously active ACVR1.
      Studies in the orthopaedic literature have shown that lowering inflammatory prostaglandin levels in experimental animals dramatically raise the threshold for trauma-induced HO, thus, making it more difficult for heterotopic bone to form (DiCesare et al. 1991). Preoperative and postoperative treatment with NSAIDs in patients undergoing hip arthroplasty prevents HO (Brunnerkreef et al., 2013; Joice et al., 2018).
      Compared to the parent class of NSAIDs, the selective COX-2 inhibitors offer the possibility of a lower gastrointestinal risk profile. Also, the half-life of most COX-2 inhibitors is conducive to a once or twice daily dosage regimen, a factor which may help promote patient compliance (Deeks et al. 2002).
      However, substantial concerns have been raised about the safety of the COX-2 inhibitors in patients at high risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease (White et al. 2002; White et al. 2003; Grosser et al. 2017). Although COX-2 activity is necessary for the synthesis of inflammatory prostaglandins, it also controls the synthesis of prostacyclin, a prostaglandin that is essential for the health and patency of blood vessels, especially in the heart and brain.
      While concerns have been raised about all COX-2 inhibitors (Fitzgerald, 2004; Topol, 2004), selective COX-2 inhibitors remain a rational choice for patients at low cardiovascular risk who have had serious gastrointestinal events or in patients who are at high risk of serious gastrointestinal events, such as those with FOP who may need to use glucocorticoids intermittently for the treatment of acute flareups.
      At the present time, the COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib (Celebrex), as well as etoricoxib (Arcoxia) is available in many countries and exhibits reduced gastrointestinal risk compared with other NSAIDs (Feng et al. 2018). Presently, safety and pharmacokinetic data are available for celecoxib in the pediatric population (Stempak et al., 2002). This medication is being used in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The results of a multicenter pharmacovigilance study in the US, showed a good safety profile of celecoxib compared to nonselective NSAIDs at a minimum 12-month follow-up (Sobel et al. 2014).
      Studies on the NSAIDs and selective COX-2 inhibitors integrate important findings from the FOP laboratory on prostaglandin production, mast cell recruitment, and angiogenic factor release with the pathologic findings of severe inflammatory pre-osseous lesions of FOP. As with any condition, the relative risks and benefits of potential therapies must be weighed against the potential risks of the underlying condition being treated (Hochberg, 2003).
      With all of the controversy swirling around the selective cox-2 inhibitors, the standard NSAIDs, which inhibit both COX-1 and COX-2 non-selectively, remain an option to consider in the symptomatic management of children and adults with FOP (Table 1). As with the chronic use of all NSAIDs, the risks of serious gastrointestinal side-effects, especially gastrointestinal bleeding, are possible, and special precautions may be warranted in susceptible individuals.
      Data from an international prospective natural history study showed that at baseline the most common ongoing medications were non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, used by 28.9 % of individuals (Pignolo et al., 2022).
      Finally, although there is no evidence that chronic treatment with COX-2 inhibitors or NSAIDs prevent flare-ups in FOP, COX-2 inhibitors or oral/topical NSAIDS may be helpful for symptomatic management of flare-ups and chronic arthropathy when corticosteroids are not indicated. Topical NSAIDs are discussed in the next section.
      Brunnekreef J, Hoogervorst P, Ploegmakers MJ, Rijnen WH, Schreurs BW. Is etoricoxib effective in preventing heterotopic ossification after primary total hip arthroplasty? International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 37: 583-587, 2013
      Convente MR, Wang H, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. The immunological contribution to heterotopic ossification disorders. Curr Osteoporos Rep 13:116-124, 2015
      Deeks JJ, Smith LA, Bradley MD. Efficacy, tolerability, and upper gastrointestinal safety of celecoxib for treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: systematic review of randomized controlled trials. British Med J (Review) 325(7365): 619, 2002
      DiCesare PE, Nimni ME, Pen L, Yazdi M, Cheung DT. Effects of indomethacin on demineralized boneinduced heterotopic ossification in the rat. J Orthop Res 9: 855-861, 1999
      Feng X, Tian M, Zhang W, Mei H. Gastrointestinal safety of etoricoxib in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: A meta-analysis. PLoS ONE 2018; 13(1): e0190798
      Fitzgerald GA. Coxibs and cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med 351: 1709-1711, 2004
      Grosser T, Ricciotti E, Fitzgerald GA. The cardiovascular pharmacology of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Trends Pharmacol Sci 38: 733-748, 2017
      Hochberg Mc. COX-2: where are we in 2003? Be strong and resolute: continue to use COX-2 selective inhibitors at recommended dosages in appropriate patients. Arthritis Res Ther 5: 28-31, 2003
      Joice M, Vasileiadis GI, Amanatullah DF. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for heterotopic ossification prophylaxis after total hip arthroplasty. Bone Joint J 100-B: 915-922, 2018
      Jones, MK, Wang H, Peskar BM, Levin E, Itani RM Sarfeh IJ, Tarnawski AS. Inhibition of angiogenesis by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: insight into mechanisms and implications for cancer growth and ulcer healing. Nature Med 5: 1418-1423, 1999
      Katori M, Majima M. Cyclooxygenase-2: its rich diversity of roles and possible application of its selective inhibitors. Inflammation Res 49: 367-392, 2000
      Levitz CL, Cohen RB, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. The role of prostaglandins in bone formation. Abstracts from The First International Symposium on Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, September 25-26, 1991, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Calcif Tissue Int 50: 385-388, 1992
      Pignolo RJ, Baujat G, Brown M, De Cunto C, Hsiao E, Keen R, Al Mukaddam M, Le Quan Sang K, Wilson A, Marino R, Strahs A, Kaplan F. The natural history of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: A prospective, global 36-month study. Genetics in Medicine 24: 2422-2433, 2022
      Sobel RE, Lovell DJ, Brunner HI, Weiss JE, Morris PW, et al. for the Pediatric Rheumatology Collaborative Study Group. Safety of celecoxib and nonselective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: results of the phase 4 registry. Pediatric Rheumatol Online J 12: 29, 2014
      Stempak D, Gammon J, Klein J, Koren G, Baruchel S. Single-dose and steady-state pharmacokinetics of celecoxib in children. Clin Pharmacol Ther 72: 490-497, 2002
      Topol EJ. Failing the public health – rofecoxib, Merck, and the FDA. N Engl J Med 351: 1707-1709, 2004
      Van Ryn J, Pairet M. Clinical experience with cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors. Inflammation Res 48: 247254, 1999
      Weinreb M, Suponitsky I, Keila S. Systemic administration of an anabolic dose of PGE2 in young rats increases the osteogenic capacity of bone marrow. Bone 120: 521-526, 1997
      White WB, Faich G, Borer JS, Makuch RW. Cardiovascular thrombotic events in arthritis trials of the cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor celecoxib. Am J Cardiol 92: 411-418, 2003
      White WB, Faich G, Whelton A, Maurath C, Ridge NJ, Verburg KM, Geis GS, Lefkowith JB. Comparison of thromboembolic events in patients treated with celecoxib, a cyclooxygenase-2 specific inhibitor, versus ibuprofen or diclofenac. Am J Cardiol 89: 425-430, 2002

4. 局部镇痛药

局部非甾体类抗炎药物 (NSAIDs) 的潜在优势包括较低的全身吸收率、减少全身不良反应(如胃肠道毒性),并且可以直接应用于疼痛部位。有几种局部药物可用于治疗肌肉骨骼疼痛,如凝胶、喷雾或乳膏。一个研究比较了三种局部药物的效果,发现酮洛芬凝胶(2.5% w/w)在治疗急性软组织损伤时,比吡罗昔康凝胶(0.5% w/w)效果更好,且略好于双氯芬酸凝胶(1% w/w)。该研究通过评估治疗反应、改善僵硬、活动受限以及压力和运动时的疼痛来进行评估。此外,酮洛芬凝胶还具有“清凉效果”。在头对头的比较研究中,这些药物均每日使用三次。临床研究显示,局部NSAIDs通常用于急性疼痛时每日涂抹三次。
  1. Asbill S, Sweitzer SM, Spigener S, Romero-Sandoval A. Compounded pain formulations: what is the evidence? Intl J Pharmaceutical Compounding 18: 278-286, 2014 复合疼痛配方:证据是什么?
  1. Branvold A & Carvalho M. Pain management therapy: the benefits of compounded transdermal pain medication. J Gen Practice 2: 1-8, 2014 疼痛管理治疗:复合透皮镇痛药的益处
  1. Patel RK, Leswell PF. Comparison of ketoprofen, piroxicam, and diclofenac gels in the treatment of acute soft-tissue injury in general practice. General Practice Study Group. Clin Ther 18:497-507, 1996 酮洛芬、吡罗昔康和双氯芬酸凝胶在普通科急性软组织损伤治疗中的比较
  1. Topical Analgesics in FOP
    1. Potential advantages of topical Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Agents (NSAIDs) include lower initial rates of systemic absorption, reduced systemic adverse effects (including gastrointestinal toxicity) and directed application to area(s) of pain (Asbill et al., 2014; Branvold & Carvalho, 2014). Several topical agents, available as a gel, spray, or cream, are available for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain. In one study comparing three available topical applications, ketoprofen gel (2.5% w/w), was better than piroxicam gel (0.5% w/w), and slightly better than diclofenac gel (1% w/w) in the treatment of acute soft tissue injury that included a global assessment of treatment response, improvements in stiffness, restriction of mobility, and pain on pressure and movement (Patel and Leswell, 1996). Ketoprofen gel also has a reported "cooling effect". In a head-to-head comparison study, they were each applied three times daily. In clinical studies, topical NSAIDS are typically applied three times daily for acute pain.
      In FOP, topical NSAIDs have anecdotally been used for both acute and chronic pain and applied 3-4 times daily. In the use of ketoprofen gel for FOP musculoskeletal complaints, a compounded formulation of 5% gel is commonly the initial dose, with the potential for upward titration to 15-20%. Pediatric use typically does not exceed 10% gel due to the potential for systemic absorption.
      Other topical agents include lidocaine patch, gel, cream or spray (available over-the-counter in up to 5% formulations). Topical lidocaine is most appropriate for patients with well localized neuropathic pain. Capsaicin cream, an alkaloid derived from chili peppers and thought to deplete substance P from primary afferent (sensory) neurons may have a theoretical advantage for pain control in FOP; however, clinical experience is very limited and concern over paradoxical effects mandates its very cautious use.
      Asbill S, Sweitzer SM, Spigener S, Romero-Sandoval A. Compounded pain formulations: what is the evidence? Intl J Pharmaceutical Compounding 18: 278-286, 2014
      Branvold A & Carvalho M. Pain management therapy: the benefits of compounded transdermal pain medication. J Gen Practice 2: 1-8, 2014
      Patel RK, Leswell PF. Comparison of ketoprofen, piroxicam, and diclofenac gels in the treatment of acute soft-tissue injury in general practice. General Practice Study Group. Clin Ther 18:497-507, 1996

5. 肥大细胞抑制剂

  1. Brennan TA, Lindborg CM, Bergbauer CR, Wang H, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Mast cell inhibition as a therapeutic approach in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 259-266, 2017 肥大细胞抑制作为进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的治疗方法
  1. Cahill KN, Katz HR, Cui J, Lai J, Kazani S, Crosby-Thompson A, Garofalo D, Castro M, Jarjour N, DiMango E, Erzurum S, Trevor JL, Shenoy K, Chinchilli VM, Wechsler ME, Laidlaw TM, Boyce JA, Israel E. KIT Inhibition by Imatinib in Patients with Severe Refractory Asthma. N Engl J Med 376: 19111920, 2017 伊马替尼对重度难治性哮喘患者的KIT抑制作用
  1. Convente MR, Chakkalakal SA, Yang E, Caron RJ, Zhang D, Kambayashi T, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Depletion of mast cells and macrophages impairs heterotopic ossification in an Acvr1 R206H mouse model of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 33: 269-282, 2018 去除肥大细胞和巨噬细胞损害Acvr1 R206H小鼠模型中进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的异位骨化
  1. Gannon FH, Glaser D, Caron R, Thompson LDR, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Mast cell involvement in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Hum Pathol 32: 842-848, 2001 肥大细胞在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中的作用
  1. Kaplan AP. Chronic urticaria and angioedema. N Engl J Med 346: 175-179, 2002 慢性荨麻疹和血管性水肿
  1. Kaplan FS, Andolina JR, Adamson PC, Teachey DT, Finklestein JZ, Ebb DH, Whitehead B, Jacobs B, Siegel DM, Keen R, Hsiao E, Pignolo RJ. Early clinical observations on the use of imatinib mesylate in FOP: A report of seven cases. Bone 109: 276-280, 2018 关于在FOP中使用伊马替尼美沙酸盐的早期临床观察:七例病例报告
  1. Kaplan FS, Teachey DT, Andolina JR, Siegel DM, Mancilla EE, Hsiao EC, Al Mukaddam M, Rocke DM, Pignolo RJ. Off-on-off-on use of imatinib in three children with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 2021 Sep;150:116016 在三名进行性骨化性纤维发育不良儿童中的伊马替尼的间歇使用
  1. Simmons FER. Advances in H 1 antihistamines. N Engl J Med 351: 2203-2217, 2004 H1抗组胺药的进展
  1. Wang H, Lindborg C, Lounev V, Kim JH, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Xu M, Mangiavini L, Groppe JC, Shore EM, Schipani E, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cellular hypoxia promotes heterotopic ossification by amplifying BMP signaling. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1652-65, 2016 细胞缺氧通过增强BMP信号通路促进异位骨化
  1. Werner CM, Zimmermann SM, Wurgler-Hauri CC, et al. Use of imatinib in the prevention of heterotopic ossification. HSSJ 9: 166–170, 2013 伊马替尼在异位骨化预防中的应用
  1. Mast Cell Inhibitors in FOP
    1. Among the most typical features of FOP flare-ups are the intense muscle edema, fibroproliferation, and angiogenesis characteristic of early pre-osseous FOP lesions, and the rapid spread of the lesions into adjacent tissue. A lesion may appear within hours and can reach an alarming size literally overnight. The sudden appearance and rapid spread of an FOP lesion suggests involvement of a repertoire of inflammatory mediators along with an abnormal connective tissue wound response, and points to a potential role for inflammatory mast cells and their mediators in the extension of the disease process.
      Mast cells are indigenous cells in the body’s connective tissues and arise from the bone marrow. They circulate in the blood as committed, but not terminally differentiated cells, and migrate into numerous tissues including skeletal muscle where they mature and reside as harmless bystanders until provoked by a traumatic or inflammatory stimulus. Mast cells are found in close proximity to blood vessels and nerves. In normal skeletal muscle, mast cells are sparsely distributed in the connective tissues between the muscle bundles. Mast cells contain granules of potent stored chemicals that induce edema, fibroproliferation and angiogenesis when released into the surrounding tissue. For many years, the role of mast cells was unknown, but it now appears that they play an important role in tissue repair and wound healing (Kaplan, 2002).
      When mast cell recruitment and activation go awry, the process can lead to severe inflammatory reactions. This has long been recognized with mast cell activation in the skin and lungs, resulting in the symptoms of hives and asthma, respectively. However, very little is known about mast cells in the deeper tissues of the body such as the skeletal muscles. Mast cells are not easily visible microscopically unless special stains are used to detect them. Mast cells are stimulated by a myriad of external and internal stimuli such as internal immune responses and external tissue injury.
      Mast cells contain granules whose sequestered contents include histamine, heparin, angiogenic proteins, and matrix degrading enzymes that allow injured tissue to repair itself. Potent angiogenic proteins released by mast cells include basic fibroblast growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, and transforming growth factor beta. Mast cells also release a litany of inflammation-causing molecules including tumor necrosis factor alpha, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes. Upon release from the mast cells, these substances influence a vast array of biological processes including inflammation, immune function, angiogenesis, fibrous tissue formation, extracellular tissue remodeling, and tissue repair (Kaplan, 2002).
      The intense inflammatory muscle edema, fibroproliferation, and angiogenesis characteristic of early pre-osseous FOP lesions and the rapid spread of these lesions along muscle planes into adjacent tissue suggested a potential role for mast cells in the FOP process. As little is known about the resident mast cells in skeletal muscle, a comprehensive analysis was undertaken of mast cell distribution in normal skeletal muscle, in uninvolved FOP muscle, in FOP lesions, in inflammatory and genetic muscle diseases, and in experimentally induced animal models of HO (Gannon et al., 2001; Brennan et al., 2017; Convente et al., 2018).
      The findings by Gannon et al. (2001) were startling and unexpected. Mobilization and activation of inflammatory mast cells was found at all stages of FOP lesional development. These data documented an important role for mast cells in the pathology of FOP lesions (Gannon et al., 2001):
      Tissue injury in FOP patients leads to macrophage, mast cell, and lymphocyte migration into normally appearing skeletal muscle. Mediators released by mast cells stimulate a cycle of inflammatory edema, fibrosis, and angiogenesis which is potentiated at the leading edge of an advancing FOP lesion. Reactive fibroblasts within the muscle tissue produce proteins which lead to further proliferation of mast cells and a self-sustaining escalation of the disease process known as a flare-up. Eventually, transforming growth factor beta, released by mast cells and connective tissue progenitor cells, limits the lymphocytic recruitment and migration and thus the size and extent of the expanding lesion, while endogenous over-activity of ACVR1/ALK2 in the core of the fibroproliferative lesion drives the lesion towards ossification through an endochondral pathway.
      The observation of mast cell mobilization in FOP lesions provided a novel and previously unrecognized opportunity to evaluate anti-mast cell therapies in limiting the spread of FOP lesions. In a mouse model of FOP, posttraumatic FOP lesions were evaluated and the proinflammatory cytokine response of TNFα, IL‐1β, and IL‐6 was found to be elevated and prolonged in murine FOP lesions and in murine FOP mast cells. Importantly, depletion of mast cells and macrophages significantly impaired injury‐induced HO in FOP mice (Brennan et al., 2017; Convente et al., 2018).
      Mast cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, and their associated inflammatory-mediators may also be reduced with the use of mast cell stabilizers, long-acting non-sedating antihistamines, leukotriene inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, c-kit tyrosine kinase inhibitors, and cox-2 inhibitors. Mast cell membrane stabilizers may reduce the release of angiogenic and chemotactic factors, while antihistamines and leukotriene inhibitors may reduce the downstream effects of released mediators (Simmons, 2004). Using an injury-induced, constitutively active transgenic mouse model of FOP mast cell inhibition by cromolyn resulted in a dramatic reduction of HO (Brennan et al., 2017). Cromolyn significantly decreases the total number of mast cells and specifically diminishes the number of degranulating and resting degranulated mast cells in pre-osseous FOP lesions.
      The c-kit tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib has been shown to induce mast cell apoptosis and decrease HO in an Achilles tendon injury model of HO (Werner et al., 2013) as well as in an injury-induced, constitutively active transgenic mouse model of FOP (Wang et al., 2016). Imatinib has been successfully used to reduce airway hyper-responsiveness and mast cell number in severe asthma (Cahill et al., 2017) and to mitigate severe and unrelenting flare-ups in FOP (Kaplan et al., 2018; Kaplan et al., 2021). Montelukast has also been used anecdotally in FOP, but its systemic efficacy as a mast cell inhibitor in FOP is unknown. The optimal use of these medications and their potential longterm efficacy in FOP is presently unknown.
      Brennan TA, Lindborg CM, Bergbauer CR, Wang H, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Mast cell inhibition as a therapeutic approach in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 259-266, 2017
      Cahill KN, Katz HR, Cui J, Lai J, Kazani S, Crosby-Thompson A, Garofalo D, Castro M, Jarjour N, DiMango E, Erzurum S, Trevor JL, Shenoy K, Chinchilli VM, Wechsler ME, Laidlaw TM, Boyce JA, Israel E. KIT Inhibition by Imatinib in Patients with Severe Refractory Asthma. N Engl J Med 376: 19111920, 2017
      Convente MR, Chakkalakal SA, Yang E, Caron RJ, Zhang D, Kambayashi T, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Depletion of mast cells and macrophages impairs heterotopic ossification in an Acvr1 R206H mouse model of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 33: 269-282, 2018
      Gannon FH, Glaser D, Caron R, Thompson LDR, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Mast cell involvement in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Hum Pathol 32: 842-848, 2001
      Kaplan AP. Chronic urticaria and angioedema. N Engl J Med 346: 175-179, 2002
      Kaplan FS, Andolina JR, Adamson PC, Teachey DT, Finklestein JZ, Ebb DH, Whitehead B, Jacobs B, Siegel DM, Keen R, Hsiao E, Pignolo RJ. Early clinical observations on the use of imatinib mesylate in FOP: A report of seven cases. Bone 109: 276-280, 2018
      Kaplan FS, Teachey DT, Andolina JR, Siegel DM, Mancilla EE, Hsiao EC, Al Mukaddam M, Rocke DM, Pignolo RJ. Off-on-off-on use of imatinib in three children with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 2021 Sep;150:116016
      Simmons FER. Advances in H 1 antihistamines. N Engl J Med 351: 2203-2217, 2004
      Wang H, Lindborg C, Lounev V, Kim JH, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Xu M, Mangiavini L, Groppe JC, Shore EM, Schipani E, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cellular hypoxia promotes heterotopic ossification by amplifying BMP signaling. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1652-65, 2016
      Werner CM, Zimmermann SM, Wurgler-Hauri CC, et al. Use of imatinib in the prevention of heterotopic ossification. HSSJ 9: 166–170, 2013

6. 双磷酸盐

两到三岁之间的患者以0.75 mg/kg/天的剂量接受帕米膦酸治疗,连续三天通过每次慢速静脉输注4-5小时。三岁以上的患者以1.0 mg/kg/天的剂量接受帕米膦酸治疗,连续三天,每日慢速静脉输注4-5小时,最大剂量为60毫克。第一轮治疗的第一天,患者接受半剂量。偶然报告较低总剂量的帕米膦酸(第2天和第3天的剂量为1/2)和显著更长的输注时间(8-10小时)良好耐受。三天的治疗周期仅应在难治性发作期间重复,每年不超过4次。
帕米膦酸应根据以下表格用生理盐水稀释(指南由F.H. Glorieux提供:蒙特利尔儿童施赖纳医院):
0-5 5.1-10 10.1-15 15.1-25 25.1-50 50.1-60
50 100 150 250 500 600
15 30 45 75 150 180
帕米膦酸盐的最大浓度应为0.1 mg/ml。输液结束时应冲洗静脉输液管,以确保完整剂量的输送。
  1. Baroncelli GI, Bertelloni S. The use of bisphosphonates in pediatrics. Horm Res Paediatr 82: 290-302, 2014 双膦酸盐在儿科中的应用
  1. Bilezikian JP. Osteonecrosis of the jaw – do bisphosphonates pose a risk? N Engl J Med 355: 2278-2281, 2006 下颌骨坏死——双膦酸盐是否存在风险?
  1. Black DM, Kelly MP, Genant HK, Palermo L, Eastell R, Bucci-Rechtweg, Cauley J, Leung PC, Boonen S, Santora A, de Papp A, Bauer DC. Bisphosphonates and fractures of the subtrochanteric or diaphyseal femur. N Engl J Med 362: 1761-1771, 2010 双膦酸盐与股骨转子下或干骺端骨折
  1. Brantus JF, Meunier PJ. Effects of intravenous etidronate and oral corticosteroids in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop 346: 117-120, 1998 静脉注射依替膦酸盐与口服类固醇在进展性骨化纤维发育不良中的效果
  1. Buckley L, Humphrey MB. Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis. New Engl J Med 379: 2547-2556, 2018 糖皮质激素引起的骨质疏松症
  1. Chen JS, Sambrook PN. Antiresorptive therapies for osteoporosis: a clinical overview. Nat Rev Endocrinol 8: 81–91, 2012 骨质疏松症的抗吸收疗法:临床概述
  1. Convente MR, Chakkalakal SA, Yang E, Caron RJ, Zhang D, Kambayashi T, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Depletion of Mast cells and macrophages impairs heterotopic ossification in an ACVR1 (R206H) mouse model of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 33: 269-282, 2018 肥大细胞和巨噬细胞的耗竭削弱了ACVR1 (R206H)小鼠模型中的异位骨化
  1. DiMeglio LA, Peacock M. Two-year clinical trial of oral alendronate versus intravenous pamidronate in children with osteogenesis imperfecta. J Bone Miner Res 21: 132-140, 2006 口服阿仑膦酸盐与静脉注射帕米膦酸盐在骨生成不全儿童中的两年临床试验
  1. Falk MJ, Heeger S, Lynch KA, DeCaro KR, Bohach D, Gibson KS, Warman ML. Intravenous bisphosphonate therapy in children with osteogenesis imperfecta. Pediatrics 111: 573-578, 2003 静脉注射双膦酸盐在骨生成不全儿童中的治疗
  1. George S, Weber DR, Kaplan P, Hummel K, Monk HM, Levine MA. Short-term safety of zoledronic acid in young patients with bone disorders: an extensive institutional experience. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 100: 4163-4171, 2015 年轻骨病患者使用唑来膦酸的短期安全性:广泛的机构经验
  1. Green JR. Antitumor effects of bisphosphonates. Cancer 97 (supplement): 840-847, 2003 双膦酸盐的抗肿瘤效果
  1. Hasmim M, Bieler G, Rüegg C. Zoledronate inhibits endothelial cell adhesion, migration and survival through the suppression of multiple, prenylation-dependent signaling pathways. J Throm Haemost 5: 166173, 2007 唑来膦酸通过抑制多种依赖于异戊烯基化的信号通路来抑制内皮细胞的粘附、迁移和生存
  1. Idris AI, Rojas J, Greig IR, Van’t Hof RJ, Ralston SH. Aminobisphosphonates cause osteoblast apoptosis and inhibit bone nodule formation in vitro. Calcif Tissue Int 82: 191-201, 2008 氨基双膦酸盐在体外导致成骨细胞凋亡并抑制骨小结形成
  1. Kan L, Liu Y, McGuire TL, Berger DM, Awatramani RB, Dymecki SM Kessler JA. Dysregulation of local stem/progenitor cells as a common cellular mechanism for heterotopic ossification. Stem Cells 27: 150156, 2009 局部干细胞/祖细胞失调作为异位骨化的共同细胞机制
  1. Kawao N, Yano M, Tamura Y, Okumoto K, Okada K, Kaji H. Role of osteoclasts in heterotopic ossification enhanced by fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva-related activin-like kinase 2 mutation in mice. J Bone Miner Metab 34: 517-525, 2016 破骨细胞在与进展性骨化纤维发育不良相关的激活素样激酶2突变的小鼠中增强异位骨化的作用
  1. Khosla S, Burr D, Cauley J, Dempster DW, Ebeling PR, Felsenberg D, Gagel RF, Gilsanz V, Guise T, Koka S, McCauley LK, McGowan J, McKee MD, Mohla S, Pendrys DG, Raisz LG, Ruggiero SL, Shafer DM, Shum L, Silverman SL, Van Poznak CH, Watts N, Woo SB, Shane E. Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw: report of a task force of The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. J Bone Miner Res 22: 1479-1491, 2007 双膦酸盐相关的下颌骨坏死:美国骨骼与矿物质研究学会工作组报告
  1. Nogginuera A, Ros JB, Pavia C, Alcover E, Valls C, Villaronga M, Gonzalez E. Bisphosphonates, a new treatment for glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in children. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 16: 529-536, 2003 双膦酸盐:儿童糖皮质激素引起的骨质疏松症的新治疗方法
  1. Orcel P, Beaudreuil J. Bisphosphonates in bone disease other than osteoporosis. Joint Bone Spine 69: 1927, 2002 双膦酸盐在除骨质疏松症以外的骨病中的应用
  1. Rauch F, Plotkin H, Zeitlin L, Glorieux FH. Bone mass, size, and density in children and adolescents with osteogenesis imperfecta: effect of intravenous pamidronate therapy. J Bone Miner Res 18: 610-614, 2003 骨生成不全儿童与青少年的骨量、大小和密度:静脉注射帕米膦酸盐治疗的效果
  1. Rauch F, Travers R, Plotkin H, Glorieux FH. The effects of intravenous pamidronate on the bone tissue of children and adolescents with osteogenesis imperfecta. J Clin Invest 110: 1293-1299, 2002 静脉注射帕米膦酸盐对骨生成不全儿童和青少年骨组织的影响
  1. Rosen CJ, Brown S. Severe hypocalcemia after intravenous bisphosphonate therapy in occult vitamin D deficiency. N Engl J Med 348: 1503-1504, 2003 在隐匿性维生素D缺乏症患者中,静脉注射双膦酸盐治疗后严重低钙血症
  1. Santini D, Vincenzi B, Avvisati G, Dicuonzo G, Battistoni F, Gavasci M, Salerno A, Denaro V, Tonini G. Pamidronate induces modifications of circulating angiogenetic factors in cancer patients. Clin Cancer Res 8: 1080-1084, 2002 帕米膦酸盐在癌症患者中诱导循环血管生成因子的改变
  1. Schuetz P, Mueller B, Christ-Crain M, Dick W, Haas H. Amino-bisphosphonates in heterotopic ossification: first experience in five consecutive cases. Spinal Cord 43: 604-610, 2005 氨基双膦酸盐在异位骨化中的应用:五例连续病例的首次经验
  1. Shane E. Evolving data about subtrochanteric fractures and bisphosphonates. N Engl J Med 362: 18251827, 2010 关于转子下骨折和双膦酸盐的不断更新的数据
  1. Staa TPV, Cooper C, Leufkens HGM, Bishop N. Children and the risk of fractures caused by oral corticosteroids. J Bone Miner Res 18: 913-918, 2003 儿童与口服类固醇引起的骨折风险
  1. Tassone P, Forciniti, S, Galea E, Morrone G, Turco MC, Martinelli V, Tagliaferri P, Venuta S. Growth inhibition and synergistic induction of apoptosis by zoledronate and dexamethasone in human myeloma cell lines. Leukemia 14: 841-844, 2000 唑来膦酸和地塞米松在人体骨髓瘤细胞系中对生长的抑制和凋亡的协同诱导
  1. Whyte MP, Wenkert D, Clements KL, McAlister WH, Mumm S. Bisphosphonate-induced osteopetrosis. N Engl J Med 349: 457-463, 2003 双膦酸盐诱导的骨质过度密度增生(骨硬化症)
  1. Wood J, Bonjean K, Ruetz S, Bellahcene A, Devy L, Foidart JM, Castronovo V, Green JR. Novel antiangiogenic effects of the bisphosphonate compound zoledronic acid. J Pharmacol Exp Therap 302: 1055-1061, 2002 唑来膦酸这一双膦酸盐化合物的新型抗血管生成作用
  1. Yamada J, Tsuno NH, Kitayama J, Tsuchiya T, Yoneyama S, Asakage M, Okaji Y, Nishikawa T, Tanaka J, Takahashi K, Nagawa H. Anti-angiogenic property of zoledronic acid by inhibition of endothelial progenitor cell differentiation. J Surg Res 151: 115-120, 2009 唑来膦酸通过抑制内皮祖细胞分化表现出的抗血管生成特性
  1. Vargas-Franco JW, Castaneda B, Rédiní F, Gómez DF, Heymann D, Lézot F. Paradoxical side effects of bisphosphonates on the skeleton: What do we know and what can we do? J Cell Physiol 233: 5696-5715, 2018 双膦酸盐对骨骼的悖论性副作用:我们知道什么,以及我们能做什么?
  1. Bisphosphonates in FOP
    1. Bisphosphonates are a potent class of medications that have profound effects on bone remodeling and exert their primary effect by decreasing the life span of osteoclasts. Bisphosphonates are thus widely used in adults and children for the treatment of numerous bone diseases where bone resorption exceeds bone formation - disorders such as steroid-induced osteoporosis, idiopathic osteoporosis, osteogenesis imperfecta, Paget’s disease, fibrous dysplasia, and bone cancer (Orcel & Beaudreuil, 2002; Nogginuera et al., 2003; Chen & Sambrook, 2012; Baroncelli & Bertelloni, 2014).
      In addition, bisphosphonates have been used experimentally and anecdotally in the symptomatic management of flare-ups in FOP. The first clinically used bisphosphonate, etidronate, when administered at high doses, potently inhibited mineralization of newly formed cartilage and bone protein and had been proposed as a possible treatment for FOP and other disorders of HO. Etidronate had been studied in FOP because of its inhibitory effect on bone mineralization and its potential to impair ossification at high dosages (Brantus & Meunier, 1998). Unfortunately, at high doses for long durations, etidronate caused osteomalacia (soft bones) and impaired ossification of the entire skeletal system, not just the heterotopic bone of the “second skeleton.” Its utility is therefore limited. Etidronate has also been discontinued in the USA.
      Unlike etidronate, the newer aminobisphosphonates have no appreciable effect on inhibiting mineralization or causing osteomalacia. In 2005, Schuetz and colleagues reported generally beneficial but anecdotal effects of high dose aminobisphosphonates in preventing recurrence of HO in high-risk patients with established HO who were undergoing surgery to excise heterotopic bone. One of the five patients reported had FOP (Schuetz et al., 2005).
      The newer aminobisphosphonates have been used anecdotally for many years as an adjunctive symptomatic treatment for refractory flare-ups in FOP. Over the past 15 years, many patients in the FOP community have used pamidronate empirically for the symptomatic relief of refractory flare-ups, especially those that are prolonged or fail to respond to corticosteroids. Approximately three-quarters anecdotally report rapid improvement in the symptoms and signs of a flare-up while one-quarter report no improvement in the symptoms or signs of the flare-up (F. Kaplan, personal observation).
      Importantly, there seems to be no protective effect on the occurrence of subsequent flare-ups in any of the patients treated with intravenous aminobisphosphonates. While these anecdotal patient reports are not scientifically valid; they constitute an important set of anecdotal observations that compel further stringent scientific inquiry in controlled clinical studies.
      The bisphosphonate protocols used in the adjunctive, symptomatic treatment of FOP flare-ups have varied slightly between the patients (depending on age, body weight, and site of involvement) but in general were similar. The most commonly used protocol is summarized in Section V - Classes of Medications (Table 1).
      In all patients, serum calcium was monitored prior to treatment to assure that it was in the normal range, as hypocalcemia is a contraindication to the use of intravenous pamidronate or any of the aminobisphosphonates (Rosen & Brown, 2003). All patients had adequate daily oral calcium and vitamin D supplementation during and following treatment. A serum calcium, phosphate, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, 25-Hydroxy vitamin D, BUN, creatinine and complete blood count (CBC) should also be obtained at baseline.
      Treatment schedules were based upon published guidelines for children and adolescents with osteogenesis imperfecta as that group constitutes the largest known group of children and adolescents in whom intravenous aminobisphosphonates have been used (Rauch et al., 2002; Falk et al., 2003; Rauch et al., 2003; DiMeglio & Peacock 2006). The treatment of these children has allowed us to extrapolate protocols and safety data for FOP. Zoledronate has been used more recently in adults and children and offers the opportunity for shorter treatment regimens. However, the side-effects in young children are not fully known and the more prolonged exposure to pamidronate is preferred in FOP especially if administered during an acute flare-up (George et al., 2015).
      Patients between two and three years of age received pamidronate at a dose of 0.75 mg/kg/day for three consecutive days by slow intravenous infusion over 4-5 hours each day. Patients over the age of three years received Pamidronate at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg/day for three days by slow intravenous infusion over 4-5 hours each day, with a maximal dose of 60 mgs daily. On the first day of the first cycle of treatment, the patient receives half the dose. Lower total doses of pamidronate (½ listed dose on days 2 and 3) and substantially longer durations of infusions (8-10 hours) have been reported anecdotally and have been well-tolerated. The three-day cycle of treatment should be repeated only during refractory flare-ups and no more than 4 times annually.
      An alternate approach is to administer intravenous pamidronate about one week apart and assess the patient to see if there is a medical response in between. In many cases, it has been found that two doses are sufficient. Pamidronate should not be used routinely to treat flare-ups. It should be used primarily for the adjunctive treatment of flare-ups where other modes of symptomatic treatment have failed.
      Pamidronate should be diluted in normal saline according to the following table (Guidelines courtesy of F.H. Glorieux: Shriner’s Hospital for Children, Montreal):
      notion image
      The maximal concentration of pamidronate should be 0.1 mg/ml. The IV tubing should be flushed at the end of the infusion to ensure full dose delivery.
      Side-effects of intravenous pamidronate infusions in FOP patients included flu-like symptoms of fever, chills, and muscle aches. These symptoms can often be lessened by pre-treatment with acetaminophen. One patient developed tetany (uncontrolled muscle contractions due to a low vitamin D level in the blood prior to ameliorative therapy with pamidronate), and one patient developed peripheral phlebitis (inflammation of the vein) at the intravenous infusion site, which required inpatient intravenous antibiotic treatment.
      A published case report documents the development of iatrogenic osteopetrosis in a child treated with 60 mgs of intravenous pamidronate every three weeks for two years. The child did not have FOP and the cumulative doses reported far exceeded any published recommendations for the use of pamidronate in skeletal diseases (Whyte et al., 2003).
      Several important rare but serious complications the bisphosphonates are necessary to note osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) and low-energy atypical femoral fractures. The following references contain detailed reviews of these rare but serious complications (Bilezikian, 2006; Black et al., 2010; Khosla et al., 2007; Shane et al., 2010; Vargas-Franco et al., 2018). Patients considering bisphosphonates should have a dental exam prior to initiation whenever possible.
      Bisphosphonates have a long half-life and can reside in the skeleton for many years after the infusion. In women of child-bearing potential, the risk of bisphosphonate exposure on the fetus with future pregnancies is unknown.
      A recent study showed that osteoclast inhibition does not affect HO enhanced by the FOP-related mutation (Kawao et al., 2016), so any effect of aminobisphosphonates on HO, if any, are not due to anti-osteoclastic activity, but through other less-explored mechanisms. Clearly, if the aminobisphosphonates are truly beneficial in the treatment of FOP flare-ups, there must be a mechanism of action that is very brief and substantially different from that of osteoclast inhibition from which the medication derives its beneficial effects in the normotopic skeleton.
      One intriguing line of investigation concerns the role of inflammatory cells in triggering HO. Kan and colleagues showed that systemically delivered bisphosphonates powerfully and specifically inhibited monocytes and led to substantial inhibition of trauma-induced HO in a BMP4-transgenic mouse model of HO (Kan et al., 2009).
      Intravenous aminobisphosphonates have also been shown to modulate macrophages and various lymphocyte subpopulations in the circulation and may be responsible for its dose-related side-effects of causing flu-like symptoms. We cannot yet rule-out the possibility that aminobisphosphonates may affect early lymphocytic and monocytic infiltration into skeletal muscle seen in FOP lesions. It is also likely that the aminobisphosphonates directly inhibit the metabolic activity of monocytes and macrophages that play such key roles in the response of the innate immune system in FOP (Convente et al., 2018).
      Several studies provide some additional clues. These studies document the potent antiangiogenic effects of the aminobisphosphonates by decreasing serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) levels in cancer patients with bone metastasis (Santini et al., 2002; Wood et al., 2002). Compelling evidence has emerged that aminobisphosphonates inhibit endothelial cell adhesion, migration and survival through suppression of multiple prenylationdependent signaling pathways (Hasmim et al., 2007). Other independent studies have shown that aminobisphosphonates have potent anti-angiogenic properties by inhibiting endothelial cell differentiation (Yamada et al., 2009). Taken together, these data strongly suggest that the aminobisphosphonates may be potent anti-angiogenic agents.
      Other possible mechanisms by which the aminobisphosphonates might affect FOP lesions include a direct inhibition on the proliferation of a rapidly dividing population of cells. Such an effect was noted in studies investigating the effects of aminobisphosphonates on cancer cells in vitro (Tassone et al., 2000; Green, 2003). It is possible that pamidronate and zoledronate may affect one or more cell types in an early FOP lesion. Another study showed (Idris et al., 2008) that aminobisphosphonates cause osteoblast apoptosis and inhibit bone nodule formation in vitro, thus suggesting that aminobisphosphonates may have a direct effect on inhibiting osteoblastic ability, especially in early bone nodules, as in FOP.
      It remains unclear whether bisphosphonates have effects on flare-ups, though anecdotally they seem to decrease the flare symptoms in some patients. As with all medications, the risks and benefits need to be assessed carefully. Only rigorous controlled investigations in vitro and in vivo, as well as placebocontrolled clinical trials will be able to definitively decipher these possibilities and provide a solid rational basis for determining whether or not one or more of the aminobisphosphonates may have a beneficial role in the treatment of FOP.
      Most importantly, intravenous aminobisphosphonates are indicated for the prevention and treatment of steroid-associated bone loss, or osteoporosis of the native skeleton, both of which are common problem in FOP patients (Nogginuera et al., 2003; Staa et al., 2003; Chen & Sambrook, 2012; Baroncelli & Bertelloni, 2014; Buckley & Humphrey, 2018). Dentists should be made aware of any prior bisphosphonate use.
      Of note, denosumab, a monoclonal antibody to RANK ligand, is a potent anti-resorptive drug approved for the treatment of osteoporosis and certain cancers. As far as we are aware, denosumab has not been used in patients with FOP. Recent reports of increased risks of spinal compression fractures with discontinuation of denosumab, as well as increased risk of hypocalcemia in patients with impaired renal function, lead to the recommendation not to use denosumab in FOP at this time.
      Baroncelli GI, Bertelloni S. The use of bisphosphonates in pediatrics. Horm Res Paediatr 82: 290-302, 2014
      Bilezikian JP. Osteonecrosis of the jaw – do bisphosphonates pose a risk? N Engl J Med 355: 2278-2281, 2006
      Black DM, Kelly MP, Genant HK, Palermo L, Eastell R, Bucci-Rechtweg, Cauley J, Leung PC, Boonen S, Santora A, de Papp A, Bauer DC. Bisphosphonates and fractures of the subtrochanteric or diaphyseal femur. N Engl J Med 362: 1761-1771, 2010
      Brantus JF, Meunier PJ. Effects of intravenous etidronate and oral corticosteroids in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop 346: 117-120, 1998
      Buckley L, Humphrey MB. Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis. New Engl J Med 379: 2547-2556, 2018
      Chen JS, Sambrook PN. Antiresorptive therapies for osteoporosis: a clinical overview. Nat Rev Endocrinol 8: 81–91, 2012
      Convente MR, Chakkalakal SA, Yang E, Caron RJ, Zhang D, Kambayashi T, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Depletion of Mast cells and macrophages impairs heterotopic ossification in an ACVR1 (R206H) mouse model of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 33: 269-282, 2018
      DiMeglio LA, Peacock M. Two-year clinical trial of oral alendronate versus intravenous pamidronate in children with osteogenesis imperfecta. J Bone Miner Res 21: 132-140, 2006
      Falk MJ, Heeger S, Lynch KA, DeCaro KR, Bohach D, Gibson KS, Warman ML. Intravenous bisphosphonate therapy in children with osteogenesis imperfecta. Pediatrics 111: 573-578, 2003
      George S, Weber DR, Kaplan P, Hummel K, Monk HM, Levine MA. Short-term safety of zoledronic acid in young patients with bone disorders: an extensive institutional experience. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 100: 4163-4171, 2015
      Green JR. Antitumor effects of bisphosphonates. Cancer 97 (supplement): 840-847, 2003
      Hasmim M, Bieler G, Rüegg C. Zoledronate inhibits endothelial cell adhesion, migration and survival through the suppression of multiple, prenylation-dependent signaling pathways. J Throm Haemost 5: 166173, 2007
      Idris AI, Rojas J, Greig IR, Van’t Hof RJ, Ralston SH. Aminobisphosphonates cause osteoblast apoptosis and inhibit bone nodule formation in vitro. Calcif Tissue Int 82: 191-201, 2008
      Kan L, Liu Y, McGuire TL, Berger DM, Awatramani RB, Dymecki SM Kessler JA. Dysregulation of local stem/progenitor cells as a common cellular mechanism for heterotopic ossification. Stem Cells 27: 150156, 2009
      Kawao N, Yano M, Tamura Y, Okumoto K, Okada K, Kaji H. Role of osteoclasts in heterotopic ossification enhanced by fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva-related activin-like kinase 2 mutation in mice. J Bone Miner Metab 34: 517-525, 2016
      Khosla S, Burr D, Cauley J, Dempster DW, Ebeling PR, Felsenberg D, Gagel RF, Gilsanz V, Guise T, Koka S, McCauley LK, McGowan J, McKee MD, Mohla S, Pendrys DG, Raisz LG, Ruggiero SL, Shafer DM, Shum L, Silverman SL, Van Poznak CH, Watts N, Woo SB, Shane E. Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw: report of a task force of The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. J Bone Miner Res 22: 1479-1491, 2007
      Nogginuera A, Ros JB, Pavia C, Alcover E, Valls C, Villaronga M, Gonzalez E. Bisphosphonates, a new treatment for glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in children. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 16: 529-536, 2003
      Orcel P, Beaudreuil J. Bisphosphonates in bone disease other than osteoporosis. Joint Bone Spine 69: 1927, 2002
      Rauch F, Plotkin H, Zeitlin L, Glorieux FH. Bone mass, size, and density in children and adolescents with osteogenesis imperfecta: effect of intravenous pamidronate therapy. J Bone Miner Res 18: 610-614, 2003
      Rauch F, Travers R, Plotkin H, Glorieux FH. The effects of intravenous pamidronate on the bone tissue of children and adolescents with osteogenesis imperfecta. J Clin Invest 110: 1293-1299, 2002
      Rosen CJ, Brown S. Severe hypocalcemia after intravenous bisphosphonate therapy in occult vitamin D deficiency. N Engl J Med 348: 1503-1504, 2003
      Santini D, Vincenzi B, Avvisati G, Dicuonzo G, Battistoni F, Gavasci M, Salerno A, Denaro V, Tonini G. Pamidronate induces modifications of circulating angiogenetic factors in cancer patients. Clin Cancer Res 8: 1080-1084, 2002
      Schuetz P, Mueller B, Christ-Crain M, Dick W, Haas H. Amino-bisphosphonates in heterotopic ossification: first experience in five consecutive cases. Spinal Cord 43: 604-610, 2005
      Shane E. Evolving data about subtrochanteric fractures and bisphosphonates. N Engl J Med 362: 18251827, 2010
      Staa TPV, Cooper C, Leufkens HGM, Bishop N. Children and the risk of fractures caused by oral corticosteroids. J Bone Miner Res 18: 913-918, 2003
      Tassone P, Forciniti, S, Galea E, Morrone G, Turco MC, Martinelli V, Tagliaferri P, Venuta S. Growth inhibition and synergistic induction of apoptosis by zoledronate and dexamethasone in human myeloma cell lines. Leukemia 14: 841-844, 2000
      Whyte MP, Wenkert D, Clements KL, McAlister WH, Mumm S. Bisphosphonate-induced osteopetrosis. N Engl J Med 349: 457-463, 2003
      Wood J, Bonjean K, Ruetz S, Bellahcene A, Devy L, Foidart JM, Castronovo V, Green JR. Novel antiangiogenic effects of the bisphosphonate compound zoledronic acid. J Pharmacol Exp Therap 302: 1055-1061, 2002
      Yamada J, Tsuno NH, Kitayama J, Tsuchiya T, Yoneyama S, Asakage M, Okaji Y, Nishikawa T, Tanaka J, Takahashi K, Nagawa H. Anti-angiogenic property of zoledronic acid by inhibition of endothelial progenitor cell differentiation. J Surg Res 151: 115-120, 2009
      Vargas-Franco JW, Castaneda B, Rédiní F, Gómez DF, Heymann D, Lézot F. Paradoxical side effects of bisphosphonates on the skeleton: What do we know and what can we do? J Cell Physiol 233: 5696-5715, 2018

