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📇 文献索引
天使的珊瑚: 。。。。
发表时间:June 12, 2017
Maja Di Rocco1* , Genevieve Baujat2 , Marta Bertamino1 , Matthew Brown3 , Carmen L. De Cunto4 , Patricia L. R. Delai5 , Elisabeth M. W. Eekhoff6 , Nobuhiko Haga7 , Edward Hsiao8 , Richard Keen9 , Rolf Morhart10 , Robert J. Pignolo 11 and Frederick S. Kaplan12
1 Department of Pediatrics, Unit of Rare Diseases, Giannina Gaslini Institute, Largo Gaslini 5, 16147 Genoa, Italy. | 意大利Giannina Gaslini研究所,儿科,罕见病科
2 Service of Medical Genetics CHU Paris Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, 149 rue de Sèvres, 75743 Paris, France. | 法国巴黎医学遗传学服务中心
3 Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Translational Research Institute, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Woolloongabba, QLD 4069, Australia. | 昆士兰科技大学健康与生物医学创新研究所,亚历山德拉公主医院转化研究所
4 Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Rheumatology Section, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Gascón 450, 1181 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. | 布宜诺斯艾利斯意大利医院儿科风湿病科
5 Orthopaedic Department of Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, School of Medicine Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo, Rua Pedro de Toledo 129 cj 121, Vila Clementino 04039-001, São Paulo, Brazil. | 巴西圣保罗圣卡萨梅迪卡斯医学院
6 Department of Internal Medicine/Section Endocrinology, VU Medical Center Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. | 荷兰阿姆斯特丹VU医学中心内科/内分泌科
7 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8655, Japan. | 日本东京大学医学研究科康复医学研究科
8 Department of Endocrinology, Faculty Practice University of California-San Francisco, 400 Parnassus Ave., San Francisco, CA 94143-1222, USA. | 加州大学旧金山分校实践学院内分泌学系
9 University College London Hospitals, London NW1 2PQ, UK. | 英国伦敦大学学院医院
10 Department of Pediatrics Klinikum Garmisch-Partenkirchen GmbH, Auenstraße 6, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. | 德国Klinikum Garmisch-Partenkirchen GmbH儿科系
11 Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN, USA. | 美国梅奥诊所医学院,医学系,老年医学和老年医学系,
12 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Center for Research in FOP & Related Disorders, The Perelman School of Medicine, The University of Pennsylvania, 3737 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. | 宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院FOP及相关疾病研究中心骨科外科


进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP)是一种进行性异位骨化(HEO)的致残性疾病。这种疾病是由激活素A I型受体(ACVR1,也称为ALK2)的获得性杂合突变引起,这也是一种骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)I型受体。
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP), a disabling disorder of progressive heterotopic ossification (HEO), is caused by heterozygous gain-of- function mutations in Activin receptor A, type I (ACVR1, also known as ALK2), a bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type I receptor. Presently, symptomatic management is possible, but no definitive treatments are available. Although extensive guidelines for symptomatic management are widely used, regional preferences exist. In order to understand if there was worldwide consensus among clinicians treating FOP patients, an expert panel of physicians directly involved in FOP patient care was convened. Using a modified Delphi method, broad international consensus was reached on four main topics: diagnosis, prevention of flare-ups, patient and family-centered care and general clinical management issues. This study of physician preferences provides a basis for standardization of clinical management for FOP.
进行性骨化性纤维发育不良(FOP; MIM #135100)是一种罕见的进行性异位骨化致残性疾病,每200万人中的患病率为1例。尚未有过关于民族、种族、性别或地理差异有关的易感性报告。
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP; MIM #135100) is a rare and disabling genetic condition of progressive heterotopic ossification with a point prevalence of approximately 1 per 2 million. No ethnic, racial, gender or geographic predisposition has been reported [1, 2]. FOP results from mutations in the intracellular domain of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type I receptor, ACVR1, which drive extraskeletal bone formation [3–5]. Mutant (mt) ACVR1 exhibits mild basal hyperactivity and hyper-responsiveness to canonical and non-canonical ligands [6–8].