7. 管理FOP炎症的非标签强效药物

国际进展性骨化纤维发育不良协作组(ICC)已就使用非标签药物管理FOP发布了声明。这些声明可以在ICC网站上找到 (ICCFOP.org)。
间歇性治疗(Off-on-off-on, O4)方法提供了一个机会,可以快速评估药物的潜在症状疗效和耐受性,且患者数量有限,可能有助于设计更集中、适合入组的临床试验。报道了三名经典FOP患者,他们有顽固的背部发作,并接受了伊马替尼的O4方案治疗。所有三名儿童在“服用”伊马替尼时,父母和治疗医生报告的发作频率较少、肿胀减轻以及日常生活活动的功能改善,而在“停用”伊马替尼时则相反。服用伊马替尼后的中位改善时间为2-3周。对于三名有顽固背部发作的FOP儿童的伊马替尼的轶事O4经验支持设计一个简短的安慰剂对照试验,以评估伊马替尼在减轻FOP难治性发作症状中的潜在疗效。
  1. 是否仅有减少发作的益处(这已是所有这些药物报告的内容);
  1. 是否对功能或减少FOP中的异位骨化有任何益处;
  1. 这些药物在FOP患者中的长期安全性;以及
  1. 患者停止用药后会发生什么。
  1. FOP发作被认为是严重和难治的,或者疾病有异常严重或迅速的进展;
  1. 一旦标准护理疗法(ICCFOP.org)已耗尽;以及
  1. 临床团队认为这些药物可以安全使用(即没有其他禁忌症,没有感染的潜在问题,没有免疫缺陷的情况,没有药物相互作用等),并根据这些药物可能已被批准的年龄进行使用。
ICC特别提醒有已知与帕洛伐利(palovarotene)严重相互作用的药物。 这包括所有四环素类药物,如米诺环素或多西环素。与帕洛伐利或其他类视黄醇类药物一起使用这些药物可能导致伪肿瘤性脑膜炎,这是一种危险的高颅内压症状,可能损害大脑和神经系统。
如果您希望为自己或孩子考虑这些药物,请与您的医生和FOP临床医生详细讨论其利弊。药物相互作用和个体风险因人而异,可能非常严重。 这些风险必须在个体患者层面上进行讨论。
社交媒体上关于安全性或有效性的声明并不等同于对潜在风险和益处的开放医学讨论。 ICC相信个体选择。无论某人是否采用潜在疗法,或认为某种疗法有效,都是必须在明确呈现所有可用风险和益处的情况下进行的个人判断。
  1. Barruet E, Morales BM, Cain CJ, Ton AN, Wentworth KL, Chan TV, Moody TA, Haks MC, Ottenhoff TH, Hellman J, Nakamura MC, Hsiao EC. NF-κB/MAPK activation underlies ACVR1-mediated inflammation in human heterotopic ossification. JCI Insight 2018 Nov 15;3(22). pii: 122958 NF-κB/MAPK激活是人类异位骨化中ACVR1介导炎症的基础
  1. Cahill KN, Katz HR, Cui J, Lai J, Kazani S, Crosby-Thompson A, Garofalo D, Castro M, Jarjour N, DiMango E, Erzurum S, Trevor JL, Shenoy K, Chinchilli VM, Wechsler ME, Laidlaw TM, Boyce JA, Israel E. KIT Inhibition by Imatinib in Patients with Severe Refractory Asthma. N Engl J Med 376: 19111920, 2017 伊马替尼对重度难治性哮喘患者的KIT抑制作用
  1. Galli SJ. Mast Cells and KIT as Potential Therapeutic Targets in Severe Asthma. N Engl J Med 376: 19831984, 2017 嗜碱性粒细胞和KIT作为重度哮喘的潜在治疗靶点
  1. Haviv R, Moshe V, De Benedetti F, Prencipe G, Rabinowicz N, Uziel Y. Is fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva an interleukin-1 driven auto-inflammatory syndrome? Pediatr Rheumatol Online J 2019 Dec 21:17 (1):84 纤维发育不良骨化进展症是否是一种由白细胞介素-1驱动的自身炎症综合症?
  1. Haviv R, Zeitlin L, Moshe V, Ziv A, Rabinowicz N, De Benedetti F, Prencipe G, Matteo V, De Cunto CL, Hsiao EC, Uziel Y. Long term use of interleukin-1 inhibitors reduce flare activity in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2024 May 11:keae255 白细胞介素-1抑制剂的长期使用减少了纤维发育不良骨化进展症患者的发作活动
  1. Kaplan FS, Andolina JR, Adamson PC, Teachey DT, Finklestein JZ, Ebb DH, Whitehead B, Jacobs B, Siegel DM, Keen R, Hsiao E, Pignolo RJ. Early clinical observations on the use of imatinib mesylate in FOP: A report of seven cases. Bone 109: 276-280, 2018 伊马替尼美克酸在FOP中的早期临床观察:七例报告
  1. Kaplan FS, Teachey DT, Andolina JR, Siegel DM, Mancilla EE, Hsiao EC, Al Mukaddam M, Rocke DM, Pignolo RJ. Off-on-off-on use of imatinib in three children with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 150:116016, 2021 在三名纤维发育不良骨化进展症儿童中的伊马替尼交替用药
  1. Lounev V, Groppe JC, Brewer N, Wentworth KL, Smith V, Xu M, Schomburg L, Bhargava P, Al Mukaddam M, Hsiao EC, Shore EM, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 deficiency confers resilience in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in a man and mice. J Bone Miner Res 39: 382-398, 2024 基质金属蛋白酶-9缺乏使得一名患者和小鼠在纤维发育不良骨化进展症中具备抵抗力
  1. Matsuo K, Chavez RD, Barruet E, Hsiao EC. Inflammation in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva and other forms of heterotopic ossification. Curr Osteoporos Rep 17: 387-394, 2019 纤维发育不良骨化进展症和其他异位骨化形式中的炎症
  1. Matsuo K, Lepinski A, Chavez RD, Barruet E, Pereira A, Moody TA, Ton AN, Sharma A, Hellman J, Tomoda K, Nakamura MC, Hsiao EC. ACVR1 R206H extends inflammatory responses in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived macrophages. Bone 2021 Dec;153:116129 ACVR1 R206H延长人类诱导多能干细胞来源巨噬细胞中的炎症反应
  1. Nikishina IP, Arsenyeva SV, Matkava VG, Arefieva AN, Kaleda MI, Smirnov AV, Blank LM, Kostik MM. Successful experience of tofacitinib treatment in patients with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Pediatr Rheumatol Online J 2023 Aug 29;21(1):92 托法替尼治疗纤维发育不良骨化进展症患者的成功经验
  1. Oh ST, Mesa RA, Harrison CN, Bose P, Gerds AT, Gupta V, Scott BL, Kiladjian JJ, Lucchesi A, Kong T, Buckley SA, Tyavanagimatt S, Harder BG, Roman-Torres K, Smith J, Craig AR, Mascarenhas J, Verstovsek S. Pacritinib is a potent ACVR1 inhibitor with significant anemia benefit in patients with myelofibrosis. Blood Adv 7: 5835-5842, 2023 帕克利尼是强效的ACVR1抑制剂,对骨髓纤维化患者具有显著的贫血益处
  1. Oh ST, Talpaz M, Gerds AT, Gupta V, Verstovsek S, Mesa R, Miller CB, Rivera CE, Fleischman AG, Goel S, Heaney ML, O'Connell C, Arcasoy MO, Zhang Y, Kawashima J, Ganz T, Kowalski M, Brachmann CB. ACVR1/JAK1/JAK2 inhibitor momelotinib reverses transfusion dependency and suppresses hepcidin in myelofibrosis phase 2 trial. Blood Adv 4: 4282-4291, 2020 ACVR1/JAK1/JAK2抑制剂莫美莫尼在骨髓纤维化第二阶段试验中逆转输血依赖性并抑制肝细胞素
  1. Walker UA, Tilson HH, Hawkins PN, Poll TV, Noviello S, Levy J, Vritzali E, Hoffman HM, KuemmerleDeschner JB; CACZ885D2401 Study Investigators. Long-term safety and effectiveness of canakinumab therapy in patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome: results from the β-Confident Registry. RMD Open 2021 May;7(2):e001663 卡那白滞素治疗冷冻脓毒症相关周期性综合症患者的长期安全性和有效性:来自β-Confident登记的结果
  1. Wang H, Lindborg C, Lounev V, Kim JH, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Xu M, Mangivani L, Groppe JC, Shore EM, Schipani E, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cellular hypoxia promotes heterotopic ossification by amplifying BMP signaling. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1652-1665, 2016 细胞缺氧通过增强BMP信号传导促进异位骨化
  1. Off-Label Use of Potent Medications for Managing Inflammation in FOP
    1. Clinical trials for rare diseases commonly focus on one target and one potential therapeutic at a time. However, the exigencies of clinical care in a real-world setting require flexibility in managing symptomatic disease, especially when no other alternatives are available. Approved medicines for one condition may have potential off-target effects for another and thereby be suitable for off-label use on a compassionate basis. Early anecdotal experience with such medications may suggest useful parameters for monitoring meaningful endpoints in future clinical trials.
      Recently, there has been growing interest in a number of off-label medications that may have benefits for managing FOP. Many of these medications modulate the immune system. These medications do not have detailed outcome results for blocking of heterotopic ossification. At this time, the use of off-label medications is recommended only for patients with refractory, severe flares that have not responded to standard-of-care therapies, and in which there are no additional contraindications or medication interactions.
      The ICC has published statement on the use of off-label medications for the management of FOP. These can be found on the ICC website (ICCFOP.org).
      Imatinib for FOP:
      In FOP often relentless flare-ups, ongoing discomfort and progressive loss of axial mobility of early childhood pose a special challenge in the symptomatic management of FOP. Presently, there are no adequate solutions for this problem. Research studies have identified multiple potential targets for therapy in FOP, and novel drug candidates are being developed for testing in clinical trials. A complementary approach seeks to identify approved drugs that could be re-purposed against defined targets in FOP.
      One such drug is imatinib mesylate, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor originally developed for use in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Imatinib has the desirable effect of attacking multiple targets involved in the early hypoxic and inflammatory stages of FOP flare-ups, including HIF1-α, PDGFRα, c-KIT, and multiple MAP kinases (Cahill et al., 2017; Galli, 2017). Notably, imatinib is effective in the treatment of systemic mast cell disease and inhibits multiple inflammatory proteins implicated in the formation of HO. Thus, imatinib has potential impact on major therapeutic targets of FOP.
      Based on compelling biologic rationale, strong preclinical data, and a favorable safety profile, imatinib has been prescribed on an off-label basis in a non-trial setting in seven children with continuous FOP flare-ups, predominantly in the axial regions which were not responsive to standard-of-care regimens (Wang et al., 2016; Kaplan et al., 2018). All seven children failed to demonstrate any durable symptomatic response to the standard medications used to manage symptoms of FOP such as corticosteroids, non-steroidal antiinflammatory agents, cromolyn or intravenous bisphosphonates.
      All seven children were referred to a pediatric hematologist-oncologist or a pediatric rheumatologist for consideration of imatinib therapy after detailed consultation with the parents on the relative risks and benefits of off-label use of imatinib for FOP. Parents were informed that imatinib use was on an off-label
      basis and was not part of a clinical research study. The parents were also informed that progress would be monitored clinically, and that radiographs would not be performed routinely.
      Anecdotal reports in these cases document that the medication was well-tolerated with an overall reported decrease in the intensity of flare-ups in the six children who took the medication. Moreover, the parents of all six children who were able to take imatinib on a daily basis noted subjective decreases in flare-up intensity after several weeks of use (Kaplan et al., 2018).
      Off-on-off-on (O4) approaches offer an opportunity to rapidly assess the potential symptomatic efficacy and tolerability of a medication with a limited number of patients and may aid in the design of more focused clinical trials that are amenable to enrollment. Kaplan et al. (2021) reported three children with classic FOP who had recalcitrant flare-ups of the back and who had been treated with an O4 regimen of imatinib. In all three children, fewer flare-ups, decreased swelling and improved function with activities of daily living were reported by the parents and treating physician when the children were "on" imatinib than when they were "off" imatinib. The median time to improvement on imatinib was 2-3 weeks. The anecdotal O4 experience with imatinib reported in three children with FOP who had recalcitrant flare-ups of the back supports the design of a brief placebo-controlled trial to assess the potential efficacy of imatinib in reducing the symptoms in children with refractory flare-ups of FOP (Kaplan et al., 2021).
      Presently, there is no definitive evidence that imatinib prevents or ameliorates flare-ups in FOP. However, early clinical observations support the implementation of clinical trials of imatinib in children with uncontrolled FOP flare-ups (Kaplan et al., 2018; Kaplan et al., 2021).
      Tofacitinib for FOP:
      Since flares of FOP are associated with inflammation, it was hypothesized that JAK inhibitors can control active FOP due to blocking multiple inflammatory signaling pathways (Nikishina et al., 2023). The authors reported their observations on the safety and efficacy of tofacitinib in 13 patients with FOP refractory to standard of care treatment. Thirteen genetically confirmed FOP patients (seven boys and six girls from 2-20 years) were treated with tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day. All patients initially failed treatment with NSAIDs, corticosteroids, and bisphosphonates. Patients were evaluated for 12 months before the beginning of their treatment with tofacitinib and continued for at least12 months during their tofacitinib treatment period. During the trial, the median frequency of flares decreased from 10 during 12 months before the baseline to 0 in the following 12 months and 0 in 24 months of treatment. Twelve patients had no deteriorations of the CAJIS index during the study; in one patient the CAJIS index deteriorated by 1 point. Improvement in the range of motion in the large joints was noted in 31% of patients. NSAID, oral and intravenous corticosteroids were successfully decreased from 100%; 61.5%, and 15.4% (baseline) to 46.2%, 7.7%, and 0% (12 months) and 22.2%, 0%, and 0% (24 months). Patients tolerated the drug well. No severe adverse events were registered. The authors concluded that Tofacitinib was a well-tolerated option that may decrease FOP flares and that further studies of the therapeutic potential of JAK-kinase inhibitors in FOP patients are needed (Nikishina et al., 2023).
      Of note, JAK-kinase inhibitors can lead to renal and hepatic toxicity. There is concern about tofacitinib leading to an increased risk of deep vein thromboses or pulmonary emboli, as well as certain types of cancer, heart-related events, and death. The FDA has issued a black box warning detailing these concerns (Sept 1, 2021)
      Anti-IL1 therapies for FOP (anakinra, canakinumab):
      Multiple studies suggest that IL-1 is a major regulator of inflammation (Barruet et al., 2018; Matsuo et al., 2019; Matsuo et al., 2021; Lounev et al., 2024). This interest has led to the off-label trials of anti-IL1 therapies such as anakinra (which targets the IL1 receptor) and canakinumab (which blocks IL-1beta) for treating the inflammatory components of FOP. Initial reports of a patient in Israel showed promising results with controlling flares. A subsequent case series of four patients receiving longer-term anti-IL1 drugs was recently published, showing a significant decrease in flare activity (Haviv et al., 2024). When therapy was discontinued briefly in one patient, the FOP flares returned; this was subsequently suppressed by restarting anti-IL1 therapy.
      Canakinumab is of particular interest because it is given every 4-8 weeks. Anakinra, which is a daily medication, has been associated with injection site pain in both FOP and non-FOP patients. Both of these medications are immune suppressants, and so may increase the risk of serious infections. Long term use of up to 6 years in cryopyrin associated periodic syndrome (CAPS) and other inflammatory conditions have shown good safety and tolerability (Walker et al., 2021). However, the efficacy of reducing new HO formation in FOP and long term safety for use in FOP remains unclear.
      Other anti-inflammatory medications:
      There has been no compelling anecdotal data to support the use of other anti-inflammatory medications, including methotrexate, rituximab, TNF-α inhibitors, or rapamycin. Therefore, the use of these medications for the primary management of FOP is not indicated.
      Statement Regarding Off Label Medications for the Management of FOP from the International Clinical Council on FOP (ICC; May 2024)
      The International Clinical Council (ICC) on FOP is aware of several recent publications describing the offlabel use of potent medications for managing inflammation in FOP. These potential treatments include the use of anakinra (Haviv et al., 2019), canakinumab (Haviv et al., 2019; 2024), tofacitinib (Nikishina et al., 2023), and imatinib (Kaplan et al., 2018; Kaplan et al., 2021). These reports appear to show some benefits, particularly with managing FOP flares and flare pain.
      In addition, there are recent reports of medications such as minocycline (Lounev et al., 2024), momelotinib (Oh et al., 2020), and pacritinib (Oh et al., 2023) that have activity in animal models of FOP or that may directly target ACVR1 activity. There are no clinical data regarding the risks or benefits of these therapies for managing patients with FOP.
      These off-label and investigational medications have very limited data. We have no or limited data on:
      1. whether the benefit is only for reducing flares (which is what has been reported for all of these medications);
      1. whether there is any benefit for function or reducing heterotopic ossification in FOP;
      1. the long-term safety of these medications in patients with FOP; and
      1. what happens when a patient stops the medication.
      We also have very little or no systematic data for the safety of these medications in children with FOP, even though many of these medications have been used in children with non-FOP conditions.
      These preliminary studies support the need for larger, well controlled, human clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of these medications in FOP.
      Until those studies are completed, the ICC recommends considering these medications only for situations where all three minimal key criteria are met:
      1. FOP flares are considered severe and intractable, or where there is unusually severe or rapid progression of the disease, and
      1. Once standard of care therapies (ICCFOP.org) have been exhausted, and
      1. The clinical team feels that the medications could be used safely (i.e. no other contra-indications, no underlying problems with infection, no immunocompromised situations, no medication interactions, etc.) and according to the age at which these drugs may have been authorized.
      The ICC brings particular attention to medications that have known severe interactions with palovarotene. This includes all tetracycline-like drugs such as minocycline or doxycycline. Taking these medications with palovarotene or other retinoids can cause pseudotumor cerebri, a dangerous condition of high pressure inside the skull that can damage the brain and nervous system.
      Due to the risk profiles of all these medications, the ICC does NOT recommend the use of off-label medications as a preventive.
      If you wish to consider these medications for you or your child, please discuss the pros and cons in detail with your doctors and FOP clinicians. Medication interactions and individual risks vary and can be severe. These risks must be discussed at the individual patient level.
      Social media claims of safety or efficacy are not the same as an open medical discussion of potential risks and benefits. The ICC believes in individual choice. Whether someone takes a potential therapy, or feels that a therapy works, is an individual judgment that must be made with all available risks and benefits clearly presented.
      The ICC also recommends review of active clinical trials before making decisions regarding off-label use of these medications. Taking any of these off-label or investigational medications may disqualify you or your child from participation in formal clinical trials. In addition, clinical trials are monitored closely for safety and efficacy, and information from those clinical trials can help the FOP community advance different therapeutic options and support future drug approvals. Information from off-label use of a medication outside of a clinical study is not sufficient for drug approval.
      If you choose to use these medications, or any other medications that are not considered standard-of-care for patients with FOP, it should be done with close monitoring in collaboration with your FOP clinical team. If you are in a clinical trial, you must discuss any potential changes to your therapy before starting a new medication. Off-label medications are often not allowed during your participation in a clinical trial.
      Barruet E, Morales BM, Cain CJ, Ton AN, Wentworth KL, Chan TV, Moody TA, Haks MC, Ottenhoff TH, Hellman J, Nakamura MC, Hsiao EC. NF-κB/MAPK activation underlies ACVR1-mediated inflammation in human heterotopic ossification. JCI Insight 2018 Nov 15;3(22). pii: 122958
      Cahill KN, Katz HR, Cui J, Lai J, Kazani S, Crosby-Thompson A, Garofalo D, Castro M, Jarjour N, DiMango E, Erzurum S, Trevor JL, Shenoy K, Chinchilli VM, Wechsler ME, Laidlaw TM, Boyce JA, Israel E. KIT Inhibition by Imatinib in Patients with Severe Refractory Asthma. N Engl J Med 376: 19111920, 2017
      Galli SJ. Mast Cells and KIT as Potential Therapeutic Targets in Severe Asthma. N Engl J Med 376: 19831984, 2017
      Haviv R, Moshe V, De Benedetti F, Prencipe G, Rabinowicz N, Uziel Y. Is fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva an interleukin-1 driven auto-inflammatory syndrome? Pediatr Rheumatol Online J 2019 Dec 21:17 (1):84
      Haviv R, Zeitlin L, Moshe V, Ziv A, Rabinowicz N, De Benedetti F, Prencipe G, Matteo V, De Cunto CL, Hsiao EC, Uziel Y. Long term use of interleukin-1 inhibitors reduce flare activity in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2024 May 11:keae255
      Kaplan FS, Andolina JR, Adamson PC, Teachey DT, Finklestein JZ, Ebb DH, Whitehead B, Jacobs B, Siegel DM, Keen R, Hsiao E, Pignolo RJ. Early clinical observations on the use of imatinib mesylate in FOP: A report of seven cases. Bone 109: 276-280, 2018
      Kaplan FS, Teachey DT, Andolina JR, Siegel DM, Mancilla EE, Hsiao EC, Al Mukaddam M, Rocke DM, Pignolo RJ. Off-on-off-on use of imatinib in three children with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 150:116016, 2021
      Lounev V, Groppe JC, Brewer N, Wentworth KL, Smith V, Xu M, Schomburg L, Bhargava P, Al Mukaddam M, Hsiao EC, Shore EM, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 deficiency confers resilience in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in a man and mice. J Bone Miner Res 39: 382-398, 2024
      Matsuo K, Chavez RD, Barruet E, Hsiao EC. Inflammation in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva and other forms of heterotopic ossification. Curr Osteoporos Rep 17: 387-394, 2019
      Matsuo K, Lepinski A, Chavez RD, Barruet E, Pereira A, Moody TA, Ton AN, Sharma A, Hellman J, Tomoda K, Nakamura MC, Hsiao EC. ACVR1 R206H extends inflammatory responses in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived macrophages. Bone 2021 Dec;153:116129
      Nikishina IP, Arsenyeva SV, Matkava VG, Arefieva AN, Kaleda MI, Smirnov AV, Blank LM, Kostik MM. Successful experience of tofacitinib treatment in patients with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Pediatr Rheumatol Online J 2023 Aug 29;21(1):92
      Oh ST, Mesa RA, Harrison CN, Bose P, Gerds AT, Gupta V, Scott BL, Kiladjian JJ, Lucchesi A, Kong T, Buckley SA, Tyavanagimatt S, Harder BG, Roman-Torres K, Smith J, Craig AR, Mascarenhas J, Verstovsek S. Pacritinib is a potent ACVR1 inhibitor with significant anemia benefit in patients with myelofibrosis. Blood Adv 7: 5835-5842, 2023
      Oh ST, Talpaz M, Gerds AT, Gupta V, Verstovsek S, Mesa R, Miller CB, Rivera CE, Fleischman AG, Goel S, Heaney ML, O'Connell C, Arcasoy MO, Zhang Y, Kawashima J, Ganz T, Kowalski M, Brachmann CB. ACVR1/JAK1/JAK2 inhibitor momelotinib reverses transfusion dependency and suppresses hepcidin in myelofibrosis phase 2 trial. Blood Adv 4: 4282-4291, 2020
      Walker UA, Tilson HH, Hawkins PN, Poll TV, Noviello S, Levy J, Vritzali E, Hoffman HM, KuemmerleDeschner JB; CACZ885D2401 Study Investigators. Long-term safety and effectiveness of canakinumab therapy in patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome: results from the β-Confident Registry. RMD Open 2021 May;7(2):e001663
      Wang H, Lindborg C, Lounev V, Kim JH, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Xu M, Mangivani L, Groppe JC, Shore EM, Schipani E, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cellular hypoxia promotes heterotopic ossification by amplifying BMP signaling. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1652-1665, 2016

8. 肌肉松弛剂

  1. Glaser DL, Kaplan FS. Treatment considerations for the management of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 243-250, 2005 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的治疗考虑
  1. Muscle Relaxants in FOP
    1. Early FOP flare-ups are associated with intense mast cell, macrophage, and lymphocytic infiltration into skeletal muscle and are often accompanied by intense inflammatory changes within regions of locally damaged or necrotic skeletal muscle. Areas of relatively healthy skeletal muscle bordering the lesion are thus subject to metabolic changes that would lead to muscle spasm and fiber shortening. The judicious short-term use of muscle relaxants such as cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril), metaxalone (Skelaxin), or baclofen (Liorisal) may help to decrease muscle spasm and maintain more functional activity even in the setting of an evolving FOP lesion (Glaser & Kaplan, 2005). This is especially true for painful flare-ups involving the limbs. The chronic use of muscle relaxants between episodes of flare-ups is not advised due to multiple drug interactions and central nervous system (depressant) effects. Careful attention to dosing schedules is important, as certain muscle relaxants (such as baclofen) need to be tapered slowly to avoid side-effects and others (such as cyclobenzaprine) can only be used for short periods of time up to 2-3 weeks.
      Glaser DL, Kaplan FS. Treatment considerations for the management of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 243-250, 2005

9. 化疗药物与放疗

  1. Glaser DL, Kaplan FS. Treatment considerations for the management of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 243-250. 2005 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的治疗考虑
  1. Kaplan FS, Le Merrer M, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Goldsby R, Kitterman JA, Groppe J, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Best Practice & Research – Clinical Rheumatology 22: 191-205, 2008 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)
  1. Chemotherapy Agents & Radiation Therapy in FOP
    1. The definitive diagnosis of FOP is often delayed due to the rarity of the condition and the failure to associate the tumor-like soft tissue swellings with the congenital malformations of the great toes. As a result, many children with FOP are misdiagnosed as having a wide range of benign or malignant conditions. It is not surprising, therefore, that many children with FOP have been treated with unnecessary chemotherapy, dangerous surgical excisions, and damaging radiotherapy before the definitive diagnosis of FOP has been made. It would be important to note retrospectively if radiation therapy or any of the chemotherapy agents had been helpful in altering the natural history of the condition.
      There has been no convincing anecdotal evidence that either radiation therapy or any of the standard chemotherapy agents such as actinomycin, adriamycin, cyclosphosphamide, doxorubicin, ifosfamide, vinblastine, vincristine or any others were helpful for patients with FOP. In fact, many of these medications caused harmful long-term side-effects. The use of these approaches is, therefore, contraindicated in the treatment of FOP (Glaser & Kaplan, 2005; Kaplan et al., 2008).
      Glaser DL, Kaplan FS. Treatment considerations for the management of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 243-250. 2005
      Kaplan FS, Le Merrer M, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Goldsby R, Kitterman JA, Groppe J, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Best Practice & Research – Clinical Rheumatology 22: 191-205, 2008

10. 骨髓移植

  1. Chakkalakal SA, Uchibe K, Convente MR, Zhang D, Economides AN, Kaplan FS, Pacifici M, Iwamoto M, Shore EM. Palovarotene inhibits heterotopic ossification and maintains limb mobility and growth in mice with the human ACVR1 (R206H) fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) mutation. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1666-1675, 2016 Palovarotene抑制异位骨化,并维持携带人类ACVR1 (R206H)进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)突变的小鼠的肢体活动能力和生长
  1. Dey D, Bagarova J, Hatsell SJ, Armstrong KA, Huang L, Ermann J, Vonner AJ, Shen Y, Mohedas AH, Lee A, Eekhoff EM, van Schie A, Demay MB, Keller C, Wagers AJ, Economides AN, Yu PB. Two tissueresident progenitor lineages drive distinct phenotypes of heterotopic ossification. Sci Transl Med 2016 Nov 23;8(366):366ra163 两种组织驻留祖细胞谱系驱动异位骨化的不同表型
  1. Kaplan FS, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Pignolo RJ, Xu M, Zhang Y, Senitzer D, Forman SJ, Emerson SG. Hematopoietic stem-cell contribution to ectopic skeletogenesis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 89: 347-357, 2007 造血干细胞对异位骨生成的贡献
  1. Bone Marrow Transplantation in FOP
    1. Bone marrow derived stem cells have been implicated in the ectopic bone formation of FOP (reviewed in Kaplan et al., 2007). The replacement of these stem cells by bone marrow transplantation has been suggested as a possible cure for FOP. However, the definitive contribution of bone marrow derived stem cells to the formation of heterotopic bone has remained obscure. Careful clinical observations were made of an FOP patient who underwent bone marrow transplantation twenty-five years earlier for the treatment of intercurrent aplastic anemia. Replacement of the FOP patient’s bone marrow with normal donor bone marrow cured his fatal bone marrow condition but was not sufficient to prevent further HO and progression of his FOP. However, acute immunoablation and chronic immunosuppression quenched the activity of his FOP (Kaplan et al., 2007).
      In complementary transplantation studies in mice, blood cells derived from the bone marrow contributed to the early inflammatory and to the late marrow repopulating stages of BMP4-induced bone formation, but were not present in the fibroproliferative, chondrogenic or osteogenic stages of the FOP-like lesions (Kaplan et al., 2007).
      Taken together, these findings demonstrated that bone marrow transplantation did not cure FOP in this patient, most likely because the hematopoietic cells from the bone marrow were not the source of cells that formed the FOP lesions. However, it is critical to note that normal bone marrow-derived cells were capable of stimulating HO in a genetically susceptible individual (Kaplan et al., 2007). Recent genetic experiments and bone marrow transplantation studies in FOP mouse models substantiate this finding (Chakkalakal et al., 2016; Dey et al., 2016), although a non-hematopoietically derived population of resident tissue macrophages remains a possible trigger.
      These findings are of immense research interest and vital clinical importance, and they exemplify powerfully how much can be learned by careful observation in an individual patient. They also illustrate the importance of the immune system in triggering FOP flare-ups. At present, however, the general use of potent immunosuppressive medications is not advocated in the routine management of FOP and would likely be extremely dangerous and possibly life-threatening if it were applied broadly to the FOP community. At the present time, (and until further studies are performed in appropriate animal models), this international consortium recommends against the use of chronic immunosuppressive medications in the management of FOP.
      Chakkalakal SA, Uchibe K, Convente MR, Zhang D, Economides AN, Kaplan FS, Pacifici M, Iwamoto M, Shore EM. Palovarotene inhibits heterotopic ossification and maintains limb mobility and growth in mice with the human ACVR1 (R206H) fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) mutation. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1666-1675, 2016
      Dey D, Bagarova J, Hatsell SJ, Armstrong KA, Huang L, Ermann J, Vonner AJ, Shen Y, Mohedas AH, Lee A, Eekhoff EM, van Schie A, Demay MB, Keller C, Wagers AJ, Economides AN, Yu PB. Two tissueresident progenitor lineages drive distinct phenotypes of heterotopic ossification. Sci Transl Med 2016 Nov 23;8(366):366ra163
      Kaplan FS, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Pignolo RJ, Xu M, Zhang Y, Senitzer D, Forman SJ, Emerson SG. Hematopoietic stem-cell contribution to ectopic skeletogenesis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 89: 347-357, 2007

11. 其他药物与治疗方法

  1. Benetos IS, Mavrogenis AF, Themistocleous GS, Kanellopoulos AD, Papagelopoulos PJ, Soucacos PN. Optimal treatment of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva with surgical excision of heterotopic bone, indomethacin, and irradiation. J Surg Orthop Adv 15: 99-104, 2006 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的最佳治疗方法是切除异位骨、使用吲哚美辛和放疗
  1. Bocciardi R, Ravazzolo R. Is there a biological basis for treatment of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva with rosiglitazone? Potential benefits and undesired effects. PPAR Res 2010;2010:541927 使用罗格列酮治疗进行性骨化性纤维发育不良是否有生物学基础?
  1. Eekhoff EMW, Netelenbos JC, de Graaf P, Hoebink M, Bravenboer N, Micha D, Pals G, de Vries TJ, Lammertsma AA, Raijmakers PG, van Es RJ. Flare-Up After Maxillofacial Surgery in a Patient with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: An [18F]-NaF PET/CT Study and a Systematic Review. JBMR Plus 2: 55-58, 2017 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者颌面外科手术后的发作:一项[18F]-NaF PET/CT研究及系统评审
  1. Gatti D, Viapiana O, Rossini M, Silvano A. Rosiglitazone therapy is associated with major clinical improvements in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 25: 1460-1462, 2010 罗格列酮治疗与进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的主要临床改善相关
  1. Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. Viewing FOP through rosi-colored glasses. J Bone Miner Res 25: 2295-2296, 2010 通过玫瑰色眼镜看待FOP
  1. Moore, SE, Jump A, Smiley JD. Effect of warfarin sodium therapy on excretion of 4-carboxy-L-glutamic acid in scleroderma, dermatomyositis, and myositis ossificans progressiva. Arthritis Rheum 29: 344-351, 1986 华法林钠治疗对硬皮病、皮肌炎和进行性骨化肌炎中4-羧基-L-谷氨酸排泄的影响
  1. Miscellaneous Agents & Approaches in FOP
    1. The chronic use of antiangiogenic agents, calcium binders, colchicine, fluoroquinolone antibiotics, mineralization inhibitors, PPAR-gamma agonists, TNF-α inhibitors and warfarin have been described anecdotally or reported with either unsatisfactory or equivocal results (Moore et al., 1986; Bocciardi & Ravazzolo, 2010; Gatti et al., 2010; Kaplan et al., 2010).
      Maxillofacial surgery has been reported in one patient with FOP and was beneficial for the patient from a quality-of-life standpoint despite recurrence of HO. There is 100% risk of recurrence of HO after jaw surgery which should be highly discouraged and remain a management choice of last resort (Eekhoff et al., 2017).
      While there has been one case report of successful surgical excision of heterotopic bone in a patient with FOP, such an approach is not recommended, as the literature is littered with casualties following similar adventures (Benetos et al., 2006).
      Benetos IS, Mavrogenis AF, Themistocleous GS, Kanellopoulos AD, Papagelopoulos PJ, Soucacos PN. Optimal treatment of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva with surgical excision of heterotopic bone, indomethacin, and irradiation. J Surg Orthop Adv 15: 99-104, 2006
      Bocciardi R, Ravazzolo R. Is there a biological basis for treatment of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva with rosiglitazone? Potential benefits and undesired effects. PPAR Res 2010;2010:541927
      Eekhoff EMW, Netelenbos JC, de Graaf P, Hoebink M, Bravenboer N, Micha D, Pals G, de Vries TJ, Lammertsma AA, Raijmakers PG, van Es RJ. Flare-Up After Maxillofacial Surgery in a Patient with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: An [18F]-NaF PET/CT Study and a Systematic Review. JBMR Plus 2: 55-58, 2017
      Gatti D, Viapiana O, Rossini M, Silvano A. Rosiglitazone therapy is associated with major clinical improvements in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 25: 1460-1462, 2010
      Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. Viewing FOP through rosi-colored glasses. J Bone Miner Res 25: 2295-2296, 2010
      Moore, SE, Jump A, Smiley JD. Effect of warfarin sodium therapy on excretion of 4-carboxy-L-glutamic acid in scleroderma, dermatomyositis, and myositis ossificans progressiva. Arthritis Rheum 29: 344-351, 1986

12. 支持性疗法

  1. Kaplan FS, LeMerrer M, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Goldsby RE, Kitterman JA, Groppe J, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 22: 191-205, 2008 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良。最佳实践与临床风湿病学
  1. Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Al Mukaddam MM, Shore EM. Hard targets for a second skeleton: therapeutic horizons for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs 5: 291-294, 2017 针对第二个骨架的硬目标:进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的治疗前景
  1. Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: diagnosis, management, and therapeutic horizons. In Emerging Concepts in Pediatric Bone Disease. Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews 10(S-2): 437-448, 2013 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良:诊断、管理和治疗前景。在儿童骨病的新兴概念中
  1. Supportive Treatment in FOP
    1. There is presently one approved medical treatment for FOP, but only in certain jurisdictions. Management is mainly supportive. High-dose glucocorticoids have limited use but are most effective in the management of the early inflammatory flare-ups affecting major joints of the appendicular skeleton and jaw, especially when used immediately after the onset of a flare-up. Oral and topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors, mast cell stabilizers, leukotriene inhibitors and occasional intravenous aminobisphosphonates are reported by patients to manage chronic pain, arthritic symptoms or ongoing disease progression (Kaplan et al., 2008; Pignolo et al., 2013). These are discussed in the prior sections.
      Research to develop treatments for FOP has focused on targeted inhibition of the ACVR1 receptor, ACVR1 ligands, BMP pathway signaling, the pre-osseous chondrogenic anlagen of HO, and inflammatory triggers of disease activity, and offers hope for the future.
      Kaplan FS, LeMerrer M, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Goldsby RE, Kitterman JA, Groppe J, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 22: 191-205, 2008
      Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Al Mukaddam MM, Shore EM. Hard targets for a second skeleton: therapeutic horizons for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs 5: 291-294, 2017
      Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: diagnosis, management, and therapeutic horizons. In Emerging Concepts in Pediatric Bone Disease. Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews 10(S-2): 437-448, 2013

13. 确切的FOP治疗靶点

“随着对BMP作用机制的深入了解,可能开发出能够阻断BMP途径某部分的药物,从而防止这种可怕的噩梦疾病的进展。” - Brigid Hogan (Roush, 1996)
发现导致进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的反复出现的杂合子错义点突变,为该病提供了一个特定的药物靶点和在关键信号通路中干预的合理切入点。FOP基因的发现将ACVR1确定为治疗FOP的易感药物靶点。在FOP中抑制BMP信号传导的可行治疗策略包括抑制RNA技术、针对ACVR1的单克隆抗体、小分子选择性信号转导抑制剂(STIs)针对ACVR1、针对炎症触发因素和骨祖细胞的小分子信号转导抑制剂、视黄酸受体伽马(RAR-γ)激动剂、抗Activin A抗体以及抑制HIF1-α/mTOR信号传导、衰老疗法药物和基因治疗。有关FOP临床试验的信息可以在以下网站找到:http://www.clinicaltrials.gov
  1. Aykul S, Huang L, Wang L, Das NM, Reisman S, Ray Y, Zhang Q, Rothman N, Nannuru KC, Kamat V, Brydges S, Troncone L, Johnsen L, Yu PB, Fazio S, Lees-Shepard J, Schutz K, Murphy AJ, Economides AN, Idone V, Hatsell SJ. Anti-ACVR1 antibodies exacerbate heterotopic ossification in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) by activating FOP-mutant ACVR1. J Clin Invest 2022 Jun 15;132(12):e153792 抗ACVR1抗体通过激活进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)突变的ACVR1加剧异位骨化
  1. Chakkalakal SA, Uchibe K, Convente MR, Zhang D, Economides AN, Kaplan FS, Pacifici M, Iwamoto M, Shore EM. Palovarotene inhibits heterotopic ossification and maintains limb mobility and growth in mice with the human ACVR1 (R206H) fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) mutation. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1666-1675, 2016 Palovarotene抑制异位骨化并维持携带人类ACVR1 (R206H)进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)突变的小鼠的肢体活动和生长
  1. Eekhoff EMW, de Ruiter RD, Smilde BJ, Schoenmaker T, de Vries TJ, Netelenbos C, Hsiao EC, Scott C, Haga N, Grunwald Z, De Cunto CL, di Rocco M, Delai PLR, Diecidue RJ, Madhuri V, Cho TJ, Morhart R, Friedman CS, Zasloff M, Pals G, Shim JH, Gao G, Kaplan F, Pignolo RJ, Micha D. Gene Therapy for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: Feasibility and Obstacles. Hum Gene Ther 33:782-788, 2022 行性骨化性纤维发育不良的基因治疗:可行性和障碍
  1. Hatsell SJ, Idone V, Wolken DM, Huang L, Kim HJ, Wang L, Wen X, Nannuru KC, Jimenez J, Xie L, Das N, Makhoul G, Chernomorsky R, D’Ambrosio D, Corpina RA, Schoenherr CJ, Feeley K, Yu PB, Yancopoulos GD, Murphy AJ, Economides AN. ACVR1(R206H) receptor mutation causes fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva by imparting responsiveness to activin A. Sci Transl Med 7(303)ra137, 2015 ACVR1(R206H)受体突变通过对Activin A的反应性导致进行性骨化性纤维发育不良
  1. Hino K, Horigome K, Nishio M, Komura S, Nagata S, Zhao C, Jin Y, Kawakami K, Yamada Y, Ohta A, Toguchida J, Ikeya M. Activin-A enhances mTOR signaling to promote aberrant chondrogenesis in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Clin Invest 127: 3339-3352, 2017 Activin-A增强mTOR信号传导以促进进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中的异常软骨发生
  1. Hino K, Ikeya M, Horigome K, Matsumoto Y, Ebise H, Nishio M, Sekiguchi K, Shibata M, Nagata S, Matsuda S, Toguchida J. Neofunction of ACVR1 in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112: 15438-15443, 2015 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中ACVR1的新功能
  1. Hong CC, Yu PB. Application of small molecules BMP inhibitors in physiology and disease. Cytokines Growth Factor Rev 20: 409-418, 2009 小分子BMP抑制剂在生理和疾病中的应用
  1. Hsiao EC, Di Rocco M, Cali A, Zasloff M, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ, Grunwald Z, Netelenbos C, Keen R, Baujat G, Brown MA, Cho TJ, De Cunto C, Delai P, Haga N, Morhart R, Scott C, Zhang K, Diecidue RJ, Friedman CS, Kaplan FS, Eekhoff EMW. Special considerations for clinical trials in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Br J Clin Pharmacol 85: 1199-1207, 2019 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良临床试验的特殊考虑
  1. Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Shore EM. Twenty-Ninth Annual Report of the fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) collaborative research project. IFOPA Website & ICC Website (www.ifopa.org; www.iccfop.org), 2024 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)协作研究项目第二十九届年报
  1. Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Baujat G. Cali A, Cho-T-J, DeCunto C, Delai P, Diecidue RJ DiRocco M, Friedman C, Grunwald Z, Haga N, Hsiao EC, Keen R, Morhart R, Netelenbos JC, Scott C, Zasloff MA, Zhang K, Eekhoff EMW, Pignolo RJ. Editorial - The twilight zone: benefit, risk & hope in clinical trials for FOP. ICCFOP.org; IFOPA.org. December 3, 2020 黄昏地带:进行性骨化性纤维发育不良临床试验中的利益、风险与希望
  1. Kaplan FS, Andolina JR, Adamson PC, Teachey DT, Finklestein JZ, Ebb DH, Whitehead B, Jacobs B, Siegel DM, Keen R, Hsiao E, Pignolo RJ. Early clinical observations on the use of imatinib mesylate in FOP: A report of seven cases. Bone 109: 276-280, 2018 关于伊马替尼美克松在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中的早期临床观察:七例报告
  1. Kaplan J, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Restoration of normal BMP signaling levels and osteogenic differentiation in FOP mesenchymal progenitor cells by mutant allele–specific targeting. Gene Therapy 19: 786-790, 2012 通过突变等位基因特异性靶向恢复FOP间充质前体细胞中的正常BMP信号水平和成骨分化
  1. Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Al Mukaddam MM, Shore EM. Hard targets for a second skeleton: therapeutic horizons for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs 5: 291-294, 2017 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的硬靶:治疗前景
  1. Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. Granting immunity to FOP and catching heterotopic ossification in the Act. Semin Cell Dev Biol 49: 30-36, 2016 赋予进行性骨化性纤维发育不良免疫并捕捉异位骨化
  1. Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Derailing heterotopic ossification and RARing to go. Nat Med 17: 420-421, 2011 破坏异位骨化并RARE启动
  1. Katagiri T, Tsukamoto S, Kuratani M, Tsuji S, Nakamura K, Ohte S, Kawaguchi Y, Takaishi K. A blocking monoclonal antibody reveals dimerization of intracellular domains of ALK2 associated with genetic disorders. Nat Commun 2023 May 25;14(1): 2960 一种阻断单克隆抗体揭示了与遗传疾病相关的ALK2细胞内结构域的二聚化
  1. Lees-Shepard JB, Stoessel SJ, Chandler JT, Bouchard K, Bento P, Apuzzo LN, Devarakonda PM, Hunter JW, Goldhamer DJ. An anti-ACVR1 antibody exacerbates heterotopic ossification by fibro-adipogenic progenitors in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva mice. J Clin Invest 2022 Jun 15;132(12):e153795 一种抗ACVR1抗体通过纤维-脂肪祖细胞加剧进行性骨化性纤维发育不良小鼠的异位骨化
  1. Maekawa H, Kawai S, Nishio M, Nagata S, Jin Y, Yoshitomi H, Matsuda S, Toguchida J. Prophylactic treatment of rapamycin ameliorates naturally developing and episode -induced heterotopic ossification in mice expressing human mutant ACVR1. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2020 May 24;15(1):122 预防性雷帕霉素治疗改善表达人类突变ACVR1的小鼠自然发生和诱导的异位骨化
  1. Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Druggable targets, clinical trial design and proposed pharmacological management in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs p. 1-9, 2020 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中的药物靶点、临床试验设计和拟议的药理管理
  1. Shimono K, Tung W-e, Macolino C, Chi A, Didizian JH, Mundy C, Chandraratna RA, Mishina Y, Enomoto-Iwamoto M, Pacifici M, Iwamoto M. Potent inhibition of heterotopic ossification by nuclear retinoic acid receptor-γ agonists. Nat Med 17: 454-460, 2011 核内视黄酸受体-γ激动剂对异位骨化的强效抑制
  1. Shore EM, Xu M, Feldman GJ, Fenstermacher DA, Cho T-J, Choi IH, Connor JM, Delai P, Glaser DL, Le Merrer M, Morhart R, Rogers JG, Smith R, Triffitt JT, Urtizberea JA, Zasloff M, Brown MA, Kaplan FS. A recurrent mutation in the BMP type I receptor ACVR1 causes inherited and sporadic fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Nat Genetics 38: 525-527, 2006 BMP I型受体ACVR1的重复突变导致遗传性和散发性进行性骨化性纤维发育不良
  1. Vanhoutte F, Liang S, Ruddy M, Zhao A, Drewery T, Wang Y, DelGizzi R, Forleo-Neto E, Rajadhyaksha M, Herman G, Davis JD. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Garetosmab (Anti-Activin A): Results from a first-in-human phase 1 study. J Clin Pharmacol 2020 Jun 18 Garetosmab(抗Activin A)的药代动力学和药效学:首个人体阶段I研究结果
  1. Wang H, Lindborg C, Lounev V, Kim JH, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Xu M, Mangiavini L, Groppe JC, Shore EM, Schipani E, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cellular Hypoxia Promotes Heterotopic Ossification by Amplifying BMP Signaling. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1652-65, 2016 细胞缺氧通过增强BMP信号促进异位骨化
  1. Wang H, Zhang Q, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Clearance of Senescent Cells from Injured Muscle Abrogates Heterotopic Ossification in Mouse Models of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 37: 95-107, 2022 清除受损肌肉中的衰老细胞可消除进行性骨化性纤维发育不良小鼠模型中的异位骨化
  1. Wentworth KL, Masharani U, Hsiao EC. Therapeutic advances for blocking heterotopic ossification in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Br J Clin Pharmacol 85: 1180-1187, 2019 阻止进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中的异位骨化的治疗进展
  1. Williams EP, Bagarova J, Kerr G, Xia DD, Place ES, Dey D, Shen Y, Bocobo GA, Mohedas AH, Huang X, Sanderson PE, Lee A, Zheng W, Economides AN, Smith JC, Yu PB, Bullock AN. Saracatinib is an efficacious clinical candidate for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. JCI Insight 2021 Mar 11:95042 Saracatinib是进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的有效临床候选药物
  1. Yang YS, Kim JM, Xie J, Chaugule S, Lin C, Ma H, Hsiao E, Hong J, Chun H, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Gao G, Shim JH. Suppression of heterotopic ossification in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva using AAV gene delivery. Nat Commun 2022 Oct 19;13(1):6175 通过AAV基因传递抑制进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中的异位骨化
  1. Definitive Therapeutic Targets in FOP
    1. “With so much being discovered about how the BMPs act, it might be possible to develop drugs that would block some part of the BMP pathway and therefore prevent the progression of what is a horrible, nightmare disease.” - Brigid Hogan (Roush, 1996)
      The ultimate goal of FOP research is the development of treatments that will prevent, halt, or even reverse the progression of the condition. The prevention and treatment of HO in FOP, as in any of the more common forms of HO, will ultimately be based on at least one of four approaches: disrupting the inductive signaling pathways, suppressing the inflammatory triggers, altering the relevant osteoprogenitor cells in the target tissues, and/or modifying the tissue environment so that it is less conducive to heterotopic osteogenesis (Reviewed in Wentworth et al., 2019; Pignolo & Kaplan, 2020).
      The identification of the recurrent heterozygous missense point mutation that causes FOP in all classically affected individuals provides a specific pharmaceutical target and a rational point of intervention in a critical signaling pathway. The discovery of the FOP gene identifies ACVR1 as a susceptible pharmaceutical target for the treatment of FOP (Shore et al., 2006). Plausible therapeutic strategies to inhibiting BMP signaling in FOP include inhibitory RNA technology (Kaplan et al., 2012), monoclonal antibodies directed against ACVR1 (Kaplan et al., 2017), small molecule selective signal transduction inhibitors (STIs) of ACVR1 (Hong et al., 2009; Kaplan et al., 2017; Williams et al., 2021), small molecule signal transduction inhibitors against inflammatory triggers and osteoprogenitor cells (Kaplan et al., 2018), retinoic acid receptor gamma (RAR-γ) agonists (Shimono et al., 2011; Chakkalakal et al., 2016; Kaplan & Shore, 2011), anti-Activin A antibodies (Hatsell et al., 2015; Hino et al., 2016; Kaplan et al., 2016; Vanhoutte et al., 2020) and inhibition of HIF1-α/ mTOR signaling (Wang et al., 2016; Hino et al., 2017; Maekawa et al., 2020), senotherapeutic agents (Wang et al., 2022), and gene therapy (Eekhoff et al., 2022). Information about clinical trials on FOP can be found at: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov
      Two recent studies show that anti-ACVR1 antibodies can exacerbate heterotopic ossification in FOP mice. This property resulted from anti-ACVR1 antibody mediated dimerization of mutant ACVR1. Conversely, wild-type ACVR1 was inhibited by anti-ACVR1 antibodies. These data raise serious safety and efficacy concerns and indicate that bivalent anti-ACVR1 antibodies should not be considered as therapeutics for FOP (Aykul et al., 2022; Lees-Shepard et al., 2022). In contrast, a recent study from Japan showed that a blocking monoclonal antibody could prevent HO in a mouse model of FOP (Katagiri et al., 2023) leading to the conclusion that antibody specificity may be critically important therapeutically.
      Muscle injury in FOP was shown to results in senescent cell accumulation, and senescence promotes tissue reprogramming toward a chondrogenic fate in FOP muscle but not wild-type muscle. Pharmacologic clearance of senescent cells and reduction in the senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP) ameliorates HO in mouse models of FOP. Thus, senolytic drugs provide proof-of-principle as a future therapeutic strategy in FOP (Wang et al., 2022).
      There has been substantial recent interest in clinical trials for novel and urgently needed treatments for FOP. The International Clinical Council on FOP (ICC) was established in 2016 to provide consolidated and coordinated advice on the best practices for clinical care and clinical research for individuals who suffer from FOP. The Clinical Trials Committee of the ICC developed a focused list of key considerations that encompass the specific and unique needs of the FOP community considerations that are endorsed by the entire ICC. These considerations complement established protocols for developing and executing robust clinical trials by providing a foundation for helping to ensure the safety of subjects with FOP in clinical research trials (Hsiao et al., 2018). While there is risk, there is also much benefit and hope (Kaplan et al., 2020).
      It is still too early to determine which one of these approaches or combinations of approaches will be most effective, and all are being studied intensively in preclinical and/or clinical studies (www.clinicaltrials.gov; https://www.ifopa.org/ongoing_clinical_trials_in_fop). Much of the present worldwide collaborative research effort in FOP is focused on this area of research, and detailed accounts of the work and progress can be found in the Twenty Ninth Annual Report of the FOP Collaborative Research Project (Kaplan, Al Mukaddam, Shore et al., 2024), as well as in recent reviews.
      Aykul S, Huang L, Wang L, Das NM, Reisman S, Ray Y, Zhang Q, Rothman N, Nannuru KC, Kamat V, Brydges S, Troncone L, Johnsen L, Yu PB, Fazio S, Lees-Shepard J, Schutz K, Murphy AJ, Economides AN, Idone V, Hatsell SJ. Anti-ACVR1 antibodies exacerbate heterotopic ossification in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) by activating FOP-mutant ACVR1. J Clin Invest 2022 Jun 15;132(12):e153792
      Chakkalakal SA, Uchibe K, Convente MR, Zhang D, Economides AN, Kaplan FS, Pacifici M, Iwamoto M, Shore EM. Palovarotene inhibits heterotopic ossification and maintains limb mobility and growth in mice with the human ACVR1 (R206H) fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) mutation. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1666-1675, 2016
      Eekhoff EMW, de Ruiter RD, Smilde BJ, Schoenmaker T, de Vries TJ, Netelenbos C, Hsiao EC, Scott C, Haga N, Grunwald Z, De Cunto CL, di Rocco M, Delai PLR, Diecidue RJ, Madhuri V, Cho TJ, Morhart R, Friedman CS, Zasloff M, Pals G, Shim JH, Gao G, Kaplan F, Pignolo RJ, Micha D. Gene Therapy for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: Feasibility and Obstacles. Hum Gene Ther 33:782-788, 2022
      Hatsell SJ, Idone V, Wolken DM, Huang L, Kim HJ, Wang L, Wen X, Nannuru KC, Jimenez J, Xie L, Das N, Makhoul G, Chernomorsky R, D’Ambrosio D, Corpina RA, Schoenherr CJ, Feeley K, Yu PB, Yancopoulos GD, Murphy AJ, Economides AN. ACVR1(R206H) receptor mutation causes fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva by imparting responsiveness to activin A. Sci Transl Med 7(303)ra137, 2015
      Hino K, Horigome K, Nishio M, Komura S, Nagata S, Zhao C, Jin Y, Kawakami K, Yamada Y, Ohta A, Toguchida J, Ikeya M. Activin-A enhances mTOR signaling to promote aberrant chondrogenesis in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Clin Invest 127: 3339-3352, 2017
      Hino K, Ikeya M, Horigome K, Matsumoto Y, Ebise H, Nishio M, Sekiguchi K, Shibata M, Nagata S, Matsuda S, Toguchida J. Neofunction of ACVR1 in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112: 15438-15443, 2015
      Hong CC, Yu PB. Application of small molecules BMP inhibitors in physiology and disease. Cytokines Growth Factor Rev 20: 409-418, 2009
      Hsiao EC, Di Rocco M, Cali A, Zasloff M, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ, Grunwald Z, Netelenbos C, Keen R, Baujat G, Brown MA, Cho TJ, De Cunto C, Delai P, Haga N, Morhart R, Scott C, Zhang K, Diecidue RJ, Friedman CS, Kaplan FS, Eekhoff EMW. Special considerations for clinical trials in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Br J Clin Pharmacol 85: 1199-1207, 2019
      Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Shore EM. Twenty-Ninth Annual Report of the fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) collaborative research project. IFOPA Website & ICC Website (www.ifopa.org; www.iccfop.org), 2024
      Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Baujat G. Cali A, Cho-T-J, DeCunto C, Delai P, Diecidue RJ DiRocco M, Friedman C, Grunwald Z, Haga N, Hsiao EC, Keen R, Morhart R, Netelenbos JC, Scott C, Zasloff MA, Zhang K, Eekhoff EMW, Pignolo RJ. Editorial - The twilight zone: benefit, risk & hope in clinical trials for FOP. ICCFOP.org; IFOPA.org. December 3, 2020
      Kaplan FS, Andolina JR, Adamson PC, Teachey DT, Finklestein JZ, Ebb DH, Whitehead B, Jacobs B, Siegel DM, Keen R, Hsiao E, Pignolo RJ. Early clinical observations on the use of imatinib mesylate in FOP: A report of seven cases. Bone 109: 276-280, 2018
      Kaplan J, Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Restoration of normal BMP signaling levels and osteogenic differentiation in FOP mesenchymal progenitor cells by mutant allele–specific targeting. Gene Therapy 19: 786-790, 2012
      Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Al Mukaddam MM, Shore EM. Hard targets for a second skeleton: therapeutic horizons for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs 5: 291-294, 2017
      Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. Granting immunity to FOP and catching heterotopic ossification in the Act. Semin Cell Dev Biol 49: 30-36, 2016
      Kaplan FS, Shore EM. Derailing heterotopic ossification and RARing to go. Nat Med 17: 420-421, 2011
      Katagiri T, Tsukamoto S, Kuratani M, Tsuji S, Nakamura K, Ohte S, Kawaguchi Y, Takaishi K. A blocking monoclonal antibody reveals dimerization of intracellular domains of ALK2 associated with genetic disorders. Nat Commun 2023 May 25;14(1): 2960
      Lees-Shepard JB, Stoessel SJ, Chandler JT, Bouchard K, Bento P, Apuzzo LN, Devarakonda PM, Hunter JW, Goldhamer DJ. An anti-ACVR1 antibody exacerbates heterotopic ossification by fibro-adipogenic progenitors in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva mice. J Clin Invest 2022 Jun 15;132(12):e153795
      Maekawa H, Kawai S, Nishio M, Nagata S, Jin Y, Yoshitomi H, Matsuda S, Toguchida J. Prophylactic treatment of rapamycin ameliorates naturally developing and episode -induced heterotopic ossification in mice expressing human mutant ACVR1. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2020 May 24;15(1):122
      Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Druggable targets, clinical trial design and proposed pharmacological management in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs p. 1-9, 2020
      Shimono K, Tung W-e, Macolino C, Chi A, Didizian JH, Mundy C, Chandraratna RA, Mishina Y, Enomoto-Iwamoto M, Pacifici M, Iwamoto M. Potent inhibition of heterotopic ossification by nuclear retinoic acid receptor-γ agonists. Nat Med 17: 454-460, 2011
      Shore EM, Xu M, Feldman GJ, Fenstermacher DA, Cho T-J, Choi IH, Connor JM, Delai P, Glaser DL, Le Merrer M, Morhart R, Rogers JG, Smith R, Triffitt JT, Urtizberea JA, Zasloff M, Brown MA, Kaplan FS. A recurrent mutation in the BMP type I receptor ACVR1 causes inherited and sporadic fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Nat Genetics 38: 525-527, 2006
      Vanhoutte F, Liang S, Ruddy M, Zhao A, Drewery T, Wang Y, DelGizzi R, Forleo-Neto E, Rajadhyaksha M, Herman G, Davis JD. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Garetosmab (Anti-Activin A): Results from a first-in-human phase 1 study. J Clin Pharmacol 2020 Jun 18
      Wang H, Lindborg C, Lounev V, Kim JH, McCarrick-Walmsley R, Xu M, Mangiavini L, Groppe JC, Shore EM, Schipani E, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Cellular Hypoxia Promotes Heterotopic Ossification by Amplifying BMP Signaling. J Bone Miner Res 31: 1652-65, 2016
      Wang H, Zhang Q, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ. Clearance of Senescent Cells from Injured Muscle Abrogates Heterotopic Ossification in Mouse Models of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. J Bone Miner Res 37: 95-107, 2022
      Wentworth KL, Masharani U, Hsiao EC. Therapeutic advances for blocking heterotopic ossification in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Br J Clin Pharmacol 85: 1180-1187, 2019
      Williams EP, Bagarova J, Kerr G, Xia DD, Place ES, Dey D, Shen Y, Bocobo GA, Mohedas AH, Huang X, Sanderson PE, Lee A, Zheng W, Economides AN, Smith JC, Yu PB, Bullock AN. Saracatinib is an efficacious clinical candidate for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. JCI Insight 2021 Mar 11:95042
      Yang YS, Kim JM, Xie J, Chaugule S, Lin C, Ma H, Hsiao E, Hong J, Chun H, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Gao G, Shim JH. Suppression of heterotopic ossification in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva using AAV gene delivery. Nat Commun 2022 Oct 19;13(1):6175

14. FOP的临床试验结果

ICC已审查在2023年6月向FDA顾问委员会公开呈现的数据,以及自然历史研究(Pignolo等,Genet. Med 2022)和三期MOVE试验(Pignolo等,J Bone Mineral Res 2023)的出版物。数据的主要分析引发了对帕洛伐罗亭在阻止新HO形成方面的显著担忧,实际上因这些担忧达到了停止试验的无效标准。解盲后对数据的检查揭示了计划分析方法的缺陷。由Ipsen和FDA进行的多个后期分析建议,帕洛伐罗亭可能减少了50-60%的新HO形成。三期MOVE试验还显示,帕洛伐罗亭有显著副作用,包括年轻FOP患者早期生长板闭合的风险,以及与视黄醇类药物相关的并发症(皮疹、干燥的皮肤和眼睛、可能的骨质流失等)。
  • 如果FOP患者考虑使用帕洛伐罗亭,必须与患者及其医疗团队详细讨论潜在的益处和风险,这些内容在药品说明书、MOVE试验出版物和后续出版物中有详细说明。
  • 应明确讨论额外风险,包括对骨骼健康的潜在影响(骨量流失)、皮肤/粘膜干燥及相关并发症、眼部并发症的潜在风险,以及怀孕期间胎儿畸形的风险。ICC支持对这些潜在并发症的持续密切长期跟踪。
  • 应进行帕洛伐罗亭的长期详细安全性和有效性研究,如通过注册或正式的长期研究。
  • 应根据FOP治疗指南(可在ICCFOP.org获取)结合适当的标准治疗方法和患者的医疗团队进行使用。
  • 应促进全球对帕洛伐罗亭的可负担访问,包括确保治疗费用合理。
  • 由于已知的视黄醇类药物的致畸性,患者在使用帕洛伐罗亭时应进行仔细监测,以防止怀孕。
  • 应进行潜在药物相互作用的仔细教育,包括与四环素或多西环素等抗生素的相互作用。
  • 患者不应使用非药品级别的帕洛伐罗亭。
Garetosmab (REGN 2477)
在《自然医学》的一篇发表中,静脉注射的加托索单抗(激活素A抑制剂)在一项小型多中心、随机、双盲、安慰剂对照的2期试验中被报告能减少进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)成人的异位骨化和发作 [LUMINA-1 (NCT03188666) ]。
  1. Pignolo RJ, Baujat G, Hsiao EC, Keen R, Wilson A, Packman J, Strahs AL, Grogan DR, Kaplan FS. Palovarotene for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP): Results of a Randomized, PlaceboControlled, Double-Blind Phase 2 Trial. J Bone Miner Res 37: 1891-1902, 2022 Palovarotene 治疗进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP):随机、安慰剂对照、双盲2期试验结果
  1. Pignolo RJ, Hsiao EC, Al Mukaddam M, Baujat G, Berglund SK, Brown MA, Cheung AM, De Cunto C, Delai P, Haga N, Kannu P, Keen R, Le Quan Sang KH, Mancilla EE, Marino R, Strahs A, Kaplan FS. Reduction of New Heterotopic Ossification (HO) in the Open-Label, Phase 3 MOVE Trial of Palovarotene for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP). J Bone Miner Res 38: 381-394, 2023 在开放标签3期MOVE试验中,使用Palovarotene 减少新异位骨化(HO)
  1. Di Rocco M, Forleo-Neto E, Pignolo RJ, Keen R, Orcel P, Funck-Brentano T, Roux C, Kolta S, Madeo A, Bubbear JS, Tabarkiewicz J, Szczepanek M, Bachiller-Corral J, Cheung AM, Dahir KM, Botman E, Raijmakers PG, Al Mukaddam M, Tile L, Portal-Celhay C, Sarkar N, Hou P, Musser BJ, Boyapati A, Mohammadi K, Mellis SJ, Rankin AJ, Economides AN, Trotter DG, Herman GA, O’Meara SJ, DelGizzi R, Weinreich DM, Yancopoulos GD, Eekhoff EMW, Kaplan FS. Garetosmab in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial. Nat Med 29: 2615-2624, 2023 Palovarotene 在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中的应用:随机、双盲、安慰剂对照的2期试验
  1. Clinical Trial Results in FOP
    1. This section of The Guidelines briefly outlines the peer reviewed, published results of registered clinical trials (clinicaltrials.gov) in FOP. Interested readers are directed to the full manuscripts.
      A placebo-controlled, double-blind trial (NCT02190747) Phase II study evaluated palovarotene, an orally bioavailable selective retinoic acid receptor gamma agonist, for prevention of HO in patients with FOP.
      Although these findings were not statistically significant, they supported further evaluation of palovarotene for prevention of HO in FOP in larger studies (Pignolo, Baujat et al., 2022).
      In a publication in The Journal of Bone & Mineral Research, Palovarotene, an RARγ receptor agonist, was reported to reduce new heterotopic ossification (HO) in an Open-Label, Phase 3 Trial (Pignolo, Hsiao et al., 2022). The single-arm, open-label, phase 3 MOVE trial (NCT03312634) assessed efficacy and safety of palovarotene in patients with FOP. Findings were compared with FOP natural history study (NHS; NCT02322255) participants untreated beyond standard of care. The primary endpoint was annualized change in new HO volume versus NHS participants (by low-dose whole-body computed tomography [WBCT]). Twelve-month interim analyses met futility criteria. Post hoc 18-month interim analyses showed 99.4% probability of any reduction in new HO with palovarotene versus NHS participants. Annualized new HO volume was 60% lower in MOVE versus the NHS. All palovarotene-treated patients reported ≥1 adverse event (AE); 97.0% reported ≥1 retinoid-associated AE; 29.3% reported ≥1 serious AE, including premature physeal closure (PPC)/epiphyseal disorder in 21/57 (36.8%) patients aged <14 years. Post hoc computational analyses using WBCT showed decreased vertebral bone mineral density, content, and strength, and increased vertebral fracture risk in palovarotene-treated patients. Thus, post hoc analyses showed evidence for modest efficacy of palovarotene in reducing new HO in FOP, but high risk of PPC in skeletally immature patients (Pignolo, Hsiao et al., 2023).
      Palovarotene was approved for FOP by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) on August 16, 2023, for use in boys older than 10 years of age and girls older than 8 years of age (when 90% of their height has been achieved, based on national averages). It should be noted that palovarotene is not expected to change flare activity, as the primary molecular target is the formation of new heterotopic ossification. Furthermore, palovarotene should not be taken with certain medications due to the risks of interactions, including tetracyclines (such as tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, etc.) or medications that are strong inducers of Cyp3A4.
      The International Clinical Council on FOP (ICC) issued the following official statement in August 2023:
      Statement Regarding Palovarotene from the International Clinical Council (ICC) on FOP
      The International Clinical Council (ICC) on FOP is aware of the recent decisions by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Medicines Agency, and Health Canada on the use of palovarotene for the treatment of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). The ICC has no direct influence on these regulatory decisions, as we believe it is important that the review and regulatory processes play out in accordance with established scientific and legal principles.
      On August 16th, 2023, the US FDA announced the approval of palovarotene for the treatment of FOP. Palovarotene has been evaluated by other regulatory agencies, including approval by Health Canada in January 2022, and rejection by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in June 2023.
      The FDA advisory committee in June 2023 made a non-unanimous positive recommendation, with notable concerns regarding the benefit/risk balance, significant risks of side effects, and reliance on post-hoc analyses of the data.
      FOP is a devastating genetic disease where progressive abnormal bone formation (heterotopic ossification, HO) leads to loss of mobility, independence, and quality of life. To date, only symptomatic treatments are available. Palovarotene is a small molecule in the retinoid class and represents the first drug approved specifically for decreasing new HO formation in patients with FOP.
      The ICC has reviewed the data publicly presented to the FDA advisory committee in June 2023, as well as reviewed the publications of the Natural History Study (Pignolo, et al. Genet. Med 2022) and the Phase III MOVE Trial (Pignolo et al., J Bone Mineral Res 2023). The primary analysis of the data raised significant concerns about the efficacy of palovarotene in blocking new HO formation, and in fact met the futility criteria for stopping the trial due to these concerns. Examination of the data after unblinding revealed deficiencies in the planned analysis method. Multiple subsequent post-hoc analyses, performed both by Ipsen and the FDA, suggested that palovarotene likely reduced new HO formation by 50-60%. The Phase III MOVE trial also showed that palovarotene had significant side effects, including the risk of early growth plate closure in younger patients with FOP and complications related to the retinoid class of medications (skin rash, dry skin and eyes, possible bone loss, etc.).
      The members of the ICC strongly support the continued development of therapies for treating the devastating consequences of FOP.
      Palovarotene represents a first step in that direction, with approval in the USA, Canada, and UAE. However, the ICC also feels that there are significant limitations to the existing data – specifically the necessarily short-term results of a clinical trial for a drug that is expected to be used lifelong; the still unanswered questions regarding the exact efficacy of reduction of HO bone formation; the unclear impact on long-term functional outcomes; and the potential for significant side effects and bone toxicity especially in children.
      Therefore, the ICC recommends:
      • If a patient with FOP considers palovarotene, the potential benefits and risks, as detailed in the package insert, by the MOVE trial publication, and in subsequent publications, must be discussed in detail with the patient and the patient’s medical team.
      • Additional risks should be explicitly discussed, including potential effects on bone health (loss of bone mass), skin/mucosal dryness and complications, potential for eye complications, and the risk of fetal malformations in pregnancy. The ICC supports continued close long-term follow-up of these potential complications.
      • A long term, detailed study of the safety and efficacy of palovarotene should be pursued, such as through a registry or formalized long-term study.
      • Standard-of-care therapies, as recommended by the FOP Treatment Guidelines (available at ICCFOP.org), should still be used in combination with palovarotene as appropriate, and with guidance from the patient’s medical team.
      • Worldwide affordable access to palovarotene should be facilitated, including ensuring reasonable cost for therapy.
      • Careful monitoring of patients to prevent pregnancy while on palovarotene should be required, due to the known teratogenicity of the retinoid class of medications.
      • Careful education of potential drug interactions, including with antibiotics like tetracycline or doxycycline, should be required.
      • Patients should not use non-pharmaceutical grade palovarotene.
      The ICC continues to support open discussions and data sharing in all clinical trials and studies as potential therapies for FOP are examined.
      While the majority of ICC members believe that palovarotene may have benefits for the care of patients with FOP, a number of ICC members had serious concerns about its approval and use. These concerns include the high risk of growth plate effects in young children with FOP, leading to a potential consideration that palovarotene should never be used in growing children. In addition, the long-term risks of treatment with palovarotene remain unknown, and could result in significant secondary complications that have yet to be identified. Furthermore, the use of palovarotene may impact a patient’s ability to take certain medications or participate in clinical trials.
      The FOP treatment guidelines at ICCFOP.org will be updated with additional information once palovarotene is available commercially in the jurisdictions where it has been approved. In addition, the ICC is planning a future review manuscript regarding palovarotene.”
      In a publication in Nature Medicine, intravenous garetosmab, an inhibitor of activin A, was reported to reduce heterotopic ossification and flare-ups in adults with FOP in a small multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial [LUMINA-1 (NCT03188666) Di Rocco et al., 2023].
      Patients were randomized to garetosmab or placebo. In Period-1, there was a trend for garetosmab to decrease HO versus placebo (24.6%), primarily driven by near complete prevention of new lesions. Flareups were significantly reduced. For placebo patients transitioning to garetosmab in Period-2, no patients developed new HO lesions. Garetosmab was associated with more adverse events than placebo: mild recurrent epistaxis, madarosis, and skin/soft tissue infections. Overall, the adverse events AEs were predominantly mild in severity. Five deaths (5/44; 11.4%) occurred either in Period-2 or the open-label extension. The deaths were associated with baseline disease severity in some, preexisting comorbidities in others and occurred following 8-16 doses (median: 15) of garetosmab in the open label/follow-up periods. Garetosmab reduced flare-ups and prevented new HO lesions in FOP patients. Although the reported side effects were mild to moderate, there was an unexpectedly high number of deaths for a small study. Five deaths (5 of 44; 11.4%) occurred in the open-label period. Although these were considered unlikely to be related to garetosmab, causality cannot be ruled out (Di Rocco et al., 2023).
      Pignolo RJ, Baujat G, Hsiao EC, Keen R, Wilson A, Packman J, Strahs AL, Grogan DR, Kaplan FS. Palovarotene for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP): Results of a Randomized, PlaceboControlled, Double-Blind Phase 2 Trial. J Bone Miner Res 37: 1891-1902, 2022
      Pignolo RJ, Hsiao EC, Al Mukaddam M, Baujat G, Berglund SK, Brown MA, Cheung AM, De Cunto C, Delai P, Haga N, Kannu P, Keen R, Le Quan Sang KH, Mancilla EE, Marino R, Strahs A, Kaplan FS. Reduction of New Heterotopic Ossification (HO) in the Open-Label, Phase 3 MOVE Trial of Palovarotene for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP). J Bone Miner Res 38: 381-394, 2023
      Di Rocco M, Forleo-Neto E, Pignolo RJ, Keen R, Orcel P, Funck-Brentano T, Roux C, Kolta S, Madeo A, Bubbear JS, Tabarkiewicz J, Szczepanek M, Bachiller-Corral J, Cheung AM, Dahir KM, Botman E, Raijmakers PG, Al Mukaddam M, Tile L, Portal-Celhay C, Sarkar N, Hou P, Musser BJ, Boyapati A, Mohammadi K, Mellis SJ, Rankin AJ, Economides AN, Trotter DG, Herman GA, O’Meara SJ, DelGizzi R, Weinreich DM, Yancopoulos GD, Eekhoff EMW, Kaplan FS. Garetosmab in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial. Nat Med 29: 2615-2624, 2023

第五章. FOP的特殊医学考虑事项

1. 简介

患有进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的人也可能会出现一些常见问题(如胆囊疾病、阑尾炎、感冒、耳痛等),与普通人群相似。一般来说,诊断和治疗FOP患者这些问题的最安全方法是先问:“如果这位患者没有FOP,我会如何评估他或她?”随后,可以应用“FOP过滤器”,询问:“考虑到可能的并发医疗问题的性质,以及该问题相对于FOP所带来的相对风险,有哪些诊断或治疗程序应该或不应该进行(或者是否可能有更合适的替代诊断程序)?”采用这种方法,通常可以解决诊断困境,并提供适当的护理。当仍然存在疑问时,应咨询FOP专家(见第十二章 - 作者联系方式)。
  1. Introduction
    1. Individuals who have FOP can also develop common problems (gall bladder disease, appendicitis, colds, earaches, etc.) as with anyone in the general population. Generally, the safest way to diagnose and treat these problems in a patient with FOP is to ask the question: “How would I evaluate this patient if he or she did not have FOP?” Following that, the “FOP filter” can be applied to ask: “Given the nature of the possible intercurrent medical problem, and the relative risks that particular problem presents in relation to FOP, are there any diagnostic or treatment procedures that should or should not be undertaken (or perhaps alternative diagnostic procedures might be more appropriate)?” Using that approach, diagnostic dilemmas can often be resolved, and appropriate care delivered. When questions remain, experts on FOP should be consulted (Kaplan et al., 2018; see Section XII – Authors’ Contact Information).
      In addition to common medical problems that individuals with FOP might have, there are a number of special medical considerations for FOP patients that are worthy of very special attention. They are presented below.

2. FOP的创伤预防

如前所述,使用泼尼松在重大软组织创伤后或围手术期应考虑作为预防措施。皮质类固醇的剂量取决于体重。泼尼松的典型剂量为1-2 mg/kg/天(最高可达100 mg),每天一次,使用不超过4天(表1)。为了对下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴产生最小的抑制作用,药物应在早晨服用。
  1. Glaser DL, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Catastrophic falls in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop 346: 110-116, 1998 FOP患者的灾难性跌倒
  1. Lanchoney TF, Cohen RB, Rocke DM, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Permanent heterotopic ossification at the injection site after diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunizations in children who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Pediatrics 126: 762-764, 1995 在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良儿童中,接种白喉-破伤风-百日咳疫苗后注射部位的永久性异位骨化
  1. Luchetti W, Cohen RB, Hahn GV, Rocke DM, Helpin M, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. Severe restriction in jaw movement after route injection of local anesthetic in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 81: 21-25, 1996 FOP患者局部麻醉药物注射后下颌运动严重受限
  1. Injury Prevention in FOP
    1. Prevention of soft-tissue injury and muscle damage remain a hallmark of FOP management. Intramuscular injections must be avoided. Routine childhood diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunizations administered by intramuscular injection pose a substantial risk of permanent heterotopic ossification (HO), as do arterial punctures whereas measles-mumps-rubella immunizations administered by subcutaneous injection and routine venipuncture pose little risk (Lanchoney et al., 1995). Biopsies of FOP lesions are never indicated and will likely cause additional HO. Elective amputations are never indicated.
      Permanent ankylosis of the jaw may be precipitated by minimal soft tissue trauma during routine dental care. Assiduous precautions are necessary in administering dental care to anyone who has FOP. Overstretching of the jaw and intramuscular injections of local anesthetic must be avoided. Mandibular blocks cause muscle trauma that will lead to HO, and local anesthetic drugs are extremely toxic to skeletal muscle (Luchetti et al., 1996).
      Falls suffered by FOP patients can lead to severe injuries and flare-ups. Patients with FOP have a self-perpetuating fall cycle. Minor soft tissue trauma often leads to severe exacerbations of FOP, which result in HO and joint ankylosis. Mobility restriction from joint ankylosis severely impairs balancing mechanisms, and causes instability, resulting in more falls (Glaser et al., 1998).
      Falls in the FOP population are more likely to result in severe head injuries, loss of consciousness, concussions, and neck and back injuries, compared to people who do not have FOP. Individuals with FOP are often unable to use the upper limbs to absorb the impact of a fall. FOP patients are much more likely to be admitted to a hospital following a fall and have a permanent change in physical function because of the fall. In a group of 135 FOP patients, 67% of the reported falls resulted in a flare-up of the FOP. Use of a helmet by young patients may help reduce the frequency of severe head injuries that can result from falls (Glaser et al., 1998).
      Measures to prevent falls should be directed at modification of activity, improvement in household safety, use of ambulatory devices (such as a cane, if possible), and use of protective headgear. Redirection of activity to less physically interactive play may also be helpful. Complete avoidance of high-risk circumstances may reduce falls, but also may compromise a patient’s functional level and independence and may be unacceptable to many. Adjustments to the living environment to reduce the number of falls within the home may include installing supportive hand-railings on stairs, securing loose carpeting, removing objects from walkways, and eliminating uneven flooring including doorframe thresholds. Prevention of falls due to imbalance begins with stabilization of gait. The use of a cane or stabilizing device may improve balance for many patients. For more mobile individuals, the use of a rolling cane or a walker will assist in stabilization.
      When a fall occurs, prompt medical attention should be sought, especially when a head or neck injury is suspected. Any head or neck injury should be considered serious until proven otherwise. A few common signs and symptoms of severe head injury include increasing headache, dizziness, drowsiness, obtundation, weakness, confusion, or loss of consciousness. These symptoms often do not appear until hours after an injury. An FOP patient should be examined carefully by a healthcare professional if a head or neck injury is suspected.
      As mentioned previously, prednisone use should be considered prophylactically following major soft tissue trauma, or peri-operatively. The dose of corticosteroids is dependent upon body weight. A typical dose of prednisone is 1-2 mg/kg/day (up to 100 mg), administered as a single daily dose for no more than 4 days (Table 1). In order to have the least suppressive effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, medication should be taken in the morning.
      Glaser DL, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Catastrophic falls in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop 346: 110-116, 1998
      Lanchoney TF, Cohen RB, Rocke DM, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Permanent heterotopic ossification at the injection site after diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunizations in children who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Pediatrics 126: 762-764, 1995
      Luchetti W, Cohen RB, Hahn GV, Rocke DM, Helpin M, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. Severe restriction in jaw movement after route injection of local anesthetic in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 81: 21-25, 1996

3. FOP的头皮结节

  1. Al Kaissi A, Kenis V, Ben Ghachem M, Hofstaetter J, Grill F, Ganger R, Kircher SG. The diversity of the clinical phenotypes in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Clin Med Res 8: 246-253, 2016 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的临床表型多样性
  1. Kitterman JA, Kantanie S, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Iatrogenic harm caused by diagnosis errors in FOP. Pediatrics 116: 654-661, 2005 由于FOP诊断错误导致的医源性伤害
  1. Kardile M, Nayak S, Nagaraja HS, Mishra AK. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in a four-year-old child. J Orthop Case Rep 2: 17-20, 2012 一名四岁儿童的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良
  1. Piram M, Le Merrer M, Bughin V, De Prost Y, Fraitag S, Bodemer C. Scalp nodules as a presenting sign of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a register-based study. J Am Acad Dermatol 64: 97-101, 2011 头皮结节作为进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的首发症状: 一项基于注册的研究
  1. Scalp Nodules in FOP
    1. Scalp nodules are flare-ups on the head, commonly appearing in childhood – often the first post-natal manifestations of FOP. Scalp nodules are of little clinical significance despite their often large size and alarming appearance.
      Scalp nodules are noted in very few publications (Kitterman et al., 2005; Piram et al., 2011; Kardile et al., 2012; Al Kaissi et al., 2016). They are often reported as first symptom of FOP, from the neonatal period (about 10% of cases (Kitterman et al., 2005), but also may be an under-recognized symptom at any age. The median age of onset is 1.5 years (Piram et al., 2011).
      Clinically, scalp nodules may be solitary or numerous, immobile, with a variable size, from a walnut size to a great volume such as a tennis ball. They may be asymptomatic or painful only at onset. Usually, they appear and regress spontaneously, or can develop after trauma or infection, or in a child who is apparently in good health.
      Radiographs are unnecessary but generally show soft tissue thickening initially with small zones of HO after some months. Biopsies/surgical excision or fine-needle aspiration for cytological and histologic studies must be avoided. Histopathologic findings are described in three patients by Piram et al., 2011 as proliferation of short spindle-shaped cells in the deep subcutaneous tissue, with abundant collagenous stroma and scattered inflammatory cells (mast cells & T-cells) and numerous vessels.
      The correlation between their presence and the genotype is not detailed in the few reported cases but it appears that they are associated with the R206H classic mutation in ACVR1 in numerous cases studied.
      The occurrence of unique or multiple scalp nodule(s) in infancy is an important early sign of FOP and may be the first sign of a post-natal flare-up of the condition. The presence of scalp nodules during infancy should prompt immediate examination of the great toes – a clinical scenario that could appropriately accelerate the proper diagnosis of FOP.
      So, importantly, when scalp nodules are seen, the toes must be examined! Even more importantly, biopsies must not be performed. Symptomatic treatments may be prescribed but steroids are not used as no joints are involved. Despite their often alarming appearance, no treatment is necessary. Swelling subsides with time and if ossification occurs, remodeling is common as the lesions are incorporated into the growing skull.
      Al Kaissi A, Kenis V, Ben Ghachem M, Hofstaetter J, Grill F, Ganger R, Kircher SG. The diversity of the clinical phenotypes in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Clin Med Res 8: 246-253, 2016
      Kitterman JA, Kantanie S, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Iatrogenic harm caused by diagnosis errors in FOP. Pediatrics 116: 654-661, 2005
      Kardile M, Nayak S, Nagaraja HS, Mishra AK. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in a four-year-old child. J Orthop Case Rep 2: 17-20, 2012
      Piram M, Le Merrer M, Bughin V, De Prost Y, Fraitag S, Bodemer C. Scalp nodules as a presenting sign of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a register-based study. J Am Acad Dermatol 64: 97-101, 2011

4. FOP的脊柱畸形

  1. Moore R, Dormans J, Drummond DS, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Auerbach J. Chin-on-chest deformity in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). J Bone Joint Surg Am 91: 1497-1502, 2009 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者的下巴贴胸畸形
  1. Shah P, Zasloff MA, Drummond, D, Kaplan FS. Spinal deformity in patients who have FOP. J Bone Joint Surg Am 76: 1442-1450, 1994 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的脊柱畸形
  1. Spinal Deformity in FOP
    1. Spinal deformities are common in individuals who have FOP. A study in 40 FOP patients showed that 65% had radiographic evidence of scoliosis. The initial clinical abnormality was a rapidly developing scoliosis associated with a spontaneously occurring lesion in the paravertebral soft tissues. Once established, these deformities lead to rapid, permanent loss of mobility and to progressive spinal deformity with growth (Shah et al., 1994).
      The formation of a unilateral osseous bridge along the spine prior to skeletal maturity limits growth on the ipsilateral side of the spine while growth continues uninhibited on the contralateral side. If an osseous bridge occurs bilaterally and the two bridges are relatively symmetrical, or if an osseous bridge forms after skeletal maturity, scoliosis will not result.
      Severe scoliosis in FOP can lead to pelvic obliquity, similar to that seen in scoliosis resulting from other causes, and the obliquity can impair the balance of the trunk as well as standing and/or sitting balance.
      Anecdotal experience in five patients suggests that traditional operative approaches to scoliosis in FOP patients can seriously exacerbate the disease. Furthermore, three patients in the series who had operative correction of the scoliosis continued to have progression of the spinal curve even after a spinal arthrodesis. In two of these patients, the arthrodesis was performed posteriorly and not anteriorly. Thus, continued anterior growth of the spine exacerbated rotational deformity.
      Indications for correction of spinal deformity associated with more usual types of scoliosis do not pertain to patients with FOP. With the limited knowledge available, the risks of severe complications (most notably, the exacerbation of HO at sites remote from the operative field) that are associated with correction of spinal deformity in FOP likely outweigh the benefits (Shah et al., 1994). However, with greater knowledge of the natural history of FOP and newer surgical techniques, these old assertions are undergoing careful re-examination on a case-by-case basis.
      A study of three patients with rapidly evolving chin-on-chest deformities suggests that a more aggressive surgical approach may be necessary to prevent and/or correct such rapidly progressive deformities in patients who have FOP (Moore et al., 2009).
      Moore R, Dormans J, Drummond DS, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Auerbach J. Chin-on-chest deformity in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). J Bone Joint Surg Am 91: 1497-1502, 2009
      Shah P, Zasloff MA, Drummond, D, Kaplan FS. Spinal deformity in patients who have FOP. J Bone Joint Surg Am 76: 1442-1450, 1994

5. FOP的心肺功能

最近的一项自然史研究显示,携带ACVR1R206H突变的个体在心电图上出现心脏传导异常的发生率增加。在基线心电图中,传导异常的发生率为45.3%,其中大多数被归类为非特异性室内传导延迟(37.7%)。更具体地说,18岁以上患者中有22.2%出现了传导异常,这一比例显著高于之前健康人群的研究(5.9%;n = 3978)(p < 0.00001)。而18岁以下的FOP患者也有较高的传导异常发生率(62.3%)。12个月的随访数据显示与基线结果相似。传导异常与胸壁畸形、脊柱侧弯、肺功能测试结果或累积关节参与评分(CAJIS)没有相关性。对22名FOP患者的超声心动图检查显示,有8例存在结构性心脏异常,其中仅有1例与传导异常相关。
总之,FOP患者可能在心电图上表现出亚临床的传导异常,这与异位骨化无关。虽然临床上通常不认为FOP与显著的心脏疾病相关,但对于心血管风险的临床意义尚不清楚,因此了解心电图和超声心动图的变化对于FOP患者的临床护理和研究试验至关重要。进一步研究ACVR1/ALK2 R206H如何影响心脏健康将有助于阐明其潜在机制。
  • 胸椎畸形伴有肋椎关节的骨性强直
  • 肋间肌、脊旁肌和腱膜的骨化
  • 进行性脊柱畸形,包括后凸侧弯或胸椎前凸
肺动脉高压(PH)是TIS的并发症,且是FOP的常见特征。早期症状非特异性,包括运动时呼吸困难和疲劳。在FOP患者中,如果存在严重限制性肺病或中度肺病持续时间较长,则应高度怀疑PH。如果怀疑PH,应进行经胸超声心动图检查,因为这可以非侵入性地估计肺动脉收缩压(PH时通常> 25 mm Hg)并评估左右心室的大小和功能。虽然右心导管检查可确认PH的诊断,但在已知严重限制性肺病或其他近端原因(如晚期左心病或慢性低氧)情况下,合理推迟此项检查。在可能的情况下,治疗潜在病因是PH管理的主要目标;然而,在FOP中,PH最常与限制性肺病相关,而限制性肺病因胸腔不动而难以治疗。因此,在FOP中,PH的治疗应直接针对PH本身,最好由肺科医生管理。关于使用磷酸二酯酶-5抑制剂(如西地那非或他达拉非)的经验性证据存在,应考虑作为轻至中度PH的初始口服治疗。
  1. Bergofsky EH. Respiratory failure in disorders of the thoracic cage. Am Rev Resp Dis 119: 643–669, 1979 胸廓疾病引起的呼吸衰竭
  1. Kaplan FS, Glaser DL. Thoracic insufficiency syndrome in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 213-216, 2005 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的胸部功能不足综合征
  1. Kaplan FS, Zasloff MA, Kitterman JA. Shore EM, Hong CC, Rocke DM. Early mortality and cardiorespiratory failure in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg Am 92: 686-691, 2010 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的早期死亡率和心肺衰竭
  1. Kilmartin, E, Grunwald, Z, Kaplan FS, Nussbaum BL. General anesthesia for dental procedures in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: A review of 42 cases in 30 patients. Anesth Analg 118: 298301, 2014 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者牙科手术的全身麻醉:30名患者的42例回顾
  1. Kou S, De Cunto C, Baujat G, Wentworth KL, Grogan DR, Brown MA, Di Rocco M, Keen R, Al Mukaddam M, le Quan Sang KH, Masharani U, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Hsiao EC. Patients with ACVR1(R206H) mutations have an increased prevalence of cardiac conduction abnormalities on electrocardiogram in a natural history study of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2020 Jul 29;15(1):193 ACVR1(R206H)突变患者在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的自然历史研究中,心电图上心脏传导异常的发生率增加
  1. Kussmaul WG, Esmail AN, Sagar Y, Ross J, Gregory S, Kaplan FS. Pulmonary and cardiac function in advanced fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop 346: 104-109, 1998 进展性纤维异位骨化症的肺功能和心脏功能
  1. Shah PB, Zasloff MA, Drummond D, Kaplan FS. Spinal deformity in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg Am 76: 1442–1450, 1994 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的脊柱畸形
  1. Cardiopulmonary Function in FOP
    1. A recent natural history study showed that individuals with ACVR1R206H mutations have an increased prevalence of cardiac conduction abnormalities on electrocardiogram. Conduction abnormalities were present in 45.3% of baseline ECGs, with the majority of abnormalities classified as nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay (37.7%). More specifically, 22.2% of patients > 18 years old had conduction abnormalities, which was significantly higher than a prior published study of a healthy population (5.9%; n = 3978) (p < 0.00001). Patients with FOP < 18 years old also had a high prevalence of conduction abnormalities (62.3%). The 12-month follow up data was similar to baseline results. Conduction abnormalities did not correlate with chest wall deformities, scoliosis, pulmonary function test results, or increased Cumulative Analog Joint Involvement Scale (CAJIS) scores. Echocardiograms from 22 patients with FOP revealed eight with structural cardiac abnormalities, only one of which correlated with a conduction abnormality (Kou et al., 2020).
      In summary, individuals with FOP may have subclinical conduction abnormalities manifesting on ECG, independent of heterotopic ossification. Although clinically significant heart disease is not typically associated with FOP, and the clinical implications for cardiovascular risk remain unclear, knowledge about ECG and echocardiogram changes is important for clinical care and research trials in patients with FOP. Further studies on how ACVR1/ALK2 R206H affects cardiac health will help elucidate the underlying mechanism (Kou et al., 2020).
      Patients with FOP develop thoracic insufficiency syndrome (TIS) that can lead to life-threatening complications. Features contributing to TIS in patients with FOP include:
      • Costovertebral malformations with orthotopic ankylosis of the costovertebral joints
      • Ossification of intercostal muscles, paravertebral muscles and aponeuroses
      • Progressive spinal deformity including kyphoscoliosis or thoracic lordosis
      Pneumonia, hypoxemia, hypercarbia, pulmonary hypertension and right-sided heart failure are the major life-threatening hazards that result from TIS in patients with FOP. Prophylactic measures to maximize pulmonary function, minimize respiratory compromise, and prevent influenza and pneumonia are helpful in decreasing the morbidity and mortality from TIS in patients with FOP (Kussmaul et al., 1998; Kaplan & Glaser, 2005; Kaplan et al., 2010). A pulmonologist should be involved early with regular spirometry assessments and sleep studies as needed.
      Individuals with FOP develop progressive limitations in chest expansion, resulting in restrictive lung disease, with reduced vital capacity but no obstruction to air flow. Those with advanced disease have extremely limited chest expansion and rely on the diaphragm for inspiration (Kussmaul et al., 1998). The low inspiratory capacity results in low expiratory flow rates, in many cases.
      Consequently, individuals with FOP are subject to atelectasis, retained secretions, hypoxemia, hypercarbia and pneumonia. All patients had abnormal spirometry secondary to TIS. Chest infection in the presence of diminished pulmonary reserve is the major hazard to life in patients with FOP. Many patients had abnormal electrocardiograms, with evidence of right ventricular dysfunction. It is suggested that the presence of severe restrictive disease of the chest wall is associated with a high incidence of right ventricular abnormalities (Kaplan et al., 2010).
      Respiratory failure and cor pulmonale are features of severe TIS (Shah et al., 1974). A detailed description of this problem (Bergofsky et al., 1979) noted right ventricular hypertrophy in at least 10% of cases. Pulmonary hypertension was a common finding, which these authors attributed to increased vascular resistance and the effects of prolonged alveolar hypoventilation.
      The respiratory problems seen in patients with FOP are similar to those seen in patients with respiratory muscle weakness such as cervical spinal cord injury, or other skeletal abnormalities such as kyphoscoliosis. Strategies similar to those used in these other populations to maximize respiratory muscle functional and clear secretions may be beneficial in those with FOP.
      Inspiratory and expiratory muscle training should be routinely practiced and started at the age of diagnosis. A variety of incentive spirometers are available to encourage deep breathing. Inspiratory muscle training devices permit progressive resistance exercise training of the diaphragm.
      Careful attention should be directed toward the prevention and therapy of intercurrent chest infections. Such measures should include prophylactic pneumococcal pneumonia and influenza vaccinations (given subcutaneously), chest physiotherapy, and prompt antibiotic treatment of early chest infection.
      Upper abdominal surgery should be avoided, if possible as it interferes with diaphragmatic respiration. Sleep studies to assess sleep apnea may be helpful. Positive pressure assisted breathing devices such as BiPAP® (Bi-level positive airway pressure) masks without the use of supplemental oxygen may also be helpful. Night CPAP and noninvasive ventilation on ambient air may be effective treatments for nocturnal hypoventilation/hypoxemia.
      Patients with FOP who have advanced TIS and who use unmonitored oxygen have a high risk of sudden death. Sudden correction of oxygen tension in the presence of chronic carbon dioxide retention suppresses respiratory drive. Patients who have FOP and severe TIS should not use supplemental oxygen in an unmonitored setting (Kaplan & Glaser, 2005; Kaplan et al., 2010).
      During hospitalizations or in more advanced disease, individuals with FOP may have trouble clearing secretions. This can lead to atelectasis, pneumonia and respiratory failure requiring endotracheal intubation. Secretion clearance is enhanced by adequate hydration, guaifenesin, bronchodilators and mucolytics, as needed. If endotracheal intubation or a surgical procedure are considered, nasal fiberoptic intubation of the trachea is recommended (Kilmartin et al. 2014). For surgical or interventional procedures, a carefully designed anesthesia plan is paramount. Planning for extubation of the trachea should be weighed against creation of tracheostomy if impending respiratory failure is expected due to the advanced TIS. Postoperative care should be assigned to an intensive care setting.
      There is also much that can be done in prevention. Individuals with FOP are often born with congenital malformations of the costovertebral joints that cause some degree of chest restriction even before the appearance of heterotopic bone, although these restrictions may not lead to any clinical problems early in life. However, because of these restrictions, individuals with FOP are more likely to rely, even early in life, on diaphragmatic breathing. It is recommended that individuals with FOP be evaluated by a pulmonologist by the end of the first decade of life in order to perform baseline pulmonary function tests and echocardiograms. The results of these tests may further help guide preventative care for the cardiopulmonary system.
      Several devices are available to loosen secretions from relatively simple handheld devices that cause vibration of the airway walls during exhalation, to garments that vibrate the chest wall to high technology specialty beds that turn and oscillate. Care must be taken when using such devices in patients with a weak cough, as they may be unable to expectorate the secretions once loosened. Use of mechanical insufflation-exsufflation can non-invasively extract retained secretions from individuals with ineffective cough. The device can dramatically increase peak cough expiratory flow in individuals with impaired expiratory muscle function. Combining a method to loosen secretions with in-exsufflation to remove them may prevent respiratory failure and the need for mechanical ventilation. However, all percussive devices should be used with caution due to risk of inducing trauma.
      Various activities can help maximize the strength of the diaphragm and perhaps decrease the risk of intercurrent pulmonary problems. In addition to the intermittent use of incentive spirometry, other activities such as deep breathing, swimming/hydrotherapy, and singing, should be encouraged at an early age and may help improve long-term pulmonary function.
      Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a complication of TIS which is a common feature of FOP. Early symptoms are non-specific and include dyspnea on exertion and fatigue. In FOP, a high index of suspicion is warranted if severe restrictive lung disease or moderate disease exists over a prolonged period of time. If PH is suspected transthoracic echocardiography should be performed, since it permits a noninvasive estimation of pulmonary arterial systolic pressure (usually > 25 mm Hg in PH) and evaluation of both right and left heart size and function. Although right heart catheterization confirms the diagnosis of PH, it can reasonably be deferred in FOP in the setting of known severe restrictive lung disease or other proximal causes such as advanced left-sided heart disease or chronic hypoxia. When possible, treatment of the underlying condition is the primary goal of management for PH; however, in FOP, PH is most commonly associated with restrictive lung disease which is not easily treated due to immobility of the chest cavity. Therefore, in FOP, therapy for PH is directed at PH itself and is best managed by pulmonologists. Anecdotal evidence exists for the use of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors such as sildenafil or tadalafil, and should be considered as an initial oral therapy for mild to moderate PH.
      Bergofsky EH. Respiratory failure in disorders of the thoracic cage. Am Rev Resp Dis 119: 643–669, 1979
      Kaplan FS, Glaser DL. Thoracic insufficiency syndrome in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 213-216, 2005
      Kaplan FS, Zasloff MA, Kitterman JA. Shore EM, Hong CC, Rocke DM. Early mortality and cardiorespiratory failure in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg Am 92: 686-691, 2010
      Kilmartin, E, Grunwald, Z, Kaplan FS, Nussbaum BL. General anesthesia for dental procedures in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: A review of 42 cases in 30 patients. Anesth Analg 118: 298301, 2014
      Kou S, De Cunto C, Baujat G, Wentworth KL, Grogan DR, Brown MA, Di Rocco M, Keen R, Al Mukaddam M, le Quan Sang KH, Masharani U, Kaplan FS, Pignolo RJ, Hsiao EC. Patients with ACVR1(R206H) mutations have an increased prevalence of cardiac conduction abnormalities on electrocardiogram in a natural history study of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2020 Jul 29;15(1):193
      Kussmaul WG, Esmail AN, Sagar Y, Ross J, Gregory S, Kaplan FS. Pulmonary and cardiac function in advanced fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop 346: 104-109, 1998
      Shah PB, Zasloff MA, Drummond D, Kaplan FS. Spinal deformity in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg Am 76: 1442–1450, 1994

6. FOP的呼吸健康

感染预防,尤其是在流感季节: 确保所有FOP患者及其家人定期洗手并使用酒精凝胶。避免前往容易传播感染的地方。如果需要接触,我们建议FOP患者佩戴简单的外科口罩,以减少吸入感染飞沫(例如打喷嚏时)。这些口罩并不是用来过滤所有病毒和细菌的,但可以在降低大飞沫接触的同时确保呼吸舒适。高质量的N95或KN95口罩也能有效减少暴露风险。
维持呼吸能力: 我们建议每天进行15-30分钟的主动呼吸活动。这些活动应感到舒适,不应引起疼痛,目的是保持膈肌和其他呼吸肌肉的健康。我们推荐的活动包括剧烈的发声(如唱歌、合唱;在淋浴时大声唱歌)、吹泡泡等。
  1. 坐直或站立。
  1. 将口哨放入口中,确保嘴唇紧紧闭合。
  1. 尽可能缓慢吸气(这是最重要的部分)。屏住呼吸约10秒钟。
  1. 快速通过口哨呼气,以产生声音。
  1. 吸气和呼气之间要休息。
  1. 重复10次,中间短暂休息。
  1. 如果在任何时候感到头晕,或有任何不适或胸部不适,应立即停止。
  1. 坐直在椅子或床上,或站直。
  1. 将肺活量计持在脸前,眼睛高度。有许多FOP患者由于上肢关节的强直可能无法做到这一点。他们可能需要帮助,或者将肺活量计放置得足够近,以便使用,但不必用双手握住。
  1. 用嘴唇紧紧闭合住嘴嘴,以确保密封。
  1. 慢慢完全呼气。
  1. 通过嘴巴缓慢尽可能深吸气。
  1. 活量计的活塞会在吸气时上升。
  1. 屏住呼吸10秒(此时活塞可能会下降),然后呼气。
  1. 重复10次,中间短暂休息。
  1. 如果在任何时候感到头晕,应停止并休息。
  1. 每天进行两次此例程。
  1. Botman E, Smilde BJ, Hoebink M, Treurniet S, Raijmakers P, Kamp O, Teunissen BP, Bökenkamp A, Jak P, Lammertsma AA, van den Aardweg JG, Boonstra A, Eekhoff EMW. Deterioration of pulmonary function: An early complication in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Bone Rep 2021 Feb 25;14:100758 肺功能恶化:进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的早期并发症
  1. Jefferson T, Jones MA, Doshi P, Del Mar CB, Hama R, Thompson MJ, Spencer EA, Onakpoya I, Mahtani KR, Nunan D, Howick J, Heneghan CJ. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults and children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014 Apr 10;(4) 神经氨酸酶抑制剂用于预防和治疗健康成人和儿童的流感
  1. Shah PB, Zasloff MA, Drummond D, Kaplan FS. Spinal deformity in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg 76-A: 1442-1450, 1994 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的脊柱畸形
  1. Towler OW, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Skeletal malformations and developmental arthropathy in individuals who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 2020 Jan;130:115116. 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的骨骼畸形和发育性关节病
  1. Respiratory Health in FOP
    1. Strong respiratory health is important for everyone. This is particularly true for individuals with FOP since FOP can severely decrease respiratory capacity from the chest wall deformities, heterotopic ossification and scoliosis (Shah et al.,1994; Towler et al., 2020; Botman et al, 2021).
      Maintaining strong respiratory health involves a few things:
      Infection precautions, particularly during the flu season: Make sure that all FOP patients and their family members wash their hands regularly and use alcohol gel. Avoid places where infection can be easily transmitted. In the event that exposures need to occur, we recommend that individuals with FOP wear a simple surgical mask to decrease the risk of breathing in infected droplets (such as from a sneeze). These masks are not meant to filter out all viruses and infectious bacteria but will balance the need to decrease exposure to larger droplets with comfortable breathing. Alternatively, a high quality N95 or KN95 mask can be very effective in decreasing exposure.
      Maintaining respiratory capacity: We recommend 15-30 minutes per day of active respiratory activity. This should not be uncomfortable or cause pain but is meant to help keep the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles healthy. Activities that we recommend include vigorous vocalizations (i.e. singing, as in a choir; loud continuous vocal activity like singing in the shower), blowing bubbles, etc.
      For some, an incentive spirometer can complement vigorous vocalizations. These devices can be used to measure lung capacity. However, we recommend using them as a way to maintain lung capacity and make sure the lungs are well-ventilated.
      FOP patients who decide to have yearly influenza immunizations should use the subcutaneous immunization, given by an experienced provider. The flu immunization should not be given during a flareup and not until at least 2 weeks after a flare-up has resolved. Whether or not the FOP patient decides to get a flu vaccine, all immediate family members, household contacts and caretakers should be immunized.
      In the case where the flu vaccine is not obtained, for whatever reason, having a ready supply of Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) on hand during flu season is a reasonable precaution. At the first signs of the flu (fever or feeling feverish/chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue (tiredness), vomiting and diarrhea), one should take the first dose of Oseltamivir and then immediately contact their physician (Jefferson et al., 2014).
      Patients should also consider vaccines for other respiratory illnesses, including pneumococcus and COVID-19. See the respective sections for additional details.
      There are many types of incentive spirometers available and many different strategies for maintaining lung function. The IFOPA provides two types depending on age and jaw needs.
      Peak Flow Whistle (for young children)
      For young children, a peak flow whistle is recommended. These whistles will make a sound when air is blown fast enough through the whistle. The most important part of this device is taking the deep breath beforehand – not the actual ability to generate the whistle sound!
      The patient should:
      1. Sit upright or stand.
      1. Place the whistle in the mouth, and make sure the lips are tightly sealed
      1. Slowly inhale as much as possible (this is the most important part). Hold the breath for about 10 seconds.
      1. Exhale quickly through the whistle to generate the sound.
      1. Rest in between breaths.
      1. Repeat 10 times, with short rest breaks in between.
      1. The patient should stop if they feel dizzy at any time, or if they have any tenderness or chest discomfort.
      The whistle should be set based on the patient’s estimated peak flow on a regular day (i.e. should just be able to whistle). Standard tables with FEV1 values are not useful in FOP due to the presence of chest deformities; however, prior PFT values can serve as a guide. The goal is to encourage deep breaths to minimize atelectasis, rather than increasing peak flow. The flow whistle serves as an incentive for children.
      Incentive Spirometer
      The incentive spirometer is for older children and adults. There are many models available. The goal, however, is the same with all the models - to take slow, deep breaths to expand the lungs.
      The patient should:
      1. Sit upright in a chair or bed or stand upright.
      1. Hold the spirometer in front of the face at eye level. Many FOP patients will not be able to do this due to ankylosis of the joints in the upper extremities. They may need assistance or have the spirometer positioned close enough to use but without having to hold with both hands.
      1. Close your lips around the mouthpiece to make a seal.
      1. Slowly exhale completely.
      1. Slowly inhale thorough the mouth as deeply as possible.
      1. The piston will rise with inhalation.
      1. Hold the breath for 10 seconds (the piston may fall during this time), then exhale.
      1. Repeat 10 times, with short rest breaks in between.
      1. Stop and rest if they feel dizzy at any time.
      1. Perform this routine twice daily.
      Botman E, Smilde BJ, Hoebink M, Treurniet S, Raijmakers P, Kamp O, Teunissen BP, Bökenkamp A, Jak P, Lammertsma AA, van den Aardweg JG, Boonstra A, Eekhoff EMW. Deterioration of pulmonary function: An early complication in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Bone Rep 2021 Feb 25;14:100758
      Jefferson T, Jones MA, Doshi P, Del Mar CB, Hama R, Thompson MJ, Spencer EA, Onakpoya I, Mahtani KR, Nunan D, Howick J, Heneghan CJ. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults and children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014 Apr 10;(4)
      Shah PB, Zasloff MA, Drummond D, Kaplan FS. Spinal deformity in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Bone Joint Surg 76-A: 1442-1450, 1994
      Towler OW, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Skeletal malformations and developmental arthropathy in individuals who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 2020 Jan;130:115116.