经典型FOP,占全球患者约97%,他们具有两个明显的临床特征:大脚趾畸形和进行性异位骨化(HEO),以及在ACVR1中存在单个激活错义突变(c.617G > A;R206H)。
Classic FOP, seen in ~97% of patients worldwide is characterized by two clinical features: malformations of the great toes and progressive heterotopic endochondral ossification (HEO), and by a single missense activating mutation in ACVR1 (c.617G > A;R206H) [1–4]. Misdiagnosis is common [9]. Clinical and genetic variants have been described [2, 4]. Malformations of the great toe are noted at birth; neck stiffness due to orthotopic fusion of cervical vertebra is a common early finding. Other skeletal anomalies associated with FOP include short malformed thumbs, clinodactyly, short broad femoral necks, hip dysplasia and proximal medial tibial osteochondromas [4].
Most individuals with classic FOP experience episodes of painful inflammation of soft tissues (flare-up), followed by heterotopic ossification of skeletal muscle, fascia, tendons, aponeuroses, and ligaments beginning in the first decade of life. Progressive joint dysfunction without flare-up can also occur, with or without HEO. Extraskeletal bone formation is permanent and leads to progressive immobility and need for assistance in performing activities of daily living [10]. Finally, progressive restrictive chest wall disease and secondary cardiac failure lead to death, commonly in the fifth decade [11]. At present, no definitive treatment is available; symptomatic management prevails but varies widely [12]. Basic and clinical research is identifying robust targets for clinical development [1, 7, 8, 13–16].
In order to better understand if there is worldwide consensus among clinicians in FOP patient care, an expert panel of physicians directly involved in patient management was convened at an international FOP patient meeting to address this issue.
Main text | 正文
首先,主要研究者 (PI; MDR) 对文献和FOP治疗指南进行了彻底的审查。
其次,PI 建立了一份Email问卷,其中包含与四个重点主题(临床诊断,预防急性发作,患者以及围绕家庭为中心的护理等一些通识的临床管理问题。)相关的综合说明列表。
第三,2016 年4月在意大利Livorno举行的 意大利FOP年度患者和家庭会议上,PI 召集了一个由10位国际专家组成的小组。该小组的医生来自10个国家(阿根廷、澳大利亚、巴西、法国、德国、意大利、日本、荷兰、英国和美国)覆盖了五大洲(北美、南美、欧洲、亚洲和澳大利亚)。
The consensus process incorporated a five-step modified Delphi method, which took place between January and June 2016 [17]. First, a thorough review of the literature and FOP Treatment Guidelines was performed by the principal investigator (PI; MDR). Second, an e-mail questionnaire, with a comprehensive list of statements related to four main topics (diagnosis, prevention of flare-ups, patient and family-centered care and general clinical management issues) was established by the PI. Third, a panel of ten international experts was convened by the PI based on physician participation at the annual FOP patient and family meeting of FOP Italia in Livorno, Italy in April, 2016. The panel included physicians from ten countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, United Kingdom and the United States) and from five continents (North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia). Fourth, the expert panel was asked to rank, revise and order statements for consideration. Finally, the panel was asked to indicate agreement, partial agreement or disagreement with specific statements agreed upon for assessment.
Twenty statements considered by the expert panel received at least consensus approval and are reported in Table 1.

Table 1 Consensus statements | 表1共识声明
Definitive diagnosis of FOP requires genetic confirmation Infants or children diagnosed before the onset of flare-ups need annual clinical assessment.
Prevention of flare-ups | 预防急性发作
The prevention of flare-ups involves recognizing known causes of flare-up (blunt muscle trauma, muscle fatigue, muscular stretching, intramuscular injections)
Patient & family care | 患者及家庭护理
在诊断时,应该告知患者和家属有关 IFOPA 和本国或地区特定的FOP驰援组织的信息。
Each patient should have a primary physician; not necessarily an FOP expert
General clinical management issues | 基础临床管理事项
FOP patients should be screened in childhood by audiometry for hearing impairment

Diagnosis | 诊断
There was general agreement on the need for genetic diagnosis in FOP. However, one expert strongly disagreed and stated “the diagnosis of FOP is clinical.” Other experts agreed conceptually on the need for genetic diagnosis but deferred on practical grounds because genetic analysis was not available in their countries. Most agreed that even if the diagnosis of FOP was clinically certain, genetic confirmation was desirable due to possible phenocopies. All agreed that genetic diagnosis was essential for patients with toe malformation without HEO, in order to exclude those with toe malformations who did not have FOP. All experts agreed that an international effort by the FOP community should ensure genetic testing be available to all individuals who are clinically suspected of having FOP even if they live in countries where no genetic analysis of ACVR1 is available.