7. FOP患者的其他疾病免疫接种(不包括流感和COVID-19)

对于大多数儿童接种的疫苗,ACIP建议进行肌肉注射(IM)。然而,由于注射部位及身体其他部位可能发生异位骨化(HO)的风险,FOP患者禁用肌肉注射。 Lanchoney及其同事报告称,DPT疫苗的肌肉注射导致27%的FOP儿童出现病情加重及后续的HO,在某些情况下还导致关节活动能力永久丧失。
在血友病患者中,肌肉注射可能导致出血。由于这一风险,世界血友病联合会建议血友病患者进行所有疫苗接种时使用皮下途径。在大多数血友病治疗中心,推荐所有疫苗采用皮下注射是标准做法。然而,在推荐肌肉注射且对血友病患者进行皮下接种的疫苗中,目前仅有甲型肝炎(Ragni et al., 2000)、乙型肝炎(Carpenter et al., 2015)和白喉-破伤风疫苗被证明有效提供免疫。关于其他肌肉注射疫苗的皮下接种效果,目前尚无已发表的数据。
使用皮下注射几种疫苗的一个关注点是注射部位可能形成肉芽肿。这些肉芽肿被认为是对铝这种疫苗辅料成分的超敏反应。在瑞典的一项前瞻性队列研究中,Bergfors及其同事报告称,接受DPT疫苗注射的儿童中,持续发痒的肉芽肿发生率低于1%。无论是肌肉注射还是皮下注射,肉芽肿的发生率相似(Bergfors et al., 2003和2014)。此外,在血友病患者中,皮下接种的疫苗未报告出现肉芽肿。我们不知道进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者在任何免疫接种后是否发生过肉芽肿。
  1. ACIP推荐对所有人进行皮下(SubQ)接种且对FOP患者似乎安全的疫苗:(这些疫苗不含白喉或破伤风成分。)
      • 麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹疫苗(MMR;品牌名:M-M-R II, Priorix)
      • 水痘疫苗(VAR;品牌名:Varivax)
      • 麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹、水痘疫苗(MMRV;品牌名:ProQuad)
      • 灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗(IPV;品牌名:Ipol)
      • 23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗(PPSV23;品牌名:Pneumovax-23)
  1. ACIP推荐进行肌肉注射(IM)但可以有效进行皮下接种且对FOP患者可能安全的疫苗:(这些疫苗不含白喉或破伤风成分。)
      • 甲型肝炎疫苗(HepA;品牌名:Havrix, VAQTA)
      • 乙型肝炎疫苗(HepB;品牌名:Energix-B, Recombivax-HB, Heplisav-B)
  1. ACIP推荐进行肌肉注射(IM),对FOP患者可能安全,但目前没有关于皮下接种有效性的数据的疫苗:(这些疫苗不含白喉或破伤风成分。)
      • 脑膜炎球菌B型疫苗(MenB;品牌名:Bexsero, Trumenba)
      • 人乳头瘤病毒疫苗(HPV;品牌名:Gardisil-9)
      • B型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗(HiB;品牌名:PedvaxHIB)。注意,这是唯一一种不与白喉或破伤风成分结合的HiB疫苗。
  1. ACIP推荐进行肌肉注射(IM),但没有关于其皮下接种有效性的数据,这些疫苗可能对FOP患者不安全,因为它们与白喉或破伤风成分结合:
      • B型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗(HiB;品牌名:Hiberix, Act HiB)
      • 脑膜炎球菌A、C、W、Y型疫苗(品牌名:Menactra, Menveo)
      • 13价肺炎球菌结合疫苗(PCV13;品牌名:Prevnar-13)
      • 15价肺炎球菌结合疫苗(PCV15;品牌名:Vaxneuvance)
      • HiB/MenC联合疫苗(品牌名:Menitorix, Menhibrix)
  1. 白喉、百日咳、破伤风类疫苗:
    1. 这些疫苗在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者中并不常规推荐,因为有经验表明它们可能导致病情加重、异位骨化(HO)以及关节运动的永久丧失。因此,应采取某些预防措施以避免或治疗这些疫苗预防的疾病。然而,在某些情况下,可能需要接种疫苗以预防危及生命的疾病(见下文C4节):
      A. 白喉在美国是罕见疾病,过去20年每年不足1例。
      B. 百日咳对婴儿和有呼吸功能障碍的人群(在FOP中常见)构成特别风险。
      C. 破伤风。如发生可能感染破伤风的伤口,应遵循CDC(https://www.cdc.gov/tetanus/index.html)和美国儿科学会关于“破伤风预防的伤口管理”的指南。此外,建议咨询感染病专家。应考虑对急性管理使用皮下给药的破伤风免疫球蛋白(TIG)。
      1. 如果TIG需进行肌肉注射,应选择靠近已失去功能的关节或肌肉的注射部位。这可能是一个非常规部位。因此,如果出现病情加重,可能对活动能力的影响较小。TIG也可以皮下给药,但其有效性尚不确定。然而,最近的数据表明,免疫球蛋白在免疫抑制患者中可以有效地进行皮下给药。
      1. 由于TIG的肌肉注射可能导致病情加重,建议在注射前给予预防性泼尼松2 mg/kg/天(最高100 mg/天),持续2天。然后,每隔一天将每日剂量减少50%。请注意,这个疗程比通常的病情加重治疗短,通常为4天,每天2 mg/kg。预防性泼尼松仅建议与TIG联合使用,其他疫苗接种时则不必要。
      1. 由于肌肉注射可能引起显著的炎症,建议在注射前立即服用布洛芬,并继续按照年龄/体重适当的剂量服用7天,即使没有症状。
      1. 如果TIG不可用,唯一的选择是使用含有破伤风成分的Td疫苗,则应选择皮下注射Td疫苗,并给予FOP患者预防性泼尼松2 mg/kg/天(最高100 mg/天)持续2天。然后,每隔一天将每日泼尼松剂量减少50%。请注意,这个疗程比通常的病情加重治疗短,通常为4天,每天2 mg/kg,然后进行逐日减少。
  1. 轮状病毒疫苗(品牌名:Rotarix, RotaTeq) 是口服疫苗,含有活病毒。CDC推荐在2到6个月大的婴儿中接种这些疫苗,以预防轮状病毒引起的胃肠炎。由于大多数FOP患者在较晚年龄才被诊断,因此许多FOP患者在被诊断之前可能已经接种了这些疫苗。
  1. 登革热疫苗(品牌名:Dengvaxia) 仅推荐给9至16岁且经过实验室确认之前曾感染登革热病毒的儿童和青少年,并且生活在登革热流行地区。
  1. 其他疫苗
    1. A. COVID-19疫苗。 参见COVID疫苗部分。
      B. 霍乱疫苗(品牌名:Dukoral; Shancol; Euvichol-Plus): 这些口服疫苗仅推荐用于以下情况:(i) 在霍乱局部传播的地区;(ii) 在高风险霍乱的人道主义危机期间;(iii) 在霍乱疫情期间。这些疫苗目前在美国没有供应。关于这些疫苗在FOP中的数据尚未公开。(https://www.cdc.gov/cholera/vaccines.html)
      C. 日本脑炎疫苗(品牌名:Ixiaro) 在一些高风险的亚洲国家常规接种。这种疫苗为肌肉注射;关于Ixiaro的皮下给药信息尚不清楚。由于日本脑炎的高死亡率和神经后遗症,计划前往亚洲的人应与医生讨论疫苗的保护效果是否超过肌肉注射带来的病情加重或HO风险。
      E. 结核病:卡介苗(BCG)疫苗 在结核病高风险地区常规给予婴儿,以预防结核病。根据制剂,BCG可通过多点穿刺设备进行皮肤给药(https://www.fda.gov/downloads/biologicsbloodvaccines/vaccines/approvedproducts/ucm202934.pdf)或进行皮内注射。
      F. 伤寒疫苗(品牌名:Typhim Vi; Vivotif): 世界卫生组织(WHO)仅建议在伤寒高风险地区接种伤寒疫苗。Typhim Vi适用于>2岁患者肌肉注射;Vivotif适用于>6岁患者口服。计划前往伤寒高风险地区的FOP患者应咨询医生,以决定伤寒的风险是否大于疫苗的风险。其他两种伤寒疫苗(Typbar Vi和Pedatyph)与破伤风类毒素结合,不应给予FOP患者。
      G. 黄热疫苗(品牌名:YF-VAX, Stamaril)。 YF-VAX推荐给9个月及以上的旅行者或居住在南美和非洲黄热传播风险地区的人。这种疫苗通过皮下给药。目前YF-VAX的供应有限。Stamaril在美国无法获得。
      H. 带状疱疹疫苗(品牌名:Shingrix; Vostarax) ACIP仅推荐50岁及以上人士接种带状疱疹疫苗以预防带状疱疹(由水痘病毒再激活引起)。有两种可用疫苗。Shingrix是一种重组疫苗,不含活病毒;Vostarax是活病毒疫苗。对于50岁及以上的FOP患者,应选择皮下给药。
      I. 呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)。 目前有两种批准的RSV疫苗(Arexvy或Abrysvo)。这两种疫苗均为肌肉注射,不应给予FOP患者。
  1. Bergfors E, Hermansson G, Nystrom-Kronander U, Falk L, Valter L, Trollfors B. How common are long-lasting, intensely itching vaccination granulomas and contact allergy to aluminum induced by currently used pediatric vaccines? A prospective cohort study. Eur J Pediatr 173: 1297-1307, 2014 当前使用的儿童疫苗中,持久性强烈瘙痒的疫苗肉芽肿和铝过敏的发生率有多高?一项前瞻性队列研究
  1. Bergfors E, Trollfors B, Inerot A. Unexpectedly high incidence of persistent itching nodules and delayed hypersensitivity to aluminium in children after the use of adsorbed vaccines from a single manufacturer. Vaccine 22: 64-69, 2003 使用单一制造商的吸附疫苗后,儿童中持久性瘙痒结节和延迟性超敏反应的发生率意外地高
  1. Carpenter SL, Soucie JM, Presley RJ, Ragni MV, Wicklund BM, Silvey M, Davidson H. Hepatitis B vaccination is effective by subcutaneous route in children with bleeding disorders: a universal data collection database analysis. Haemophilia 21: e39-e43, 2015 皮下接种的乙型肝炎疫苗在出血性疾病儿童中的有效性:一项普遍数据收集数据库分析
  1. Cook IF. Evidence based route of administration of vaccines. Hum Vaccin 26: 67-73, 2008 基于证据的疫苗给药途径
  1. Hawkridge A, Hatherill M, Little F, Goetz MA, Barker L, Mahomed H, Sadoff J, Hanekom W, Gaiter L. Efficacy of percutaneous versus intradermal BCG in the prevention of tuberculosis in South African infants: randomized trial. BMJ 337:a2052, 2008 皮肤穿刺与皮内注射卡介苗在南非婴儿预防结核病中的有效性:随机试验
  1. Hills SL, Walter EB, Atmar RL, Fischer M. Japanese encephalitis vaccine: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on immunization practices. MMWR 19:68:1-33, 2019 日本脑炎疫苗:免疫接种实践咨询委员会的推荐
  1. Kimberlin DW, et al. Red Book: 2021-2024 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases (32 nd Ed). American Academy of Pediatrics. Diphtheria, pp 304-307; Pertussis, pp 578-589; Tetanus, pp 750-755, 2021 红皮书:2021-2024年传染病委员会报告(第32版)。美国儿科学会。白喉,第304-307页;百日咳,第578-589页;破伤风,第750-755页
  1. Kitterman JA, Kantanie S, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Iatrogenic harm caused by diagnostic errors in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Pediatrics 116: e654-e661, 2005 由于诊断错误导致的医源性伤害在纤维异生症中的表现
  1. Lanchoney TF, Cohen RB, Rocke DM, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Permanent heterotopic ossification at the injection site after diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunizations in children who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Pediatr 126: 762-764, 1995 纤维异生症儿童在接种白喉-破伤风-百日咳疫苗后,注射部位发生永久性异位骨化
  1. Pembroke AC and Marten RH. Unusual cutaneous reactions following diphtheria and tetanus immunization. Clin Exp Dermatol 4: 345-348, 1979 白喉和破伤风疫苗接种后出现不寻常的皮肤反应
  1. Ragni MV, Lusher JM, Koerper MA, Manco-Johnson M, Krause DS. Safety and immunogenicity of subcutaneous hepatitis A vaccine in children with haemophilia. Haemophilia 6: 98-103, 2000 皮下接种乙型肝炎疫苗在血友病儿童中的安全性和免疫原性
  1. Ritchey AK. Administration of vaccines to infants and children with hemophilia. A survey of Region III comprehensive hemophilia treatment centers. Blood 106: 4079, 2005 给血友病婴儿和儿童接种疫苗的管理。区域III综合血友病治疗中心的调查
  1. Roush SW, Murphy TV, and the Vaccine-Preventable Disease Table Working Group. Historical comparisons of morbidity and mortality for vaccine-preventable diseases in the United States. JAMA 298: 2155-2163, 2007 美国疫苗可预防疾病的发病率和死亡率历史比较
  1. Schaefer BA, Gruppo RA, Mullins ES, Tarango C: Subcutaneous diphtheria and tetanus vaccines in children with haemophilia: a pilot study and review of the literature. Haemophilia 23: 904-909, 2017 血友病儿童皮下接种白喉和破伤风疫苗:一项初步研究和文献综述
  1. Srivastava A, et al. WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia, 3 rd Ed. Haemophilia 26 Suppl 6: 1-158, 2020 友病管理指南,第三版
  1. Immunizations in FOP for Diseases Other Than Influenza and Covid-19
    1. Vaccines against various infectious diseases have dramatically decreased morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases (Roush et al., 2007). Because individuals with FOP are subject to the same infectious diseases as the general population, immunizations are essential in FOP. However, there are several major considerations and precautions regarding immunization of those with FOP, and these are discussed below.
      The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published charts with their recommendations for immunization for children, adolescents, and adults. The chart for children and adolescents can be found at: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html
      The chart for adults is at: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/adult.html In addition, these sites contain a wealth of other information about immunizations including Parent Friendly Immunization Charts, Resources for Parents, Resources for Adults, Resources for Health Professionals, Vaccine Information Statements, and up to date clinical information about Covid-19 vaccines. Hard copies of the Immunization Charts can be obtained for free using these sites.
      Those immunization recommendations, last updated in February 2023, have been approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Practitioners, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
      For most of the vaccines given in childhood, the ACIP recommends intramuscular (IM) administration. However, IM injections are contraindicated in FOP because of the risk of heterotopic ossification (HO) at the injection site and sometimes elsewhere in the body. Lanchoney and associates reported that IM injection of diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) vaccines caused flare-ups and subsequent HO in 27% of children with FOP and, in some cases, permanent loss of joint motion (Lanchoney et al., 1995).
      Furthermore, subcutaneous (SubQ) injection of DPT type vaccines may also cause flare-ups, HO and loss of joint mobility (F. Kaplan, personal communication). Therefore, it seems that some unidentified component(s) of DPT type vaccines may cause flare-ups and subsequent HO in individuals with FOP regardless of route of administration. Given these experiences, it is recommended that no DPT type vaccines be given to individuals with FOP.
      Other immunizations given by the SubQ route have not been reported to cause flare-ups or HO in those with FOP. Specifically, there are no reported cases of flare-ups following subcutaneous immunization with the MMR or MMRV vaccines despite the fact that they contain live viruses.
      In individuals with hemophilia, IM injections may cause hemorrhage. Because of this risk, the World Federation for Hemophilia recommends the SubQ route for all immunizations for individuals with hemophilia (Srivastava et al., 2020). It is standard practice at most Hemophilia Treatment Centers to recommend SubQ administration of all vaccines (Ragni et al., 2000; Ritchey, 2005; Carpenter et al., 2015; Schaefer et al., 2017). However, of the vaccines recommended for IM administration and given SubQ to hemophilia patients, to date only Hepatitis A (Ragni et al., 2000), Hepatitis B (Carpenter et al., 2015), and diphtheria-tetanus (Cook, 2008; Schaefer et al., 2017) vaccines have been shown to be effective in providing immunity. There are no published data regarding effectiveness of other IM vaccines given SubQ.
      A concern for giving several vaccines SubQ has been granuloma formation at the injection site (Pembroke & Marten, 1979). These granulomas are considered to be the result of hypersensitivity to aluminum, an adjuvant to the other components of the vaccine. In a prospective cohort study in Sweden, Bergfors and associates reported that long lasting, intensely itching granulomas occurred in less than 1% of children receiving injections of DPT vaccines. The incidence of granulomas was similar whether the injections were given IM or SubQ (Bergfors et al., 2003 and 2014). Furthermore, granulomas have not been reported with SubQ vaccines administered to patients with hemophilia (Ritchey, 2005; J. Huang, personal communication). We are not aware of granuloma formation after any immunizations in individuals with FOP.
      Based on the above information, it may seem reasonable to recommend that individuals with FOP receive all their recommended immunizations by SubQ injection. However, the situation is more complicated than that. Several of the routine vaccines are conjugated with components of either diphtheria or tetanus vaccines. Because the component(s) in DPT type vaccines that cause FOP flare-ups and HO have not been identified, it may be prudent for FOP patients to avoid vaccines that are conjugated with components of DPT vaccines (See Sections 4 and 5 below).
      Recommendations for Immunization in FOP:
      The following sections list vaccines recommended by the ACIP for routine immunization of individuals from birth to 18 years of age and for adults along with our cautions regarding administration to individuals with FOP. The median age of diagnosis of FOP is just under six years (Kitterman et al., 2005). Therefore, many vaccines will have already been administered IM by the time that the person has been diagnosed with FOP.
      General Recommendation: Do not give ANY immunizations to individuals with FOP during a flareup. It would be preferable to wait 6 to 8 weeks after the flare-up has clinically resolved.
      Recommendations Regarding Specific Vaccines:
    2. Vaccines recommended by the ACIP to be given SubQ to all and appear to be safe for FOP patients: (These contain no components of diphtheria or tetanus.)
        • Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine (MMR; brand names: M-M-R II, Priorix)
        • Varicella Vaccine (VAR; brand name: Varivax)
        • Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella Vaccine (MMRV; brand name: ProQuad)
        • Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV; brand name: Ipol)
        • Pneumococcal 23-valent Polysaccharide Vaccine (PPSV23; brand name: Pneumovax-23)
    3. Vaccines recommended by the ACIP to be given IM but are effective SubQ and are probably safe for FOP patients: (These contain no components of diphtheria or tetanus.)
        • Hepatitis A Vaccine (HepA; brand names: Havrix, VAQTA)
        • Hepatitis B Vaccine (HepB; brand names: Energix-B, Recombivax-HB, Heplisav-B)
    4. Vaccines recommended by the ACIP to be given IM and are probably safe for FOP patients, but there are no data on their effectiveness when given SubQ: (These contain no components of diphtheria or tetanus.)
        • Meningococcal serogroup B Vaccine (MenB; brand names: Bexsero; Trumenba)
        • Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine (HPV; brand name:Gardisil-9)
        • Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (HiB: brand name: PedvaxHIB). Note that this is the only brand of HiB that is not conjugated to a component of diphtheria or tetanus.
    5. Vaccines recommended by the ACIP to be given IM, but there are no data on their effectiveness when given SubQ, and these vaccines may NOT be safe for FOP patients because they are conjugated to a component of diphtheria or tetanus:
        • Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (HiB; brand names: Hiberix; Act HiB)
        • Meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, Y (brand names: Menactra; Menveo)
        • Pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV13; brand name: Prevnar-13)
        • Pneumococcal 15-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV15; brand name: Vaxneuvance)
        • HiB/MenC combination vaccine (brand names: Menitorix; Menhibrix)
    6. Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus type Vaccines:
      1. These vaccines are not routinely recommended in FOP because of the experience that they may cause flareups, HO, and permanent loss of joint motion (Lanchoney et al., 1995; F. Kaplan, personal communication). Therefore, certain precautions should be taken to avoid or treat the diseases that these vaccines prevent. However, there may be certain situations where the vaccine needs to be given to prevent life threatening illness (See Section C 4, below):
        A. Diphtheria is a rare disease in the United States with less than 1 case per year in the past 20 years.
        If diphtheria is suspected clinically, follow the diagnosis and treatment guidelines of the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/diphtheria/index.html) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (Kimberlin et al., 2021, Diphtheria) and consult with an infectious disease specialist.
        B. Pertussis is a particular risk for infants and those with respiratory compromise (common in FOP).
        All household contacts of individuals with FOP should be immunized for pertussis. If there is a local outbreak of pertussis, those with FOP should not attend school during the outbreak. If pertussis is suspected in an individual with FOP, start early treatment with antibiotics as recommended by the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/pertussis/) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (Kimberlin et al, 2021, Pertussis). If a household contact is diagnosed with pertussis, the individual with FOP should be given post-exposure prophylaxis.
        C. Tetanus. In case of a wound considered a risk for tetanus, follow the guidelines for “Wound Management for Tetanus Prevention” of the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/tetanus/index.html) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (Kimberlin et al, 2021, Tetanus). In addition, it is recommended that consultation be obtained with an infectious disease specialist. The use of Tetanus Immune Globulin (TIG) given subcutaneously should be considered for acute management.
        Additional considerations about TIG for FOP include:
      2. If TIG is to be given IM, the injection site should be chosen to be near joints or muscles that have already lost function. This may be a non-standard site. Thus, if a flare-up develops, it is less likely to worsen mobility significantly. Alternatively, TIG can be given SubQ, but the efficacy is unknown. However, recent data in immunocompromised patients show that immunoglobulins can be effectively delivered SubQ.
      3. Because IM injection of TIG may precipitate a flare-up, give prophylactic prednisone 2 mg/kg/day (up to a maximum of 100 mg/day) for 2 days. Then taper the daily dose by 50% every other day. Note that this is shorter than the usual course for treatment of a flare-up, which is usually 4 days at 2 mg/kg/day. Prophylactic prednisone is recommended only with TIG and is not necessary for other immunizations.
      4. Because the IM injection can cause significant inflammation, give ibuprofen immediately prior to the injection and continue with standard age/weight appropriate dosing for 7 days, even if no symptoms are present.
      5. In the event that TIG is not available, and the only option is to use a Td containing vaccine, the Td vaccine should be given SubQ and the patient with FOP should be given prophylactic prednisone 2 mg/kg/day (up to a maximum of 100 mg/day) for 2 days. Then taper the daily prednisone dose by 50% every other day. Note that this is shorter than the usual course for treatment of a flare-up, which is usually 4 days at 2 mg/kg/day followed by a daily taper.
    7. Rotavirus Vaccines (brand names: Rotarix, RotaTeq) are oral vaccines that contain live virus. The CDC recommends these vaccines for infants 2 to 6 months of age to prevent gastroenteritis caused by Rotavirus. Because the majority of those with FOP are not diagnosed until later in life, many with FOP will already have received one of these vaccines before FOP has been diagnosed.
    8. Dengue Vaccine (brand name: Dengvaxia) is recommended only for children and adolescents 916 years old who have laboratory-confirmed previous dengue virus infection and are living in an area where dengue is endemic.
    9. Other Vaccines
      1. A. Covid-19 Vaccines. See section on COVID vaccines
        B. Cholera Vaccine (brand names: Dukoral; Shancol; Euvichol-Plus): These oral vaccines are recommended only for the following: (i) in areas where local transmission of cholera occurs; (ii) during humanitarian crises with a high risk of cholera; and (iii) during outbreaks of cholera. None of these vaccines are currently available in the United States. No data are available regarding these vaccines in FOP. (https://www.cdc.gov/cholera/vaccines.html)
        C. Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine (JE-Vax; brand name: Ixiaro) is routinely given in several Asian countries where there is a high risk of this disease. This vaccine is given IM; there is no information regarding SubQ administration of Ixiaro. Because of the high rates of mortality and neurologic sequelae from Japanese Encephalitis, (Hills et al, 2019), individuals planning to visit Asia should discuss with their physician whether the protective effect of the vaccine outweighs the risk of flareups or HO from the IM administration of the vaccine.
        D. Rabies Vaccine (brand names: Imovax; RabAvert) are cell culture vaccines that are recommended by the CDC and are administered on days 0, 3, 7, and 14 after exposure to Rabies (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/rabies.html). Both vaccines can be given via the intradermal route which is as immunogenic and safe as IM (https://www.who.int/teams/control-of-neglected-tropical-diseases/rabies/vaccinations-andimmunization).
        E. Tuberculosis: Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) Vaccine is routinely given to infants to prevent tuberculosis in countries and areas where there is a high risk for the disease. Depending on the preparation, BCG can be given percutaneously with a multiple puncture device (https://www.fda.gov/downloads/biologicsbloodvaccines/vaccines/approvedproducts/ucm20 2934.pdf) or injected intradermally (Hawkridge et al., 2008).
        F. Typhoid Fever vaccine (brand names: Typhim Vi; Vivotif): The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends immunization for protection against Typhoid Fever only for individuals in areas where there is a high risk for the disease. Typhim Vi is given IM for individuals >2 years of age; Vivotif is given orally for individuals >6 years of age. Individuals with FOP who plan to travel to areas where there is a high risk of Typhoid Fever should consult with their physician to decide whether the risk of Typhoid Fever is greater than the risk of the vaccine. Two other typhoid vaccines (Typbar Vi and Pedatyph) are conjugated to tetanus toxoid and should not be given to individuals with FOP.
        G. Yellow Fever Vaccine (brand names: YF-VAX, Stamaril). YF-VAX is recommended for persons age 9 months and older who are traveling to or living in areas at risk for Yellow Fever transmission in South America and Africa. This vaccine is given SubQ. At this time there is limited availability of YF-VAX. Stamaril is not available in the United States.
        H. Zoster Vaccines (brand names: Shingrix; Vostarax) The ACIP recommends Zoster Vaccine only for individuals 50 years of age and older to prevent Shingles (Herpes Zoster), which is due to reactivation of the Zoster-Varicella virus that causes Chickenpox. There are two vaccines available. Shingrix is a recombinant vaccine that contains no live virus. Vostarax is a live virus vaccine. For individuals with FOP 50 years of age and older, these vaccines should be given SubQ.
        I. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). At this time there are two approved vaccines (Arexvy or Abrysvo) for RSV. Both vaccines are administered intramuscularly and should not be given to individuals with FOP.
      Bergfors E, Hermansson G, Nystrom-Kronander U, Falk L, Valter L, Trollfors B. How common are long-lasting, intensely itching vaccination granulomas and contact allergy to aluminum induced by currently used pediatric vaccines? A prospective cohort study. Eur J Pediatr 173: 1297-1307, 2014
      Bergfors E, Trollfors B, Inerot A. Unexpectedly high incidence of persistent itching nodules and delayed hypersensitivity to aluminium in children after the use of adsorbed vaccines from a single manufacturer. Vaccine 22: 64-69, 2003
      Carpenter SL, Soucie JM, Presley RJ, Ragni MV, Wicklund BM, Silvey M, Davidson H. Hepatitis B vaccination is effective by subcutaneous route in children with bleeding disorders: a universal data collection database analysis. Haemophilia 21: e39-e43, 2015
      Cook IF. Evidence based route of administration of vaccines. Hum Vaccin 26: 67-73, 2008
      Hawkridge A, Hatherill M, Little F, Goetz MA, Barker L, Mahomed H, Sadoff J, Hanekom W, Gaiter L. Efficacy of percutaneous versus intradermal BCG in the prevention of tuberculosis in South African infants: randomized trial. BMJ 337:a2052, 2008
      Hills SL, Walter EB, Atmar RL, Fischer M. Japanese encephalitis vaccine: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on immunization practices. MMWR 19:68:1-33, 2019
      Kimberlin DW, et al. Red Book: 2021-2024 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases (32 nd Ed). American Academy of Pediatrics. Diphtheria, pp 304-307; Pertussis, pp 578-589; Tetanus, pp 750-755, 2021
      Kitterman JA, Kantanie S, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Iatrogenic harm caused by diagnostic errors in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Pediatrics 116: e654-e661, 2005
      Lanchoney TF, Cohen RB, Rocke DM, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Permanent heterotopic ossification at the injection site after diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunizations in children who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Pediatr 126: 762-764, 1995
      Pembroke AC and Marten RH. Unusual cutaneous reactions following diphtheria and tetanus immunization. Clin Exp Dermatol 4: 345-348, 1979
      Ragni MV, Lusher JM, Koerper MA, Manco-Johnson M, Krause DS. Safety and immunogenicity of subcutaneous hepatitis A vaccine in children with haemophilia. Haemophilia 6: 98-103, 2000
      Ritchey AK. Administration of vaccines to infants and children with hemophilia. A survey of Region III comprehensive hemophilia treatment centers. Blood 106: 4079, 2005
      Roush SW, Murphy TV, and the Vaccine-Preventable Disease Table Working Group. Historical comparisons of morbidity and mortality for vaccine-preventable diseases in the United States. JAMA 298: 2155-2163, 2007
      Schaefer BA, Gruppo RA, Mullins ES, Tarango C: Subcutaneous diphtheria and tetanus vaccines in children with haemophilia: a pilot study and review of the literature. Haemophilia 23: 904-909, 2017
      Srivastava A, et al. WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia, 3 rd Ed. Haemophilia 26 Suppl 6: 1-158, 2020

8. FOP的流感疫苗接种

  • 对于儿童,应将一剂(通常为0.25毫升,具体取决于配方)的肌肉疫苗以皮下方式注射。请勿进行肌肉注射。
  • 对于成年人,可以将两剂儿童剂量(通常每剂0.25毫升)的肌肉疫苗以皮下方式注射于两个不同的部位。或者,可以将常规成人剂量(通常为0.5毫升,具体取决于配方)分成两次,在两个不同的部位进行皮下注射。这两个注射部位无需相距太远。在任何部位进行0.5毫升的皮下注射可能会不适。ICC不建议进行肌肉注射。
  • 选择靠近已经受到异位骨化影响的关节或肌肉群的注射部位,并选择一个如果形成异位骨骼不会导致并发症的位置。这样,如果发生病情加重,就不太可能导致活动能力的丧失。
  • 所有患者在接种疫苗时,建议同时服用一剂对乙酰氨基酚或布洛芬,以缓解疫苗可能引起的不适。
  • 疫苗接种不应在病情加重或类似症状出现后的两周内进行。建议至少等待两周,但最好等待6-8周,因为病情加重往往会在时间上聚集。这一策略旨在降低疫苗诱发后续病情加重的几率。
抗病毒药物 – 奥司他韦/Tamiflu
  1. 尽量避免与生病的人密切接触。
  1. 在生病期间,尽可能限制与他人的接触,以免感染他们。
  1. 如果出现流感症状,CDC建议在发烧消退后的至少24小时内待在家中,除非需要就医或处理其他必要事务。(您的发烧应在没有使用退烧药的情况下消退24小时)。
  1. 咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用纸巾遮住鼻子和嘴巴。使用后将纸巾扔进垃圾桶。
  1. 经常用肥皂和水洗手。如果没有肥皂和水,可使用含酒精的洗手液。
  1. 避免触摸眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴。细菌通过这种方式传播。
  1. 清洁和消毒可能被流感等细菌污染的表面和物品。
  1. 有关除接种疫苗和服药之外的行动信息,请参见日常预防措施和非药物干预(NPI),了解人们和社区可以采取的措施,以帮助减缓流感等疾病的传播。
  1. Jefferson T, Jones MA, Doshi P, Del Mar CB, Hama R, Thompson MJ, Spencer EA, Onakpoya I, Mahtani KR, Nunan D, Howick J, Heneghan CJ. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults and children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014 Apr 10;(4) 神经氨酸酶抑制剂用于预防和治疗健康成人和儿童的流感
  1. Scarlett RF, Rocke DM, Kantanie S, Patel JB, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Influenza-like viral illnesses and flare-ups of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Clin Orthop Rel Res 423: 275-279, 2004 类流感病毒疾病与进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)病情加重
  1. Immunizations for Influenza in FOP
    1. Influenza (“the flu”) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It is especially dangerous for those with FOP (Scarlett et al., 2004). Every year, flu vaccines are produced based on the predicted strains that will be prevalent in the following cycle. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend flu vaccinations by the end of October in the United States. Other countries may have different schedules and types/brands of vaccines available. Timing of the vaccinations should be determined with the local health care provider.
      The most common forms of flu vaccinations are administered intramuscularly (IM) or provided as a live attenuated virus delivered in an intranasal form. In some years, transdermal and intradermal flu vaccines (given via a patch through the skin or injected just under the skin but not into the deeper tissues) may be available. Availability is based on manufacturing and effectiveness assessments that are performed yearly on that batch of vaccine.
      Live attenuated flu vaccines are not recommended
      The live attenuated intranasal form of the flu vaccine (such as Flumist ® in the United States) has been reported to be associated with flares in some patients with FOP (F. Kaplan, Personal communication). This intranasal vaccine is not recommended for patients with FOP or their family members for this reason.
      Transdermal or intradermal vaccines are preferred, when available
      If transdermal or intradermal forms of the flu vaccine are available, we recommend, as we have for many years, using those routes. Information about the seasonal influenza flu vaccine in the United States can be found on the CDC website: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/vaccines/index.htm
      Subcutaneous alternative route for flu vaccine administration
      In years when the transdermal or intradermal forms are not available, we recommend that people living with FOP receive the flu vaccine using a modified protocol where the regular flu vaccine is given subcutaneously. Although there is no clear data as to how efficacious this is, prior studies suggest that there will be some efficacy despite being administered by a different route. Note that this will likely require a physician or physician’s office to administer the flu vaccine, as many places (i.e. pharmacies) will not deviate from their normal protocol of intramuscular injection.
      • For children, have one dose (typically 0.25 ml, depending on the formulation) of the intramuscular vaccine administered subcutaneously. Do not deliver the vaccine intramuscularly.
      • For adults, either have two doses of the pediatric dose (typically 0.25 ml each) intramuscular vaccine administered subcutaneously, at two different locations. Alternatively, have the regular adult dose (typically 0.5 ml, depending on the formulation) split and administered as two separate subcutaneous injections at two different locations. The locations do not need to be far apart. Injection of 0.5 ml subcutaneously in any location may be uncomfortable. The ICC does NOT recommend to take the vaccine intramuscularly.
      Special precautions for vaccination of patients with FOP
      For all vaccinations in persons living with FOP, it is recommended that:
      • An injection site be chosen near a joint or muscle group that has already been affected by HO, and in a location that would not cause complications if heterotopic bone was to form. That way, if a flare does develop, it is less likely to result in loss of mobility.
      • For all patients, it is recommended to take a dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen with the vaccine to help with any discomfort that the vaccine may cause.
      • Vaccinations should not be given within 2 weeks of a flare or flare-like symptoms. It is advised to wait a minimum of 2 weeks but prefer 6-8 weeks because flareups can often occur in temporal clusters. This strategy is used to decrease the chances of a vaccine inducing a subsequent flare.
      Family members living in the same home and caretakers should get the standard intramuscular flu vaccination on schedule. The nasal flu spray is NOT recommended for those in close contact with individuals living with FOP because the attenuated virus, though weaker, can still give a mild case of the flu to contacts.
      Please keep in mind that those living with FOP should avoid ANY immunizations during an active flare-up – and for at least 6-8 weeks thereafter.
      Antivirals – Oseltamivir/Tamiflu
      If a person living with FOP or anyone living with or caregiving for a person with FOP develops symptoms suggestive of the flu, they should get prompt evaluation (including evaluation for other infections, such as COVID or RSV) and consider antiviral treatment (i.e. oseltamivir, Tamiflu® ). Oseltamivir is only effective against influenza and does not work against the common cold or other viruses. The effectiveness of oseltamivir is highest in the early phase of an infection, so prompt medical attention is important when symptoms start (typically a combination of high fever and upper respiratory symptoms). Nasal swab testing may be needed to confirm infection with influenza. Oseltamivir does not have a long shelf life, so we generally recommend that a prescription be available “on hold” at a 24-hr pharmacy and that the medication be started once influenza infection has been confirmed by a medical care provider (Jefferson et al., 2014). Infection Prevention for Everyone
      Everyone should practice everyday preventive actions to stop the spread of germs as shared by the CDC on their website at https://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/preventing.htm.
      1. Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
      1. While sick, limit contact with others as much as possible to keep from infecting them.
      1. If you are sick with flu symptoms, CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Your fever should be gone for 24 hours without the use of a fever-reducing medicine).
      1. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
      1. Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
      1. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way.
      1. Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs like the flu.
      1. See Everyday Preventive Actions and Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) for more information about actions – apart from getting vaccinated and taking medicine – that people and communities can take to help slow the spread of illnesses like influenza (flu).
      Jefferson T, Jones MA, Doshi P, Del Mar CB, Hama R, Thompson MJ, Spencer EA, Onakpoya I, Mahtani KR, Nunan D, Howick J, Heneghan CJ. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults and children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014 Apr 10;(4)
      Scarlett RF, Rocke DM, Kantanie S, Patel JB, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Influenza-like viral illnesses and flare-ups of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Clin Orthop Rel Res 423: 275-279, 2004

9. 新冠病毒(COVID-19)的预防措施与FOP患者及其家庭的指导

  • 在接受肌肉注射COVID-19疫苗的23名FOP患者中,最常见的症状为疼痛/酸痛、疲劳和肿胀。这些症状与普通人群报告的相似。在23名患者中,有1名出现了病发(flare-up),但接种COVID-19疫苗的患者均未住院。
  • 在19名COVID-19感染的FOP患者中,最常见的症状为疲劳、味觉或嗅觉丧失和咳嗽。有2名FOP患者出现了病发,3名患者住院。
  • 单克隆抗体通过静脉注射给药,已批准用于成人和体重≥40公斤的12岁及以上儿童。应尽早开始这些治疗,并在症状出现后10天内进行。请注意,某些单克隆抗体对最新的SARS-CoV-2变种无效。
  • 抗逆转录病毒药物是已批准的药物,通常应在症状出现后的5天内使用。
  • 这些治疗的可用性和建议正在快速变化,并因国家而异。这些疗法可能在特定地区的流行株上无效。请咨询当地医疗团队以获取建议,并与您的医生讨论,确保没有药物相互作用。
COVID-19对进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的社会和临床影响 | Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases | 完整文本
  • 与您的医生讨论计划,审查任何潜在的过敏反应或之前的反应(如过敏性休克),以便在接种疫苗前考虑。
  • 如果您参与临床试验或研究,讨论任何疫苗或治疗方案与您的研究医生非常重要。
  • 按照推荐的途径和剂量接种疫苗(即当前可用疫苗的肌肉注射IM)。通过皮下途径接种IM疫苗的安全性和有效性尚不明确,可能导致意外的炎症反应或免疫反应不良,目前不推荐这种方式。
  • 如果可能,在已经融合的部位接种疫苗,因为疫苗似乎会引起局部反应(如手臂疼痛和肿胀)。例如,如果您的左髋或右肩已融合,建议在这些部位周围的肌肉中接种。
  • 与其他疫苗一样,FOP患者在接种疫苗前应至少无发作2周。
  • 由经验丰富的护士、医生或药剂师进行注射。
  • 使用最短的针头(根据临床场所而异)。临床医生应了解FOP患者在注射部位可能有隐匿的异位骨化和肌肉萎缩,尽量避免直接在已有异位骨的旁边注射。
  • 在接种疫苗前,准备好布洛芬或对乙酰氨基酚。同时,准备好应对发作的泼尼松方案。
  • FOP患者在接种COVID疫苗后报告的症状与普通人群的报告相似(低热、头痛、肌肉酸痛、疲劳等)。
  • 确保您的医生熟悉ICC治疗指南,特别是在疫苗接种和发作管理方面(见下文)。通知您的医生您计划接种疫苗的时间。
  • 在注射当天:
    • 您所在的当地团队可能不允许您在注射前服用布洛芬或对乙酰氨基酚(因为他们可能首先会筛查COVID症状)。
    • 接种后,可能会有一个短暂的观察期。
    • 观察期结束后,在接下来的48小时内,无论您的症状如何,都请按照标签说明服用布洛芬(每天2到3次)或对乙酰氨基酚(每天2到3次)。
    • 注意休息和保持水分。
    • 如果出现发作,请联系您的医生以获取指导。您可能需要进行短期泼尼松治疗,但这需要与类固醇的免疫抑制作用相平衡。通常的发作剂量为泼尼松2 mg/kg/天,最多100 mg,持续4天;您的医生可能会根据您的症状建议从较低剂量开始。
    • 即使接种了疫苗,您仍然需要继续保持社交距离,佩戴口罩,并适当地洗手。
  • 单克隆抗体通过静脉注射给药,已获批准用于成人和体重≥40公斤的儿童(≥12岁)。这些干预措施应尽早开始,并在症状出现10天前进行。
  • 抗病毒药物是经批准用于治疗COVID-19的药物。通常应在症状出现后5天内给予。
  • 这些治疗的可用性和推荐正在迅速变化,并因国家而异。请咨询您当地的医疗团队。
  • 在开始抗病毒治疗之前,与您的医生讨论任何潜在的药物相互作用。
  1. Kou S, Kile S, Kambampati SS, Brady EC, Wallace H, De Sousa CM, Cheung K, Dickey L, Wentworth KL, Hsiao EC. Social and clinical impact of COVID-19 on patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2022 Mar 4;17(1):107 COVID-19对进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的社会和临床影响
  1. Wallace H, Lee RH, Hsiao EC. A follow-up report on the published paper Social and clinical impact of COVID-19 on patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2023 Mar 20;18(1):61 关于已发表论文《COVID-19对进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的社会和临床影响》的后续报告
  1. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Precautions & Guidance for FOP Patients & Families
    1. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to pose a significant risk to the population worldwide with new variants of SARS-CoV-2 virus that are emerging. The ICC recommends that people living with FOP continue to follow precautionary measures to prevent infection from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the COVID-19 illness.
      The ICC is providing this update to the prior statement in May 2022. This document focuses on updated information reporting on COVID-19 infection and vaccination in FOP patients, approval on COVID-19 vaccination in children aged 6 months and above, as well as boosters and treatment.
      The recommendations are changing rapidly and are country specific. Most countries have ended their emergency regulations for COVID-19.
      The ICC does not provide recommendations on whether a patient with FOP should or should not receive a COVID vaccine.
      The decision to take a vaccine is a personal one and based on the balance of risks and benefits, and this should be discussed with your medical team. ICC continues to recommend that COVID-19 vaccines be administered that same route that it was approved (i.e., intramuscular).
      Additional information about COVID-19 and COVID vaccination in patients with FOP is now published. (https://ojrd.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13023-022-02246-4 and https://ojrd.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13023-023-02638-0)
      • Amongst 23 FOP patients who received intramuscular COVID-19 vaccination. Most common symptoms were pain/soreness, tiredness and swelling. These symptoms are similar to those reported by the general population. One out of 23 developed a flare-up. No patients who received the COVID-19 vaccine were hospitalized.
      • Amongst 19 FOP patients with COVID-19 infection. Most common symptoms were fatigue, loss of taste or smell and cough. Two out 19 FOP patient developed flare ups and 3 patients were hospitalized.
      Vaccines are now generally available for children age 6 months or over. ICC does not provide recommendations on whether a patient with FOP should or should not receive a COVID vaccine. Discuss with your medical team, as local recommendations on when to take a vaccine or eligibility for a vaccine may vary.
      ICC does not provide recommendations for or against the booster vaccination, but boosters should be considered if you completed vaccinations previously and are in a high risk area. Please consult with your medical team prior to receiving the booster to discuss if a booster is appropriate and safe.
      Patients with FOP are at high risk of complications with COVID-19 infection and should discuss with their medical team if use of monoclonal antibodies or anti-retroviral medications would be beneficial, in the event of a SARS-CoV2 infection.
      • Monoclonal antibodies are given intravenously and are approved for adults and pediatric patients (≥12 years of age weighing ≥40 kg). Those interventions should be started as early as possible and before 10 days of symptoms onset. Note that some monoclonal antibodies are not effective against the newest strains of SARS-CoV2.
      • Anti-retrovirals are pills that have been approved. These should generally be administered within 5 days of symptoms onset.
      • Availability and recommendations of the use of these treatments are rapidly changing and country specific. Some of these therapies may not work against strains prevalent in a particular region. Please consult with your local medical team for recommendations o Discuss with your doctors to make sure there are no medication interactions
      If you are in a clinical trial, it is important to discuss any vaccines or therapies with your study doctors.
      Clinical data about FOP and COVID/SARS-CoV2 infections are published here:
      Social and clinical impact of COVID-19 on patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva | Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)
      A follow-up report on the published paper Social and clinical impact of COVID-19 on patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive (biomedcentral.com)
      Masking continues to be an important component of controlling the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The ICC strongly recommends the use of tight fitting N95, KN95, or KF94 masks whenever possible to protect the wearer from infection by SARS-CoV-2. If these masks are not available or uncomfortable, then wearing a 3-layer surgical mask would be the next best choice.
      The ICC is aware of a recent publication suggesting that the use of subcutaneous injection of the vaccine could still induce adequate vaccine response. However, this study likely delivered the vaccine via a shallow intramuscular route. Furthermore, there are multiple reports in the literature of severe reactions to subcutaneous injection of the COVID vaccine. Efficacy of subcutaneous delivery of a COVID vaccine remains unproven. Therefore, the ICC continues to recommend following the manufacturers’ directions for vaccination and NOT taking intramuscular COVID vaccines by the subcutaneous route.
      If you decide to take the COVID vaccine or booster, we recommend:
      • Discuss your plans with your doctor. Review any potential allergies or prior reactions like anaphylaxis that you should consider before taking the vaccine.
      • If you are in a clinical trial or study, it is important to discuss any vaccines or therapies with your study doctors.
      • Take the vaccine via the recommended route and dose (i.e., intramuscular (IM) for the currently available vaccines). Safety and efficacy of taking an IM vaccine through the subcutaneous route is not known and could cause a more unexpected inflammatory responses or poor immune reactions and is currently not recommended.
      • If possible, take the vaccine in a location that is already fused, as the vaccines all appear to induce some local site reaction (arm pain and swelling). For example, if your left hip or right shoulder are fused, you should use the muscle around those sites.
      • As with other vaccines, patients with FOP should be flare free for at least 2 weeks prior to receiving the vaccine.
      • Have the injection done by an experienced nurse, physician, or pharmacist.
      • Use the shortest needle available (this varies with clinical site). The clinician should be aware that patients with FOP may have hidden HO and thinned muscle at the site of the injection. Avoid injecting directly next to existing HO bone if possible.
      • Prior to the vaccination, have ibuprofen or acetaminophen available. Also, have a course of prednisone for flares available.
      • The symptoms reported by patients with FOP after a COVID vaccination are similar to those reported for the general population (low grade fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, etc.).
      • Make sure your physician is familiar with the ICC Treatment guidelines, specifically on vaccinations and flare management (see below). Notify your physician you plan to do the vaccine, and when.
      • On the day of the injection:
        • Your local team may not allow you to take ibuprofen or acetaminophen prior to the injection (this is because they may screen for COVID symptoms first).
        • After you receive your injection, there may be a brief observation period.
        • After that is completed, take ibuprofen (2 to 3 times/day) or acetaminophen (2-3 times/day) following the label instructions, for the next 48 hrs, regardless of your symptoms.
        • Rest and stay hydrated.
        • In the event of a flare, contact your physician for guidance. You may need to do a short course of prednisone, but this needs to be balanced with the immunosuppressive effects of steroids. The usual flare dosing is prednisone 2 mg/kg/day up to 100 mg, for 4 days; your physician may recommend starting at a lower dose, depending on your symptoms.
        • Even if you take the vaccine, you still need to continue physical distancing, wearing masks, and appropriate hand washing
      The ICC can’t guarantee that these steps will “work” to prevent complications. Flare or flare-like activity has been reported in patients with FOP who receive a COVID vaccine. All medications and treatments have risk, so it is important to discuss your specific situation with your doctor as you decide whether the vaccine is appropriate for your situation.
      Make sure that you complete the full immunization regimen recommended (i.e., do both doses if the vaccine recommends 2 doses)
      Discuss with your physician if you should do a booster and if that is appropriate for you, such as to cover local SARS-CoV2 variants. This is an area of active investigation so will need to be updated as the ICC receives more information.
      How does the development of a vaccine change things?
      The development and distribution of vaccines have had a major impact on the COVID pandemic.
      Vaccine outcomes and the emergence of variants are areas of intense ongoing study worldwide, and the field continues to rapidly evolve.
      The duration of immunity conferred by the vaccines is unknown but does not seem to be lifelong.
      The ICC recommends that FOP family members and caregivers be fully vaccinated for SARS-CoV2 if safely available for them.
      Vaccinations can take 2+ weeks to show any efficacy, so there is no protection immediately after vaccination. In addition, vaccines do not confer absolute immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and may not have activity against all forms of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
      Anyone who receives a vaccine should still continue with masking, hand hygiene, and physical distancing.
      Please discuss with your local care providers regarding benefits and risk of any locally approved vaccines and boosters.
      It’s very important to maintain social distancing and wearing a mask when around members outside your household
      Recommendations if a patient with FOP or caregiver tests positive for SARS-CoV2
      Notify your primary care physician to help coordinate care.
      Follow your local guidelines for isolation/quarantine and the needed durations and procedures. Everyone, including the person with the positive SARS-CoV2, should wear a mask at all times to avoid transmission.
      Patients who are negative for SARS-CoV2 but have similar symptoms should be tested for influenza.
      Patients with FOP are at high risk of complications with COVID-19 infection and should discuss with their medical team if use of monoclonal antibodies or anti-retroviral medications would be beneficial, in the event of a SARS-CoV-2 infection. The main reason for treatment would be to reduce respiratory complications, as patients with FOP are at high risk of breathing complications and are difficult to intubate. However, access to these medications may be limited in your area. Please discuss with your physician if these medications are an option and appropriate for you.
      • Monoclonal antibodies are given intravenously and are approved for adults and pediatric patients (≥12 years of age weighing ≥40 kg). Those interventions should be started as early as possible and before 10 days of symptoms onset.
      • Anti-retrovirals are pills that have been approved for treatment of COVID-19. These should generally be administered within 5 days of symptoms onset.
      • Availability and recommendations of the use of these treatments are rapidly changing and country specific. Please consult with your local medical team.
      • Discuss with your physician about any potential medication interactions prior to starting anti-viral therapies
      Kou S, Kile S, Kambampati SS, Brady EC, Wallace H, De Sousa CM, Cheung K, Dickey L, Wentworth KL, Hsiao EC. Social and clinical impact of COVID-19 on patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2022 Mar 4;17(1):107
      Wallace H, Lee RH, Hsiao EC. A follow-up report on the published paper Social and clinical impact of COVID-19 on patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2023 Mar 20;18(1):61

10. FOP的急性和慢性疼痛管理

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国家科学院、工程院和医学院(NASEM)对大麻及其类 cannabinoid 的健康影响进行了全面评估。NASEM报告显示,有确凿或实质证据表明大麻或类 cannabinoid 对成人的慢性疼痛、止吐以及改善肌肉痉挛有效。慢性疼痛是个体使用医疗大麻的最常见原因;然而,其使用应作为综合症状管理策略的一部分,而不是单一的疼痛控制方式,这突显了持续其他治疗的重要性。在此背景下,值得注意的是,医疗大麻的使用与显著降低的阿片类药物过量死亡率相关。
自然存在的植物类 cannabinoid 的口服提取物,口服给药的 Δ9-四氢大麻酚(THC)和 nabiximols(THC与 cannabidiol [CBD] 的组合)是通常使用的形式,但合成类 cannabinoid 也可用。在不同的制剂中,关于临床有效性的证据仅能针对吸烟或蒸汽化的植物花、植物衍生的口服 THC、THC-CBD 组合和合成 THC 进行。NASEM 指出,大麻吸烟与呼吸系统疾病、机动车碰撞(MVCs)、后代出生体重低以及精神分裂症或其他精神病之间存在实质性证据关联。在考虑对25岁以下患者使用医疗大麻时应谨慎,因为大脑发展持续到该年龄,而大麻对认知表现的潜在长期影响尚不清。此外,由于园艺技术、药物提取方法和药物递送方式的差异,从州级项目获得的医疗大麻产品的可用证据也难以推广。
  1. Bachhuber MA, Saloner B, Cunningham CO, Barry CL. Medical cannabis laws and opioid analgesic overdose mortality in the United States, 1999-2010 [published correction appears in JAMA Intern Med. 2014;174(11):1875]. JAMA Intern Med 174: 1668-1673, 2014 医疗大麻法律与美国1999-2010年阿片类镇痛药过量死亡率的关系
  1. Belendiuk KA, Baldini LL, Bonn-Miller MO. Narrative review of the safety and efficacy of marijuana for the treatment of commonly state-approved medical and psychiatric disorders. Addict Sci Clin Pract 2015; 10:10 关于大麻治疗常见州批准的医疗和精神疾病安全性和有效性的叙述性综述
  1. Blunk JA, Schmelz M, Zeck S, Skov P, Likar R, Koppert W. Opioid-induced mast cell activation and vascular responses is not mediated by mu-opioid receptors: an in vivo microdialysis study in human skin. Anesth Analg 98: 364-370, 2004 阿片类药物引起的肥大细胞激活和血管反应并非通过μ-阿片受体介导:一项在人体皮肤进行的体内微透析研究
  1. Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al. Pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Neurol 14: 162, 2015 成人神经性疼痛的药物治疗:一项系统评估与荟萃分析
  1. Gilron I, Baron R, Jensen T. Neuropathic pain: principles of diagnosis and treatment. Mayo Clin Proc 90: 532, 2015 神经性疼痛:诊断和治疗原则
  1. Heard K, Green JL, Bailey JE, et al. A randomized trial to determine the change in alanine aminotransferase during 10 days of paracetamol (acetaminophen) administration in subjects who consume moderate amounts of alcohol. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 26: 283, 2007 一项随机试验以确定在适度饮酒者中,10天服用对乙酰氨基酚(扑热息痛)期间丙氨酸氨基转移酶的变化
  1. Kan L, Kitterman JA, Procissi D, Chakkalakal S, Peng CY, McGuire TL, Goldsby RE, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Kessler JA. CNS demyelination in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Neurol 259: 2644-2655, 2012 FOP中的中枢神经系统脱髓鞘
  1. Kan L, Lounev VY, Pignolo RJ, Duan L, Liu Y, Stock SR, McGuire TL, Lu B, Gerard NP, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Kessler JA. Substance P signaling mediates BMP-dependent heterotopic ossification. J Cell Biochem 112: 2759-2772, 2011 生物活性物质P信号介导BMP依赖的异位骨化
  1. Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. Acute unilateral hip pain in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 115-119, 2018 FOP中的急性单侧髋痛
  1. Kaplan FS, Le Merrer M, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Goldsby R, Kitterman JA, Groppe J, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Best Practice & Research – Clinical Rheumatology 22: 191-205, 2008 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)。最佳实践与研究 – 临床风湿病学
  1. Louw A, Zimney K, Puentedura EJ, Diener I. The efficacy of pain neuroscience education on musculoskeletal pain: A systematic review of the literature. Physiother Theory Pract 32: 332-355, 2016 疼痛神经科学教育对肌肉骨骼疼痛的有效性:文献的系统评估
  1. Mantick N, Bachman E, Baujat G, Brown M, Collins O, De Cunto C, Delai P, Eekhoff M, Zum Felde R, Grogan DR, Haga N, Hsiao E, Kantanie S, Kaplan F, Keen R, Milosevic J, Morhart R, Pignolo R, Qian X, di Rocco M, Scott C, Sherman A, Wallace M, Williams N, Zhang K, Bogard B. The FOP Connection Registry: Design of an international patient-sponsored registry for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Bone 109: 285-290, 2018 FOP连接注册:一个国际患者资助的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良注册设计
  1. McCormack K. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and spinal nociceptive processing. Pain 59: 9, 1994 非甾体抗炎药与脊柱的痛觉处理
  1. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2017 大麻及其类 cannabinoid 的健康影响:当前证据状态及研究建议
  1. Peng K, Cheung K, Lee A, Sieberg C, Borsook D, Upadhyay J. Longitudinal evaluation of pain, flare-Up, and emotional health in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: Analyses of the international FOP registry. JBMR Plus 2019 Mar 1;3(8):e10181. FOP中的疼痛、发作与情感健康的纵向评估:国际FOP注册的分析
  1. Peng K, Karunakaran KD, Labadie R, Veliu M, Cheung C, Lee A, Yu PB, Upadhyay J. Suppressed prefrontal cortex oscillations associate with clinical pain in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2021 Jan 30;16(1):54. 抑制的前额皮质振荡与FOP中的临床疼痛相关联
  1. Roelofs PD, Deyo RA, Koes BW, et al. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for low back pain: an updated Cochrane review. Spine 33:1766, 2008 用于下背痛的非甾体抗炎药:更新的Cochrane评估
  1. Silverstein FE, Faich G, Goldstein JL, et al. Gastrointestinal toxicity with celecoxib vs nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: the CLASS study: A randomized controlled trial. Celecoxib Long-term Arthritis Safety Study. JAMA 284: 1247, 2000 赛乐克与非甾体抗炎药在骨关节炎和类风湿性关节炎中的胃肠毒性:CLASS研究:一项随机对照试验
  1. Yu X, Ton AN, Niu Z, Morales BM, Chen J, Braz J, Lai MH, Barruet E, Liu H, Cheung K, Ali S, Chan T, Bigay K, Ho J, Nikolli I, Hansberry S, Wentworth K, Kriegstein A, Basbaum A, Hsiao EC. ACVR1activating mutation causes neuropathic pain and sensory neuron hyperexcitability in humans. Pain 164: 4358, 2023. ACVR1激活突变导致人类神经性疼痛和感觉神经元高兴奋性
  1. Acute & Chronic Pain Management in FOP
    1. General Considerations
      According to the IFOPA Patient Registry (Mantick et al., 2018), almost 90% of individuals with FOP have pain complaints. Major causes of acute pain in FOP are musculoskeletal in origin and include flare-ups, transient bursitis, inflammation of osteochondromas, muscle fatigue, and fracture through heterotopic bone.
      The most important aspect of acute pain management is distinguishing acute pain due to flare-ups versus other etiologies. In a study on the natural history of flare-ups in FOP (Pignolo et al, 2016), the most painful flare-ups occur in the hips and knees. Quantitative sensory testing of patients with FOP revealed significant heat and mechanical pain hypersensitivity, suggesting a novel neuropathic pain phenotype (Yu et al., 2023).
      Based on a recent evaluation of clinical and radiographic findings of acute hip pain in FOP (Kaplan et al., 2018; see section on Differential diagnosis of hip pain), an algorithmic approach to acute joint or periarticular pain may be proposed (Figure). After an initial brief course of steroids to empirically treat for a possible flare-up, observation for rebound symptoms with discontinuation is the critical node for further treatment decisions. The absence of rebound symptoms (i.e., resolution of pain complaints) suggests that the etiology for pain is not related to a flare-up. The presence of continued or worsening symptoms after discontinuation, however, strongly suggests a flare-up as the likely cause. Plain radiographs of the involved joint can be helpful in the management of acute periarticular pain.
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      Common causes of chronic pain in FOP include neuropathies, arthritis, generalized chronic pain syndrome in advanced FOP, and other causes of pain such as gastrointestinal pain (see section on gastrointestinal issues). The approach to chronic pain relies on distinguishing between neuropathic and nociceptive etiologies. Neuropathic pain results from damage to or pathology within the nervous system and can be central or peripheral. In FOP, neuropathies are the major cause of neuropathic pain, related to entrapment syndromes and/or nerve damage, and may be caused by peripheral or central nervous system phenomena intrinsically related to the cause of FOP (Kan et al., 2011; Kan et al., 2012; Peng et al., 2021; Yu et al, 2023). Nociceptive pain is caused by stimuli that threaten or provoke actual tissue damage. In FOP, the major causes of nociceptive pain are musculoskeletal pain (e.g., back pain, myofascial pain syndrome, ankle pain), inflammatory pain, and pain due to mechanical/compressive causes (e.g., visceral pain from expanding HO).
      General principles of pain management should be applied to the treatment of chronic pain in FOP. The best approach is to target the etiology of the pain, whenever known, and to make reasonable attempts at understanding at least the type of pain when the etiology is unknown. Optimal outcomes often result from multiple approaches utilized in concert, coordinated via a multidisciplinary team. Some adjuvant, nonpharmacologic modalities can be effective in pain management. Finally, treatment of depression may provide pain relief separate from correction of the mood disorder.
      Treatment of chronic pain is based on neuropathic versus nociceptive components. There is consensus among guidelines on pain management of non-FOP pain syndromes that first-line agents for neuropathic pain include either calcium channel alpha 2-delta ligands (e.g., gabapentin or pregabalin) or tricyclic antidepressants (Gilron et al., 2015; Finnerup et al., 2015). Serotonin norepinephrine uptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are identified as either first or second-line agents (e.g., duloxetine, venlafaxine), although they may be preferred to tricyclic antidepressants. Among the tricyclic antidepressants, side effect profiles appear to favor the secondary amine tricyclics (e.g., nortriptyline and desipramine), although the efficacy is the same for other tricyclics such as amitriptyline. Combination therapy is often required, because less than half of patients with neuropathic pain will respond to a single agent. However, evidence is scant regarding the efficacy and safety of combination treatment. Other second-line agents that may be used include tramadol and other antiepileptics (e.g., carbamazepine or oxcarbazepine). Opioids should be considered a third-line option in FOP, both because of abuse potential and the fact that activation of mast cells and the systemic release of histamine are common side effects of opioids, especially codeine and meperidine (Blunk et al., 2004). Topical agents can be used as adjunctive therapy as appropriate.
      The pharmacologic approach to nociceptive pain first begins with an evaluation of risk factors that may contraindicate, limit, or otherwise call attention to the possibility of potential side effects related to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS), the mainstay of treatment (McCormack, 1994; Roelofs et al., 2008). Risk factors include advanced age, renal, hepatic, cardiovascular disease or risk, peptic ulcer, and glucocorticoid use. The latter is directly applicable to FOP, and systemic NSAIDS should not be used concomitantly with steroids. After risk factor evaluation, the next step to nociceptive pain management is an assessment of pain level. Mild to moderate pain can initially be treated with topical agents (see section on Topical Agents) and/or acetaminophen/paracetamol.
      Pain not controlled by topical agents or acetaminophen/paracetamol should be managed with NSAIDs plus a proton-pump inhibitor or COX-2 inhibitor with or without acetaminophen/paracetamol. There is controversy over the maximal safe daily dose of acetaminophen, but a 3g to 3.25g daily dose appears to be within a safe maximal range (Heard et al., 2007).
      Treatment of moderately severe to severe pain without an inflammatory component or with risk factors for NSAID use should begin with acetaminophen/paracetamol and advanced to tricyclic antidepressants if pain is not adequately controlled. Moderately severe to severe pain with an inflammatory component should be initially treated with NSAIDs plus a proton-pump inhibitor or COX-2 inhibitor with or without acetaminophen/paracetamol. Use of COX-2 inhibitors may decrease the likelihood of gastrointestinal toxicity from NSAIDs (Silverstein et al., 2000). Tricyclic antidepressants can also be used if pain is not adequately controlled. The addition of baclofen or other muscle relaxant may be appropriate for a short period of time if there is a spasmodic component to the pain (see section on Muscle Relaxants). For the reasons stated above, opioids should also be considered a third-line option in FOP for the management of nociceptive pain.
      There are many causes of acute and chronic pain in FOP, and each individual must be carefully evaluated before effective treatment can be planned and implemented (Kaplan et al., 2008). Many FOP flare-ups, especially those around the hips and knees, are extremely painful and may require a brief course of well-monitored narcotic analgesia in addition to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, COX-2 inhibitors, and/or oral or IV glucocorticoids. Other types of transient pain syndromes may be caused by neuropathies resulting from acute flare-ups, transient bursitis, inflammation of osteochondromas, arthritis and muscle fatigue, to mention only a few.
      To date, much remains unknown regarding the dynamics of pain and emotional health in FOP during flareup and also quiescent, non-flare-up disease phases. In order to elucidate the occurrence and effect of pain in FOP, a study analyzed patient-reported outcomes measurement information system-based questionnaires completed by 99 patients participating in the international FOP Registry over a 30-month period (Peng et al., 2019). The study observed that while moderate to severe pain (≥4, 0-10 pain scale) was commonly associated with flare-ups (56-67%), surprisingly, 30-55% of patients experienced similar pain levels during non-flare-up states. Furthermore, independent of the flare-up status, the severity of pain in FOP patients was found to be inversely correlated with emotional health, physical health and overall quality-of-life. These findings strongly suggest the need for an improved understanding of pain and emotional health in FOP during flare-up and quiescent periods (Peng et al., 2019).
      Those with chronic pain of diffuse musculoskeletal origin may require more specialized pain management programs directed by pain management specialists. Attempts should be made to minimize chronic discomfort and maximize physical and cognitive function. In most cases, narcotic agents should be avoided to minimize the risk of dependency on these agents. While some may require chronic narcotic analgesics late in the course of their disease process, attempts should be made to monitor this carefully to avoid constipation and respiratory suppression.
      Use of alternative of complementary therapies have not been well investigated but may provide options for reducing systemic pain medication use. Pain neuroscience education may be useful and has been shown to be an effective intervention in all types of pain (Louw et al., 2016). Acupuncture is not recommended due to the potential for tissue trauma.
      Other complementary or integrative medicine techniques for pain management should be considered, including the use of biofeedback, therapy pools, therapeutic relaxation, auto-hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy, gentle massage/acupressure, and medicinal marijuana (where available). These therapies should be discussed with the treating physician to ensure that there are no adverse interactions with other medications or therapies, or contraindications for an individual patient. Also, procedures such as acupressure and gentle massage need to be performed in a way that does not increase the risks of trauma or inducing a flare. Please discuss with the primary care physician or local pain management team for referrals to a reputable complementary or integrative medicine practitioner.
      For those with more chronic pain management issues, a consultation with a pain management specialist may be helpful and is recommended.
      Medical Cannabis
      Anecdotal use of medical cannabis among patients with FOP is known to occur. This class of drugs is represented by a group of compounds derived from the subspecies of the plant genus Cannabis and delivered for potential beneficial effects through inhalation, swallowing, and topical application to skin or buccal mucosa. At the time of this writing, 33 U.S. states and the District of Columbia have programs authorizing cannabis use for specific medical conditions, with varying regulations in other countries. Most states allow its use for a variety of conditions, with those most related to FOP including cachexia/wasting syndrome, muscle spasticity, severe and chronic pain, and severe nausea (Belendiuk et al., 2015). In the U.S., clinicians do not prescribe medical cannabis but only certify for the condition that qualifies patients under state programs.
      The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) conducted a comprehensive review on the health effects of cannabis and cannabinoids (NASEM, 2017). The NASEM reported conclusive or substantial evidence that cannabis or cannabinoids are effective for chronic pain in adults, as anti-emetics, and for improvement of muscle spasticity. Chronic pain is the most common reason individuals use medical cannabis; however, its use needs to be part of a comprehensive symptom management strategy rather than a single modality for pain control, underscoring the importance of continuing other therapies. In this context, it is noteworthy that use of medical cannabis has been associated with significantly lower opioid overdose mortality rates (Bachhuber et al., 2014).
      Oral cannabis extracts from naturally occurring phytocannabinoids, orally administered Δ9Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and nabiximols (combination THC-cannabidiol [CBD]) are the usually administered forms, but synthetic cannabinoids are also available. Among the different preparations, evidence-based claims regarding clinical efficacy can only be made for smoked or vaporized plant flower, plant-derived oral THC, THC-CBD combinations, and synthetic THC. However, the NASEM noted that there is substantial evidence for an association between cannabis smoking and respiratory disease, motor vehicle collisions (MVCs), lower birth weight of offspring, and schizophrenia or other psychoses (NASEM, 2017). Caution should be exercised when considering medical cannabis for patients under the age of 25 years because brain development continues until this age, and the potential lasting impact of cannabis on cognitive performance is unknown (NASEM, 2017). Also, it is difficult to extrapolate available evidence on medical cannabis given the differences in products obtained from state-run programs due to horticultural techniques, drug extraction methods, and drug delivery modalities.
      Bachhuber MA, Saloner B, Cunningham CO, Barry CL. Medical cannabis laws and opioid analgesic overdose mortality in the United States, 1999-2010 [published correction appears in JAMA Intern Med. 2014;174(11):1875]. JAMA Intern Med 174: 1668-1673, 2014
      Belendiuk KA, Baldini LL, Bonn-Miller MO. Narrative review of the safety and efficacy of marijuana for the treatment of commonly state-approved medical and psychiatric disorders. Addict Sci Clin Pract 2015; 10:10
      Blunk JA, Schmelz M, Zeck S, Skov P, Likar R, Koppert W. Opioid-induced mast cell activation and vascular responses is not mediated by mu-opioid receptors: an in vivo microdialysis study in human skin. Anesth Analg 98: 364-370, 2004
      Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al. Pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Neurol 14: 162, 2015
      Gilron I, Baron R, Jensen T. Neuropathic pain: principles of diagnosis and treatment. Mayo Clin Proc 90: 532, 2015
      Heard K, Green JL, Bailey JE, et al. A randomized trial to determine the change in alanine aminotransferase during 10 days of paracetamol (acetaminophen) administration in subjects who consume moderate amounts of alcohol. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 26: 283, 2007
      Kan L, Kitterman JA, Procissi D, Chakkalakal S, Peng CY, McGuire TL, Goldsby RE, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Kessler JA. CNS demyelination in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Neurol 259: 2644-2655, 2012
      Kan L, Lounev VY, Pignolo RJ, Duan L, Liu Y, Stock SR, McGuire TL, Lu B, Gerard NP, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Kessler JA. Substance P signaling mediates BMP-dependent heterotopic ossification. J Cell Biochem 112: 2759-2772, 2011
      Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. Acute unilateral hip pain in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 115-119, 2018
      Kaplan FS, Le Merrer M, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Goldsby R, Kitterman JA, Groppe J, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Best Practice & Research – Clinical Rheumatology 22: 191-205, 2008
      Louw A, Zimney K, Puentedura EJ, Diener I. The efficacy of pain neuroscience education on musculoskeletal pain: A systematic review of the literature. Physiother Theory Pract 32: 332-355, 2016
      Mantick N, Bachman E, Baujat G, Brown M, Collins O, De Cunto C, Delai P, Eekhoff M, Zum Felde R, Grogan DR, Haga N, Hsiao E, Kantanie S, Kaplan F, Keen R, Milosevic J, Morhart R, Pignolo R, Qian X, di Rocco M, Scott C, Sherman A, Wallace M, Williams N, Zhang K, Bogard B. The FOP Connection Registry: Design of an international patient-sponsored registry for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Bone 109: 285-290, 2018
      McCormack K. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and spinal nociceptive processing. Pain 59: 9, 1994
      National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2017
      Peng K, Cheung K, Lee A, Sieberg C, Borsook D, Upadhyay J. Longitudinal evaluation of pain, flare-Up, and emotional health in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: Analyses of the international FOP registry. JBMR Plus 2019 Mar 1;3(8):e10181.
      Peng K, Karunakaran KD, Labadie R, Veliu M, Cheung C, Lee A, Yu PB, Upadhyay J. Suppressed prefrontal cortex oscillations associate with clinical pain in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2021 Jan 30;16(1):54.
      Roelofs PD, Deyo RA, Koes BW, et al. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for low back pain: an updated Cochrane review. Spine 33:1766, 2008
      Silverstein FE, Faich G, Goldstein JL, et al. Gastrointestinal toxicity with celecoxib vs nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: the CLASS study: A randomized controlled trial. Celecoxib Long-term Arthritis Safety Study. JAMA 284: 1247, 2000
      Yu X, Ton AN, Niu Z, Morales BM, Chen J, Braz J, Lai MH, Barruet E, Liu H, Cheung K, Ali S, Chan T, Bigay K, Ho J, Nikolli I, Hansberry S, Wentworth K, Kriegstein A, Basbaum A, Hsiao EC. ACVR1activating mutation causes neuropathic pain and sensory neuron hyperexcitability in humans. Pain 164: 4358, 2023.

11. FOP的神经问题

其中86名(51%)患者报告了慢性神经症状。与普通人群相比,神经性疼痛(NP)的流行率显著增加(p < 0.001),在女性中比男性高出十倍(女性15%,男性1.6%)。在有神经性疼痛的患者中,94%报告了其他感觉异常。复发性严重头痛(HA)的流行率为26%,与普通人群相似,但FOP女性的流行率(36%)几乎是男性的四倍。神经性疼痛、头痛和其他感觉异常在青春期后的女性中显著更高;33%的女性报告症状在月经期间加重。23%的患者报告在FOP发作期间神经症状加重。三名FOP患者(1.8%)报告了肌阵挛,这一流行率远高于普通人群(p < 0.001)。这一全球调查表明,FOP患者中神经症状很常见。这些症状可能与BMP信号传导在中枢和/或外周神经系统的失调有关。在涉及FOP患者的IFOPA注册研究中也观察到了类似的发现。
此外,研究表明,ACVR1基因在感受疼痛和刺激信号的神经元(痛觉感受器)中非常重要。携带ACVR1 R206H突变的人类诱导多能干细胞(iPSCs)在刺激下表现出增加的活性,这支持了FOP患者中神经性疼痛的临床发现。
  1. Kan L, Kitterman JA, Procissi D, Chakkalakal S, Peng C-Y, McGuire TL, Goldsby RE, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Kessler JA. CNS demyelination in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Neurol 259: 2644-2655, 2012 中枢神经系统的脱髓鞘在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中的表现
  1. Kaplan FS, Kobori JA, Orellana C, Calvo I, Rosello M, Martinez F, Lopez B, Xu M, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Groppe JC. Multi-system involvement in a severe variant of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (ACVR1c.772G>A; R258G): a report of two patients. Am J Med Genetic A 167A: 2265-2271, 2015 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的严重变异(ACVR1c.772G>A; R258G)中的多系统受累:两例患者的报告
  1. Kitterman JA, Strober JB, Kan L, Rocke DM, Cali A, Peeper J, Snow J, Delai PLR, Morhart R, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Neurological symptoms in individuals with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Neurol 259: 2636-2643, 2012 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的神经症状
  1. Severino M, Bertamino M, Tortora D, Morana G, Uccella S, Bocciardi R, Ravazzolo R, Rossi A, Di Rocco M. Novel asymptomatic CNS findings in patients with ACVR1/ALK2 mutations causing fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Med Genet 53: 859-864, 2016 ACVR1/ALK2突变引起的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的新型无症状中枢神经系统发现
  1. Yu X, Ton AN, Niu Z, Morales BM, Chen J, Braz J, Lai MH, Barruet E, Liu H, Cheung K, Ali S, Chan T, Bigay K, Ho J, Nikolli I, Hansberry S, Wentworth K, Kriegstein A, Basbaum A, Hsiao EC. ACVR1activating mutation causes neuropathic pain and sensory neuron hyperexcitability in humans. Pain 164: 4358, 2023 ACVR1激活突变导致人类神经性疼痛和感觉神经元过度兴奋
  1. Neurological Issues in FOP
    1. Neurological symptoms are commonly reported by patients with FOP. To determine the prevalence of neurological symptoms and their characteristics in individuals with FOP, a worldwide survey was conducted of the 470 patient members of the International FOP Association (IFOPA) using a questionnaire about neurological symptoms. There were 168 responses (105 females, 63 males; age 1.5-68 years) from 30 countries representing 36% of IFOPA members.
      Chronic neurological symptoms were reported by 86 (51%). Prevalence of neuropathic pain (NP) was significantly increased (p < 0.001) compared to the general population, and tenfold more common in females (15%) than males (1.6 %). Of those with NP, 94 % reported other sensory abnormalities. Prevalence of recurrent severe headaches (HA) (26 %) was similar to that in the general population, but prevalence in females with FOP (36%) was almost fourfold greater than in males. Prevalence of NP, HA, and other sensory abnormalities was substantially higher in post-pubertal females; 33 % reported symptoms worsened during menstrual periods. Worsening of neurological symptoms during FOP flare-ups was reported by 23%. Three patients with FOP (1.8%) reported myoclonus, prevalence much greater than reported in the general population (p < 0.001). This worldwide survey indicated that neurological symptoms are common in FOP. These symptoms are plausibly related to dysregulated BMP signaling in the central and/or peripheral nervous systems (Kitterman et al., 2012). Similar findings were present in a study involving patients with FOP who were enrolled in the IFOPA Registry (Yu, et al., 2023).
      To further elucidate these atypical neurologic symptoms, two mouse models of dysregulated BMP signaling relevant to FOP were evaluated for potential CNS pathology through non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies and histological and immunohistochemical approaches. In one model, BMP4 was over-expressed under the control of the neuron-specific enolase promoter; the second model is a knock-in of the classic FOP mutation in ACVR1. MRI scans of four FOP patients were retrospectively examined. Demyelinated lesions and focal inflammatory changes of the CNS in both mouse models were consistently observed but not in wild-type controls. CNS white matter lesions were also found in each of the four FOP patients examined.
      These findings suggest that dysregulated BMP signaling disturbs normal homeostasis of target tissues, including CNS where focal demyelination may manifest as the neurologic symptoms frequently observed in FOP (Kan et al., 2012). While most CNS lesions in FOP patients are incidental, asymptomatic and wellcompensated, consistent developmental findings in the CNS in some of the severe FOP variants support the hypothesis that over-activity of BMP signaling may have consequences for development and repair of the CNS (Kaplan et al., 2015; Severino et al., 2016).
      In addition, studies have shown that the ACVR1 gene is important in nociceptors (cells that sensing pain and irritant signals). Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) carrying the ACVR1 R206H mutation showed increased activity in response to irritant stimuli, supporting the clinical finding of nociceptive pain in patients with FOP.
      Practically and in summary, patients with FOP have reported a higher incidence of neurological concerns including pain both during and outside of an FOP flare-up. The sources of pain should be carefully explored. Patients having neuropathic pain may benefit from certain classes of medications, such as gabapentin and pregabalin – the appropriateness and choice of medications should be discussed with the patient’s physicians. In addition, patients with FOP who experience chronic pain should consider having a clinical pain management team for evaluation and treatment. Finally, some individuals with FOP report chronic headaches as noted above. If headaches persist, patients should be referred to a neurologist, who can make recommendations for detailed evaluation and treatment.
      Kan L, Kitterman JA, Procissi D, Chakkalakal S, Peng C-Y, McGuire TL, Goldsby RE, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Kessler JA. CNS demyelination in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Neurol 259: 2644-2655, 2012
      Kaplan FS, Kobori JA, Orellana C, Calvo I, Rosello M, Martinez F, Lopez B, Xu M, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Groppe JC. Multi-system involvement in a severe variant of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (ACVR1c.772G>A; R258G): a report of two patients. Am J Med Genetic A 167A: 2265-2271, 2015
      Kitterman JA, Strober JB, Kan L, Rocke DM, Cali A, Peeper J, Snow J, Delai PLR, Morhart R, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Neurological symptoms in individuals with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Neurol 259: 2636-2643, 2012
      Severino M, Bertamino M, Tortora D, Morana G, Uccella S, Bocciardi R, Ravazzolo R, Rossi A, Di Rocco M. Novel asymptomatic CNS findings in patients with ACVR1/ALK2 mutations causing fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Med Genet 53: 859-864, 2016
      Yu X, Ton AN, Niu Z, Morales BM, Chen J, Braz J, Lai MH, Barruet E, Liu H, Cheung K, Ali S, Chan T, Bigay K, Ho J, Nikolli I, Hansberry S, Wentworth K, Kriegstein A, Basbaum A, Hsiao EC. ACVR1activating mutation causes neuropathic pain and sensory neuron hyperexcitability in humans. Pain 164: 4358, 2023

12. FOP的发育性关节病和退行性关节病

  1. Towler OW, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Skeletal malformations and developmental arthropathy in individuals who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 130: 115116, 2020 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的骨骼畸形和发育性关节病
  1. Developmental Arthropathy and Degenerative Joint Disease in FOP
    1. FOP is a disease of not only progressive heterotopic ossification, but also widespread and extensive developmental arthropathy and associated degenerative joint disease.
      In a study by Towler and colleagues (Towler et al, 2020), widespread evidence of developmental arthropathy was found throughout the axial and appendicular skeleton in all age groups. Asymmetric narrowing and subchondral sclerosis, radiographic hallmarks of degenerative arthritis, were present throughout the joints of the normotopic skeleton.
      The hips of FOP patients were frequently malformed and dysplastic. Osteophytes (bone spurs) were common in the hips and knees of individuals who have FOP in all age groups. The costovertebral joints, intervertebral facet joints throughout the spine, and proximal tibio-fibular joints frequently showed partial or total intra-articular ankylosis (fusion), particularly after age 13. Degenerative joint phenotypes after age 13, were found particularly in the spine, sacroiliac joints, and lower limbs.
      Thus, associated degenerative joint disease occurs at multiple sites, starts in adolescence and progresses throughout life. These phenotypes appear to be uncoupled from heterotopic bone formation, indicating a potential role for ACVR1 in the development and progression of degenerative joint disease. Thus, the effects of ACVR1 mutation on the normotopic skeletons of individuals who have FOP extend beyond malformation of the great toes and include both morphological defects and developmental arthropathy. These findings have extraordinary relevance for understanding the natural history of FOP, for treating the arthritis associated with FOP throughout life (especially in adolescence and adulthood) and for designing and evaluating clinical trials with emerging therapeutics.
      Towler OW, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Skeletal malformations and developmental arthropathy in individuals who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 130: 115116, 2020

13. FOP的髋关节疼痛鉴别诊断

入院时的偶发放射学发现是多因素的,包括近端股骨的骨软骨瘤(18/25; 72%)、退行性关节炎(17/25; 68%)、发育性髋关节发育不良(15/25; 60%)、之前存在的异位骨化(12/25; 48%)、关节内滑膜骨软骨瘤(8/25; 32%)或通过既存异位骨的创伤性骨折(1/25; 4%)。发育性关节病理可能会干扰对FOP髋关节疼痛的临床评估。
  1. Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. Acute unilateral hip pain in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 115-119, 2018 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)中的急性单侧髋关节疼痛
  1. Lindborg CM, Al Mukaddam M, Baujat G, Cho TJ, De Cunto CL, Delai PLR, Eekhoff EMW, Haga N, Hsiao EC, Morhart R, de Ruiter R, Scott C, Seemann P, Szczepanek M, Tabarkiewicz J, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Most Fractures Treated Nonoperatively in Individuals With Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Heal With a Paucity of Flareups, Heterotopic Ossification, and Loss of Mobility. Clin Orthop Relat Res 481: 2447-2458, 2023 大多数在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者中非手术治疗的骨折愈合时很少出现发作、异位骨化和活动丧失
  1. Differential Diagnosis of Hip Pain in FOP
    1. Flare-ups of the hips are among the most feared and disabling complications of FOP. In a recent study (Kaplan et al, 2018), 25 consecutive individuals with classic FOP who presented with acute unilateral hip pain were evaluated. All 25 individuals were suspected of having a flare-up of the hip based on clinical history and a favorable response to a four-day course of high-dose oral prednisone. Ten individuals (40%) experienced rebound symptoms of pain and/or stiffness within seven days after discontinuation of prednisone and all ten subsequently developed HO or decreased mobility of the affected hip. None of the 14 individuals who experienced sustained relief of symptoms following a course of oral prednisone experienced HO or decreased mobility.
      Incidental radiographic findings at the time of presentation were multifactorial and included osteochondromas of the proximal femur (18/25; 72%), degenerative arthritis (17/25; 68%), developmental hip dysplasia (15/25; 60%), previously existing HO (12/25; 48%), intra-articular synovial osteochondromatosis (8/25; 32%) or traumatic fractures through pre-existing heterotopic bone (1/25; 4%). Developmental joint pathology may confound clinical evaluation of hip pain in FOP.
      The most useful modality for suspecting an ossification-prone flare-up of the hip was lack of sustained response to a brief course of oral prednisone. Evaluation of soft tissue edema by ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging showed promise in identifying ossification-prone flare-ups and warrants further analysis in prospective studies; however, plain radiographs were able to reliably identify the likely causes of hip pain unrelated to flare-up. Interestingly, most fractures treated nonoperatively in individuals with FOP heal with few flareups, impaired mobility, or heterotopic ossification (Lindborg et al., 2023).
      Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. Acute unilateral hip pain in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 115-119, 2018
      Lindborg CM, Al Mukaddam M, Baujat G, Cho TJ, De Cunto CL, Delai PLR, Eekhoff EMW, Haga N, Hsiao EC, Morhart R, de Ruiter R, Scott C, Seemann P, Szczepanek M, Tabarkiewicz J, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Most Fractures Treated Nonoperatively in Individuals With Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Heal With a Paucity of Flareups, Heterotopic Ossification, and Loss of Mobility. Clin Orthop Relat Res 481: 2447-2458, 2023

14. FOP的肢体肿胀

  1. Al Niaimi F, Cox N. Cellulitis and lymphoedema: A vicious cycle. J Lymphoedema 4: 38-42, 2009 蜂窝织炎与淋巴水肿:恶性循环
  1. Chikly, BJ. Manual techniques addressing the lymphatic system: origins and development. J Am Osteopathic Association 105: 457-464, 2005 针对淋巴系统的手法技术:起源与发展
  1. Chikly, BJ. Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) Manual Lymphatic Mapping and its Clinical Applications to Lymphedema. The National Lymphedema Network (NLN) Publication 12(3), 2000 淋巴引流疗法(LDT)手动淋巴映射及其在淋巴水肿中的临床应用
  1. Moriatis JM, Gannon FH, Shore EM, Bilker W, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. Limb swelling in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop Rel Res 336: 247-253, 1997 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的肢体肿胀
  1. Limb Swelling in FOP
    1. Limb swelling is a common problem in patients who have FOP, yet little is known about this complication. In a published study, detailed medical records were reviewed on a large group of FOP patients to determine the prevalence and natural history of limb swelling (Moriatis et al., 1997). Acute swelling of the limbs occurred in association with flare-ups of the condition in nearly all cases. Acute swelling in the upper limbs was focal and nodular in contrast to acute swelling in the lower limbs, which was more diffuse. The intense angiogenesis and edema seen on histopathologic evaluation of preosseous FOP lesions may play a role in the pathogenesis of the limb swelling. In addition, proximal lesions in the limb may cause a mechanical blockage of distal limb lymphatic drainage thus exacerbating the swelling.
      The acute and often severe limb swelling seen with acute flare-ups of FOP is ascribed to the intense inflammation, angiogenesis and capillary leakage demonstrable in the early FOP lesions. Limb swelling associated with an acute FOP flare-up may grow to extraordinary and alarming size and lead to extravascular compression of nerves and tissue lymphatics. The appearance of such massive acute swelling in the lower limbs can provoke serious considerations of a deep vein thrombosis.
      Massive tissue edema may last for 3-6 months after the onset of acute swelling. As fibrocartilaginous tissue matures into chondro-osseous tissue and finally into bone, swelling diminishes. During the following six months, swelling may regress slowly or may persist as chronic limb swelling. As skeletal muscle in the lower limbs is replaced by heterotopic bone, the normal pumping action of the muscle is lost, further exacerbating lymphatic stasis and dependent edema. Progressive ankylosis of the joints continues inexorably and loss of mobility ensues, further increasing venous and lymphatic stasis and dependent edema (Moriatis et al., 1997).
      When lymphedema occurs, it is critical to avoid infections and the vicious cycle of lymphedema-cellulitislymphedema. Streptococcal cellulitis associated with lymphedema can be aggressive with severe symptoms and morbidity. Prophylactic skin care of the affected limb in preventing ulcers, dermatitis, macerations and tinea pedis is also important in reducing the portal of entry for micro-organisms. Episodes of cellulitis can damage the lymphatic system and predispose to recurrent episodes of cellulitis (Al Niaimi & Cox, 2009).
      Some patients who have advanced FOP involving the lower limbs have venous stasis in addition to lymphedema. Definitive studies to exclude deep vein thrombosis may be difficult to obtain and interpret due to severe existing deformity and joint ankylosis from previous flare-ups. A decision to anticoagulate a patient should not be made without substantial evidence of deep vein thrombosis. The differential diagnosis of acute upper limb swelling is not nearly as difficult as is the differential diagnosis of acute lower limb swelling in patients who have FOP. Differences in the regional appearance of the FOP lesions cannot be explained at the present time but may be due to mechanical factors affecting aponeuroses and fascial planes (Moriatis et al., 1997).
      Limb swelling is often difficult to treat effectively in patients who have FOP. Non-steroidal antiinflammatory medications and glucocorticoids generally have not been effective. Support stockings are poorly tolerated by most patients, and elevation of the affected limbs is often impossible because of ankylosis of the major joints, especially later in the disease process. When tolerated, support stockings may be helpful. The use of pneumatic compression devices has not been evaluated. Additionally, many have reported anecdotal beneficial effects following treatments at lymphedema clinics.
      There are two different types of lymphedema therapy. The Vodder method is most often used in clinics, though the Chikly method, which involves “mapping” the lymph flow and potentially using alternate pathways to reroute the lymph flow, may be more useful for FOP patients for whom HO and/or on-going flare-ups may interfere with the normal channels of lymph flow (Chikly et al., 2000; Chikly et al., 2005). Lymphedema clinics can also provide patients with resources to help control lymphedema and are highly recommended.
      Al Niaimi F, Cox N. Cellulitis and lymphoedema: A vicious cycle. J Lymphoedema 4: 38-42, 2009
      Chikly, BJ. Manual techniques addressing the lymphatic system: origins and development. J Am Osteopathic Association 105: 457-464, 2005
      Chikly, BJ. Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) Manual Lymphatic Mapping and its Clinical Applications to Lymphedema. The National Lymphedema Network (NLN) Publication 12(3), 2000
      Moriatis JM, Gannon FH, Shore EM, Bilker W, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. Limb swelling in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop Rel Res 336: 247-253, 1997

15. FOP患者的压疮

  • 足够的营养
  • 每日皮肤检查
  • 经常变换姿势
  • 使用减压床垫或床铺
  • 使用减压敷料或垫子。如果在皮肤发红但没有开放性伤口的早期阶段发现压疮,治疗会容易得多。涉及开放性伤口的压疮则需要更多的护理。
  • 经常变换位置,并使用专门设计的减压垫。
  • 保持该区域清洁以防感染。I期伤口(无开放性皮肤)可以用温水和温和肥皂轻轻清洗。更严重的情况应使用生理盐水清洗,生理盐水可在药店购买。避免使用如过氧化氢或碘酒等抗菌剂,这些可能会损伤皮肤并延迟愈合。
  • 特别注意皮肤褶皱处,保持干燥。这些区域对FOP患者尤其困难,因为空气流通较少。保持这些区域干燥非常重要,使用薄的超细纤维毛巾等简单措施会有帮助。
  • 使用能保护伤口并促进愈合的特殊敷料。常见品牌包括Tegaderm和Duoderm。这些敷料有助于保持伤口湿润(促进细胞生长),同时保持周围组织干燥。它们不应用于可能感染的病变上。
  • 温泉浴可以帮助保持皮肤清洁,自然去除死组织。
  • 如有必要,可以去除受损的组织。伤口需无死组织和/或感染组织才能正确愈合。即使在FOP中,也有几种安全的方法可以做到这一点。
  • 在绝对必要时,可以在皮质类固醇覆盖下去除穿透骨。
  • 与伤口护理团队的协调非常重要。
  1. Boyko TV, Longaker MT, Yang GP. Review of the Current Management of Pressure Ulcers. Adv Wound Care 7: 57–67, 2018 现行压疮管理的综述
  1. Reddy M, Gill SS, Rochon PA. Preventing pressure ulcers: a systemic review. JAMA 296: 974-984, 2006 预防压疮:系统评价
  1. Pressure Ulcers in FOP
    1. Skin breakdown and pressure sores are common and troublesome problems in individuals who have advanced FOP. Skin breakdown can occur from increased pressure over normotopic or heterotopic bone.
      Pressure ulcers can develop suddenly, progress rapidly, and be difficult to treat (Reddy et al., 2001; Boyko et al., 2018). Preventive measures include:
      • Adequate nutrition
      • Daily skin inspections
      • Frequent changes in position
      • Use of a pressure-reducing mattress or bed
      • Use of pressure-reducing dressings or cushions. If a pressure sore is detected at an early stage when the skin is erythematous but there is no open sore, it will be much easier to treat. Pressure sores involving open wounds require considerably more care.
      Follow these suggestions as soon as a problem is identified:
      • Change positions frequently and use special cushions designed to relieve pressure.
      • Keep the area clean to prevent infection. A stage I wound (no open skin) can be gently washed with water and mild soap. Anything more serious should be washed with saline (salt) solution, which can be obtained from a pharmacy. Avoid using antiseptics such as hydrogen peroxide or iodine which can damage the skin and delay healing.
      • Pay special attention to the folded areas of the skin and keep them free of moisture. These areas may be especially problematic for FOP patients when little air can circulate. Keeping these areas dry is very important and simple measures like the use of a thin microfiber washcloth can be helpful.
      • Use a special dressing/bandage that protects wounds and helps promote healing. Name brands include Tegaderm and Duoderm. These dressings help keep the wound moist (to promote cell growth) while keeping the surrounding tissue dry. They should not be used on lesions that might be infected.
      • Whirlpool baths can be helpful because they help keep the skin clean and naturally remove dead tissue.
      • If necessary, damaged tissue can be removed. A wound needs to be free of dead and/or infected tissue to heal properly. There are several ways that this can be done safely, even in FOP.
      • Perforating bone may be removed under corticosteroid coverage when absolutely necessary.
      • Coordination with a wound care team is important.
      Boyko TV, Longaker MT, Yang GP. Review of the Current Management of Pressure Ulcers. Adv Wound Care 7: 57–67, 2018
      Reddy M, Gill SS, Rochon PA. Preventing pressure ulcers: a systemic review. JAMA 296: 974-984, 2006

16. 皮肤病与FOP

  • 与FOP后果相关的皮肤病——如不动、身体姿势、血液循环不良。
  • 与药物使用相关的皮肤病(如泼尼松、非甾体抗炎药、止痛药和参与临床试验的药物)。
  • 与FOP本身相关的皮肤病——与基因突变和信号通路有关。
  • 对每个FOP个体独特的皮肤病——遗传、环境和/或职业因素。
FOP不仅仅是一种骨病。基因突变如何影响各种身体系统仍然 largely unknown。皮肤表现及其与FOP的关联仍在研究中。然而,已经有一些常见特征被轶事性观察到:
  1. Blaszczyk M, Majewski S, Brzezinska-Wcislo L, Jablonska S. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Eur J Dermatol 13: 234-237, 2003 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良
  1. Kang S, Masayuki A, Bruckner AL, Enk AH, Margolis DJ, McMichael AJ. Fitzpatrick's Dermatology, 9th edition, 2019 菲茨帕特里克皮肤病学,第9版
  1. McFarland GS, Robinowitz B, Say B. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive presenting as fibrous scalp nodules. Cleve Clin Q 51: 549-552, 1984 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良以纤维性头皮结节呈现
  1. Moriatis JM, Gannon FH, Shore EM, Bilker W, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Limb swelling in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop Rel Res 336: 247-253, 1997 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的肢体肿胀
  1. Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Liljesthröm M, Durbin-Johnson BP, Shore EM, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. The natural history of flare-ups in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a comprehensive global assessment. J Bone Miner Res 31: 650-656, 2016 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良发作的自然史:全面的全球评估.
  1. Pignolo RJ, Wang H, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a segmental progeroid syndrome. Frontiers in Endocrinology 10 (Article 908): 1-8, 2020 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良:一种分段性早衰综合症
  1. Dermatology & FOP
    1. The skin is the largest organ of the human body, and often reflects systemic diseases and their consequences, providing clues to diagnosis. Over many years, doctors and researchers have noticed a connection between FOP and some skin, hair, and nail conditions. Although many aspects of these anecdotal dermatologic findings will be the subjects of future studies, it is possible to state that these conditions can be roughly divided in 4 main types:
      • Dermatologic conditions related to a consequence of FOP – immobility, position of the body, poor blood circulation.
      • Dermatologic conditions related to the use of drugs (prednisone, NSAIDs, analgesics, and drugs involved in clinical trials).
      • Dermatologic conditions related to FOP itself – linked to the genetic mutation and signaling pathway.
      • Dermatologic conditions unique to each individual with FOP – genetic, environmental, and/or occupational.
      Dermatologic conditions related to a consequence of FOP
      Pressure ulcers are a common skin problem that is often seen in individuals with FOP. Heterotopic bone can occlude the blood supply to the skin and create an ulcer. It is important to avoid this problem by cushioning vulnerable bony prominences and treating pressure ulcers as soon as they are found.
      Heterotopic bone often crosses joints, creating body folds that are exceedingly difficult to reach and clean, creating fertile fields for the development of intertriginous lesions, as well as fungal and bacterial infections. Health care professionals must be aware of these possible conditions and minimize the risk of serious infections that can lead to sepsis (Kang et al., 2019).
      Heterotopic bone can also lead to compromised circulation as the compression of blood and lymphatic vessels creates poorly oxygenated skin that becomes dry and eczematous. Avoiding hot showers, hot temperatures, and soaps containing lauryl sulfates is recommended. Also, skin moisturizers are recommended. A dermatologist should be consulted about the possible use of steroids and antibiotics (Kang et al., 2019).
      Some patients with advanced FOP have reported blisters in the absence of friction or trauma. This may occur from compromised lymphatic circulation. If lymphatic pressure is elevated, tense blisters containing transparent lymphatic fluid may form.
      The compression of lymphatic vessels can also be the cause of lymphedema and in extreme cases elephantiasis of the limb with ulcers and verrucous lesions. An ultrasound examination can help to rule out deep venous thrombosis (Moriatis et al., 1997).
      Dermatologic conditions related to the use of medications
      Skin, nails, and hair can be affected by the use of certain medications. Many medications can be implicated, but anti-inflammatories and analgesics are the most common culprits. It is not uncommon that FOP patients have skin rashes or hives due to the frequent use of drugs for pain relief or inflammation. Reactions to drugs can manifest as polymorphic erythema (with lesions on the skin and mucous membranes), fixed pigmented erythema, urticaria (hives), monomorphic acne or dyshidrosis, among others (Kang et al., 2019).
      The use of prednisone, even for short periods of time, can also cause skin issues that include acne, skin and hair thinning, facial erythema, hirsutism, stria, or impaired wound healing. Some medications that are being tested in clinical trials also have influences on the skin. Palovarotene can cause dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, retinoid dermatitis, dry lips, and tendency to skin infections, among others. Garetosmab can cause madarosis, acne, folliculitis, furunculus, carbuncles and abscesses.
      Dermatologic conditions related to FOP itself – linked to the genetic mutation and signaling pathway
      FOP is not just a bone disease. The way in which the genetic mutation affects the various body systems is still largely unknown. Dermatologic manifestations and their ties to FOP are still being investigated. However, some common features have been anecdotally observed:
      Flare-ups. During FOP flare-ups, the skin over the affected area may be tender, erythematous or warm (Pignolo et al., 2016). When heterotopic bone has formed, the skin can look glossy and feel hard upon touch, with loss of hair. It is important to avoid confusion with dermatologic diseases such as scleroderma, among others. Here again, we stress the diagnostic importance of the malformation of the great toes and the development of the progressive heterotopic ossification – signature clinical findings of classic FOP (Blaszczyk et al., 2003).
      Scalp nodules. Scalp nodules may appear during childhood. They usually disappear spontaneously (McFarland et al., 1984).
      Hair loss. Hair loss has occasionally been reported as a symptom of FOP, especially with severe FOP variants. Patients also report other hair-related issues (sparse eyebrows, less and lighter body hair. etc.).These additional features may also be under-reported symptoms of FOP (Pignolo et al., 2020).
      Hypersensitivity to insect bites. This may be related to increased systemic mast cell reactivity in FOP (Pignolo et al., 2020).
      Rare skin tumors. Merkel cell carcinoma (rare, aggressive, malignant primary cutaneous neuroendocrine tumor) has been noted rarely in some FOP patients – possibly related to lifelong corticosteroid use or sun exposure (Kang et al., 2019).
      Other skin abnormalities. Other skin abnormalities ranging from skin discoloration to immune-related conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis have been noted in some FOP patients.
      Clearly, there is a tremendous need to evaluate these dermatologic issues in the wider FOP community in order to determine the prevalence and risk of skin-related conditions in FOP.
      Dermatologic conditions unique to each individual with FOP – genetic, environmental, and/or Occupational
      Dermatological evaluation of a patient with FOP needs to be careful and comprehensive. Although the items above may be noted in FOP, their relative prevalence is unknown.
      Blaszczyk M, Majewski S, Brzezinska-Wcislo L, Jablonska S. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Eur J Dermatol 13: 234-237, 2003
      Kang S, Masayuki A, Bruckner AL, Enk AH, Margolis DJ, McMichael AJ. Fitzpatrick's Dermatology, 9th edition, 2019
      McFarland GS, Robinowitz B, Say B. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive presenting as fibrous scalp nodules. Cleve Clin Q 51: 549-552, 1984
      Moriatis JM, Gannon FH, Shore EM, Bilker W, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Limb swelling in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop Rel Res 336: 247-253, 1997
      Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Liljesthröm M, Durbin-Johnson BP, Shore EM, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. The natural history of flare-ups in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a comprehensive global assessment. J Bone Miner Res 31: 650-656, 2016
      Pignolo RJ, Wang H, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a segmental progeroid syndrome. Frontiers in Endocrinology 10 (Article 908): 1-8, 2020

17. FOP的趾甲内生(嵌甲)

嵌甲,尤其是大脚趾的嵌甲,在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者中很常见。 由于先天性足部和指甲畸形、趾尖行走的压力、不当修剪指甲、不合脚的鞋子以及使用视黄醇类药物,FOP患者更容易出现嵌甲。嵌甲可能导致疼痛、不适,甚至使患者无法承重受影响的足部,同时增加感染的风险。
  1. Ingrown Toenails in FOP
    1. Ingrown toenails, especially of the big toe, are common with people living with FOP. Patients with FOP are predisposed to ingrown toenail due to congenital foot and nail malformations, pressure from toe walking, improper nail trimming, poorly fitting shoes and retinoid medications. Ingrown toenails can lead to pain, discomfort and inability to bear weight on the affected foot as well as to an increased risk of infection.
      Prevention of ingrown toenails includes cutting the nail at a 90 degree angle to the toe (and never too short; the nail must be above the nail bed) and removing pressure on the toe (using appropriate shoes).
      Onychomycosis is a common fungal infection of the nail that can cause ingrown nails. Weakened immune system (use of steroids), trauma, and circulatory issues can facilitate the entrance of fungus into the nail. It is possible to observe changes in color and thickening of the nail that can be deformed and ingrown. The treatment for ingrown nails is antifungal drugs under the direction of a dermatologist.
      Depending on the severity, various interventions might be necessary for ingrown toenail. For symptoms of mild pain and minimal inflammation, noninvasive procedures like changes in shoes, warm water soaks, antiseptics and over-the-counter topical antibiotics (like Bacitracin and Polymyxin B creams) might suffice. Oral antibiotics are used to treat superimposed bacterial infections. In more severe cases, referral to a dermatologist/wound specialist is warranted. In certain instances, removal of granulomatous tissue around the toenail by cauterization has been performed safely in FOP patients.

18. FOP的骨折

  1. Einhorn TA, Kaplan FS. Traumatic fractures of heterotopic bone in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop Rel Res 308: 173-177, 1994 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的异位骨创伤性骨折
  1. Lindborg CM, Al Mukaddam M, Baujat G, Cho TJ, De Cunto CL, Delai PLR, Eekhoff EMW, Haga N, Hsiao EC, Morhart R, de Ruiter R, Scott C, Seemann P, Szczepanek M, Tabarkiewicz J, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Most Fractures Treated Nonoperatively in Individuals With Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Heal With a Paucity of Flareups, Heterotopic Ossification, and Loss of Mobility. Clin Orthop Relat Res 481: 2447-2458, 2023 大多数进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的非手术治疗骨折愈合时发作、异位骨化和运动丧失的发生率很低
  1. Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Liljesthröm M, Durbin-Johnson BP, Shore EM, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. The natural history of flare-ups in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a comprehensive global assessment. J Bone Miner Res 31: 650-656, 2016
  1. Singh S, Kidane J, Wentworth KL, Motamedi D, Morshed S, Schober AE, Hsiao EC. Surgical management of bilateral hip fractures in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva treated with the RAR-γ agonist palovarotene: a case report. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2020 Apr 3;21(1):204 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者双侧髋关节骨折的外科管理,使用RAR-γ激动剂Palovarotene治疗:病例报告
  1. Fractures in FOP
    1. Individuals with FOP are at increased risk of fractures of both the normotopic and heterotopic skeleton due to the increased risk of falls, immobility and prednisone use. Palovarotene (SOHONOS), approved in USA, Canada, and Australia has also been shown to decrease bone mineral density and could be associated with increased risk of fractures (SOHONOS prescribing information).
      In FOP, fractures can occur in both normotopic and heterotopic bone (Pignolo et al., 2016). Fractures of heterotopic bone occur commonly and heal rapidly (Einhorn & Kaplan, 1994). Elevation, rest, splinting, and local application of ice are often helpful in controlling pain and swelling and may be supplemented by acute use of narcotic analgesia, if needed. Fractures of normotopic bone need to be carefully evaluated, as in any patient. Closed reduction and splinting is sufficient for most fractures. Open reduction or internal fixation is rarely warranted and can lead to rapid onset of HO. Healing may be delayed in osteoporotic bone.
      In a retrospective study, Kaplan et al. (2023) examined the extent to which non-operative treatment of a fracture leads to an FOP flare-up, HO formation and loss of mobility. The authors asked: (1) What proportion of the fractures had radiographic evidence of union or nonunion (2) What proportion of patients had clinical symptoms of an FOP flare-up because of the fracture? (3) What proportion of fractures developed radiographic evidence of HO? (4) What proportion of patients lost movement after a fracture?
      The authors retrospectively analyzed 31 patients (13 males, 18 females; ages 5 to 57 years, median age 22 years) who sustained 41 fractures of the normotopic skeleton that were treated nonoperatively from five continents over a 20-year period and followed for a minimum of 18 months after the fracture and for as long as 20 years. Clinical records for each patient were reviewed by the referring physician-author and the following data for each fracture were recorded: biological sex, ACVR1 gene pathogenic variant, age at time of fracture, fracture mechanism, fracture location, initial treatment modality, prednisone use at the time of the fracture as indicated in the FOP Treatment Guidelines for flare prevention, patient-reported flare-ups after the fracture, follow-up radiographs of the fracture if available, HO formation as a result of the fracture determined at a minimum of 6 weeks after the fracture, and patient-reported loss of motion. Postfracture radiographs were available in 76% (31 of 41) of fractures in 25 patients.
      Radiographic healing was noted in 97% (30 of 31) of fractures at 6 weeks after the incident fracture. A painless nonunion was noted in one patient who sustained a displaced patellar fracture and HO. Three patients [7%; (3 of 41) of fractures] reported increased pain and/or swelling at or near the fracture site within several days after fracture immobilization that likely indicated a site-specific FOP flare-up. The same three patients reported a residual loss of motion one year after the fracture compared with their prefracture status. Ten percent (Three of 31) of the fractures for which follow-up radiographs were available developed HO. Patient-reported loss of motion occurred in 10% (4 of 41) of fractures. Two of the four patients reported noticeable loss of motion and the other two patients reported that the joint was completely immobile (ankylosed).
      Most fractures treated nonoperatively in individuals with FOP healed with a paucity of flare-ups and HO and preservation of mobility, suggesting an uncoupling of fracture repair and HO, which are two inflammation-induced processes of endochondral ossification. These findings underscore the importance of considering non-operative treatment for fractures in individuals with FOP. Bone mineral density and bone quality evaluation in FOP is challenging due to bone deformity and HO. Consider bisphosphonate treatment in patients who have sustained a low trauma/fragility fracture after the fracture has healed. Notably, on patient with hip fracture treated with palovarotene still developed HO, although it is unclear if the amount of HO was lowered due to palovarotene treatment (Singh et al., 2020).
      Einhorn TA, Kaplan FS. Traumatic fractures of heterotopic bone in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop Rel Res 308: 173-177, 1994
      Lindborg CM, Al Mukaddam M, Baujat G, Cho TJ, De Cunto CL, Delai PLR, Eekhoff EMW, Haga N, Hsiao EC, Morhart R, de Ruiter R, Scott C, Seemann P, Szczepanek M, Tabarkiewicz J, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Most Fractures Treated Nonoperatively in Individuals With Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Heal With a Paucity of Flareups, Heterotopic Ossification, and Loss of Mobility. Clin Orthop Relat Res 481: 2447-2458, 2023
      Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Liljesthröm M, Durbin-Johnson BP, Shore EM, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. The natural history of flare-ups in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a comprehensive global assessment. J Bone Miner Res 31: 650-656, 2016
      Singh S, Kidane J, Wentworth KL, Motamedi D, Morshed S, Schober AE, Hsiao EC. Surgical management of bilateral hip fractures in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva treated with the RAR-γ agonist palovarotene: a case report. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2020 Apr 3;21(1):204

19. FOP的颞下颌关节半脱位

FOP患者的TMJ容易出现问题,这可能与上述发育异常有关。FOP的TMJ通常不正常形成, mandibular condyles常常扁平,关节盘(类似于膝盖)通常也畸形。我们很少要求FOP患者最大程度地张口,但如果要求的话,会发现他们的张口功能不正常。如果有良好的功能性开口,但未达到最大开口,则分配CAJIS为零。
  1. Towler OW, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Skeletal malformations and developmental arthropathy in individuals who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 2020 Jan; 130:115116 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的骨骼畸形和发育性关节病
  1. Temporomandibular Subluxations in FOP
    1. Subluxations may be common in FOP due to joint malformations. Most are chronic and present from birth such as the common subluxation of the metatarsophalageal joint of the great toe. However, some may be more acute.
      The absence of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) flare-ups and the suddenness of closure suggests a mechanical problem such as acute subluxation or dislocation of the jaw – rather than a flare-up. This is relatively easy to rule out with a CT scan of the TMJ. The key historical clue to subluxation of the TMJ in FOP is the absence of flare-up and the suddenness of closure. It is often painful, but may be less so in FOP. We now know that many FOP joints are malformed to various degrees - not just the great toe (Towler et al., 2020). The developmental anomalies of the jaw have received very little attention.
      The TMJ in FOP patients is prone to develop problems. This may be due to developmental abnormalities as mentioned above. The TMJ in FOP does not form normally. The mandibular condyles are often flat and the menisci (similar to the knee) are often malformed. We rarely ask FOP patients to open their mouth maximally, but if we did, we would see that this does not occur normally. We assign a CAJIS of zero if there is good functional opening (but not maximal because we don’t test it).
      If the TMJ is not subluxed or dislocated and if it is fused, do not try to force it open. Most patients do well with multiple small meals and puréed foods - not ideal - but bearable. Very few need a naso-gastric tube, but those who do tend to tolerate it well. The overbite of FOP can often help with access to eating. If necessary, back teeth can be removed to help with dental access, eating, and fear of vomiting.
      Towler OW, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Skeletal malformations and developmental arthropathy in individuals who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 2020 Jan; 130:115116