Prevention of flare-ups | 预防急性发作
All experts agreed that blunt muscle trauma, muscle fatigue, or stretching of the joints or soft tissues should be avoided for fear of triggering flare-ups. Activities with a high risk of injury or falling, such as running, bicycling, or contact sports should also be avoided to the extent possible, but within the developmental norms for a patient’s age group (i.e., children should be allowed to achieve their developmental milestones that involve playing). Individualized lifestyle plans to avoid trauma should be considered for each patient, based on age, limited mobility and cultural norms.
In case of clinically significant impact injuries, early administration of oral prednisone may be useful to prevent flare-ups.
Despite lack of stringent clinical evidence, the experts agreed that a brief (3–4 day) course of oral corticosteroids (i.e. prednisone at 2 mg/kg/day), started within the first 24 h after major trauma had a plausible preventive effect [10, 12]. Due to the fact that major dental work or surgery is a high-risk trigger for flare-ups, a course of oral steroids before and after major dental work or surgery could have a positive preventive effect [10, 12].
All experts agreed that intramuscular injections are dangerous for FOP patients because they may trigger a flare-up and heterotopic ossification at the injection site. To prevent flare-ups, subcutaneous immunization for vaccines that can be administrated by the subcutaneous route is advisable; for all the other vaccines, the riskbenefit ratio of intramuscular administration should be discussed with patients and parents or families. All experts agreed that no immunization should be administered during a flare-up [12].
There was general disagreement about chronic treatment with existing medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce flare-ups. No adequate data exist in FOP animal models or in clinical studies. However, physician discretion in using medications to control disease symptoms in individual patients is advised, as indicated in the FOP Treatment Guidelines [12].
Patient and family-centered care | 患者和以家庭为中心的护理
The panel of experts agreed with the over-arching goal of patient and family-centered care. Patient and family knowledge, values, beliefs and cultural backgrounds should be incorporated into the planning and delivery of care of FOP patients, as with any patient. The physician should communicate and share complete and unbiased information with patients and families in ways that are affirming and useful and in order to allow the patient to effectively participate in the decision-making process.
As with any rare disease, a multidisciplinary approach to comprehensive medical care and social support by different specialists is advisable. However, each patient should seek and establish a primary physician to coordinate all care. The panel of experts agreed that at least one national or regional center with medical, surgical, anesthesia, physical therapy, occupational therapy and dental expertise in FOP should be identified to optimize care for FOP patients and to minimize risks from any needed medical care and procedures. For continuity of care, knowledge and information concerning the patient specifically and FOP in general should be immediately available to the family doctor as well as to other locally-treating physicians. An emergency card provided to the patient and/or the family is useful in order to summarize FOP-specific issues/concerns.
在诊断时,应该告知患者和家属国际FOP协会以及本国特定的FOP组织。IFOPA - 刊登FOP相关临床试验的主要门户网站[http://www.ifopa.org]
At the time of diagnosis, patients and families should be informed about the International FOP Association (IFOPA - the primary portal for announcing FOP related clinical trials
General clinical management issues | 基础临床管理事项
Annual clinical assessment of infants, children and adults with FOP is preferable but not always achievable. Dental prophylaxis and routine follow-up should begin as early as possible. The education of patients and their families on safe dental care and prophylaxis is essential, especially during childhood years, focusing on hygiene and prevention of caries. Details concerning oral care are available in the FOP Treatment Guidelines [12].
The expert panel reached consensus about major dental procedures (routine extraction of wisdom teeth, root canal, etc.) which should be avoided. Mandibular blocks must be avoided due to the risk of HEO and temporomandibular joint ankylosis. Routine dental procedures (cleaning, carrie fillings) should proceed with caution. In case of locked jaw, the consultation of a dietician to ensure adequate nutrition is desirable.