20. FOP的营养、钙和维生素D指南

我们还建议患者根据2011年医学研究所的指导,获得维生素D的RDA,即18-50岁成年人每天600个单位的维生素D3。建议测量血清25-OH-维生素D,并根据需要补充,以维持水平>20-30 ng/dl。血清中低水平的25-OH维生素D与骨软化症/佝偻病相关,可能增加正常骨折的风险。此外,低维生素D水平增加了在静脉给药双膦酸盐后低钙血症的风险。
  1. Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin D. Washington, DC. The National Academies Press, 2011 《钙和维生素D的膳食参考摄入量》
  1. Mantick N, Bachman E, Baujat G, Brown M, Collins O, De Cunto C, Delai P, Eekhoff M, Zum Felde R, Grogan DR, Haga N, Hsiao EC, Kantanie S, Kaplan FS, Keen R, Milosevic J, Morhart R, Pignolo RJ, Qian X, Di Rocco M, Scott C, Sherman A, Wallace M, Williams N, Zhang K, Bogard B. The FOP connection registry: Design of an international patient-sponsored registry for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Bone 109: 285-290, 2018 FOP连接注册:为进行性骨化性纤维发育不良设计的国际患者赞助注册
  1. Smith B, Hakim-Zargar M, Thomson J. Low body mass index: a risk factor for superior mesenteric artery syndrome in adolescents undergoing spinal fusion for scoliosis. J Spinal Disord Tech 22: 144-148, 2009 低体重指数:在接受脊柱融合术的青少年中是上肠系膜动脉综合征的风险因素
  1. Wong CJ. Involuntary weight loss. Med Clin North Am 98: 625-43, 2014 非自愿性体重减轻
  1. Nutrition, Calcium & Vitamin D Guidelines in FOP
    1. Patients with FOP are at high risk of nutritional and vitamin deficiencies due to multiple factors, including but not limited to gastrointestinal issues, ankylosed jaw, nausea and poor appetite (Mantick et al., 2018).
      Adequate nutrition is especially important in FOP patients to prevent severe weight loss, Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) syndrome and pressure ulcers. For patients with an ankylosed jaw, we recommend referral to a nutritionist; in extenuating situations, patients might need a feeding tube. Ideal weight will be difficult to determine due to inaccurate height measurements and BMI calculation, but we recommend monitoring weight and addressing unintentional weight loss (>5% of weight over 6-12 months) as soon as it is noted (Wong et al., 2014).
      FOP patients can also have vitamin deficiencies, including vitamin D deficiency, especially if they spend most of their time indoors. Calcium intake could also be suboptimal due to the misconception that it could further worsen heterotopic ossification.
      We recommend that patients obtain the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of calcium as per Institute of Medicine 2011 guidelines, which would be 1,000 mg of elemental calcium daily for adults, age 18-50 years old. We recommend that calcium intake be obtained using diet (example milk, cheese, yoghurt or food items fortified with calcium like orange juice and almond milk) and limit calcium supplements to no more than 600 mg daily. Excessive calcium intake, especially in the form of supplements, can increase the risk of kidney stones which patients with FOP are prone to develop. It is also important for patients with FOP to maintain adequate hydration to avoid kidney stones.
      We recommend that patients also obtain the RDA for vitamin D as per the Institute of Medicine 2011 guidelines, which would be 600 units of Vitamin D3 daily for adults, age 18-50 years old. We recommend measuring serum 25-OH-vitamin D and repleting as needed to maintain a level >20-30 ng/dl. Low 25-OHvitamin D levels in the serum are associated with osteomalacia/rickets that could lead to increased risk of normotopic bone fracture. In addition, low vitamin D levels increase the risk of hypocalcemia after administration of intravenous bisphosphonates.
      Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin D. Washington, DC. The National Academies Press, 2011
      Mantick N, Bachman E, Baujat G, Brown M, Collins O, De Cunto C, Delai P, Eekhoff M, Zum Felde R, Grogan DR, Haga N, Hsiao EC, Kantanie S, Kaplan FS, Keen R, Milosevic J, Morhart R, Pignolo RJ, Qian X, Di Rocco M, Scott C, Sherman A, Wallace M, Williams N, Zhang K, Bogard B. The FOP connection registry: Design of an international patient-sponsored registry for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Bone 109: 285-290, 2018
      Smith B, Hakim-Zargar M, Thomson J. Low body mass index: a risk factor for superior mesenteric artery syndrome in adolescents undergoing spinal fusion for scoliosis. J Spinal Disord Tech 22: 144-148, 2009
      Wong CJ. Involuntary weight loss. Med Clin North Am 98: 625-43, 2014

21. FOP的预防性口腔保健

强烈建议FOP患者进行唾液测试。应进行定性和定量评估。应对静息和刺激时的唾液流量以及缓冲能力进行基线测量,尤其是在患者使用任何药物时。许多FOP临床试验药物会导致口干。如果患者的静息和刺激唾液流量不足,食用任何食物后定期用水漱口是有帮助的。唾液替代品也可能有帮助。对于可能存在低pH或无法缓冲的患者,使用MI Paste、牙膏或无定形酪蛋白磷酸盐(ACP)可能有益,同时使用含木糖醇的口香糖和漱口水。根据原产国,还可能有其他针对药物诱导的口干症的产品。
  • 最晚在一岁时进行第一次口腔健康专业检查。
  • 每次哺乳或喂奶后进行口腔清洁。
  • 使用米粒大小的氟化牙膏,特别是在非氟化地区生活的儿童。
  • 尽量减少软性致龋食物的摄入。糖是普遍存在的,许多常见的儿童食品中含有糖。例如,酸奶可能含有过多的糖。
  • 对于高风险儿童,建议每年涂氟两次。
  • 评估口腔疾病的发展风险,如果风险较高,建议每三个月进行一次专业检查。如果无法做到这一点,开始使用高剂量氟化牙膏(米粒大小)并进行频繁的每日刷牙和使用牙线。
  • 开始使用氟化牙膏;如果风险高,使用高剂量氟化牙膏,并每年至少进行2-3次专业涂氟。
  • 继续监测并指导低糖饮食。
  • 大多数儿童在10-11岁之前无法有效使用牙线,因此需要帮助。可以使用牙线辅助工具。但家长应注意交叉污染,并确保在每次使用牙线后冲洗牙线棒。
  • 监测鼻呼吸或口呼吸——打鼾或磨牙。口呼吸可能导致口面部发育异常,并增加口腔疾病的风险。
  • 对于正常开口的患者,可以使用普通牙科工具进行治疗,但需小心避免过度拉伸TMJ和相关肌肉。创伤和缺氧是已知的FOP发作诱因。
  • 牙齿矫正——(见牙齿矫正部分)
  • 对于有龋齿的患者,考虑使用银氟化物(SDF)、部分龋齿去除的理念(智能修复)结合玻璃离子体和霍尔冠。所有这些应用均不需要使用局部麻醉。
  • 对于口腔开口正常且风险较低的患者,建议定期护理,包括刷牙、使用牙线、氟化牙膏和饮食监测。每年进行两次专业检查应足够。
  • 牙齿矫正(见牙齿矫正部分)
  • 对于任何口腔疾病高风险的患者,应尽可能每三个月就诊一次。
  • 对于有口腔开口减少、颌部功能障碍或保持良好口腔卫生困难的患者,建议以下措施:
    • 高剂量氟化牙膏
    • 唾液检测(定性和定量),并根据结果进行适当干预
    • 在任何初期病变(龋齿)上涂抹38%银氟化物(SDF),然后使用高氟含量的玻璃离子氟化物、木糖醇漱口水
    • 监测并尽量减少糖的摄入
    • 使用氯己定漱口水或涂层
    • 氟化涂层
    • 对于轻微的邻接病变——使用SDF和/或树脂渗透技术及氟化涂层
    • 刷牙和牙线辅助工具。电动牙刷、小头水牙线和牙线棒都是示例。
    • 电动牙刷应根据每个品牌的具体建议正确使用。然而,刷牙的指导原则在所有品牌中通常相似:应让牙刷执行刷牙动作,只需将牙刷放在要清洁的区域,而不需做额外的圆形或前后移动。
    • CMP(MI膏)
    • 含木糖醇的口香糖。
  1. Carvalho DR, Farage L, Martins BJ, Speck-Martins CE, Craniofacial findings in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: computerized tomography evaluation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 111: 499-502, 2011 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的颅面发现:计算机断层扫描评估。口腔外科、口腔医学、口腔病理学、口腔放射学及根管治疗
  1. Connor JM & Evans DA. Extra-articular ankylosis in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Br J Oral Surg 20: 117-121, 1982 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的关节外强直
  1. Donly KJ. Fluoride Varnishes. J Calif Dental Assoc 31: 217-219, 2003 氟化物涂层
  1. Gao SS, Zhao IS, Hiraishi N, Duangthip D, Mei ML, Lo ECM, Chu CH. Clinical trials of silver diamine fluoride in arresting caries among children: A Systematic Review. JDR Clin Trans Res 1: 201-210, 2016 银氟化物在儿童龋齿治疗中的临床试验:系统评价
  1. Hujoel PP, Hujoel MLA, Kotsakis GA. Personal oral hygiene and dental caries: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Gerodontology May, 2018 个人口腔卫生与龋齿:随机对照试验的系统评价
  1. Innes NPT et al: Managing carious Lesions: Consensus recommendations and terminology. Advances in Dental Research 28: 49-57, 2016 龋齿病变的管理:共识建议与术语
  1. Lin R, Hildebrand T, Donly KJ. In vitro remineralization associated with a bio-erodible fluoridated resin and a fluoride varnish. Am J Dentist 22: 203-205, 2009 与生物可腐蚀氟化树脂和氟化涂层相关的体外再矿化
  1. Luchetti W, Cohen RB, Hahn GV, Rocke DM, Helpin M, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. Severe restriction in jaw movement after route injection of local anesthetic in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 81: 21-25, 1996 在接受局部麻醉注射后的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者中,颌部运动严重受限
  1. Nussbaum BL. Dental care for patients who are unable to open their mouths. Dental Clin North Am 53: 323-328, 2009 对无法张嘴患者的牙科护理
  1. Nussbaum BL, Grunwald Z, Kaplan FS. Oral and dental healthcare and anesthesia for persons with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 239-242, 2005 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的口腔和牙科护理及麻醉
  1. Pitts N, Zero D. White paper on dental caries prevention and management: fdiworldental.org/media/93783/2016-fdi_cpp-white_paper.pdf, 2016 龋齿预防和管理的白皮书
  1. Renton P, Parkin SF, Stamp TC. Abnormal temporomandibular joints in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Br J Oral Surg 230: 31-38, 1982 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的颞下颌关节异常
  1. Schoenmaker T, Dahou Bouchankouk A, Özkan S, Gilijamse M, Bouvy-Berends E, Netelenbos C, Lobbezoo F, Eekhoff EMW, de Vries TJ. Limitations of Jaw Movement in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: A Review. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Mar 22;9:852678 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的颌部运动限制:综述
  1. Wong A, Subar PE, Young DA. Dental Caries: An update on dental trends and therapy. Adv Pediatr 64: 307-330, 2017 龋齿:牙科趋势和治疗的最新进展
  1. Young JM, Diecidue RJ, Nussbaum BL. Oral management in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Spec Care Dentist 27: 101-104, 2007 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的口腔管理
  1. Preventive Oral Healthcare in FOP
    1. Individuals with FOP have developmental anomalies of the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) (Connor & Evans, 1982; Renton et al., 1982; Carvalho et al., 2011). Spontaneous or post-traumatic ankylosis of the TMJs is common in FOP and leads to severe disability with resultant difficulties in eating and poor oral hygiene. Great care must be taken not to provoke flare-ups of the TMJ (Luchetti et al., 1996). Ossification of the masseter muscle results in the smallest mouth opening and ossification of the zygomatic arch results in the largest mouth opening. Thus, the location of the HO impacts the extent of the mouth opening (Schoenmaker et al., 2022).
      Managing the risk of any form of oral disease is essential in patients with FOP, especially during childhood years (Young et al., 2007). Preventing development of caries or periodontal disease is crucial to prevent long-term dental and oral complications in patients with FOP.
      Fluoridation of water is suggested for all patients who have FOP. The use of high dose fluoride toothpaste (once an individual can spit) is recommended along with use of fluoride gels and rinses to help prevent the need for restorative dental care (Hujoel et al., 2018). Children who are unable to spit can use a rice size grain of normal fluoridated toothpaste.
      Frequent flossing and brushing are necessary in patients with FOP, as in anyone, but may be difficult due to limited jaw opening as FOP progresses. Ultrasonic, electric, or battery-powered toothbrushes with small heads, water picks and floss wands may also help with dental hygiene. If these are suggested, please check with your oral health professional on appropriate and best technique to use these devices.
      Patients with FOP who have sufficient mouth opening can be treated with normal dental instruments as in unaffected individuals, but great care must be exercised to prevent overstretching of the TMJs during dental procedures. In patients who have ankylosed TMJs, professional instrumentation and special toothbrushes may be helpful, but are often limited to use on the buccal surfaces. Antimicrobial and fluoride rinses may be the only method to reach the lingual and palatal surfaces (Nussbaum et al., 2005).
      For patients who have frank cavitation, the use of 38% Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is recommended as a non-surgical treatment approach. Use of glass ionomer sealants in both primary and permanent dentition is highly recommended (Slayton et al., 2018). SMART (Silver modified atraumatic technique) technique may also be used. Partial caries removal with no anesthesia and placement of a glass ionomer restoration can often suffice until a primary molar exfoliates (Innes et al., 2016; Wong et al., 2017).
      For FOP patients with frank cavitation requiring minor restorative procedures that can be performed in a dental office using infiltration or inter-ligamentary anaesthesia or lasers (but never mandibular blocks), treatment can be accomplished without the use of pre-procedure prednisone. This approach requires preprocedure assessment of maximum mouth opening and placement of a molt or McKesson mouth prop 3-4 mm less than the maximum opening. Frequent intermissions are beneficial to limit stress and injury to soft tissue. Multiple appointments are possible. However, two-week intervals between appointments are suggested.
      In patients who have difficulty maintaining oral hygiene or who have gingivitis, chlorhexidine rinses are encouraged. Chlorhexidine is normally used once daily for 6 weeks and then once daily for one week a month. Long-time use of chlorhexidine can result in staining of teeth.
      Patients with a high risk of dental caries or difficulty in maintaining good oral hygiene may request that their dentist professionally apply fluoride varnish or a bio-erodible and fluoride resin. Fluoride varnish should be applied 3-4 times a year – often in conjunction with silver diamine fluoride (SDF) (Gao et al., 2016). There is good evidence that these modalities are effective in inhibiting tooth demineralization (Donly, 2003; Lin et al., 2009; Pitts & Zero, 2016; Slayton et al., 2018). A minimum three months’ professional follow-up for these patients is suggested. For patients who have early stages of interproximal lesion development use of a resin infiltration technique plus the use of a fluoride varnish and/or SDF is suggested (Slayton et al., 2018).
      Saliva testing is highly recommended for patients with FOP. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations should be done. Salivary flow both resting and stimulated, and buffering capacity should be performed as a baseline and if a patient is on any medication. Many of the FOP clinical trial drugs will cause dry mouth. If a patient has inadequate resting and stimulated saliva flow, habitual rinsing with water after any food intake is helpful. Saliva substitutes may also be helpful. For patients who may have a low pH or inability to buffer use of MI Paste, Tooth Mousse or Amorphous Casein Phosphate – ACP may be beneficial as will use of xylitol containing gum and or rinses (Pitts & Zero, 2016). Other products for MIX (medication induced xerostomia) may also be available dependent on country of origin.
      Any activity that can minimize the risk of oral health degradation should be implemented. The focus on this section is the pharmacologic treatment of disease rather than surgical. This is especially important in someone with FOP where doing invasive dental treatment can trigger flare-ups.
      The following is a list of such suggestions:
      Pediatric patients under 3 years of age:
      • First visit to an oral health professional - by latest, one year of age.
      • Begin oral sanative cleaning after each breast or bottle feeding.
      • Use rice size grain of fluoridated toothpaste especially if living in a non-fluoridated area.
      • Minimize use of soft cariogenic foods. Sugar is ubiquitous and present in many foods commonly given to children. Yoghurt is a good example of a food that may contain an excess of sugar.
      • Fluoride varnish suggested twice annually for children at high risk.
      Pediatric patients over 3 years of age:
      • Assess risk of development of oral disease, and if high risk 3 monthly professional appointments suggested. If this is not possible, begin use of high dose fluoride toothpaste (rice size grain) and frequent daily brushing and flossing.
      Pediatric patients over 5 years of age (who can spit):
      • Begin use of fluoride toothpaste – if high risk, use high dose fluoride toothpaste and provide professionally applied fluoride varnish a minimum of 2-3 times a year.
      • Continue to monitor and direct diet that is low in sugar.
      • Most children do not have the ability to floss effectively until 10-11years of age and would benefit from assistance. Floss aids can be used. However, parent should be aware of cross contamination and be sure to rinse a floss wand after flossing each tooth area.
      • Monitor nasal or mouth breathing – snoring or grinding. Mouth breathing can cause altered oral facial development and increase risk for oral disease.
      • Patients with normal mouth opening can be treated with normal dental instruments however, care should be taken to prevent overstretching of the TMJ and musculature. Trauma and anoxia are known triggers for FOP episodes.
      • Orthodontics – (see section on orthodontics)
      • For patients who have carious lesions consider the use of SDF, partial caries removal concept (smart restorations) with the use of glass ionomers and Hall Crowns. None of these applications require the use of local anesthesia.
      Adolescents and Adults:
      • In patients who have normal mouth opening and are at low risk – regular care, brushing, flossing, fluoridated toothpaste, and dietary monitoring are suggested. Bi-annual professional visits should be sufficient.
      • Orthodontics (see section on orthodontics)
      • Any patient who is at high risk for oral disease should be seen at least every three months, if possible.
      • For patients with any decrease in mouth opening, jaw dysfunction, or difficulty in maintaining good oral hygiene, the following are recommended:
        • High dose fluoride toothpaste
        • Saliva testing – (qualitative and quantitative) and appropriate intervention based on results
        • Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) 38% application on any beginning lesion (cavity) followed by placement of a high fluoride containing glass ionomer fluoride, xylitol rinses
        • Monitor and minimize sugar intake
        • Use of chlorhexidine rinses or varnish
        • Fluoride varnishes
        • For minimal interproximal lesions – SDF – and or resin infiltration techniques and fluoride varnish
        • Brushing and flossing aids. Electric toothbrushes with small heads, water pics and floss wands are examples.
        • The electric toothbrush should be used appropriately according to the specific recommendations of each brand. However, the brushing guidelines are generally similar across all brands: one should let the toothbrush perform the brushing motions and simply position the brush at the area to be cleaned without making additional circular or back-and-forth movements.
          For patients with partial or total ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint, especially those who push food to one side of the mouth to eat, the recommendations are to rinse the mouth after each meal and to wait at least 30 minutes after rinsing before brushing the teeth. It is now understood that the quality of the microbiome and acidity of the oral cavity significantly impact the enamel and gums.
        • CMP (MI paste)
        • Xylitol containing gum.
      Carvalho DR, Farage L, Martins BJ, Speck-Martins CE, Craniofacial findings in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: computerized tomography evaluation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 111: 499-502, 2011
      Connor JM & Evans DA. Extra-articular ankylosis in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Br J Oral Surg 20: 117-121, 1982
      Donly KJ. Fluoride Varnishes. J Calif Dental Assoc 31: 217-219, 2003
      Gao SS, Zhao IS, Hiraishi N, Duangthip D, Mei ML, Lo ECM, Chu CH. Clinical trials of silver diamine fluoride in arresting caries among children: A Systematic Review. JDR Clin Trans Res 1: 201-210, 2016
      Hujoel PP, Hujoel MLA, Kotsakis GA. Personal oral hygiene and dental caries: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Gerodontology May, 2018
      Innes NPT et al: Managing carious Lesions: Consensus recommendations and terminology. Advances in Dental Research 28: 49-57, 2016
      Lin R, Hildebrand T, Donly KJ. In vitro remineralization associated with a bio-erodible fluoridated resin and a fluoride varnish. Am J Dentist 22: 203-205, 2009
      Luchetti W, Cohen RB, Hahn GV, Rocke DM, Helpin M, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. Severe restriction in jaw movement after route injection of local anesthetic in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 81: 21-25, 1996
      Nussbaum BL. Dental care for patients who are unable to open their mouths. Dental Clin North Am 53: 323-328, 2009
      Nussbaum BL, Grunwald Z, Kaplan FS. Oral and dental healthcare and anesthesia for persons with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 239-242, 2005
      Pitts N, Zero D. White paper on dental caries prevention and management: fdiworldental.org/media/93783/2016-fdi_cpp-white_paper.pdf, 2016
      Renton P, Parkin SF, Stamp TC. Abnormal temporomandibular joints in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Br J Oral Surg 230: 31-38, 1982
      Schoenmaker T, Dahou Bouchankouk A, Özkan S, Gilijamse M, Bouvy-Berends E, Netelenbos C, Lobbezoo F, Eekhoff EMW, de Vries TJ. Limitations of Jaw Movement in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: A Review. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Mar 22;9:852678
      Wong A, Subar PE, Young DA. Dental Caries: An update on dental trends and therapy. Adv Pediatr 64: 307-330, 2017
      Young JM, Diecidue RJ, Nussbaum BL. Oral management in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Spec Care Dentist 27: 101-104, 2007

22. 拔出智齿

  • 当智齿已萌出且与邻近的磨牙及某些神经等结构接近时。
  • 若智齿可能导致未来并发症或部分萌出时。
  1. Extraction of Wisdom Teeth
    1. Wisdom teeth may be considered for extraction if:
      • The wisdom teeth have erupted and if they are in close proximity to the adjacent molar and certain nerves among other structures.
      • It is determined that the wisdom teeth may present future complications and or is partially erupted.
      WARNING: Wisdom teeth extraction in FOP patients with normal jaw function always carries the risk of flare-ups and or ankylosis of the jaw, even with assiduous precautions. Thus, the relative risks and benefits of early removal of wisdom teeth must be considered on an individual basis.
      Technique for removal:
      If the patient has a fused jaw, a buccal approach may be used for the extraction. If the mouth opening is normal, removal of the wisdom teeth may be performed using a normal approach.
      Removal of teeth for eating and emesis:
      For a patient with a fused jaw, removing the premolars or molars unilaterally in both the upper and lower jaw might be considered and would allow both feeding and emesis to occur. It is also important to take into consideration the state of the posterior teeth, and ability to maintain cleaning procedures. Sometimes bilateral extractions might be indicated.
      Prophylaxis with antibiotics is always suggested but must be carefully reviewed as certain antibiotics are contraindicated in patients who are enrolled in clinical trials. Please check with the primary physician to ascertain if the patient is enrolled in a clinical trial and what would be the appropriate antibiotic to use.
      Corticosteroid prophylaxis is imperative with wisdom teeth extraction in individuals with FOP as outlined in Section-2

23. 正畸与FOP

  1. Hammond P, Suttie M, Hennekam RC, Allanson J, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. The face signature of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Am J Med Genet 158A: 1368-1380, 2012 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的面部特征
  1. Levy CE, Berner TF, Bendixen R. Rehabilitation for individuals with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 251-256, 2005 针对进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的康复治疗
  1. Luchetti W, Cohen RB, Hahn GV, Rocke DM, Helpin M, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. Severe restriction in jaw movement after route injection of local anesthetic in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 81: 21-25, 1996 在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者中,局部麻醉后出现严重的下颌运动限制
  1. Slayton RL, Urquhart O, Araujo MWB, Fontana M, Guzmán-Armstrong S, Nascimento MM, Nový BB, Tinanoff N, Weyant RJ, Wolff MS, Young DA, Zero DT, Tampi MP, Pilcher L, Banfield L, CarrascoLabra A. Evidence -based clinical practice guideline on non-restorative treatments for carious lesions. A report from the American Dental Association. JADA 149: 837-849, 2018 关于龋齿病变非修复性治疗的循证临床实践指南
  1. Orthodontics & FOP
    1. Most people seek orthodontic care for aesthetic and functional reasons. For the FOP population, self-image is as important as in the general population. Orthodontic therapy can be safely performed on patients with FOP who have normal or nearly normal oral opening (Luchetti et al., 1996).
      Patients who have FOP often develop mandibular hypoplasia with a maxillary overbite and, therefore, orthodontic therapy may be considered (Hammond et al., 2012). However, many patients find that the overbite provides a means of access for eating as well as for oral and dental hygiene. Posterior and anterior dental cross-bites can influence the TMJs and should be corrected. For children with functional TMJs and with anterior open bites that are less than 15 mms, orthodontics is not recommended as the overbite will facilitate nutrition and subsequent dental care if the TMJ does eventually ankylose.
      When orthodontic care is considered, brief appointment times should be used to lessen stress on the TMJs.
      The use of non-extraction therapy is also recommended. To prevent the need for extractions in FOP patients, it may be advisable to align the anterior segments for aesthetics, leaving posterior dental crowding untreated. Crowded posterior teeth may be a better alternative than the risks of flare-up and TMJ ankylosis that can accompany an extraction (Levy et al., 1999). Use of Invisalign orthodontics may be advantageous as forces generated are far less than with traditional orthodontics and daily maintenance of oral health is considerably easier. Intra-oral scanning techniques are now available that can be used especially useful for patients who have difficulty with impressions. Data on the relation between orthodontic forces and tooth movement and HO is lacking. Most case reports identify that orthodontics can be performed in patients with FOP.
      Hammond P, Suttie M, Hennekam RC, Allanson J, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. The face signature of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Am J Med Genet 158A: 1368-1380, 2012
      Levy CE, Berner TF, Bendixen R. Rehabilitation for individuals with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 251-256, 2005
      Luchetti W, Cohen RB, Hahn GV, Rocke DM, Helpin M, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. Severe restriction in jaw movement after route injection of local anesthetic in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 81: 21-25, 1996
      Slayton RL, Urquhart O, Araujo MWB, Fontana M, Guzmán-Armstrong S, Nascimento MM, Nový BB, Tinanoff N, Weyant RJ, Wolff MS, Young DA, Zero DT, Tampi MP, Pilcher L, Banfield L, CarrascoLabra A. Evidence -based clinical practice guideline on non-restorative treatments for carious lesions. A report from the American Dental Association. JADA 149: 837-849, 2018

24. FOP下颌下的急性发作

  1. 所有治疗进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者的医生应意识到,急性下颌下肿胀可能是该疾病的表现,任何年龄段均可发生,且在病情快速进展的儿童中尤为常见。
  1. FOP的诊断应告知主治医生,以便在患者的基础疾病背景下管理急性下颌下病变。
  1. 必须避免对急性病变的操作,因为即使是轻微的创伤也可能导致气道受损的严重加重。
  1. 如果可能,急性下颌下急性发作的患者应保持头部抬高,以降低气道阻塞的风险。
  1. 急性下颌下急性发作的患者在急性肿胀阶段应密切监测,如有气道阻塞的危险,应立即住院。
  1. 食物应为泥状或半固体。清液在急性下颌下发作期间常引发窒息,因为受影响的肌肉负责在口底移动舌头。
  1. 应鼓励患者频繁进食,以减少体重下降。
  1. 还应考虑额外的高热量食品补充剂。
  1. 应采取严格的预防措施以防止食物误吸。
  1. 在急性下颌下发作的早期治疗中,应考虑使用高剂量口服糖皮质激素。首选的糖皮质激素是泼尼松,剂量为2 mg/kg体重(最多100 mg),在急性发作的最早迹象出现时每日口服一次,持续四天。尽管这些急性发作持续时间不超过其他部位的急性发作,但下颌下区域发作的功能性后果可能需要更长的糖皮质激素治疗课程,或者在停止使用激素后,如果严重的软组织肿胀复发,则需要第二个激素疗程。如果使用第二个四天的高剂量糖皮质激素,应在接下来的两到三周内逐渐减量。在停止糖皮质激素治疗后,可以考虑在接下来的6-8周内使用非甾体抗炎药或COX-2抑制剂。
  1. Janoff, HB, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Submandibular swelling in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 114: 599-604, 1996 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的下颌下肿胀
  1. Leavitt BD, Teeples TJ, Viozzi CF. Submandibular space swelling in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a diagnostic dilemma. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 67: 668-673, 2009 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的下颌下腔肿胀:一个诊断难题
  1. Submandibular Flare-ups in FOP
    1. Submandibular flare-ups are among the most concerning of all flare-ups due to their potential for causing difficulties in breathing and swallowing. Rarely, however, does jaw movement become affected by flareups isolated to this region. Due to their significance for vital functions, submandibular flare-ups warrant special attention (Janoff et al., 1996; Leavitt et al., 2009).
      A comprehensive study of submandibular swelling in patients with FOP was undertaken by Janoff et al. and published in 1996. Twelve (11%) of 107 patients who were studied had submandibular HO that was mistaken initially in seven of the patients for mumps, angioneurotic edema, abscess, mononucleosis, or neoplasm. Two male patients and ten female patients ranging in age from 6-47 years (mean: 21 years) were studied. Ten patients survived following assiduous precautionary measures. One patient who required emergency tracheostomy and ventilatory support also survived. Another patient died of inanition from chronic swallowing difficulty.
      An effective treatment program includes early identification of the submandibular flare-up, nutritional support, and glucocorticoid therapy. Submandibular swelling in patients who have FOP can be a medical emergency and requires intensive precautionary measures to avoid catastrophic clinical deterioration. These measures include avoidance of lesional manipulation, airway monitoring, and aspiration precautions. Submandibular swelling should be recognized as a variable feature of FOP with important potential additional clinical consequences (Janoff et al., 1996).
      An isolated case report of submandibular swelling in a patient with FOP (Leavitt et al., 2009) notes that submandibular flare-ups can be troublesome and endanger the airway or swallowing. The authors note that patients with FOP often have limited jaw movement and associated dental problems and that dental professionals often misdiagnose FOP patients with submandibular flare-ups as having dental abscesses or odontogenic infection. Making matters worse, any manipulation of the soft tissues of the mouth, or the head, or neck will hasten inflammation and worsen the clinical problem of flare-ups in the submandibular region.
      Patients with submandibular flare-ups of FOP must be properly diagnosed so that intensive precautionary measures to avoid catastrophic clinical deterioration can be instituted. An important challenge in the care of patients with a submandibular flare-up of FOP is to effectively manage the acute symptoms and associated discomfort while avoiding meddlesome intervention that will likely exact the lesion.
      Based on our extensive clinical experience, we recommend the following:
      1. All physicians who treat patients with FOP should be aware that acute submandibular swelling may be a manifestation of the disease at any age and can occur during childhood in patients with rapid disease progression.
      1. Diagnosis of FOP should be communicated to the attending physician so that the acute submandibular lesion can be managed in the context of the patient’s underlying disease.
      1. Manipulation of acute lesions must be avoided because even minor trauma can lead to catastrophic exacerbation with airway compromise.
      1. Patients having an acute submandibular flare-up should sleep with their head elevated, if possible, to decrease the risk of airway obstruction.
      1. Patients with an acute submandibular flare-up should be monitored closely during the acute swelling phase and should be hospitalized immediately in the event of pending obstruction of the airway.
      1. Food should be pureed or semi-solid. Clear liquids often provoke choking episodes during submandibular flare-ups as the involved muscles are those that move the tongue at the floor of the mouth.
      1. Patients should be encouraged to eat frequently to minimize weight loss.
      1. Additional high calorie food supplements should also be considered.
      1. Assiduous precautions should be undertaken to prevent food aspiration.
      1. High dose oral glucocorticoids should be considered in the very early treatment of acute submandibular flare-ups. The glucocorticoid of choice is prednisone, and the dose is 2 mg/kg of bodyweight (up to 100 mg) taken per oral once daily for four days at the earliest sign of an acute flare-up. While these flare-ups do not last longer than flare-ups at other locations, the functional consequences of flare-ups in the submandibular region may warrant a longer glucocorticoid treatment course or a second course of steroids if severe soft tissue swelling recurs after cessation of steroid use. If a second four-day course of high dose glucocorticoids is used, the steroids should be tapered slowly over the next two to three weeks. Following discontinuation of the glucocorticoid therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications or a COX-2 inhibitor can be considered for the next 6-8 weeks.
      Janoff, HB, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Submandibular swelling in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 114: 599-604, 1996
      Leavitt BD, Teeples TJ, Viozzi CF. Submandibular space swelling in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a diagnostic dilemma. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 67: 668-673, 2009

25. 吞咽与FOP

  1. Janoff HB, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Submandibular swelling in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 114: 599-604, 1996 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的下颌肿胀
  1. Swallowing and FOP
    1. Swallowing may be among the most difficult of problems for some individuals with FOP. The swallowing mechanism is complex and involves cranial and peripheral nerves as well as the extrinsic muscles of the tongue (which are often involved in flare-ups of the submandibular space) as well as rare FOP involvement of the skeletal muscles of the upper third of the esophagus. As a result, chronic dysphagia (difficulty with swallowing) may manifest with mechanical difficulty in swallowing, aspiration of food, coughing, recurrent pneumonia (due to aspiration), difficulty in managing secretions, extreme discomfort, anxiety, and fear of eating as well as progressive weight loss and resultant malnutrition.
      If chronic swallowing problems exist, swallowing tests as well as consultation with ENT, and FOP specialists as well as FOP-Anesthesia specialists should be obtained. Gastrointestinal feeding tubes (GTubes) may be necessary to bypass the severely dysregulated swallowing mechanism and are generally well-tolerated.
      Janoff HB, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Submandibular swelling in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 114: 599-604, 1996

26. FOP的牙科麻醉

第三,牙医和口腔颌面外科医生可能需要在特伦德伦堡位(Trendelenburg position指患者仰卧,身体的下半部分抬高,通常将腿部抬高到比心脏高的位置)下保持较长时间。这种体位可能导致患者不适,并在有既往肺部疾病的患者中造成呼吸问题。
Zvi Grunwald 博士.
The James D. Wentzler Professor and Chairman Emeritus
Department of Anesthesiology
Thomas Jefferson University and Hospitals
111 South 11th Street, Suite G-8490
Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA
Tel: 215-955-6161
Cell: 215-206-7362
Fax: 215-923-5507
  1. Kilmartin E, Grunwald Z, Kaplan FS, Nussbaum BL. General anesthesia for dental procedures in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a review of 42 cases in 30 patients. Anesth Analg 118: 298-301, 2014 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的牙科手术全身麻醉:对30例患者42个病例的回顾
  1. Luchetti W, Cohen RB, Hahn GV, Rocke DM, Helpin M, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. Severe restriction in jaw movement after route injection of local anesthetic in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 81: 21-25, 1996 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者在局部麻醉注射后出现的严重下颌运动受限
  1. Nussbaum BL, Grunwald Z, Kaplan FS. Oral and dental healthcare and anesthesia for persons with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 239-242, 2005 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的口腔和牙科护理及麻醉
  1. Nussbaum BL, O’Hara, I, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: report of a case with guidelines for pediatric dental and anesthetic management. ASDC J Dent Child 63: 448-450, 1996 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良:一例病例报告及儿童牙科和麻醉管理指南
  1. Dental Anesthesia in FOP
    1. Patients with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP), like all other patients, should be able to receive dental care under the best possible anesthetic conditions, ensuring pain-free treatment.
      Therefore, local dental anesthesia is highly recommended making it clear that Mandibular blocks are forbidden as they will lead to ossification of the pterygoid muscles and rapid ankylosis of the TMJ (Luchetti et al., 1996).
      Infiltration anesthesia is difficult in the mandibular posterior molar areas of permanent teeth. Successful anesthesia in mandibular primary teeth can be achieved by infiltration through the alveolar bone. Use of a hard tissue laser can preclude the use of anesthesia especially in small lesions.
      Interligamentary infiltration may be helpful, if performed carefully. However, in some patients, this type of local anesthesia may not be possible. General anesthesia (GA) may be needed for dental care in patients with FOP (Nussbaum et al., 1996; Nussbaum et al., 2005).
      Cervical spine fusion, ankylosis of the TMJ, thoracic insufficiency syndrome, restrictive chest wall disease, and sensitivity to oral trauma complicate airway management and anesthesia and pose life-threatening risks in individuals with FOP.
      A retrospective chart review was conducted at one institution of patients with FOP who underwent GA for treatment of complex dental procedures (Kilmartin et al., 2014).
      Even for simple procedures, if the patient does not open his or her mouth sufficiently, even vigilant care can be a source of operative insecurity (ingestion/inhalation), forcing the team to perform care under general anesthesia.
      Thirty patients underwent 42 general anesthetics. GA was induced most commonly after the airway was secured by an awake fiberoptic intubation. GA can be administered safely to patients with FOP for dental procedures with attention to airway management and perioperative care using a multidisciplinary approach. An awake nasal fiberoptic intubation should be considered the first choice for airway management. Most patients can be discharged home on the same day as their dental procedure.
      This large case series demonstrates that GA for dental procedures can be safely accomplished in patients with FOP using a multidisciplinary approach. Because of the difficult airway management reports in the literature and the routine use of numerous medical specialties, we recommend that patients with FOP are cared for at an institution where a multidisciplinary approach is possible.
      An anesthesiologist should evaluate the patient preoperatively, preferably before the day of the procedure. An otolaryngologist should be immediately available during the procedure to assist with airway management and perform an emergency tracheostomy if needed. A dentist and an oral maxillofacial surgeon should be involved in each case so that a comprehensive oral rehabilitation with tooth extractions can occur under one GA setting, which is safer and more convenient for the patient.
      Other medical practitioners, such as pediatricians, family medicine physicians, cardiologists, pulmonologists, and intensivists, may be required.
      An awake nasal fiberoptic intubation should be considered the first choice for airway management. There are several reasons for choosing GA with an endotracheal tube in this case series.
      First, routine injections of local anesthetic for dental procedures, especially mandibular blocks, should be avoided because they can precipitate flare-ups and cause fusion of the TMJ.
      Second, oral access can be difficult if a patient has decreased mouth opening. If a tooth fragment were dropped in the mouth of an unintubated patient with a fused jaw, it could be impossible to retrieve. An endotracheal tube provides needed airway protection.
      Third, the dentist and the oral and maxillofacial surgeon may need Trendelenburg positioning for long periods of time. This positioning may cause patient discomfort and result in respiratory compromise, especially in patients with pre-existing pulmonary disease.
      Positioning consideration is essential; patients’ bodies are often fused in a rigid position. All pressure points must be padded, and the neck supported. If a patient’s cervical spine is fused in flexion, a steep Trendelenburg positioning is often needed for adequate dental exposure. Positioning considerations for Trendelenburg include padding the patients’ shoulders and securing the patients to the bed to ensure that their bodies do not shift on the operating room table.
      Fourth, we recommend the administration of perioperative corticosteroids to prevent and mitigate flareups. A 4-day perioperative corticosteroid course should be administered according to the current guidelines and begin before the start of the procedure.
      In summary, a multidisciplinary approach to the perioperative management of patients with FOP should be the standard of care. Patients should be pretreated with corticosteroids and carefully positioned for surgery. GA can be safely administered to FOP patients for dental procedures; an awake nasal fiberoptic intubation is suggested as the first choice for airway management. Most patients can be discharged home on the same day as their dental procedure.
      For pre-op consultation on GA for FOP patients, please contact:
      Zvi Grunwald, M.D.
      The James D. Wentzler Professor and Chairman Emeritus
      Department of Anesthesiology
      Thomas Jefferson University and Hospitals
      111 South 11th Street, Suite G-8490
      Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA
      Tel: 215-955-6161
      Cell: 215-206-7362
      Fax: 215-923-5507
      Kilmartin E, Grunwald Z, Kaplan FS, Nussbaum BL. General anesthesia for dental procedures in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a review of 42 cases in 30 patients. Anesth Analg 118: 298-301, 2014
      Luchetti W, Cohen RB, Hahn GV, Rocke DM, Helpin M, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. Severe restriction in jaw movement after route injection of local anesthetic in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 81: 21-25, 1996
      Nussbaum BL, Grunwald Z, Kaplan FS. Oral and dental healthcare and anesthesia for persons with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 239-242, 2005
      Nussbaum BL, O’Hara, I, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: report of a case with guidelines for pediatric dental and anesthetic management. ASDC J Dent Child 63: 448-450, 1996

27. FOP的全身麻醉

Zvi Grunwald, M.D.
The James D. Wentzler Professor and Chairman Emeritus Department of Anesthesiology Thomas Jefferson University and Hospitals 111 South 11th Street, Suite G-8490 Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA Tel: 215-955-6161:
Cell: 215-206-7362 Fax: 215-923-5507 Email: [email protected]
能张嘴的患者:对于能够张嘴的患者,直接喉镜检查时必须避免过度拉伸颞下颌关节。仔细定位患者及其头部,保持“嗅闻”体位并使用Glidescope(GlideScope®视频喉镜;GVL®)在最小开口的情况下是确保气道的一种方法。使用喉罩气道(LMA)应谨慎评估。在紧急情况下进行气管插管极具挑战性,可能导致显著的 morbidity 和 mortality(详见Kilmartin et al., 2014)。
无法张嘴的患者:对于颈椎融合、开口受限或颞下颌关节强直的患者,进行气管插管的口腔通道不可行的。对于这些患者,建议在轻度镇静下进行清醒的纤维光纤鼻气管插管。可考虑使用Dexmedetomidine。这应由经验丰富的麻醉团队进行。团队应由两名经验丰富的麻醉师组成。应有一名备份外科医生(通常是耳鼻喉科医生)在场,并准备好急救气管切开器具。进行鼻腔纤维支气管插管时应注意对鼻子的血管收缩剂的使用,并从小号润滑鼻咽管开始逐渐增加至32-34 Fr。
所有接受插管的患者应接受预防性类固醇治疗(静脉注射甲基泼尼松龙50 mg每6小时一次,随后在能耐受口服时开始口服泼尼松减量),以降低致命气道肿胀和水肿的风险。
有关全身麻醉的所有问题,请联系Dr. Zvi Grunwald(请见上文)。
  1. Kilmartin E, Grunwald Z, Kaplan FS, Nussbaum BL. General anesthesia for dental procedures in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a review of 42 cases in 30 patients. Anesth Analg 118: 298-301, 2014 对于进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的牙科手术全身麻醉:30名患者42例病例的回顾
  1. Tumolo M, Moscatelli A, Silvestri G. Anaesthesia management of child with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Br J Anaesth 97: 701-703, 2006 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良儿童的麻醉管理
  1. General Anesthesia in FOP
    1. General Considerations
      Cervical spine fusion, ankylosis of the TMJ, thoracic insufficiency syndrome, restrictive chest wall disease, and sensitivity to oral trauma complicate airway management and anesthesia and pose life-threatening risks in individuals with FOP. Due to the challenges of airway management, general anesthesia (GA) is needed for most procedures in FOP patients and is an exceedingly complex issue (Kilmartin et al., 2014)
      GA can be administered safely to patients with FOP with attention to airway management and perioperative care using a multidisciplinary approach. An awake nasal fiberoptic intubation should be considered the first choice for airway management.
      Because of the difficult airway management reports in the literature and the routine use of numerous medical specialties, we recommend that patients with FOP are cared for at an institution where a multidisciplinary approach is possible.
      An anesthesiologist should evaluate the patient preoperatively, preferably before the day of the procedure. An otolaryngologist should be immediately available during the procedure to assist with airway management and perform an emergency tracheostomy if needed. Other medical practitioners, such as pediatricians, family medicine physicians, cardiologists, pulmonologists, and intensivists, may be required.
      In summary, a multidisciplinary approach to the perioperative management of patients with FOP must be the standard of care. Patients should be pretreated with corticosteroids and carefully positioned for surgery. An awake nasal fiberoptic intubation is suggested as the first choice for airway management. Even minor procedures should be scheduled to a major hospital setting, however same day discharge may be considered for individual patients. If postoperative admission is considered follow up should be assigned to an intensive care setting.
      For pre-op consultation on GA for FOP patients, please contact:
      Zvi Grunwald, M.D.
      The James D. Wentzler Professor and Chairman Emeritus Department of Anesthesiology Thomas Jefferson University and Hospitals 111 South 11th Street, Suite G-8490 Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA Tel: 215-955-6161:
      Cell: 215-206-7362 Fax: 215-923-5507 Email: [email protected]
      Pre-operative preparation
      A preoperative visit and meeting with the anesthesiologist prior to the date of surgery is crucial for conducting a safe and smooth general anesthesia course. The anesthesiologist should become familiar with FOP, learn about the extent of the disease affecting the individual patient, and carefully plan the perioperative anesthesia care.
      In the case of a patient presenting with advanced disease, thoracic insufficiency syndrome, significant ankylosis of multiple joints, and/or limited mobility and co-morbidities, the anesthesiologist should plan to assemble a multidisciplinary team consisting at least of an anesthesiologist and a surgeon experienced in emergency airway management. Sharing the anesthesia plan with the patient and the family is useful to diffuse apprehension and foster cooperation on the day of surgery.
      The special care and the skills required by the anesthesiologist to treat an FOP patient may not be available at peripheral locations or community hospitals. In these situations, the referring physician, the patient, and the family should seek referral to a major medical center with practitioners who are skilled in the care of FOP patients and the anesthesiologist can perform nasal fiberoptic intubation of the trachea.
      We recommend the administration of perioperative corticosteroids to prevent and mitigate flare-ups associated with most surgical procedures. A four-day postoperative corticosteroid course should be administered according to the current guidelines and begin on the day of surgery - before the start of the procedure.
      Intra-operative management
      Positioning: Positioning consideration is essential as patients’ bodies are often fused in a rigid position. All pressure points must be padded, and the neck supported. Positioning considerations for Trendelenburg include padding the patients’ shoulders and securing the patients to the operating room table to ensure that their bodies do not shift during the surgical procedure. Extra padding will help minimize soft tissue trauma during the surgical procedure. The operating room table should be adjusted according to patient’s needs.
      Monitoring: Routine monitoring is required for most surgical procedures (ECG, non-invasive blood pressure, pulse oximetry, end-tidal CO2 , and temperature). Significant co-morbidities, lengthy surgical procedures, or a compromised cardio-respiratory system may require additional monitors. In patients whose upper limbs are ankylosed in adduction and flexion, the application of a blood pressure cuff may be difficult or impossible. The cuff may be applied on the lower extremity. A thin layer of padding under the cuff may reduce the impact of the frequent inflations of the cuff on the extremity.
      Intravenous access: Careful venipuncture and short-term application of a tourniquet are usually benign. Indwelling intravenous or arterial catheters may rarely lead to the formation of an ossified tract at the site of insertion. Therefore, the smallest intravenous catheter appropriate for the procedure should be selected for insertion.
      General anesthesia and sedation: The administration of general anesthesia and the maintenance of a patent airway are particularly challenging matters in patients who have FOP, and should be planned with exacting care. Guidelines for general anesthesia have been reported (Kilmartin et al., 2014).
      Physicians and patients may be tempted to use sedation techniques and perform minor surgical procedures at an office-based or out-patient facility. The risks of catastrophic airway emergencies far outweigh the potential benefits of this option. Procedures should be performed only at facilities equipped with the skills and support systems necessary for a safe outcome. For patients with advanced disease, it is recommended that even minor procedures (colonoscopies, dental procedures) be performed at a major medical center under general anesthesia with a secured airway by nasal fiberoptic endotracheal intubation.
      Patients who can open the mouth: In patients who are able to open the mouth, it is imperative to avoid over-stretching the TMJ during direct laryngoscopy. Careful positioning of the patient and the head, maintenance of a sniffing position and the use of a Glidescope (GlideScope ® Video laryngoscope; GVL® ) with minimal mouth opening is one approach of securing the airway. The use of a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) should be seriously questioned. Establishing endotracheal intubation under emergency conditions is extremely challenging resulting in significant morbidity and mortality (Reviewed in Kilmartin et al., 2014).
      In cases where adequate mouth opening is questionable, an awake fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation is recommended.
      Patients who cannot open the mouth: In patients who present with fusion of the cervical vertebrae, limited mouth opening, or ankylosis of the TMJ, oral access for endotracheal intubation is not possible. For these patients, an awake fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation under light sedation is recommended. Dexmedetomidine may be a reasonable choice. This should be performed by welltrained anesthesia teams who are experienced with this type of procedure (Tumolo et al., 2006; Kilmartin et al., 2014). The team should consist of two experienced anesthesiologists. A back-up surgeon (usually an otorhinolaryngologist) experienced in performing tracheostomies should be present with an immediately available tracheotomy tray. Nasal fiberoptic endotracheal intubation is performed with attention to administration of vasoconstrictors to the nose and the use of lubricated nasopharyngeal tubes starting with a small one and increasing the diameter up to 32-34 Fr.
      All patients who undergo intubation should receive prophylactic steroids (methylprednisolone 50 mg iv q6 hrs, followed by oral prednisone taper once tolerating oral intake) to decrease the risk of fatal airway swelling and edema.
      Perioperative pain management and regional anesthesia
      Most patients with FOP present with advanced ossifications at the thoraco-lumbar area precluding access to spinal or epidural analgesia. Furthermore, such an approach can lead to catastrophic flareups.
      Patients who are receiving preoperative pain medications including opioids may present significant intraoperative management challenge to the anesthesiologist. The use of intravenous ketamine should be considered. The use of opioids should be minimized to avoid postoperative respiratory depression. The use of acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication is advised after discussion with the surgeon. Postoperative pain management should be accomplished with intravenous medications. Patients using patient controlled analgesia (PCA) devices should receive supplemental oxygen with careful monitoring of oxygenation at all times. Oral medications should be prescribed to patients who can open the mouth.
      All questions regarding general anesthesia should be directed to Dr. Zvi Grunwald (please see above).
      Kilmartin E, Grunwald Z, Kaplan FS, Nussbaum BL. General anesthesia for dental procedures in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a review of 42 cases in 30 patients. Anesth Analg 118: 298-301, 2014
      Tumolo M, Moscatelli A, Silvestri G. Anaesthesia management of child with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Br J Anaesth 97: 701-703, 2006

28. FOP可接受/低风险的医疗处置

  1. Kitterman JA. Kantanie S, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS: Iatrogenic harm caused by diagnostic errors in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Pediatrics 116: e654-e661, 2005 由于诊断错误造成的医源性伤害在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中的表现
  1. Liu JX, Hu R, Sun Y, Jiang H: General anesthesia in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a case report and clinical review. Int J Clin Exp Med 7: 1474-1479, 2014 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良中的全身麻醉:病例报告及临床回顾
  1. Okamoto N, Tazaki T, Shintakuya R, Hirano T, Sasaki M, Takahashi S, Nakamitsu A. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva with two emergency laparotomies: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep 73: 196-198, 2020 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的两次紧急剖腹手术:病例报告
  1. Zaghloul KA, Heuer GG, Guttenberg MD, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Storm PB: Lumbar puncture and surgical intervention in a child with undiagnosed fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Neurosurg Pediatr 1: 9194, 2008 腰椎穿刺和手术干预在未诊断的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良儿童中的应用
  1. Acceptable/Low Risk Procedures in FOP
    1. In FOP, it is important to avoid soft-tissue trauma as it is likely to induce flare-ups and rapidly progressive HO, with resultant permanent loss of motion in the affected area (Kitterman et al., 2005). All invasive procedures in an FOP patient carry risk. Although patients with FOP must occasionally undergo medical procedures, the range of acceptable/low risk procedures remains undefined, so performing any procedure must be judged considering the potential risks and the benefits.
      Injection and Venipuncture
      Intramuscular injections and immunizations should be avoided because they can lead to permanent loss of movement (Kitterman et al., 2005). Intradermal or subcutaneous injections are considered acceptable. No immunizations should be given while the patient is experiencing an active flare-up or within 2 weeks of a flareup. For coronavirus vaccinations, please see section on COVID-19.
      Local anesthesia can be risky but may be acceptable for dermatologic procedures such as mole removal, if needed. For other indications, please consult directly with an FOP expert. For dental use, please see section on dental anesthesia.
      Blood sampling can be safely performed from subcutaneous veins. Peripheral intravenous catheterization is also considered safe, if atraumatic. Placing femoral vein and radial artery catheters without any complications is reported (Liu et al., 2014), but is considered very high risk. Arterial catheterization will cause HO and is routinely forbidden unless critical for patient care. PICC lines have been used in patients with FOP but have an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT; due to decreased mobility or anatomic restriction). Also, PICC lines may have an increased risk of HO at the insertion site.
      Surgery and Other Invasive Procedures
      In many children with FOP, tender soft-tissue masses initially develop mainly on the head, neck, or back (Kitterman et al., 2005). Without the previous diagnosis of FOP, clinicians tend to suspect neoplasm, leading to high rates of biopsy and/or resection surgery, with subsequent HO (Kitterman et al., 2005, Zaghloul et al., 2014). Orthopedic surgeries to remove HO or to correct deformities in the extremities or trunk have been reported, but most of them lead to HO and worsening of motion/deformity, even though medications to prevent inflammation and ossification were used perioperatively.
      Reports on other invasive procedures are limited and the safety is not established. Lumbar puncture as a routine work-up for an intractable fever in an infant led to flare-up (Zaghloul et al., 2014). Emergent laparotomy for peritonitis evoked no HO (Okamoto et al., 2020). Physiotherapy is reported to induce permanent complications (Kitterman et al., 2005). However, the range of acceptable physiotherapy procedures has not been established. Passive range of motion exercises to gain additional range of joint motion should be avoided, but gentle active exercise may be permitted.
      Kitterman JA. Kantanie S, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS: Iatrogenic harm caused by diagnostic errors in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Pediatrics 116: e654-e661, 2005
      Liu JX, Hu R, Sun Y, Jiang H: General anesthesia in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a case report and clinical review. Int J Clin Exp Med 7: 1474-1479, 2014
      Okamoto N, Tazaki T, Shintakuya R, Hirano T, Sasaki M, Takahashi S, Nakamitsu A. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva with two emergency laparotomies: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep 73: 196-198, 2020
      Zaghloul KA, Heuer GG, Guttenberg MD, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Storm PB: Lumbar puncture and surgical intervention in a child with undiagnosed fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. J Neurosurg Pediatr 1: 9194, 2008

29. FOP的听力障碍

  1. Levy CE, Lash AT, Janoff HB, Kaplan FS. Conductive hearing loss in individuals with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive. Am J Audiol 8: 29-33, 1999 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的传导性听力损失
  1. Hearing Impairment in FOP
    1. Hearing impairment is a common feature of FOP and occurs in approximately 50 percent of patients. The onset is usually in childhood and may be slowly progressive. Hearing loss is usually conductive in nature and may be due to middle ear ossification, but in some patients, the hearing impairment is neurologic in nature. Children with FOP should generally have audiology evaluations every other year; more often, if necessary. Hearing aids are often helpful and can diminish developmental problems due to hearing loss (Levy et al., 1999). Acute hearing loss is not usually associated with FOP and should prompt evaluation for other causes.
      Levy CE, Lash AT, Janoff HB, Kaplan FS. Conductive hearing loss in individuals with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive. Am J Audiol 8: 29-33, 1999

30. FOP的胃肠道问题

  1. Ahn TY, Han JB, Bae JY, Woo SH. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone Rep 2023 Jul 20;19:101702 上肠系膜动脉综合征在一名患有进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者中的表现
  1. Mantick N, Bachman E, Baujat G, Brown M, Collins O, De Cunto C, Delai P, Eekhoff M, Zum Felde R, Grogan DR, Haga N, Hsiao E, Kantanie S, Kaplan F, Keen R, Milosevic J, Morhart R, Pignolo R, Qian X, di Rocco M, Scott C, Sherman A, Wallace M, Williams N, Zhang K, Bogard B. The FOP connection registry: Design of an international patient-sponsored registry for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Bone 109: 285-290, 2018 FOP连接登记处:为进行性骨化性纤维发育不良设计的国际患者赞助登记处
  1. Wouters MM, Vicario M, Santos J. The role of mast cells in functional GI disorders. Gut 65: 155-168, 2016 肥大细胞在功能性胃肠疾病中的作用
  1. Gastrointestinal Issues in FOP
    1. According to baseline data collected by the IFOPA Registry (Mantick et al, 2018) almost 28% of all patients report at least one health issue related to the stomach and digestion. Abdominal pain was the most common complaint, accounting for about 18% of all participants, followed by symptoms of gastrointestinal reflux and nausea. Abdominal pain was highest in females over the age of 17. Difficulty swallowing was reported in up to 19% of males age 18 years or older. Loss of appetite was most common among adult females. Rectal complaints, including constipation, was present in about 10% of adult patients, more than twice as much compared to those under the age of 18. Severe diarrhea was a complaint in approximately 5% of patients. Trouble digesting food and complaints of intermittent vomiting represented about 7.5% and 9% of all registry participants, respectively. Overall, the subgroup most affected by gastrointestinal issues is adult females, and the subgroup least affected is females under the age of 18.
      Functional gastrointestinal disorders, including dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome, have been associated with low-grade mucosal inflammation dominated by mast cells, eosinophils and intraepithelial lymphocytes (Wouters et al., 2016), suggesting a possible link between local immune-mediated phenomena and some gastrointestinal complaints in FOP. Anecdotally, the use of mast cell inhibitors for these complaints has provided relief of symptoms in selected, otherwise unresponsible cases.
      It is unclear at the present time if the prevalence of these complaints is greater than those in the general population, demographically matched, or if the etiologies of these complaints differ based on the diagnosis of FOP.
      Ahn et al reported a patient with FOP who had chronic abdominal pain, decreased appetite, biliary vomiting, and weight loss leading to the diagnosis of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) syndrome (Ahn et al., 2023). SMA syndrome is a rare condition in which the third part of the duodenum is compressed by the aorta and superior mesenteric artery due to a paucity of peri-mesenteric fat, resulting in duodenal obstruction. Clinical suspicion of SMA syndrome should be considered in any FOP patient who has persistent weight loss, gastrointestinal symptoms, and biliary vomiting. In FOP, SMA syndrome is often amplified by scoliosis, immobility and ankylosis of the jaw leading to poor caloric intake. Although SMA is difficult to diagnose due to its infrequency and diverse symptoms, it is important to consider the diagnosis of SMA syndrome in patients with FOP. Abdominal CT scan can be diagnostic (Ahn et al., 2023). Treatment of SMA syndrome in FOP should first be conservative. A nasogastric tube can be inserted for decompression of the duodenum or stomach. Weight gain through intravenous nutrition or a nasal-jejunal tube should be considered. If possible, the patient can be placed in a prone or left lateral position to decrease pressure on the duodenum. Invasive procedures can potentially trigger flare-ups, so they should only be performed when absolutely necessary (Ahn et al., 2023).
      Ahn TY, Han JB, Bae JY, Woo SH. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone Rep 2023 Jul 20;19:101702
      Mantick N, Bachman E, Baujat G, Brown M, Collins O, De Cunto C, Delai P, Eekhoff M, Zum Felde R, Grogan DR, Haga N, Hsiao E, Kantanie S, Kaplan F, Keen R, Milosevic J, Morhart R, Pignolo R, Qian X, di Rocco M, Scott C, Sherman A, Wallace M, Williams N, Zhang K, Bogard B. The FOP connection registry: Design of an international patient-sponsored registry for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Bone 109: 285-290, 2018
      Wouters MM, Vicario M, Santos J. The role of mast cells in functional GI disorders. Gut 65: 155-168, 2016

31. 肾结石与FOP

临床观察促使对国际骨化性纤维发育不良协会(IFOPA)患者成员进行全球调查,评估肾结石的疾病负担。 该调查考察了FOP患者肾结石形成的风险因素,并为这一已经严重影响生活的疾病提供了预防结石的基础。
  • 饮用足够的水,以保持每日尿量超过两升。
  • 用全麦面包替代白面包,并食用天然纤维谷物。
  • 限制维生素C和富含草酸食物的摄入。
  • 避免在食物中添加盐。
  • 获取推荐的膳食钙摄入量(RDA),即18至50岁成年人每日摄入1,000毫克元素钙。
  1. Gupta RR, Delai PLR, Glaser DL, Rocke DM, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Prevalence and risk factors for kidney stones in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 109: 120-123, 2018 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者肾结石的流行率及风险因素
  1. Kidney Stones & FOP
    1. Clinical observations prompted a worldwide survey of patient-members of the International Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Association (IFOPA) on the disease burden of kidney stones. The survey examined risk factors for the development of kidney stones in FOP patients and provided a basis for prevention of stones in this already devastating disease (Gupta et al., 2018).
      Although geographical variation exists, patients with FOP have approximately a two-fold higher prevalence of kidney stones than the general population. Immobilization coupled with increased bone turnover is a significant risk factor in the development of kidney stones in this population. There has been no comprehensive study of stone composition in FOP patients.
      A low-fiber diet was the only dietary factor in this study to significantly increase the risk of developing kidney stones in this population, although deficient water intake and excess animal protein intake were associated with the condition. FOP patients with a history of urinary tract infections are at increased risk for developing kidney stones. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, uteroscopic stone removal, percutaneous nephrolithotomy, and laser lithotripsy have all been used as treatment modalities, but there are no long-term data to evaluate the safety or efficacy of one treatment over another.
      Ideally, recommendations to prevent kidney stones are made. This becomes increasingly important as FOP patients become progressively more immobilized. Patients should (Gupta et al., 2018):
      • Drink sufficient water to keep the urine volume above two liters daily.
      • Substitute whole wheat bread for white bread and eat natural fiber cereals.
      • Limit their intake of Vitamin C and oxalate-rich foods.
      • Refrain from adding salt to their food.
      • Obtain the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of calcium, which would be 1,000 mg of elemental calcium daily for adults, age 18-50 years old.
      Gupta RR, Delai PLR, Glaser DL, Rocke DM, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ, Kaplan FS. Prevalence and risk factors for kidney stones in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone 109: 120-123, 2018

32. FOP的康复问题

职业和教育问题: 因为即使是轻微的创伤也可能触发致残性异位骨化,因此鼓励智力追求和计算机技能作为身体活动的替代选择是明智的。《2004年残疾人教育改善法案》(IDEA 2004)是美国的一项法律,要求为残疾儿童提供公平、负责任和优质的教育。这要求公立学校系统为每个残疾儿童提供个性化教育计划,并在限制最少的环境中接受教育。儿童有权享受职业、物理和语言治疗以及课堂辅助服务(如有必要)。各州必须提供某种职业康复服务,帮助残疾人进入或留在劳动市场。
交通和家庭改造: 车辆可以根据需要定制以适应FOP电动轮椅。可以安装坡道和升降机,提高车顶,降低车地板,安装新的控制装置和电动机,使车辆能够“跪下”,降低离地间隙以方便进出。
性与生育: 性亲密行为需要谨慎和体贴。可能需要使用枕头和垫子来支持不寻常和僵硬的姿势。对于性活跃者或考虑进行性活动的人,特别是那些参与临床试验或正在使用实验性药物的人,进行遗传咨询和避孕讨论是必要的。
娱乐疗法: 娱乐疗法可能有助于更有意义地利用闲暇时间。心理学家、社会工作者和其他心理健康顾问可以帮助受影响的个人及其家庭成员适应FOP带来的限制和不便。创意艺术疗法(艺术治疗、音乐治疗、舞蹈/运动治疗、戏剧治疗、诗歌治疗)利用基于艺术的方法和创意过程,旨在改善残疾和疾病,优化健康和福祉。
Charles Levy, MD
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy Research Scholar, Center for Arts in Medicine University of Florida 426 SW 43 rd Terrace Gainesville, Florida 32607, USA Email: [email protected]
  1. Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. A cumulative analogue joint involvement scale for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 123-128, 2018 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的累积类比关节受累评分
  1. Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. Longitudinal patient-reported mobility assessment in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 150-161, 2018 行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者的纵向自我报告活动能力评估
  1. Levy CE, Berner TF, Bendixen R. Rehabilitation for individuals with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 251-256, 2005 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的康复治疗
  1. Levy CE, Berner TF, Sandhu PS, McCarty B, Denniston MA. Mobility challenges and solutions for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Arch Phys Med Rehab 80: 1349-1353, 1999 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的活动挑战与解决方案
  1. Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Liljesthröm M, Durbin-Johnson BP, Shore EM, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. The natural history of flare-ups in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a comprehensive global assessment. J Bone Miner Res 31: 650-656, 2016 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的发作自然史:全面的全球评估
  1. Pignolo RJ, Durbin-Johnson BP, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Joint -specific risk of impaired function in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 124-133, 2018 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)中特定关节功能受损的风险
  1. Rehabilitation Issues in FOP
    1. As degenerative joint disease advances and heterotopic bone accumulates in FOP, range of motion is progressively lost, leading to near complete immobility (Pignolo et al., 2016; Kaplan et al., 2017; Kaplan et al., 2018; Pignolo et al., 2018). Until this process can be halted or reversed, the focus of rehabilitation approaches should be on preserving and promoting independence and enabling activity and participation in daily living. Occupational therapy and vocational education consultations may be extremely useful. Although protected active range of motion such as warm water hydrotherapy is encouraged, passive range of motion (motion performed by someone other than the patient in other words, a movement of a joint carried out by an operator without aid of the patient's muscles) must be avoided, as it risks exacerbation of FOP with further loss of function and pain. Despite widespread HO and progressive disability, most individuals with FOP lead productive and fulfilling lives (Levy et al., 1999; Levy et al., 2005).
      Many of the limitations exacerbated by disease progression can be ameliorated with thoughtful rehabilitation.
      Occupational Therapy Interventions: Dressing may be enabled with pullover shirts and blouses, elastic waistbands, Velcro closures, sock donners (devices where the sock is placed over a cuff attached to a cord), elastic shoelaces, and long handled shoehorns and reachers. Raised toilet seats, custom-angled commodes, bedside urinals (shaped for men or women), and bidets all enable toileting. Widened doorways, tub and bath benches (which may need to be customized to fit the individual) and grab bars increase bathroom safety and accessibility. Long-handled sponges, combs, or modified reachers, electric toothbrushes, water pics, and suction devices help insure cleanliness and personal hygiene.
      Strategically placed stools and elevated platforms, long-handled eating utensils and straws, help at the dinner table. Meal preparation may be facilitated by electrical can and jar openers, cutting boards with spikes to hold food while it is prepared or cut, and rotating shelves (Lazy Susans). For individuals with limited ability to masticate, food may be ground-up or pureed.
      Depending on the stage of disease progression, canes, walkers, crutches, and/or custom shoes may be essential aids to ambulation. The assistance of thoughtful orthotists to fabricate adaptive shoes and inserts should be considered. For more severe limitations, power wheelchairs may be necessary. Considerations for power wheelchairs include customized seating, power seat elevation and depression, anterior and posterior tilt and recline functions. Lap trays with mounts for laptop computers allow participation in work and school.
      Vocational and Educational Issues: Because even minor trauma can trigger disabling HO, it is sensible to encourage intellectual pursuits and computer skills as alternatives to physical activity. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004) is a law in the United States that mandates equity, accountability and excellence in education for children with disabilities. This requires public school systems to provide each disabled child with an individualized educational plan, and an education in the least restrictive environment. Children are entitled to occupational, physical and speech therapy as well as classroom aides, if indicated. Each state is required to offer some sort of vocational rehabilitation to help people with disabilities enter or remain in the work force.
      Transportation and Home Modification: Vans can be customized to accept an FOP power chair. Ramps and lifts can be installed, roofs can be raised, floors can be lowered, new controls and motors can be installed to allow the van to “kneel”, lowering ground clearance to ease ascent into a van.
      Home modifications include elimination or minimization of indoor steps, installation of grab bars as well as exterior and interior ramps, widened hallways, accessible bathrooms and kitchens.
      Environmental control units (which may be integrated as smart phone applications) operate appliances, doors, and televisions remotely. To facilitate sleep, there are tilt table beds that rotate from vertical to horizontal, specialized mattresses and overlays to redistribute pressure to provide comfort and protect skin integrity.
      Sexuality and reproduction: Physical acts of sexual intimacy require tact and thoughtfulness. Pillows and bolsters may be necessary to support unusual and inflexible postures. Genetic counseling and discussion of contraception are warranted for the sexually active or those who are considering such activity, especially if they or a partner are in a clinical trial and/or on an investigational agent.
      Recreational therapy: Recreational therapy may be helpful in making meaningful use of leisure time. Psychologists, social workers and other mental health counselors can help affected individuals and family members with adjustment to the limitations and inconveniences imposed by FOP. Creative arts therapies (art therapy, music therapy, dance/movement therapy, drama therapy, poetry therapy) use arts-based methods and creative processes for the purpose of ameliorating disability and illness and optimizing health and wellness.
      Many of these rehabilitation treatment approaches can be delivered, at least in part, directly to the home via telehealth.
      Aquatic therapy (warm water hydrotherapy) allows individuals to perform active range of motion, cardiopulmonary, and resistive exercise in a safe, low impact environment. Warm water can facilitate pain relief. Modified lifts, elevators or ramps may be necessary for pool entry and exit.
      Iontophoresis involves the introduction of topically applied physiologically active ions (acetic acid, steroids) through the epidermis using continuous direct current. Anecdotal reports suggest that acetic acid iontophoresis may help restore some lost temporomandibular joint range of motion in FOP.
      For questions on rehabilitation for FOP patients, please contact:
      Charles Levy, MD
      Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy Research Scholar, Center for Arts in Medicine University of Florida 426 SW 43 rd Terrace Gainesville, Florida 32607, USA Email: [email protected]
      Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. A cumulative analogue joint involvement scale for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 123-128, 2018
      Kaplan FS, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ. Longitudinal patient-reported mobility assessment in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 150-161, 2018
      Levy CE, Berner TF, Bendixen R. Rehabilitation for individuals with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3: 251-256, 2005
      Levy CE, Berner TF, Sandhu PS, McCarty B, Denniston MA. Mobility challenges and solutions for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Arch Phys Med Rehab 80: 1349-1353, 1999
      Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Liljesthröm M, Durbin-Johnson BP, Shore EM, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. The natural history of flare-ups in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a comprehensive global assessment. J Bone Miner Res 31: 650-656, 2016
      Pignolo RJ, Durbin-Johnson BP, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Joint -specific risk of impaired function in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Bone 109: 124-133, 2018

33. 辅助工具、助行器具和适应措施(AADAs)

根据医疗支持人员和FOP社区成员对国际FOP协会(IFOPA)的咨询和询问,以下被认为是一些最常使用的AADAs。有关AADAs咨询和个性化支持,请访问 www.ifopa.org/ability_toolbox_program
  • 保护头盔(头盔、减冲头带),以保护在摔倒时的头部和面部
  • 步态训练器,帮助学习走路时保持平衡
  • 提供额外缓冲和支持的适应性婴儿推车,方便社区出行
  • 安全的地面游戏用地垫和护角
  • 水槽龙头延长器,缩短洗手时的伸手距离
  • “鼻子杯”——边缘有一部分去除的杯子,使得喝水时不需要头部伸展
  • 可弯曲的泡沫管握把,以改善餐具、牙刷和/或铅笔的握持角度和抓握能力
  • 穿衣棒和长柄鞋拔,帮助穿衣
  • 具有额外拉链、魔术贴或磁性闭合的适应性服装
  • 可以旋转的适应性桌椅,允许尽管颈部活动受限仍能获得全面视野
  • 可调高度的适应性桌子,以适应适应性座椅或轮椅
  • 台面倾斜板,以支持更轻松的观看和书写角度
  • 键盘打字辅助工具
  • “叫我”棒或视觉辅助工具,代替孩子在课堂上举手
  • 豆袋椅,提供在地面上更舒适的坐姿
  • 个性化教育计划,以允许学校内所需的适应(灵活座位、延长测试时间、在上课间过渡时提前释放以避免拥挤走廊和跌倒风险、体育课期间的替代活动、专业人员协助)
  • 适应性自行车和休闲装备
  • 上厕所擦拭辅助工具
  • 洗发工具
  • 紧急ID手链,以通知急救人员、学校员工和/或雇主有关FOP诊断和禁忌症
  • 加长的餐具和适应性餐具(高边盘子以便于舀取、带尖刺的盘子在切割时保持食物固定)
  • 洗澡和卫生工具,适应性梳子/刷子、适应性剃须刀、适应性化妆工具
  • 适应性马桶(坐浴盆马桶、马桶升高器、支持用的扶手或侧杆、便携式马桶和尿壶)
  • 淋浴椅和零级入水(“无障碍”)淋浴
  • 拐杖、Lofstrand拐杖或滚动助行器,帮助步行时保持平衡
  • 电动滑板车,帮助长距离移动
  • 为无法行走者定制的电动轮椅及轮椅配件(如托盘、手机和平板电脑支架、杯架、根据上肢位置定制的操控杆)
  • 防止压疮的坐垫和座位解决方案
  • 轮椅通道坡道,包括永久和便携式,使轮椅用户能够进入家庭环境和公共空间
  • 可接入的面包车,专为运输轮椅用户设计
除了通过互联网搜索、适应性设备目录和相关健康专业人士的推荐来寻找AADAs之外,IFOPA网站上还提供了一系列可用的在线AADAs资源,网址为 https://guidebook.ifopa.org/。在线指南中的AADAs可以下载并打印,供无法访问网络的人使用,并且整个资源具有使用谷歌翻译的翻译功能。该资源是一个不断变化的AADAs库,反映了FOP社区中工具使用的当前趋势,并在发现新工具并提交给IFOPA时进行更新。
  1. Pignolo RJ, Cheung K, Kile S, Fitzpatrick MA, DeCunto C, Al Mukaddam M, Hsiao EC, Baujat G, Delai P, Eekhoff EMW, Di Rocco M, Grunwald Z, Haga N, Keen R, Levi B, Morhart R, Scott C, Sherman A, Zhang K, Kaplan FS. Self-reported baseline phenotypes from the International Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) Association Global Registry. Bone 2020;134:115274 国际进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)协会全球注册的自我报告基线表型
  1. Aids, Assistive Devices, and Adaptations (AADAs)
    1. Effects on global health by use of AADAs
      Aids, assistive devices and adaptations (AADAs) are frequently used by individuals with FOP. In a study on 299 FOP patients from 54 countries, based on data from the International FOP Association (IFOPA) Global Registry, there was an increase in the use of AADAs by age groups, but no difference on the basis of gender for all participants (Pignolo et al., 2020). The median number of AADAs was 2.0 for the 0–<9 years age group, 7.5 for the 9–15 years age group, and 13.0 for the>15 years age group. The most commonly used AADAs, each by >40% of all participants, were bathing attendants, straws for drinking, reaching sticks, and memory foam bed mattresses. The use of some AADAs were associated with improvement in global health scores, including customized motorized wheelchairs, drinking draws, portable urinals, pill crushers, roll-in showers, portable commodes, airflow mattresses, ramps for home entry, automatic lights, customized counters, durable flooring, remote control entry, adaptive keyboards, adaptive chairs, special electronics, adapted vehicles for motorized wheelchairs, wide doorways for wheelchair access, voice activated computer software, typing sticks, and onscreen keyboards not normally part of devices.
      Anticipatory guidance for AADAs
      It is difficult to predict when a given individual with FOP will first experience impairment in activities of daily living that can be mitigated by AADAs. However, based on use by at least 10% of IFOPA Global Registry participants, it is possible to give anticipatory guidance on the type of ADAAs that are likely to be required over the natural course of the disease (Table). Evaluation of AADA use among age groups provides several high-level recommendations: (1) Several AADAs are valuable across all age groups, including bathing attendants, part-time home personal care attendants, straws for drinking, reaching sticks, customized clothing, memory foam bed mattresses and pillows, floor level thresholds on all door-ways, and customized furniture; (2) Among personal care tools and aids, dressing sticks and hearing aids become very helpful or required, respectively, beginning at 9 years of age; (3) Many bathroom aids and devices are frequently employed by age 9; (4) Home adaptations are generally required after the age of 15; (5) Occupational therapy and devices used to preserve pulmonary function are useful over the entire life span.
      notion image
      notion image
      Practical experience suggests that patients and families seek AADAs when a physical limitation demands remediation and support rather than in anticipation of such limitation. This reactionary behavior causes excessive stress in a time when the patient is already experiencing extreme challenges of overcoming new limitations from the progression of the disease. This is often the result of social support systems that, although well intentioned, enable dependent behaviors rather than empower independent activities through the early utilization of AADAs. An approach to reduce enabling behaviors and encourage patient independence through AADA use is to introduce the tool or adaptation prior to its need, in a setting where it is visible and promoted by the entire family. For example, providing a child (who has not yet lost mobility) with a reaching device and taking turns with them picking out socks from the laundry basket. In this way there is a greater chance for acceptance and use of the tool or adaptation because time is given for the emotional and physical adjustment period before the need is actually realized. The window of opportunity for introduction of an AADA must be considered in light of the usual sequence of events—from prelimitation, to limitation, initial AADA resistance, and slow acceptance. This anticipatory planning has the potential to provide patients with increased opportunities for success using AADAs leading to improved coping skills, greater resiliency, increased emotional intelligence and overall social-emotional well-being as the disease progresses.
      Most commonly recommended AADAs
      The following have been identified as some of the most commonly used AADAs based on consultations and inquiries made by medical support staff and FOP community members, respectively, to the IFOPA. For AADA consultations and personalized support go to www.ifopa.org/ability_toolbox_program.
      Most common Early Childhood AADAs:
      • Protective headgear (helmets, impact-reducing headbands) to protect the head and face during falls
      • Gait trainers to assist with balance when learning to walk
      • Adaptive strollers that provide extra cushion and support for community transportation
      • Floor padding and bumpers for safe floor play
      • Sink faucet extenders to shorten the reaching distance when washing hands
      • “Nosey” cups – cups with a section of rim removed to make space for the nose so that head extension is not necessary for drinking
      • Bendable foam tubing grips to improve grasp and holding angle of flatware, toothbrushes, and/or pencils
      Most common School-Aged and Young Adult AADAs:
      • Dressing sticks and long-reach shoehorns to assist with dressing
      • Adaptive clothing with additional zippers, Velcro, or magnetic closures
      • Adaptive desk chairs that swivel to allow full visual field despite reduced neck mobility
      • Adaptive desk with adjustable height to accommodate adaptive seating or wheelchairs
      • Table-top slant boards to support easier viewing and writing angles on assignments/documents
      • Keyboard typing aids
      • “Pick Me” stick or visual aid to extend in lieu of child raising hand to be called upon in class
      • Bean bag chairs for more comfortable seating when on the floor
      • Individualized Educational Plans to allow for necessary accommodations in school (flexible seating, longer test durations, early release when transitioning between classes to avoid crowded hallways and risk of falls, alternate activities during Physical Education classes, para-professional assistance)
      • Adaptive bicycles and recreational gear
      • Toilet wiping aids
      • Hair washing tools
      • Emergency ID bracelets to inform First Responders, school staff, and/or employers of FOP dx and contraindications
      Most common Adult AADAs:
      • Extended eating utensils and adaptive dishware (high-sided plates for easier scooping, plates with spikes to hold food in place while cutting)
      • Bathing and hygiene tools, adaptive combs/brushes, adaptive shavers, adapted cosmetic make-up applicators
      • Adapted toilets (Bidet toilet seats, toilet risers, grab bars or side rails for support, portable commodes and urinals)
      • Shower chairs and zero-entry (“roll-in”) showers
      • Canes, Lofstrand crutches or rolling walkers to assist with balance when walking
      • Motorized scooters to assist with mobility for extended distances
      • Custom motorized wheelchairs for non-ambulators and wheelchair accessories (i.e. trays, mounts for cell phones and tablets, cup holders, custom-placed joystick controls based on upper extremity positioning)
      • Cushions and seating solutions to prevent pressure sores
      • Wheelchair access ramps, both permanent and portable, allowing access into home environments and public spaces
      • Accessible vans for transporting wheelchair users
      Individuals with FOP tend to use AADAs available in the marketplace as well as homemade tools they have personally crafted for their individual needs. Knowledge and accessibility of AADAs vary greatly across the globe; therefore, encouraging patients to use creativity and a problem-solving mindset to generate solutions to their mobility challenges is vital to their success with independence. Everyday items such as coat hangers, duct tape, dowel rods or sticks, and pipe or tubing can be used to construct a tool that helps a patient reach, scratch, push and pull in order to complete a task, demonstrating that expensive AADAs found in the marketplace can be simulated and are often not necessary. While referring patients to the IFOPA for support with AADAs is encouraged, it is also recommended to seek input from the national FOP organizations for country-specific resources as availability of AADAs, cost, healthcare assistance, and importing restrictions vary greatly by geographic location.
      Description of online resources for AADAs
      In addition to finding AADAs through internet searches, adaptive equipment catalogs and recommendations from allied health professionals, there is a collection of online resources for AADAs available on the IFOPA website at https://guidebook.ifopa.org/. The AADAs in the Online Guidebook can be downloaded and printed for those without web access, and the entire resource has a translation feature using Google Translate. This resource is an ever-changing library of AADAs reflecting the current trends of tool use in the FOP community throughout the world and is updated as new tools are discovered and submitted to the IFOPA.
      For individualized support beyond AADAs listed in the Online Guidebook, medical professionals are encouraged to refer patients to:
      Medical professionals may also request a sample demonstration kit of commonly used AADAs for their office to share with families during office visits.
      Pignolo RJ, Cheung K, Kile S, Fitzpatrick MA, DeCunto C, Al Mukaddam M, Hsiao EC, Baujat G, Delai P, Eekhoff EMW, Di Rocco M, Grunwald Z, Haga N, Keen R, Levi B, Morhart R, Scott C, Sherman A, Zhang K, Kaplan FS. Self-reported baseline phenotypes from the International Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) Association Global Registry. Bone 2020;134:115274

34. FOP群体中的女性健康

我们建议对所有出现原发性和继发性闭经的女性进行评估,并考虑使用雌激素(+/- 孕激素)进行激素替代治疗以促进骨骼健康。口服或经皮贴片在FOP女性中安全用于激素替代。应避免使用宫内避孕器(IUD)。肌肉注射或植入避孕药物是绝对禁忌。
  1. Ho M, Park BY, Rosenblum NG, Al Mukaddam M, Kaplan FS, Kucherov V, Hubosky SG, Kane G, Desai V, Kramer MR, Ku BS, Schwenk ES, Baratta JL, Harshavardhana D, Grunwald Z. Surgical and Radiological Management of Complicated Uterine Leiomyoma Aided by 3D Models in a Patient with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Am J Case Rep 2021 Jun 10;22:e931614. 复杂子宫平滑肌瘤的外科和放射学管理,借助3D模型在进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者中的应用
  1. Cramer SF, Patel A. The frequency of uterine leiomyomas. Am J Clin Pathol 94: 435-438, 1990 子宫平滑肌瘤的发生频率
  1. Yu O, Scholes D, Schulze-Rath R, Grafton J, Hansen K, Reed SD. A US population-based study of uterine fibroid diagnosis incidence, trends, and prevalence: 2005 through 2014. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018 Dec;219(6):591.e1-591.e8. 美国基于人群的子宫肌瘤诊断发生率、趋势和流行率研究:2005年至2014年
  1. Women’s Health in FOP
    1. We have observed that women with FOP can have various menstrual abnormalities ranging from primary amenorrhea (i.e., lack of initiation of menstrual cycle after the age of 15 years), secondary amenorrhea (i.e., absent menstrual for 3-6 months after the onset of menarche), irregular menstrual cycles and uterine fibroids leading to heavy menstrual cycles.
      We recommend evaluation for all women with primary and secondary amenorrhea and consider hormonal replacement therapy with estrogen (+/- progesterone) for bone health. Oral or transdermal patches have been used safely in women with FOP for hormonal replacement. Intra-uterine devices (IUDs) should be avoided. Intramuscular injections or implanted contraceptives are absolutely contraindicated.
      For women with heavy menstrual cycles and concern for hygiene, oral contraceptive can be used to decrease or stop the menstrual cycle. Hormonal replacement can be associated with increased risk of blood clots; risks and benefits of starting oral contraception needs to be discussed with their local providers. No data exist to suggest that oral contraceptive/hormone replacement increase the risk of flare-ups.
      Many adult women with FOP have reported a history of uterine fibroids (leiomyoma); the exact prevalence in FOP is yet to be fully determined. Based on the IFOPA registry from September 2023, 9/19 (47%) of the female respondents (age range 19-56 years) reported history of uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids are the most common benign pelvic tumor in females. Reported prevalence is extremely variable depending on the age and race of the cohort as well as methods for identifying uterine fibroid (symptoms, ultrasound, or pathology). A retrospective study reviewing charts of 277,821 women age range 18–65 years followed at Kaiser Permanente noted an overall prevalence of nearly 10% (Yu et al., 2018). In a surgical study, the prevalence of uterine fibroid was noted in 77% of surgically removed uteri (Cramer and Patel, 1990). Management of uterine fibroid will depend on the symptoms. Hormonal medications (oral contraception, GnRH agonist) can be used to decrease bleeding. NSAIDs (example Ibuprofen) can be used to decrease pain and menstrual bleeding. Tranexamic acid can decrease bleeding.
      Invasive and surgical procedures should be avoided in patients who have FOP, if possible. If medically necessary, hysterectomies can be performed under the guidance of a multi-disciplinary team (Ho et al., 2021).
      Oral contraceptives are not contraindicated in FOP. However, some patients have reported changes in their flare activity when on cyclic oral contraceptives. Formats such as progestin-only pills or versions with fewer endometrial shedding cycles (such as Seasonale Contraceptive Oral, with 4 periods/year) may be useful to consider.
      Ho M, Park BY, Rosenblum NG, Al Mukaddam M, Kaplan FS, Kucherov V, Hubosky SG, Kane G, Desai V, Kramer MR, Ku BS, Schwenk ES, Baratta JL, Harshavardhana D, Grunwald Z. Surgical and Radiological Management of Complicated Uterine Leiomyoma Aided by 3D Models in a Patient with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Am J Case Rep 2021 Jun 10;22:e931614.
      Cramer SF, Patel A. The frequency of uterine leiomyomas. Am J Clin Pathol 94: 435-438, 1990
      Yu O, Scholes D, Schulze-Rath R, Grafton J, Hansen K, Reed SD. A US population-based study of uterine fibroid diagnosis incidence, trends, and prevalence: 2005 through 2014. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018 Dec;219(6):591.e1-591.e8.

35. FOP的怀孕问题

  1. Davidson BN, Bowerman RA, La Ferla JJ. Myositis ossificans progressiva and pregnancy. A therapeutic dilemma. J Reprod Med 30: 945-947, 1985 进行性骨化性肌炎与怀孕。治疗困境
  1. Du J, Huang LL, Tan YQ, Cheng DH, Li SF, Li LY, Lu GX. Mutation analysis and prenatal exclusion of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in a Chinese fetus. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers 2010 Jan 10 中国胎儿的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的突变分析与产前排除
  1. Forrest AD, Vuncannon DM, Ellis JE, Grunwald Z, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva and Pregnancy: A Case Series and Review of the Literature. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol 2022 Sep 16;2022:9857766 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良与怀孕:案例系列及文献综述
  1. Fox S, Khoury A, Mootabar H, Greenwald EF. Myositis ossificans progressiva and pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 69 (Pt 2): 453-455, 1987 进行性骨化性肌炎与怀孕
  1. Kilmartin E, Grunwald Z, Kaplan FS, Nussbaum BL. General anesthesia for dental procedures in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a review of 42 cases in 30 patients. Anesth Analg 118: 298-301, 2014 患有进行性骨化性纤维发育不良患者的牙科手术全身麻醉:30例患者中的42个案例回顾
  1. Muglu JA, Garg A, Pandiarajan T, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Uchil D, Dickson MJ. Pregnancy in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Obstet Med 5: 35-38, 2012 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良的怀孕
  1. Thornton YS, Birnbaum SJ, Lebowitz, N. A viable pregnancy in a patient with myositis ossificans progressiva. Am J Obstet Gynecol 156: 577-578, 1987 患有进行性骨化性肌炎的患者的可行怀孕
  1. Pregnancy Issues in FOP
    1. The decision to have a child is one of the most important and serious life decisions an individual or couple can make. Because FOP is an inherited disease, anyone (man or woman) with FOP will have similar concerns about passing the FOP mutation to his/her child. If a parent has FOP, the chance that the child will have FOP is fifty percent. Women, specifically, have additional matters to consider. In addition to the usual risks that any woman might encounter during pregnancy, a woman with FOP has additional concerns that must be carefully considered (Davidson et al., 1985; Fox et al., 1987; Thornton et al., 1987; Muglu et al., 2012; Forrest et al., 2022).
      Pregnancy is a rare event in FOP; however, it is possible for a woman with FOP to carry a child (Muglu et al., 2012). However, pregnancy and childbirth have substantial life-threatening risks to both the mother and child and present unique management challenges. If pregnancy is contemplated by a woman with FOP, pre-pregnancy counseling is mandatory.
      FOP results in breathing difficulties during the latter part of pregnancy because of restrictive chest wall disease due to developmental anomalies in the costovertebral joints and progressive HO in the chest muscles and abdominal wall. Careful monitoring including respiratory function tests may be required during the antepartum and intrapartum course to establish any requirement for respiratory support.
      A pregnancy, even with an unaffected fetus, poses substantial risks to a mother with FOP. Although data are scant, one of the initial risks of pregnancy associated with FOP is a risk of miscarriage or substantial risk of premature birth following spontaneous preterm labor and may be secondary to fetal distress encountered during the later stages of pregnancy. Steroid administration for fetal lung maturity is imperative if delivery is anticipated before 36 weeks of gestation (Muglu et al., 2012).
      Another substantial risk is thromboembolism, which is exacerbated by severe immobility of FOP in addition to the hyper-coagulable state of pregnancy. The added constraint of lower limb edema that invariably occurs in the last trimester of pregnancy further increases the risk of this life-threatening complication and warrants consideration of the use of prophylactic low-molecular-weight heparin throughout the duration of pregnancy (Muglu et al., 2012).
      In addition to substantial risk to a mother with FOP, pregnancy also poses substantially increased risks to the unborn child including the risk of FOP (50%), prematurity, fetal distress and the risk of complications from requisite general anesthesia. One of the specific risks to the mother associated with FOP is a flare-up during pregnancy. The chronic use of high-dose glucocorticoids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications has potential embryonic and fetal toxicity, and their use should be avoided, when possible.
      The management of miscarriage, delivery and antenatal care poses substantial difficulties because of the specific risks associated with FOP. Vaginal delivery is perilous in a woman with FOP due to severe pelvic deformity as well as fusion of the lumbar spine, hip joints and sacroiliac joints. Delivery by caesarean section is the only relatively safe mode of delivery after the age of viability is achieved (Muglu et al., 2012). Uterine bleeding needing transfusion and/or hysterectomy after caesarean have been reported (Forrest et al, 2022).
      In addition to the physical problems associated with delivery, the choice of anesthesia becomes a challenge due to technical difficulties with both regional and general anesthesia. Regional anesthesia is technically difficult due to pre-existing heterotopic bone and the danger of precipitating new episodes of HO following an epidural block. Similar problems, including ossification in tracheal rings and the danger of overstretching the jaw, may cause difficult intubation during general anesthesia. Also, it is impossible to extend the neck in young adults with FOP due to orthotopic ankylosis of the cervical paravertebral joints that ossify in childhood, even before the appearance of HO. The use of awake fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation was found to be the only safe option. At delivery, there should be a team skilled in resuscitation of high-risk infants (Muglu et al., 2012; Kilmartin et al., 2014).
      Many reports describe exacerbation of FOP following surgical procedures. However, in other cases (five surgical operations including two hysterectomies), no HO formed in the abdominal wall. The use of prednisone or intravenous equivalent at the time of elective surgery and three days following surgery is recommended if there are no other contraindications. The rational use of corticosteroids early in the course of an FOP flare-up is based primarily on its potent anti-inflammatory effects and on emerging knowledge of the importance of inflammatory triggers in FOP flare-ups (Muglu et al., 2012).
      In a retrospective case series, Forrest and colleagues describe three women who delivered preterm infants at one institution during a 10-year time span (Forrest et al., 2022). These cases posed unique anesthetic and obstetric technical challenges, particularly when securing the airway and performing cesarean delivery. Importantly, each patient received perioperative glucocorticoids for prevention of further heterotopic ossification and required multidisciplinary management for optimal outcomes.
      Although in vitro fertilization, pre-implantation genetic testing, embryo selection and surrogate motherhood are theoretically possible now after the gene discovery, that sequence has not been reported for FOP. Prenatal genetic diagnosis could potentially be used to exclude FOP (Du et al., 2010).
      In summary, although pregnancy in women with FOP is possible, FOP poses major life-threatening risks to mother and child as well as life altering consequences to the entire family if a child is born with this condition. In addition, pregnancy is absolutely contraindicated during participation in a clinical trial. Pregnancy in FOP should never be undertaken without serious consideration and family planning. Unwanted pregnancies should be assiduously avoided. Independent genetic counseling is available, if desired. Should a pregnancy occur, guidance and care at a high-risk pregnancy center are imperative.
      Davidson BN, Bowerman RA, La Ferla JJ. Myositis ossificans progressiva and pregnancy. A therapeutic dilemma. J Reprod Med 30: 945-947, 1985
      Du J, Huang LL, Tan YQ, Cheng DH, Li SF, Li LY, Lu GX. Mutation analysis and prenatal exclusion of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in a Chinese fetus. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers 2010 Jan 10
      Forrest AD, Vuncannon DM, Ellis JE, Grunwald Z, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva and Pregnancy: A Case Series and Review of the Literature. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol 2022 Sep 16;2022:9857766
      Fox S, Khoury A, Mootabar H, Greenwald EF. Myositis ossificans progressiva and pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 69 (Pt 2): 453-455, 1987
      Kilmartin E, Grunwald Z, Kaplan FS, Nussbaum BL. General anesthesia for dental procedures in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a review of 42 cases in 30 patients. Anesth Analg 118: 298-301, 2014
      Muglu JA, Garg A, Pandiarajan T, Shore EM, Kaplan FS, Uchil D, Dickson MJ. Pregnancy in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Obstet Med 5: 35-38, 2012
      Thornton YS, Birnbaum SJ, Lebowitz, N. A viable pregnancy in a patient with myositis ossificans progressiva. Am J Obstet Gynecol 156: 577-578, 1987

36. 变异型FOP

[摘自“FOP变异:它们是什么、谁拥有它们以及它们对您意味着什么?由Frederick S. Kaplan医学博士和Eileen M. Shore博士撰写”]
在发现FOP基因后,我们检查了所有患者的FOP基因DNA序列。值得注意的是,几乎所有被诊断为“经典FOP”的患者——无论其疾病严重程度如何——都具有相同的杂合子错义激活FOP突变:[ACVR1c.617G>A; p.R206H]。
换句话说,临床诊断为“经典FOP”的患者在FOP基因中具有相同的“经典突变”[ACVR1c.617G>A; p.R206H],而所有被临床诊断为“FOP变异”的患者则在FOP基因中具有“变异突变”。
许多人会问:“轻微变异的异位骨化是否更轻微,严重变异的异位骨化是否更严重?”答案是:“有时,但不一定。”一些轻微脚趾变异的患者有较晚的发作和较温和的异位骨化过程,而一些严重脚趾变异的患者则有较早的发作和较严重的异位骨化过程。但变异性很大——正如在“经典FOP”患者中异位骨化的发作和严重程度一样,即使是在经典FOP的同卵双胞胎中。 “FOP变异”的最重要临床特征是大脚趾的畸形——要么远不如“经典FOP”患者严重,要么远比“经典FOP”患者严重。
尽管临床评估在确定“经典FOP”与“FOP变异”的临床状态中极为重要,但在分子层面上确定FOP的确切类型的唯一方法是通过基因检测和FOP基因的DNA序列分析。明确而言,是否为“经典FOP”或“FOP变异”的绝对决定性因素是ACVR1(FOP)基因的确切基因序列。如果某人具有常见的ACVR1c.617G>A; p.R206H突变,则他们就是“经典FOP”。如果他们在ACVR1基因中有变异的遗传突变,则他们是“FOP变异”。目前已发现约20种FOP基因的变异。
第一,我们对FOP变异的了解较少,因此不确定性也更大;但我们和其他科学家正开始了解ACVR1变异突变如何影响细胞功能,以及它们与经典ACVR1突变的异同(Haupt et al., 2018; Mucha et al., 2018; Allen et al., 2020)。ACVR1基因中突变的确切位置和特征(ACVR1蛋白的蓝图;经典与变异)为我们合作的结构生物学家提供了信息,以更好地理解FOP中ACVR1的受损功能。这一洞察对于开发结构模型和针对导致所有形式FOP的致残性异位骨化的损伤和过度活跃的开关的失活方法至关重要。
  1. Allen, RS, Tajer B, Shore EM, and Mullins MC. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva mutant ACVR1 signals by multiple modalities in the developing zebrafish. eLife 9:e53761, 2020 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良突变ACVR1在发育中的斑马鱼中通过多种方式信号传递
  1. Haupt J, Xu M, Shore EM. Variable signaling activity by FOP ACVR1mutations. Bone 109: 232-240, 2018 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良ACVR1突变的可变信号活性
  1. Huning I & Gillessen-Kaesbach. Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: Clinical Course, Genetic Mutations and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations. Molec Syndromology 5: 201-211, 2014 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良:临床过程、遗传突变与基因型-表型相关性
  1. Kaplan FS, Groppe JC, Xu M, Towler OW, Grunvald E, Kalunian K, Kallish S, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. An ACVR1 R375P pathogenic variant in two families with mild fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Am J Med Genet A 188: 806-817, 2022 两个轻微进行性骨化性纤维发育不良家族中的ACVR1 R375P致病变异
  1. Kaplan FS, Kobori JA, Orellana C, Calvo I, Rosello M, Martinez F, Lopez B, Xu M, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Groppe JC. Multi-system involvement in a severe variant of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (ACVR1c.772G>A; R258G): a report of two patients. Am J Med Genetic A 167: 2265-2271, 2015 一种严重变异的进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(ACVR1c.772G>A; R258G)涉及多个系统:两例患者的报告
  1. Kaplan FS, Xu M, Seemann P, Connor M, Glaser DL, Carroll L, Delai, P, Fastnact-Urban E, Forman SJ, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Hoover-Fong J, Köster B, Morhart R, Pauli RM, Reardon W, Zaidi SA, Zasloff M, Mundlos S, Groppe J, Shore EM. Classical and atypical FOP phenotypes are caused by mutations in the BMP type I receptor ACVR1. Human Mutation 30: 379-390, 2009 经典和非典型进行性骨化性纤维发育不良表型由BMP I型受体ACVR1中的突变引起
  1. Mucha BE, Hashiguchi M, Zinski J, Shore EM, Mullins MC. Variant BMP receptor mutations causing fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) in humans show BMP ligand-independent receptor activation in zebrafish. Bone 109: 225-231, 2018 导致人类进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)的变异BMP受体突变在斑马鱼中表现出BMP配体无关的受体激活
  1. FOP Variants
    1. [Adapted from “FOP Variants: What Are They, Who Has Them & What Do They Mean for You? By Frederick S. Kaplan, M.D. and Eileen M. Shore, Ph.D.”]
      When we started seeing FOP patients, nearly 35 years ago, it quickly became obvious that everyone shared two features: malformed big toes and progressive HO. These were clearly two characteristic clinical features, and they defined classic FOP.
      As we saw more patients, we recognized variability in the toe malformation that individuals had, as well as differences in the rate of progression of HO. For example, some had short, bent big toes; others had short, straight big toes; others still had long big toes, and some were of normal length. But everyone had a toe malformation – most commonly characterized by a missing or malformed joint in the big toe that was obvious on physical examination, radiographs or both. Likewise, we noted variability in the rate of progression of the FOP HO – some progressed very rapidly while others progressed very slowly, and still others progressed at a more even pace. Much like other traits in any population, FOP showed a natural variation that defined the limits of the norm.
      Occasionally though, we saw someone who had a feature of FOP that was WAY outside of the “normal” range – even for those with FOP. This defining feature most often involves the big toes. Among these individuals, we began to recognize two groups: One group had nearly normal or completely normal-looking big toes. The other group had extremely severe toe malformations that involved other digits in the feet and the hands. In the more “severe” group, we observed additional developmental abnormalities in other organ systems. We refer to these two groups of outliers as “FOP variants” – some mild, some severe.
      Approximately 97% of individuals that we have seen with FOP HO had “classic FOP”, and approximately 3% of individuals were “FOP variants.” About half the patients with FOP variants (1.5%) had a mild clinical variant and about half the patients (1.5%) had a severe variant. Again, these observations were based on clinical evaluation and preceded the discovery of the FOP gene.
      After we discovered the FOP gene, we examined the DNA sequence of the FOP gene in all patients who we had seen. Remarkably, nearly every single patient who was diagnosed as having “classic FOP” – regardless of where they were on the spectrum of disease severity – had the same exact heterozygous missense activating FOP mutation: [ACVR1c.617G>A; p.R206H].
      As remarkable, every single patient who we had identified clinically as an “FOP variant” had a different heterozygous missense activating mutation in the ACVR1 gene.
      In other words, those with “classic FOP” as the clinical diagnosis had the same “classic mutation” in the FOP gene [ACVR1c.617G>A; p.R206H], while everyone clinically diagnosed as an “FOP variant” had a “variant mutation” in the FOP gene.
      While many will ask, “Is the HO less severe in the less severe variants and more severe in the more severe variants?” The answer is: “Sometimes, but not necessarily.” Some of the patients with mild toe variants have a later onset and a milder course of HO and some of the patients with severe toe variants have an earlier onset and more severe course of HO. But there is wide variability – just as there is in the onset and severity of HO in the patients with “classic FOP,” even among identical twins with classic FOP. The most important defining clinical feature of the “FOP variants” is the malformation of the big toes – either far less severe or far more severe than the patients with “classic FOP”.
      Although the clinical assessment is extremely important in assigning a clinical status of “classic FOP” vs. “FOP variant”, the only way to ascertain the exact type of FOP at a molecular level is by genetic testing and DNA sequence analysis of the FOP gene. To be clear, the absolute defining factor in whether someone has “classic FOP” or an “FOP variant” is the exact genetic sequence of the ACVR1 (FOP) gene. If someone has the commonly shared ACVR1c.617G>A; p.R206H mutation, then they have “classic FOP”. If they have a variant genetic mutation in the ACVR1 gene, then they have an “FOP variant”. So far, there are approximately 20 identified variants in the FOP gene.
      The evaluation of the FOP gene (ACVR1) by DNA sequencing can be conducted in a genetics laboratory through DNA obtained from a blood sample. The analysis can be arranged by your physician.
      Genotyping is required for enrollment into all clinical studies and is important for proper clinical and genetic counseling.
      Keep in mind that FOP variants are much rarer than classic FOP. Some of the ACVR1 variants have so far been found in only one or two affected individuals in the world, so it is difficult to make predictions about the course of FOP over time. With other variants, there may be a few affected individuals in the world, so we know a little bit more about the course that FOP variant may take over time.
      So, what does this all mean for someone who has an FOP variant?
      First, we have less knowledge and therefore less certainty about the FOP variants than we do about classic FOP; but we and other scientists are beginning to learn more about how ACVR1 variant mutations affect cell functions and how they are similar to and different from the classic ACVR1 mutation (Haupt et al., 2018; Mucha et al., 2018; Allen et al., 2020). The exact location and characteristic of the mutation in the ACVR1 gene (blueprint for the ACVR1 protein; classic vs. variant) informs the structural biologists with whom we work and collaborate to better understand the damaged workings of ACVR1 in FOP. That insight is critical to developing structural models and approaches to inactivating the damaged and overactive switch that leads to disabling HO in all forms of FOP.
      Second, regardless whether someone has “classic FOP” or an “FOP variant”, all have over-activity of the bone forming BMP signaling pathway and thus the tendency to form heterotopic bone.
      Third, whether someone has “classic FOP” or an “FOP variant”, the process by which they form heterotopic bone after birth is the same.
      Fourth, the general precautions for FOP are the same for patients with classic FOP and FOP variants.
      Fifth, the symptomatic management of flare-ups is the same for patients with classic FOP and FOP variants.
      Sixth, some of the approaches to develop medications for FOP are mutation-specific while others target the broad process of HO common to both.
      Seventh, approaches to specifically block the overactive ACVR1 receptor (encoded by the FOP gene) should be applicable to FOP variants as well as classic FOP.
      Eighth, new clinical trials will likely be limited at first to patients who have classic FOP – and then later, if applicable, to those with FOP variants – based primarily on regulatory requirements.
      Ninth, every measure and pressure are being exerted to open-up applicable clinical trials to patients with FOP variants as quickly and humanly possible. This is being done right now.
      Tenth, and finally, all patients with FOP – classic and variant FOP – are part of the small but powerful worldwide FOP community. There is a common thread that unites everyone with FOP. All with FOP must stay together, speak with one voice, and learn from each other. Knowledge will lead to better treatments and a cure for all of those with FOP regardless of whether one has “classic FOP” or an “FOP variant”.
      Allen, RS, Tajer B, Shore EM, and Mullins MC. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva mutant ACVR1 signals by multiple modalities in the developing zebrafish. eLife 9:e53761, 2020
      Haupt J, Xu M, Shore EM. Variable signaling activity by FOP ACVR1mutations. Bone 109: 232-240, 2018
      Huning I & Gillessen-Kaesbach. Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: Clinical Course, Genetic Mutations and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations. Molec Syndromology 5: 201-211, 2014
      Kaplan FS, Groppe JC, Xu M, Towler OW, Grunvald E, Kalunian K, Kallish S, Al Mukaddam M, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM. An ACVR1 R375P pathogenic variant in two families with mild fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Am J Med Genet A 188: 806-817, 2022
      Kaplan FS, Kobori JA, Orellana C, Calvo I, Rosello M, Martinez F, Lopez B, Xu M, Pignolo RJ, Shore EM, Groppe JC. Multi-system involvement in a severe variant of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (ACVR1c.772G>A; R258G): a report of two patients. Am J Med Genetic A 167: 2265-2271, 2015
      Kaplan FS, Xu M, Seemann P, Connor M, Glaser DL, Carroll L, Delai, P, Fastnact-Urban E, Forman SJ, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Hoover-Fong J, Köster B, Morhart R, Pauli RM, Reardon W, Zaidi SA, Zasloff M, Mundlos S, Groppe J, Shore EM. Classical and atypical FOP phenotypes are caused by mutations in the BMP type I receptor ACVR1. Human Mutation 30: 379-390, 2009
      Mucha BE, Hashiguchi M, Zinski J, Shore EM, Mullins MC. Variant BMP receptor mutations causing fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) in humans show BMP ligand-independent receptor activation in zebrafish. Bone 109: 225-231, 2018

37. FOP对患者及其家庭的影响

  1. Al Mukaddam M, Toder KS, Davis M, Cali A, Liljesthröm M, Hollywood S, Croskery K, Grandoulier AS, Böing EA, Whalen JD, Kaplan FS. The impact of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) on patients and their family members: results from an international burden of illness survey. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res 22: 1199-1213, 2022 进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)对患者及其家庭成员的影响:来自国际疾病负担调查的结果
  1. Impact of FOP on Patients and Family
    1. A recent international burden of illness survey (NCT04665323) assessed physical, quality of life (QoL), and economic impacts of FOP on patients and family members (Al Mukaddam et al., 2022). Patient associations in 15 countries invited their members to participate; individuals with FOP and their family members were eligible. The survey was available online, in 11 languages, from 18 January-30 April 2021. Participants responded to assessments measuring joint function, QoL, healthcare service and living adaptation utilization, out-of-pocket costs, employment, and travel.
      The survey received 463 responses (patients, n = 219; family members, n = 244). For patients, decreased joint function was associated with reduced QoL and greater reliance on living adaptations. Nearly half of primary caregivers experienced a mild to moderate impact on their health/psychological wellbeing. Most primary caregivers and patients (≥18 years) reported that FOP impacted their career decisions. Data from this survey will aid understanding of the impact of FOP on patients and family members as well as identifying unmet needs, optimizing care, and improving support for the FOP community.
      Al Mukaddam M, Toder KS, Davis M, Cali A, Liljesthröm M, Hollywood S, Croskery K, Grandoulier AS, Böing EA, Whalen JD, Kaplan FS. The impact of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) on patients and their family members: results from an international burden of illness survey. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res 22: 1199-1213, 2022

38. FOP的未满足需求

在全球范围内,FOP患者也面临着诊断和专科护理获取不平等的问题,因此,注册信息、临床试验以及来自患者协会的基本支持的获取也存在差异。国际进行性骨化性纤维发育不良协会(IFOPA;www.ifopa.org)、国际FOP临床委员会(ICC;www.iccfop.org)以及各国FOP组织致力于提供信息,促进专家临床指导的获取,培育患者赋权,资助FOP研究和/或与研究界建立有意义的合作。非营利组织Tin Soldiers全球FOP患者搜索项目旨在识别并为FOP患者提供诊断和护理的途径,特别是在服务不足的社区中。
  1. Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Cali A, Davis M, Delai PLR, Gonzales K, Hixson C, Kent A, Newport H, Robert M, Scott C, Kaplan FS. Current challenges and opportunities in the care of patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP): an international, multi-stakeholder perspective. Orphanet J Rare Dis 17:168, 2022 当前进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)患者护理中的挑战与机遇:来自国际多方利益相关者的视角
  1. Unmet Needs in FOP
    1. Assiduous attention to the unmet needs of individuals with FOP is crucial to prevent potential iatrogenic harm and optimize care for individuals with FOP. Individuals with FOP often face the frustration of long diagnostic journeys, the burden of self-advocacy and the navigation of novel care pathways.
      Globally, patients with FOP are also confronted with inequities in access to diagnosis and specialist care, and consequently, unequal access to registries, clinical trials, and essential support from patient associations. Organizations such as the International Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Association (IFOPA; www.ifopa.org), the International Clinical Council on FOP (ICC; www.iccfop.org), and national FOP organizations work to provide information, facilitate access to expert clinical guidance, nurture patient empowerment, fund FOP research and/or foster meaningful collaborations with the research community. The non-profit Tin Soldiers Global FOP Patient Search program aims to identify and provide a pathway to diagnosis and care for individuals with FOP, particularly in underserved communities.
      Such global initiatives and the increasingly widespread use of telemedicine and digital platforms offer opportunities to improve vital access to care and research. Regional and international organizations play an important role in improving the quality of life of those they reach in the global FOP community. However, globally, fundamental issues remain around raising awareness of FOP among healthcare professionals, identifying individuals with FOP, reducing time to diagnosis, and ensuring access to best practice in care, support, and clinical research (Pignolo, Bedford-Gay et al., 2022).
      Pignolo RJ, Bedford-Gay C, Cali A, Davis M, Delai PLR, Gonzales K, Hixson C, Kent A, Newport H, Robert M, Scott C, Kaplan FS. Current challenges and opportunities in the care of patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP): an international, multi-stakeholder perspective. Orphanet J Rare Dis 17:168, 2022

第六章. 当前治疗考虑事项

I类药物可以考虑用于涉及主要肢体骨骼主要关节的急性发作,建议立即使用泼尼松,以2 mg/kg/天(最多100 mg)的剂量进行单次每日用药,最多四天。为了获得最佳效果,泼尼松应在发作开始后的24小时内开始使用,此时对应急性和强烈淋巴细胞浸润骨骼肌的早期阶段。如果发作已超过两天,泼尼松通常效果较差。如果发作对药物有反应,但在停用泼尼松后复发,可以考虑重复四天的疗程,并随后逐渐减量十天。通常不应将泼尼松用于胸部或躯干的发作,因为难以判断新发作的确切开始时间。长期或慢性使用皮质类固醇没有益处,可能加速异位骨化(HO),并对身体有害,不应考虑。此外,慢性或长期使用可能抑制垂体-肾上腺轴,导致长期有害影响。泼尼松的使用仅用于抑制或中止急性FOP急性发作早期的炎症事件,并可能抑制FOP发作早期阶段骨骼肌的随后的死亡。
At the present time, there are limited treatments for FOP. The disorder’s rarity, variable severity, and fluctuating clinical course pose substantial uncertainties when evaluating experimental therapies.
In evaluating each treatment, we have focused on the known mechanism of action of the drug as it relates to the proposed pathogenesis of FOP. Consideration for use of each medication was made based on current regulatory approval, or if no approval, balancing the clinical uncertainty of each agent when used to treat FOP against the compassionate need to control the disabling symptoms of the disease adequately and safely, especially during flare-ups. Each pharmacologic agent was classified into one of four categories based on Phase 3 clinical trial results and approved use, experimental or anecdotal experience with the drug, as well as knowledge of each drug’s safety profile.
Regulatory-approved: Medications that have been approved by at least one regulatory authority (e.g., U.S. Federal Drug Administration, or FDA).
Examples: Chronic and episodic use of palovarotene (SohonosTM )
Medications that have been widely used to control symptoms of acute flare-ups in FOP (swelling and pain), or chronic arthropathy - with generally minimal side effects.
Class I:
Examples: Short-term use of high-dose corticosteroids, and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and COX-2 inhibitors.
Medications that have theoretical application to various aspects of FOP, are approved for the treatment of other disorders, and have limited and well-described effects.
Class II:
Examples: Leukotriene inhibitors (Montelukast), mast cell stabilizers (Cromolyn), aminobisphosphonates (Pamidronate; Zoledronate), specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (Imatinib), Janus kinase inhibitors (Tofacitinib), or IL-1β inhibitors (Canakinumab).
Class III:
Investigational and new drugs Examples: Selective ACVR1/ALK2 signal transduction inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies targeting Activin or MMP-9.
We emphasize that this report reflects the authors’ experience and opinions on the various classes of symptom-modifying medications and is meant only as a guide to this controversial area of therapeutics. Although there are common physical features shared by every person who has FOP, there are differences among individuals that may alter the potential benefits or risks of any medication or class of medications discussed here. The decision to use or withhold a particular medication must ultimately rest with an individual patient and his or her physician.
Class I Medications can be considered for acute flare-ups involving the major joints of the major appendicular skeleton, the immediate use of prednisone at a dose of 2 mg/kg/day (up to 100 mg) can be considered as a single daily dose for a maximum of four days. For maximal beneficial effect, the prednisone should be started within 24 hours of the onset of a flare-up, which corresponds to the earliest phase of acute and intense lymphocytic infiltration into skeletal muscle. If the flare-up is more than two days old, prednisone is generally less effective. If the flare-up responds to the medication but recurs when the prednisone is discontinued, a repeat 4-day course with a subsequent 10-day taper can be considered. Prednisone should generally not be used for flare-ups on the chest or trunk, as it is difficult to judge the exact onset of a new flare-up. Prolonged or chronic use of corticosteroids is of no benefit, may accelerate heterotopic ossification (HO), is harmful systemically, and should not be considered. Furthermore, suppression of the pituitary-adrenal axis is likely to occur with chronic or long-term use and can have longterm harmful effects. The use of prednisone is meant only to suppress or abort the early inflammatory events of an acute FOP flare-up, and potentially suppress the subsequent death of skeletal muscle in the earliest stages of an FOP flare-up.
When prednisone is discontinued (or if a flare-up existing for more than 48 hours is being considered for treatment), symptomatic treatment may be considered with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. A cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor can be used instead of a traditional NSAID (Table 1). As with all nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, gastrointestinal precautions should prevail. If long-term use of the COX-2 inhibitors is considered, serum liver and kidney function tests should be monitored. COX-2 inhibitors should be used with caution in FOP patients with a history of cardiovascular disease or in older FOP patients who are severely immobilized or completely non-ambulatory.
Class II Medications can be considered with caution, at the physicians’ discretion.
Class III Medications are under development, being tested in clinical trials and are not yet available for general use.