In case of procedures requiring general anesthesia, overstretching of the temporal-mandibular joint must be avoided. Most FOP patients have fusion of cervical vertebrae, limited mouth opening or ankylosis of the temporalmandibular joint, making oral intubation impossible. In these cases, naso-tracheal fiberoptic intubation is preferred. In patients who retain mouth opening, overstretching of the temporal-mandibular joint can cause flare-ups and ossification; therefore even in these patients awake, naso-tracheal fiberoptic intubation is preferred. An anesthesiologist highly experienced with general anesthesia for FOP patients must be consulted pre-operatively and an experienced otolaryngologist must be available in case tracheostomy is necessary prior to fiberoptic intubation. The positioning of the patient must be meticulous and the use of an air warming blanket or a padded transfer mattress is to be considered in order to minimize soft tissue trauma [12, 18].
如果可能,应在 6 岁以后开始肺功能评估。
Pulmonary function evaluation should begin after 6 years of age, if possible. The Expert Panel does not recommend routine radiographic follow-up due to the unjustified radiation risk-benefit ratio.
Approximately 50% of FOP patients develop hearing impairment during childhood. Audiometry should be considered if clinically warranted. In case of hearing loss that interferes with learning or activities of daily living, the use of hearing aids should be considered [19].
In order to prevent or delay the onset of muscle atrophy secondary to mobility limitations, light physical activity without risk of muscle trauma or stretching (e.g., swimming), that allows patients to perform active range of motion exercise in a safe, low-impact environment, is recommended. Traditional physiotherapy, including passive range of motion, should be avoided, due to the risk of over-stretching and soft tissue injuries. Nevertheless, diaphragmatic breathing exercises and postural re-education can be performed when possible, in order to maintain and improve respiratory function, especially in older patients in whom chest wall dynamics is severely compromised [12].
专注于增强日常生活活动的职业治疗可能有助于改善 FOP 患者的生活质量。
Occupational therapy, focused on enhancing activities of daily living, may be useful to improve the quality of life of FOP patients. In addition, the goals of physical therapy and any adaptive prosthetics should be clearly focused on patient comfort, rather than trying to correct biomechanical or anatomic defects [12].
In patients with HO, the use of appropriate methods is recommended in order to reduce pressure over bony prominences. In patients with limited motion, frequent position changes are essential for preventing pressure sores. Other strategies include keeping the area clean in order to prevent infections, monitoring skin conditions and maintaining adequate nutrition [12].
The panel reached consensus that the identification of depression, anxiety or other emotional problems, as well as parenting stress and coping behaviors should prompt psychological and/or specialized social service support.

Conclusion | 结论
There was broad consensus on most of the statements considered by the panel (Table 1). However, there were some notable exceptions including – but not limited to – the chronic use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications to prevent HEO. The expert panel agreed to disagree on this contentious issue but reached consensus on the need for additional evidence-based data.
首先,专家小组仅限于参加 2016 年在意大利Livorno举行的意大利FOP患者和家庭会议的人员,这并不一定能够反映该领域在全球专业知识领域中的全部问题。
其次,考虑的议题主要集中在预防上,并有意回避那些有争议的对症管理议题,例如缓解性药物。第三,FOP的治疗指南是由全球临床专家发布的共识性文件,预计将于2018年修订,它将像过去一样用以全面解决FOP的核心临床管理问题 [12]。
First, the panel of experts assembled was limited to those attending the FOP Italia Patient and Family Meeting in Livorno, Italy in 2016 and did not necessarily reflect the totality of global expertise in this field. Second, the generation of topics for consideration focused primarily on prevention and purposely circumvented controversial topics of symptomatic management such as palliative medications. Third, the FOP Treatment Guidelines, a consensus document published by clinical experts worldwide, and whose revision is anticipated in 2018, will comprehensibly address the central management issues in FOP as it has in the past [12]. Nevertheless, this survey will assist physicians in the contemporary clinical management of FOP patients, circumscribe critical areas of preventive management, and inform future consensus guidelines. Finally, the consensus statements reported in this study are not intended to substitute for the independent professional judgment of treating physicians as they cannot account for regional heterogeneity of access to clinical care or the best advice and guidance for individual FOP patients and families.

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