第七章. 药物类别(表1)

Sohonos TM 美国、加拿大和澳大利亚获批 Sohonos 教育计划,任何希望开处方 Sohonos 的医疗专业人员必须完成该计划。教育计划材料可以在以下网址找到:
RAR-γ 激动剂
适用于14岁及以上的成人和儿童患者: 每日5毫克。当开始使用加量治疗时停止每日用药。14岁及以上成人和儿童的加量治疗剂量为每日20毫克,持续4周,随后为每日10毫克,持续8周(总共12周的加量治疗),即使症状提前缓解,也要遵循此方案。然后恢复每日5毫克的常规剂量。 如果在加量治疗期间,患者原有的加量部位明显恶化或在新部位出现新的加量,需重新开始12周的加量治疗,剂量为每日20毫克。对于在12周结束时尚未缓解的加量症状,可以每4周延长10毫克的每日剂量,直到加量症状缓解为止。 如果在恢复每日5毫克剂量后出现新的发作症状,可以重新开始发作剂量。 对于14岁以下的患者(女性8-13岁,男性10-13岁):剂量根据体重进行调整,包括预防性和发作剂量。 请参见处方信息:
处方信息可以在以下网址找到: 患者用药指南可以在IpsenCares网站(ipsencares.com)找到: 早期骨骺闭合:使用SOHONOS可能会发生早期骨骺闭合。在开始SOHONOS治疗之前,评估基础骨骼成熟度,并在生长中的儿童患者中监测线性生长。 建议生长中的儿童患者在开始治疗之前进行生长和骨骼成熟度的基线评估,并在达到骨骼成熟或最终成年身高之前,每6到12个月进行持续的临床和影像学监测。 粘膜皮肤不良反应:使用SOHONOS可能出现干燥皮肤、嘴唇干燥、瘙痒、皮疹、脱发、红斑、皮肤剥落和干眼症。可使用皮肤软化剂、防晒霜和人工泪液进行预防或治疗。一些患者可能需要减少剂量。 代谢性骨病:可能出现脊椎骨矿物质含量和骨密度降低。需定期通过放射学方法评估脊椎骨折。 精神疾病:使用SOHONOS可能出现抑郁、焦虑、情绪变化以及自杀念头和行为。如患者出现新的或加重的症状,请联系医疗服务提供者。 夜盲症:可能发生,驾驶时在夜间危险。 妊娠:可能对胎儿造成伤害。

泼尼松(片剂) 泼尼松龙(液体)
对于涉及主要关节的急性发作,口服(PO)每天早晨一次,剂量为每千克体重2毫克,持续4天(最大剂量为100毫克/天)。发作通常是由于过度使用和软组织损伤引起的。泼尼松(Prednisone)– 每千克体重1-2毫克(口服),每天一次,持续3-4天,以防止严重软组织损伤后的发作。可以重复使用4天,然后逐渐减量,持续最长可达2周。 - 不要在轻微的碰撞或瘀伤后使用。 - 不要用于涉及胸部或背部的发作(参见正文)。 - 在牙科或外科手术过程中按指示预防性使用泼尼松。 对于影响呼吸或吞咽的下颌区域的发作,也可以使用更长时间的治疗并逐渐减量。 泼尼松或泼尼松龙应在发作发生后的24小时内开始使用,以获得最佳效果。 (药物应与食物一起服用)。 对于频繁发作且需要长期类固醇治疗的患者,应考虑使用双磷酸盐以防止类固醇引起的骨质疏松症(参见正文)。 对于生活在地方性流行地区的患者,可能需要采取抗寄生虫预防措施。 另外,可以考虑高剂量静脉皮质类固醇(甲基泼尼松龙或泼尼松龙钠)治疗,但必须在住院期间进行,以监测高血压等潜在副作用。 静脉皮质类固醇治疗的方案如下: 每天7-15 mg/kg的甲基泼尼松龙或20-30 mg/kg的泼尼松龙钠,连续三天静脉给药。 有些人 prefer每隔一天给药,因为一些患者对这种方式的耐受性更好。例如: 第1天:20-30 mg/kg的甲基泼尼松龙静脉给药 第2天:不使用药物 第3天:20-30 mg/kg的甲基泼尼松龙静脉给药 第4天:不使用药物 第5天:20-30 mg/kg的甲基泼尼松龙静脉给药 甲基泼尼松龙或泼尼松龙钠的总日剂量不得超过1000 mg。
~ 痤疮 ~ 肾上腺抑制 ~ 髋关节无血管坏死 ~ 白内障 ~ 慢性依赖 ~ 库欣综合征 ~ 糖尿病 ~ 青光眼 ~ 生长迟缓 ~ 高血压 ~ 免疫抑制 ~ 骨质疏松 ~ 胃溃疡 ~ 皮肤淤伤 ~ 睡眠和情绪障碍 ~ 体重增加
儿童:根据需要,每6小时口服4-10毫克/千克。 成人:根据需要,每6小时口服200-800毫克。药物必须随餐服用。
~ 胃肠道出血 ~ 肾功能受损
儿童:口服每日2-4 mg/kg;或每日150-200 mg(以较少者为准);分为三次服用。 成人:口服50 mg,每日三次;或使用Indocin-SR(缓释剂型),剂量为每日75 mg,口服每日两次。 药物必须与食物一起服用。
~ 胃肠道出血 ~ 肾功能受损
儿童和成人:维持剂量为每日口服100-200 mg,具体由医生决定。 对于急性和慢性发作,剂量不得超过每平方米250 mg的最大抗血管生成剂量,或每千克6 mg(以较低者为准;四舍五入到最接近的100 mg的倍数),且每日总剂量不得超过600 mg,持续时间不超过16个月。药物应与含脂肪的小吃一起服用,以达到最佳吸收效果。
~ 胃肠道出血 ~ 肾功能受损 ~ 存在心血管和脑血管风险的顾虑 ~ 不适用于已知对磺胺类药物过敏的患者或对阿司匹林敏感的哮喘患者

儿童:(2-5岁):睡前口服4毫克;6-14岁:睡前口服5毫克 成人:睡前口服10毫克
~ 通常耐受性良好。很少发生:血管神经性水肿、头痛、流感样综合症、疲劳、腹痛;可能与行为/情绪变化、自杀念头和行为以及自杀相关。应监测患者的行为和情绪变化。
儿童:(0-2岁):每日20毫克/公斤,口服,分为四次;(2-12岁):每日100毫克,口服,分为四次。 成人:每日200毫克,口服,分为四次。
~ 一般来说,耐受性极好。很少出现:喉咙刺激、喉咙干燥、咳嗽、苦味。
儿童(2-3岁):以每公斤体重0.75毫克的剂量,通过缓慢静脉输注,持续三天; 对于3岁以上的儿童、青少年和成年人:以每公斤体重1.0毫克的剂量,持续三天。 药物应每天缓慢输注,持续4-5小时。 注意:在第一个治疗周期的第一天,患者必须接受一半的剂量。如出现发热,应给予标准的对乙酰氨基酚治疗。 3天的治疗周期每年不得超过4次。有关稀释说明,请参见文本。 在接受帕米膦酸盐治疗之前,患者应检查以下血液检测:血清钙、磷、白蛋白、碱性磷酸酶、25-羟基维生素D、BUN、肌酐、CBC。 所有患者在接受帕米膦酸盐治疗期间及治疗后应每日补充足够的膳食钙和维生素D,且持续进行。
通常耐受性良好。在肾功能不全时禁用。 ~在静脉输注帕米膦酸盐期间,常见急性期反应表现为发热、全身不适和肌肉疼痛,可能持续18-24小时。预处理使用对乙酰氨基酚可能减轻症状。 ~如出现发热或其他急性期反应症状,应给予标准的对乙酰氨基酚治疗。 ~帕米膦酸盐不应用于低钙血症患者,因为可能导致抽搐,并且在FOP患者中后续管理低钙血症可能非常困难。 所有接受帕米膦酸盐治疗的患者应每日补充钙和维生素D(不仅仅在输注日,而是每天持续至少两周)。在儿童中频繁高剂量使用氨基双膦酸盐可能导致骨质增生以及可能的低能量股骨骨折。 另请参见文本中关于下颌骨坏死的注意事项。
所有患者在接受唑来膦酸治疗期间及治疗后应每日补充足够的膳食钙和维生素D,且持续进行。 儿童和青少年:安全性和有效性尚未确定。 成年人:静脉注射5毫克,至少持续15分钟。 针对肾功能和肝功能损害、血液系统毒性和非血液系统毒性进行剂量调整。
~ 预先服用对乙酰氨基酚可以减轻症状。如出现发热或其他急性反应症状,请给予标准的对乙酰氨基酚治疗。 ~ 唑来膦酸不应用于低钙血症患者,因为可能导致手足抽搐,而在FOP患者中后续管理可能困难。 ~ 所有接受唑来膦酸治疗的患者应每日补充足够的钙和维生素D(不仅仅是在输注日,而是持续至少两周)。 ~ 在儿童中频繁高剂量使用氨基二膦酸盐可能导致骨质增生和可能的低能量股骨骨折。 另请参见文本中关于下颌骨坏死的注意事项。 ~迄今为止尚未进行随机安慰剂对照试验以证明疗效;一项病例系列表明可能对减少发作强度有益,但数据是个案报告。
阻断 c-Kit、HIF-1α、PDGFRα 和多种 MAP 激酶的非靶向效应(Kaplan 等,2018;Kaplan 等,2021)。
最常见的副作用 骨髓抑制:可能导致骨髓抑制(贫血、中性粒细胞减少和血小板减少),通常发生在治疗的头几个月内。中性粒细胞减少的中位持续时间为2到3周;血小板减少的中位持续时间为2到4周。治疗的前一个月每周监测血常规,第二个月每两周监测,之后根据临床需要进行监测。 液体潴留/水肿:伊马替尼常与液体潴留、体重增加和水肿相关(风险随着剂量增加和年龄超过65岁而增加)。 胃肠道毒性:伊马替尼具有中等的呕吐潜力;可能建议使用抗呕吐药物以防止恶心和呕吐。可能导致胃肠道刺激;建议与食物和水一起服用以减少刺激。 肝毒性:可能出现肝毒性;在治疗开始前和之后每月监测肝功能(转氨酶、胆红素和碱性磷酸酶),或根据需要进行监测。 肾毒性:伊马替尼与肾功能下降相关;可能与治疗持续时间有关。
JAK抑制剂代表了一类新的疾病修饰抗风湿药物(DMARDs),具有抗炎特性,并获得FDA批准用于治疗特发性青少年关节炎以及其他风湿病和溃疡性结肠炎。 在Nikishina等人于2023年进行的一项FOP病例系列中,5名患者中有4名(80%)的IL-1RA水平下降,而1名(20%)的水平上升,表明在FOP中,其作用机制至少部分与抑制炎症细胞因子相关。
在Nikishina等人于2023年发表的FOP病例系列中发现,5毫克每日两次(口服给药)具有益处,文献来源为《儿科风湿病学》21:1-9, 该药物也有延释制剂(XR),剂量为每日11毫克,或更高的诱导剂量为每日两次10毫克或每日一次22毫克(XR),持续8周。此外,还有1毫克/毫升的口服溶液可供使用。
FDA黑框警告:严重感染、死亡率、恶性肿瘤、重大不良心血管事件(MACE)和血栓形成 ~已报告因细菌、分枝杆菌、侵袭性真菌、病毒或其他机会性病原体引起的严重且有时致命的感染。 ~在50岁及以上、具有至少一种心血管风险因素的患者中,观察到更高的全因死亡率,包括突发性心血管死亡。 ~在临床研究中观察到恶性肿瘤,包括淋巴瘤和实体癌。 ~在接受治疗的患者中发生血栓形成,包括肺栓塞(PE)、深静脉血栓(DVT)和动脉血栓,其中一些导致死亡。 ~观察到如血管神经性水肿和荨麻疹等反应,可能反映出药物过敏反应。 ~已观察到实验室异常,包括淋巴细胞减少、 neutropenia(中性粒细胞减少)、贫血和肝酶升高。 ~应避免使用活疫苗。避免在已有胃肠道狭窄的情况下使用。 ~关于在怀孕、哺乳期的使用信息非常有限,并且对患有FOP的成人使用信息也有限。 在开始治疗前,评估高风险感染,包括结核病筛查。 在糖尿病和肝功能不全患者中使用时需谨慎,同时应注意与非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs)的联合使用。
IL-1β 抑制剂
遵循FMF的给药方案。在体重<40公斤时,起始剂量为每4周2 mg/kg,可以增加到4 mg/kg。对于体重>40公斤的患者,起始剂量为每4周150 mg。最大剂量为每4周300 mg皮下注射(这是用于FMF的最大剂量)。
增加严重感染的风险。 在开始之前,应评估高风险感染,包括结核筛查。 活疫苗是禁忌的。 关于在妊娠或哺乳期间使用的信息尚无,且在FOP成人中的使用信息有限。

ACVR1/ALK2信号转导抑制剂 (STI)
塞卡替尼 (Saracatinib)(阿斯利康;STOPFOP研究小组)
阻断 ACVR1/ALK2 信号转导
目前不适用;正在进行的 II 期临床试验。
ACVR1/ALK2信号转导抑制剂 (STI)
IPN60130(Ipsen)FALKON 试验。
阻断 ACVR1/ALK2 信号转导
目前不适用;正在进行的 II 期临床试验。
ACVR1/ALK2信号转导抑制剂 (STI)
INCB000928 (Incyte) PROGRESS 试验
阻断 ACVR1/ALK2 信号转导
目前不适用;正在进行的 II 期临床试验。
mTOR 抑制剂
mTOR 抑制剂
目前不适用;正在进行的 II 期临床试验。
针对Activin A的单克隆抗体
Activin A 抗体
通过突变的 ACVR1/ALK2 阻断 Activin A 信号传导。
目前不适用;正在进行的 III 期临床试验。
针对 MMP-9 的单克隆抗体
见:Sandborn WJ, et al. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2016; 44(2): 157-69; Gossage DL, et al. Clin Ther. 2018; 40(1): 156-65; Sanborn WJ, et al. J Crohn’s Colitis. 2018; 12(9): 1021-9
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第八章. 紧急救援人员、医生和牙医的急救指南

  1. 避免所有肌肉内注射,除非对患者生存至关重要。这可能会导致病情加重和后续骨化。
  1. 外周静脉注射是允许的。使用尽可能小的针头,并缩短止血带的时间。避免反复使用止血带或过度充气血压袖带。
  1. 除非对患者生存必要,避免中心静脉插管。
  1. 在重大创伤情况下,立即开始口服或静脉注射等效的类固醇(泼尼松):每日1-2 mg/kg,连续4天。
  1. 给所有骨突起垫上保护物,以防止压疮和皮肤破损。
  1. 颈椎常因FOP部分或完全强直。请勿进行操作。
  1. 下颌运动可能受到限制或功能性强直。即使活动,极易受到创伤。请勿被动操作。禁止过度拉伸和下颌阻滞,以免引发病情加重。
  1. 前颈部的病情加重可能影响呼吸和吞咽,应视为医疗紧急情况。这些下颌病灶加重需及早识别。立即给予高剂量类固醇(静脉注射索鲁美德龙80 mg或地塞米松15 mg)。避免因病灶操作造成额外创伤。必须进行气道监测、吸引预防、营养支持,并立即使用类固醇。
  1. 头颈部损伤常因跌倒而发生,因为肩部的强直使手臂在早期生活中变得僵硬,无法在跌倒时保护头部。
  1. 发生头部损伤时,务必固定颈部。
  1. 任何头部损伤,即使没有失去意识,均需进行头部CT扫描,以排除因未受保护的撞击导致的颅内出血。
  1. 年轻患者头部病情加重可表现为非常大的头皮肿胀,且最初可能会导致面部畸形。对于头皮病情加重应采取保守治疗,进行监测,并在必要时进行疼痛控制。头皮肿胀会随时间自愈,畸形程度极小或不存在,因为新的骨化会融入生长中的颅骨。
  1. 因头皮病情加重导致的面部肿胀在FOP患者中并不常见,但可能发生。应考虑其他面部肿胀的病因,如药物反应和海绵窦血栓。对于出现面部肿胀的FOP患者,应考虑短期使用抗组胺药物,以排除过敏反应。
  1. 对于口面部区域的肿胀或疼痛,建议进行全面的牙科检查,因为很难区分牙源性肿胀与FOP病情加重。如果牙科X光和/或牙髓测试(牙齿神经活力)未显示明显的牙源性肿胀,建议假设为FOP病情加重并开始使用泼尼松进行处理。如果无法进行牙科X光或牙髓测试,则应同时开具适当的抗生素和泼尼松,直到可以做出明确诊断。
  1. 对于“脏”或污染的伤口,使用破伤风高免疫球蛋白。除非必要,避免进行肌肉内或皮下破伤风免疫接种,因为这可能引发病情加重。
  1. FOP患者常见听力受损。说话时要大声清晰。
  1. 尽管在儿童中稳定的听力损失是FOP的常见特征,但急性听力丧失和耳痛并不常见,应像对待任何儿童一样进行评估和治疗。
  1. 牙痛是FOP患者中常见的问题,必须及时评估和治疗,但需在与FOP牙科专家充分咨询后进行。禁止过度拉伸下颌和下颌阻滞。
  1. FOP成年人中肾结石非常常见。保持良好的水分摄入。
  1. 正常及异位骨折均较常见。建议采用闭合固定、夹板和支架。除非与FOP专家充分讨论,否则不建议进行开放复位。
  1. 对于下颌强直的患者出现恶心和呕吐时,需经验性使用抗生素以预防吸入性肺炎。
  1. FOP病情加重时,四肢可能出现急性且严重的肿胀,特别是在下肢。由于强烈的炎症、血管生成和毛细血管渗漏,这种肿胀可能变得异常巨大,导致神经和组织淋巴管的血管外压迫。在排除可能的深静脉血栓后,应采用保守治疗,包括适当的疼痛控制、抬高肢体,并最终进行安全的淋巴水肿处理。尽管分腔综合征的迹象和症状可能会促使考虑紧急手术释放压力(例如,筋膜切开术),但这会加重病情加重,必须避免。如果临床怀疑分腔综合征的可能性很高,可以考虑使用甘露醇。
  1. 如果四肢肿胀引起对深静脉血栓的担忧,可能需要对静脉系统进行多普勒超声评估。
  1. 询问患者是否参与任何FOP临床试验,并与主要研究者及地区FOP专家沟通。
  1. 如果患者窒息且无法手动清除喉咙,且没有证据显示腹部有异位骨,则可进行海姆立克手法。
  1. 胸部按压可能是徒劳的。胸壁是僵硬和不动的。
  1. 插管必须由经验丰富的麻醉师通过清醒的纤维支气管镜鼻气管途径进行。
  1. 如果在前颈部有骨化的个体中需要进行紧急气管切开,可能需要使用牙钻或其他钻头来创建气道。
  1. 在紧急情况下,如果患者清除分泌物困难,可使用支气管扩张剂、化痰药和愈创木脂,且对于机械通气装置的使用阈值应降低。应通过静脉输液优化水分摄入。
  1. 避免无监测的补充氧气使用,以降低呼吸衰竭和死亡的风险。
Zvi Grunwald, MD
111 South 11th Street, Suite G-8490
费城, PA 19107, USA
电话: 215-955-6161
手机: 215-206-7362
传真: 215-923-5507
电子邮件: [email protected]
Corrie Crowe, DDS
1793 Springdale Road
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003, USA
电话: 856-258-4025 (接待员: Lynn)
传真: 856-504-6179
电子邮件: [email protected]
Lisa Friedlander, DDS, PHD
皮蒂·萨尔佩特里耶医院-查尔斯·福伊医院, 巴黎, 法国
Inserm UMR 1123, Lab Eceve
电话: 0033614395531
电子邮件: [email protected]
Clive S. Friedman, DDS, FAAPD
Imagine Dentistry
1800 Hyde Park Road Unit # 2
伦敦, 安大略省 加拿大 N6h OK1
办公室: 519-914-2987
住宅: 519-438-1198
手机: 519-657-6014
个人电子邮件: [email protected]
Robert Diecidue, MD, DMD, MBA, MPH
909 Walnut Street - Suite 300
费城, Pennsylvania 19107, USA
电话: 215-955-6215; 215-955-5131
传真: 215-923-9189
电子邮件: [email protected]
Marjolijn Gilijamse MD
De Boelelaan 1117, 1081HV
阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰
电子邮件: [email protected]
  1. Avoid all IM injections unless necessary for survival of the patient. They will likely cause flareups and subsequent ossification.
  1. Peripheral IVs are permissible. Use smallest needle possible with brief tourniquet time. Avoid repeated tourniquet use or over-inflation of blood pressure cuffs.
  1. Avoid central venous access unless necessary for survival of the patient.
  1. In case of major trauma, begin corticosteroids immediately (oral) or IV equivalent of oral Prednisone - 1-2 mg/kg once daily for 4 days.
  1. Pad all bony prominences to prevent pressure ulcers and skin breakdown.
  1. The cervical spine is often partially or completely ankylosed from FOP. Do not manipulate.
  1. The jaw is likely limited in movement or functionally ankylosed. Even if it is mobile, it is extremely susceptible to trauma. Do not passively manipulate. Over-stretching and mandibular blocks are forbidden as they will cause flare-ups.
  1. Flare-ups of the anterior neck can compromise breathing and swallowing and should be considered a medical emergency. These submandibular flare-ups require early identification. Provide high dose steroids immediately (Solumedrol 80 mg iv or Dexamethasone 15 mg iv). Avoid additional trauma with lesional manipulation. Airway monitoring, aspiration precautions, nutritional support, and immediate use of corticosteroids are mandatory.
  1. Head and neck injuries are common from falls as the arms are rigid from ankylosis of the shoulders early in life and cannot be used to protect the head in case of falls.
  1. With head injury, always brace the neck.
  1. With any head injury, even without loss of consciousness, a head CT is mandatory to rule out intracranial bleeding due to the high likelihood of an unprotected impact.
  1. Flare-ups of the head in younger patients can appear as very large scalp swellings and initially disfiguring. A conservative approach should be taken with scalp flare-ups, with monitoring, and pain control if necessary. Scalp flare-ups will resolve spontaneously over time and disfigurement will be minimal to none as new ossifications are incorporated into the growing skull.
  1. Facial swelling due to scalp flare-ups in FOP is uncommon but may occur. Other etiologies for facial swelling should be considered, such as drug reactions and cavernous sinus thrombosis. A brief course of antihistamine should be considered to exclude allergies in FOP patients who present with facial swelling.
  1. It is always advisable to obtain a complete dental examination for swelling or pain of the oralfacial region as it can be difficult to distinguish a swelling of dental origin from a flare-up of FOP. If the dental radiographs and/or pulpal testing (vitality of the nerve of the tooth) indicates no obvious dental origin to the swelling, it is prudent to assume an FOP flare-up and initiate prednisone flare-up dosing. If it is not possible to get a dental radiograph or do pulpal testing, then prescribing an appropriate antibiotic together with prednisone is warranted until a definitive diagnosis can be made.
  1. For “dirty” or contaminated wounds use tetanus hyperimmune globulin. Avoid tetanus immunization as IM or subcutaneous immunization unless necessary, as this has a high likelihood of inciting a flare-up.
  1. Some hearing impairment is common in FOP. Speak loudly and clearly.
  1. Although stable hearing loss is a common feature of FOP in children, acute hearing loss and ear pain is not and should be evaluated and treated as in any child.
  1. Dental pain is a common issue in FOP patients and must be evaluated and treated promptly, but only after thorough consultation with an FOP dental expert. Overstretching of the jaw and mandibular blocks are forbidden.
  1. Kidney stones are very common in adults with FOP. Keep well hydrated.
  1. Fractures are common in normotopic as well as heterotopic bone. Closed immobilization with splinting and bracing are recommended. Open reduction is contraindicated unless thoroughly discussed with an FOP specialist.
  1. With nausea and vomiting in individuals with an ankylosed jaw, cover empirically with antibiotics for aspiration pneumonia.
  1. Acute and often severe limb swelling can be seen with flare-ups of FOP, especially of the lower extremities. Due to intense inflammation, angiogenesis and capillary leakage, this swelling may grow to extraordinary and alarming size and lead to extravascular compression of nerves and tissue lymphatics. After excluding a possible deep vein thrombosis, the swelling should be treated conservatively with adequate pain control, elevation, and ultimately with safe lymphedema manipulations. Although signs and symptoms of compartment syndrome may prompt consideration of emergent surgical release of pressure (e.g., fasciotomy), this will exacerbate the flare-up and MUST be avoided. If clinical suspicion of compartment syndrome is high, consider the use of mannitol.
  1. In the case of limb swelling that prompts concern for deep vein thrombosis, Doppler ultrasound evaluation of the venous system may be indicated.
  1. Ask if patient is enrolled in any FOP Clinical Trials and communicate with principal investigator and regional FOP specialist.
  1. In the case of choking and failure to clear throat manually, perform Heimlich maneuver if there is no evidence for abdominal heterotopic bone that would prevent attempts.
  1. Chest compressions will likely be futile. The chest wall is rigid and immobile.
  1. Intubation must be through an awake, fiberoptic nasotracheal approach by an experienced anesthesiologist.
  1. If an emergency tracheotomy is necessary in an individual with anterior neck ossifications, a dental or other drill may be necessary to create an airway.
  1. In emergency situations where patients have difficulty clearing secretions, use bronchodilators, mucolytics, and guaifenesin, with a low threshold for mechanical insufflation-exsufflation devices. Hydration should be optimized with intravenous fluids.
  1. Avoid unmonitored use of supplemental oxygen to minimize the chance of respiratory failure and death.
For Consultation on FOP Anesthesia & Airway Issues:
Zvi Grunwald, MD The James D. Wentzler Professor and Chairman Emeritus Department of Anesthesiology Thomas Jefferson University 111 South 11th Street, Suite G-8490 Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA Tel: 215-955-6161 Cell: 215-206-7362 Fax: 215-923-5507 Email: [email protected]
For Consultation on Emergent Dental Care:
Corrie Crowe, DDS 1793 Springdale Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08003, USA Tel: 856-258-4025 (Receptionist: Lynn) Fax: 856-504-6179 Email: [email protected]
Lisa Friedlander, DDS, PHD Associate Professor in Oral Prosthodontic Rehabilitation Université de Paris Cité Director, Reference Center for Rare Oral and Dental Diseases-Service Odontology Group Hospitalier Pitié Salpetriere-Charles Foix, Paris, France Inserm UMR 1123, Lab Eceve Institut Imagine Tel: 0033614395531 Email: [email protected]
Clive S. Friedman, DDS, FAAPD
Asst. Clinical Prof Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry Imagine Dentistry 1800 Hyde Park Road Unit # 2 London, Ontario Canada N6h OK1 Office: 519-914-2987 Home: 519 438-1198 Cell: 519-657-6014 Personal Email: [email protected]
For Hospital Dentistry and Dental Surgery:
Robert Diecidue, MD, DMD, MBA, MPH
Thomas Jefferson University Jefferson Medical College Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Chairman and Professor 909 Walnut Street - Suite 300 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107, USA Tel: 215-955-6215: 215 955 5131 Fax: 215-923-9189 Email: [email protected]
Marjolijn Gilijamse MD
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery Amsterdam University Medical Center De Boelelaan 1117, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Email: [email protected]

第九章. 结论

A physician treating a patient with FOP must never withhold an available medication or treatment that may be truly helpful, but those medications must also be tested with scientific clarity to determine if they are, in fact, truly helpful or just simply the products of wishful thinking. As the Roman dramatist Terence warned more than two thousand years ago, “One easily believes what one earnestly hopes for.”
In the absence of clear evidence-based research from controlled clinical trials, it is difficult to advocate a particular therapy with enthusiasm. Although it is appealing to attempt to swim across multiple therapeutic currents to safety, the waters of FOP are deep and dangerous. The carefully designed and well-controlled clinical trial may ultimately be the safest bridge across these troubled waters of FOP. Such an approach will require the patience and fortitude of the entire FOP community.
In the meanwhile, the physician caring for a patient with FOP must constantly review evolving scientific information and chart the safest, most compassionate and most responsible course for the patient until the enduring bridges are built and their safety and efficacy verified.

第十章. 致谢

作者感谢Karen Kirchoff女士在整理《辅助工具与适应措施》部分方面的宝贵协助,以及Kamlesh Rai女士在本文件的准备和修订中所提供的勤勉帮助和广泛支持。
本项工作部分得到了以下机构的支持:Ian Cali基金、Whitney Weldon基金、国际FOP协会、FOP及相关疾病研究中心、Isaac & Rose Nassau骨科分子医学教授席、Cali-Weldon FOP研究教授席、Robert & Arlene Kogod教授席,以及全球FOP患者的朋友和家人。
作者感谢Radiant Hope基金会和宾夕法尼亚大学FOP及相关疾病研究中心对国际FOP临床委员会(ICC)的支持。
The authors thank Mrs. Karen Kirchoff for her invaluable assistance in assembling the section on Aids, Assistive Devices & Adaptations, and Mrs. Kamlesh Rai for her diligent help and extensive support in the preparation and revision of this document.
This work was supported in part by The Ian Cali Endowment, The Whitney Weldon Endowment, The International FOP Association, The Center for Research in FOP and Related Disorders, The Isaac & Rose Nassau Professorship of Orthopaedic Molecular Medicine, The Cali-Weldon Professorship of FOP Research, The Robert & Arlene Kogod Professorship, and the Friends and Families of FOP patients worldwide.
The authors thank The Radiant Hope Foundation and the Center for Research in FOP & Related Disorders at the University of Pennsylvania for supporting the International Clinical Council for FOP (ICC).

第十一章. 披露事项

FSK 是Ashibio、Incyte、Ipsen和Regeneron的临床试验研究员;是美国专利(待审)共同发明人,该专利涉及宾夕法尼亚大学对MMP-9抑制剂用于异位骨化的使用,以及国际FOP协会(IFOPA)医学登记顾问委员会的成员。
MAK 是Ashibio、Incyte、Ipsen和Regeneron的临床试验研究员。
GB 是Ipsen、Regeneron和BioMarin的顾问,获得FOP France、BioMarin和Ipsen的研究资助和会议支持,是BioMarin和Inozyme顾问委员会的成员,负责Ipsen、Inozyme、BioMarin、QED、Ascendis、Alexion和Inozyme的临床试验,是Ipsen、Inozyme、Alexion、BioMarin和Ascendis临床试验的首席研究员,并且是FOP France董事会的成员。
AHB 是Incyte、Ipsen和Regeneron的临床试验研究员。
MB 是Incyte、Ipsen和Regeneron的临床试验研究员。
AC - 无
T-JC 是Incyte和Ipsen的临床试验研究员。
CC - 无
CLDC 是Incyte和Ipsen的临床试验研究员,并且是IFOPA医学登记顾问委员会的成员。
PD 是Ipsen的顾问,Incyte、Ipsen和Regeneron的临床试验研究员,还是Tin Soldiers Global和瑞士Noi Ci Siamo协会的董事会成员。
RJD - 无
MDR 曾是Regeneron的临床试验研究员。
EMWHE 是STOPFOP、Regeneron、Ipsen和Incyte的临床试验研究员,是IFOPA医学登记顾问委员会、阿姆斯特丹骨科中心指导委员会、罕见骨病欧洲参考网络的成员,还是欧洲FOP联盟的代表,NVE BoNe董事会成员,并且是阿姆斯特丹UMC罕见骨病中心的主席。
LF - 无
CF 是Ipsen的顾问,特殊奥林匹克组织的临床主任,Tin Soldiers Global董事会成员,并因一次演讲获得Springer的酬金。
ZG 是Axdev Group的顾问。
NH 曾是Ipsen的临床研究员。
ECH 是临床试验研究员,并通过其机构获得来自Clementia(Ipsen公司)、Ipsen、Ascendis和Ashibio的临床试验支持,之前获得Regeneron和Ultragenyx的支持,是IFOPA医学登记顾问委员会的成员,也是FD/MAS联盟医学顾问委员会的成员。
RK 是Ipsen、Alexion、Kyowa Kirin、UCB、Amgen和Richter的顾问,Alexion、Kyowa Kirin、Theramex的顾问委员会成员,Alexion、Kyowa Kirin、Incyte、Ipsen和Regeneron的临床研究员,还是脆骨症协会和英国国家健康服务体系(NHS)的顾问委员会成员。
JK - 无
CL - 无
VM - 无
RM 是Ipsen的顾问。
JCN - 无
CS 是Ipsen的顾问,曾是Ipsen和Regeneron的临床试验研究员。
EMS - 无
MAZ 曾是Clementia/Ipsen数据安全监测委员会(DSMB)成员,参与Palovarotene临床试验,目前在Incyte的DSMB中。
KZ 是Incyte、Ipsen和Regeneron的临床试验研究员。
RJP 是Ashibio、Incyte、Ipsen和Regeneron的临床试验研究员,是美国专利(待审)共同发明人,该专利涉及宾夕法尼亚大学对MMP-9抑制剂用于异位骨化的使用,是IFOPA医学登记顾问委员会的成员,也是Incyte、Ipsen和Regeneron的顾问。
FSK is a clinical trial investigator for Ashibio, Incyte, Ipsen, and Regeneron; a co-inventor of U.S. Patent (Pending) to the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania on the Use of MMP-9 Inhibitors for Heterotopic Ossification and a member of the Medical Registry Advisory Board of the IFOPA.
MAK is a clinical trial investigator for Ashibio, Incyte, Ipsen, and Regeneron.
GB is a consultant for Ipsen, Regeneron and BioMarin, has research grants and conference support from FOP France, BioMarin and Ipsen, is a member of the Advisory Boards of BioMarin and Inozyme, conducts clinical trials for Ipsen, Inozyme, BioMarin, QED, Ascendis, Alexion and Inozyme, is the PI on clinical trials for Ipsen, Inozyme, Alexion, BioMarin, Ascendis and is a member of the Board of FOP France.
AHB is a clinical trial investigator for Incyte, Ipsen, and Regeneron. MB is a clinical trial investigator for Incyte, Ipsen and Regeneron.
AC- None T-JC is a clinical trial investigator for Incyte and Ipsen.
CC - None CLDC is a clinical trial investigator for Incyte and Ipsen and a member of the Medical Registry Advisory Board of the IFOPA.
PD is a consultant for Ipsen, a clinical trial investigator for Incyte, Ipsen, and Regeneron and a member of the Board of Directors of Tin Soldiers Global and the Noi Ci Siamo Association in Switzerland.
RJD - None MDR was a clinical trial investigator for Regeneron.
EMWHE is a clinical trial investigator for STOPFOP, Regeneron, Ipsen, and Incyte, a member of the Medical Registry Advisory Board of the IFOPA, of the steering committee of the Amsterdam Bone Center, of the European Reference Network on rare bone diseases, a representative to the European FOP consortium, a board member NVE BoNe, and is Chair of the Rare Bone Disease Center Amsterdam UMC.
LF - None CF is a consultant for Ipsen, Clinical Director for The Special Olympics, a member of the Board of Directors of Tin Soldiers Global and has received an honorarium from Springer for a presentation.
ZG is a consultant for the Axdev Group.
NH was a clinical investigator for Ipsen.
ECH is a clinical trial investigator and receives clinical trial support through his institution from Clementia (an Ipsen Company), Ipsen, Ascendis, and Ashibio, previously received support from Regeneron and Ultragenyx, is a member Medical Registry Advisory Board of the IFOPA, and a member of the FD/MAS Alliance Medical Advisory Board.
RK is a consultant for Ipsen, Alexion, Kyowa Kirin, UCB, Amgen and Richter, a member of the Advisory Board of Alexion, Kyowa Kirin, Theramex, a clinical investigator for Alexion, Kyowa Kirin, Incyte, Ipsen, and Regeneron, and a member of the Advisory Board of The Brittle Bone Society and the National Health Service (NHS) of England.
JK - None CL - None
VM - None RM is a consultant for Ipsen.
JCN - None CS is a consultant for Ipsen and was a previous clinical trial investigator for Ipsen and Regeneron.
EMS - None MAZ was a member of the Clementia/Ipsen Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) during the Palovarotene clinical trials, and is currently on the Incyte DSMB
KZ is a clinical trial investigator for Incyte, Ipsen, and Regeneron.
RJP is a clinical trial investigator for Ashibio, Incyte, Ipsen, and Regeneron, a co-inventor of U.S. Patent (Pending) to the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania on the Use of MMP-9 Inhibitors for Heterotopic Ossification, a member of the Medical Registry Advisory Board of the IFOPA, and a consultant for Incyte, Ipsen and Regeneron.

第十二章. 作者联系信息

*Mona Al Mukaddam, 医学博士, 理学硕士, CCD(临床骨密度学认证)
Ian Cali FOP临床学者,骨科外科系
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Genevieve Baujat, 医学博士
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Alberto Hidalgo Bravo, 医学博士, 哲学博士
电话和传真:+525559991000 分机 19401
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Matthew Brown, 医学学士, 医学博士, 澳大利亚和新西兰皇家内科医学院的院士, 澳大利亚科学院院士 (名誉)
大迷宫池,伦敦SE1 9RT,英国
伦敦,E14 5AB,英国
手机:+44 7468 351 337
电子邮件:[email protected]
Amanda Cali (名誉职)
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Tae-Joon Cho, 医学博士
Corrie Crowe, 牙医学士
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Carmen L. De Cunto, 医学博士
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Patricia L.R. Delai, 医学博士
办公室:佩德罗·德·托莱多街129号,cj 121-维拉·克莱门蒂诺
*Robert J. Diecidue, 牙医学博士, 医学博士, 工商管理硕士, 公共卫生硕士, 哲学博士
牙科生物科学科的Cohen Reichlin教授
电子邮件:[email protected]
Maja DiRocco, 医学博士 (名誉)
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Elisabeth Marelise W. Eekhoff, 医学博士, 哲学博士
阿姆斯特丹大学医学中心(Amsterdam UMC)
电话:+31-20-4440588 或 +31-622959618
电子邮件:[email protected]
Dr. Lisa Friedlander, 牙外科学博士, 哲学博士
Inserm UMR 1123, Lab Eceve
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Clive S. Friedman, 牙外科学学士 (美国儿童牙科协会认证)
加拿大安大略省伦敦,邮政编码N6H OK1
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Zvi Grunwald, 医学博士
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Nobuhiko Haga, 医学博士
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Edward Hsiao, 医学博士, 哲学博士
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Frederick S. Kaplan, 医学博士
市场街3737号 - 六楼
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Dr. Richard Keen, 科学学士, 哲学博士, 皇家内科医师学院会员
斯坦莫尔,米德尔塞克斯HA7 4LP
电话:+44 (0)20 3947 0056(选项3 - 秘书)
传真:+44 (0)20 8420 7487
电子邮件:[email protected]
Richard Keen的额外联系方式:
布罗克利山,斯坦莫尔,米德尔塞克斯HA7 4LP,英国
电话:+44(0)20 3947 0056
电子邮件:[email protected]
Joseph A. Kitterman, 医学博士
U-503, 邮政信箱0734
电子邮件:[email protected]
Charles Levy, 医学博士
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Dr. Vrisha Madhuri
*Rolf Morhart, 医学博士
电子邮件:[email protected]
*J. Coen Netelenbos, 医学博士, 哲学博士
名誉教授 内分泌学
阿姆斯特丹大学医学中心(Amsterdam UMC)
手机:+31 62-128-2918
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Robert J. Pignolo, 医学博士, 哲学博士
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Christiaan Scott, 医学学士和外科医学学士, 南非儿科医师学院会员 (SA), 西澳大学儿科风湿病学研究生证书(UWA)
CHEO | 401 Chemin Smyth Road, Ottawa (ON) K1H 8L1
电话:(613)737-7600 分机1015 |
电子邮件:[email protected]
Eileen M. Shore, 哲学博士
电子邮件:[email protected]
*Michael Zasloff, 医学博士, 哲学博士
医学/牙科NW 210
*张克勤, 医学博士, 哲学博士
电子邮件:[email protected]
(*Member of the ICC)
*Mona Al Mukaddam, MD, MS, CCD
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism;
Ian Cali Clinical Scholar in FOP, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
The Perelman School of Medicine - The University of Pennsylvania
Penn Medicine University City
3737 Market Street, 3rd floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Tel: 215-294-9702
Fax: 215-243-4664
*Genevieve Baujat, MD
Centre de Référence Maladies Osseuses Constitutionnelles
Departement de Génétique
Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades
Paris, France
Tel: (secretariat): 003344495153
Office: 003371196418
*Alberto Hidalgo Bravo, MD, PhD
Investigador en Ciencias Médicas
Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación,
Department of Genomic Medicine.
Calzada México-Xochimilco 289.
  1. Mexico City, Mexico.
Telephone and fax: +525559991000 Ext. 19401
Matthew Brown, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FAA (Emeritus)
Professor of Medicine
King’s College London
Guy’s Hospital, 7th Floor Tower Wing
Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT, U.K.
Chief Scientific Officer
Genomics England
1 Canada Square
Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AB, U.K.
Mobile: +44 7468 351 337
Amanda Cali (Ex officio, Emeritus)
*Tae-Joon Cho, MD
Division of Pediatric Orthopaedics
Seoul National University Children’s Hospital
101 Daehang-ro Jongno-gu
Seoul 110-744, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-2-2072-2878
Fax: +82-2-6072-5303
Corrie Crowe, DDS
1793 Springdale Road
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003, USA
Tel: 856-258-4025 (Receptionist: Lynn)
Fax: 856-504-6179
*Carmen L. De Cunto, MD
Professor and Chief
FOP Clinical Advisor, Argentina
Pediatric Rheumatology Section
Department of Pediatrics
Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
Gascón 450, 1181
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: +5411-4959-0578
Fax: +5411-4959-0577
*Patricia L.R. Delai, MD
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa
Office: Rua Pedro de Toledo 129 cj 121- Vila Clementino
São Paulo-SP, Brazil
Tel: +55-11-99394-5848
*Robert J. Diecidue, DMD, MD, MBA, MPH, PhD
Cohen Reichlin Professor of Dental Biosciences
Professor and Chair OMFS
Sidney Kimmel Medical College
Thomas Jefferson University
909 Walnut Street – Floor 3,
Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA
Tel: 215-955-6215; 215 955 5131
Fax: 215-923-9189
Maja DiRocco, MD (Emeritus)
Unit of Rare Diseases
Department of Pediatrics
IRCCS Giannina Gaslini Institute
Via Gerolamo Gaslini 5
16147 Genoa, Italy
Tel: +39-010-563-6794
Fax: +39-010-563-6211
*Elisabeth Marelise W. Eekhoff, MD, PhD
Amsterdam University Medical Center (Amsterdam UMC)
Department of Internal Medicine/Endocrinology & Metabolism
De Boelelaan 1117
1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31-20-4440588 or +31-622959618
Dr Lisa Friedlander, DDS, PHD
Associate Professor in Oral Prosthodontic Rehabilitation
Université de Paris Cité
Director, Reference Center for Rare Oral and Dental Diseases-Service Odontology Group
Hospitalier Pitié Salpetriere-Charles Foix, Paris, France
Inserm UMR 1123, Lab Eceve
Institut Imagine
Tel: 0033614395531
*Clive S. Friedman, BDS (Diplomate AAPD)
Asst. Clinical Prof Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry Imagine Dentistry
1800 Hyde Park Road Unit # 2
London, Ontario
Canada N6h OK1
Office: 519-9142987
Home: 519 438-1198
Cell: 519-657-6014
*Zvi Grunwald, MD
The James D. Wentzler Professor and Chairman Emeritus
Department of Anesthesiology
Thomas Jefferson University
111 South 11th Street, Suite G-8490
Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA
Tel: 215-955-6161: Cell: 215-206-7362
Fax: 215-923-5507
*Nobuhiko Haga, MD
National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities
4-1 Namiki, Tokorozawa City,
Saitama Pref. 359-8555, Japan
Tel: +81-4-2995-3100,
Fax: +81-4-2995-3102
*Edward Hsiao, MD, PhD
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Department of Medicine
University of California-San Francisco
400 Parnassus Ave., 5th Floor A550
UCSF Box 1222
San Francisco, CA 94143-1222, USA
Tel: 415-353-2350: Office phone (for research-related questions only): 415- 476-9732
*Frederick S. Kaplan, MD
Isaac and Rose Nassau Professor of Orthopaedic Molecular Medicine
Co-Director, Center for Research in FOP & Related Disorders
The Perelman School of Medicine at The University of Pennsylvania
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
3737 Market Street – Sixth Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Tel: (office) 215-294-9145
Fax: 215-222-8854
*Dr. Richard Keen, BS, PhD, FRCP
Rheumatologist & Honorary Senior Lecturer in Metabolic Bone Disease
The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4LP
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 3947 0056 (option 3 - Secretaries)
Fax: +44 (0)20 8420 7487
Additional contact for Dr. Richard Keen:
Centre for Metabolic Bone Disease
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Brockley Hill, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4LP, United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)20 3947 0056
Joseph A. Kitterman, MD
Professor Emeritus
Department of Pediatrics and Cardiovascular Research Institute
U-503, Box 0734
University of California San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143-0734, USA
Charles Levy, MD
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy
Research Scholar, Center for Arts in Medicine
University of Florida
426 SW 43 rd Terrace
Gainesville, Florida 32607, USA
*Dr. Vrisha Madhuri
Professor Orthopaedics, Adjunct Scientist Center for Stem Cell Research
Department Paediatric Orthopaedics
Ida Scudder Chair for Clinical Research
Christian Medical College Hospital
Vellore 632004, India
The alternative address is:
Lab 4, Centre for Stem Cell Research
Christian Medical College
Vellore 632002, India
*Rolf Morhart, MD
Department of Pediatrics
Klinikum Garmisch- Partenkirchen
D- 82467 Garmisch- Partenkirchen, Germany
Tel: +49-(0)8821-58889
Fax: +49-(0)8821-77-1351
*J. Coen Netelenbos, MD, PhD
Professor Emeritus Endocrinology
Amsterdam University Medical Center (Amsterdam UMC)
Location VU University Medical Center (VUMC) Amsterdam
Department of Internal Medicine/ Section Endocrinology
University Hospital Vrije Universiteit
De Boelelaan 1117, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31-20-444-0530
Cell: +31 62-128-2918
*Robert J. Pignolo, MD, PhD
Chair, Division of Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology
Robert and Arlene Kogod Professor of Geriatric Medicine
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
200 First Street, SW
Rochester, MN 55905, USA
Tel: 507-293-0813
Fax: 507-293-3853
*Christiaan Scott, MBChB, FCPaed (SA), Grad Cert Paed Rheum(UWA)
Paediatric Rheumatologist
Division of Dermatology and Rheumatology
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
University of Ottawa
CHEO | 401 Chemin Smyth Road, Ottawa (ON) K1H 8L1
Tel: (613) 737-7600 x 1015 |
Fax: (613) 738-4297
Eileen M. Shore, PhD
Cali-Weldon Professor of FOP Research
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Orthopaedics
309A Stemmler Hall
3450 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6081, USA
Phone: 215-898-2331;
Fax: 215-573-2133
*Michael Zasloff, MD, PhD
Adjunct Professor
Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery and Genetics
The Center for Research in FOP & Related Disorders
The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Professor, Departments of Surgery and Pediatrics
Director, Surgical Immunology
Georgetown University
Med/Dent NW 210
Washington, DC 20007, USA
Tel: 202-687-5707 (office) or
Home: 610-617-3488
Cell: 484-433-7807
Fax: 202-687-0992
*Keqin Zhang, MD, PhD
Director, Department of Endocrinology
Tongji Hospital
Shanghai Tongji University
389. Xin Cun Road
Shanghai 200065, P.R. China

图1. FOP的靶点与潜在疗法

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notion image